Obama blows off Medal of Honor recipients [Jonn]

| January 21, 2009

According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in President for the first time in 56 years blew off the ball (that’s 14 Inaugurations).

Some background on the ball;

The American Legion sponsors the ball, which recognizes recipients of Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award. It started in 1953 for President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first inauguration.

Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

So where was our new President instead of honoring Medal of Honor recipients who by some miracle are still alive? According to Huffington Post, this was his schedule for Inaugural celebrations;

Later that day, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will host 10 official inaugural balls:

_ Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Obama Home States (Illinois and Hawaii) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Biden Home States (Pennsylvania and Delaware) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Midwest Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Western Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Commander in Chief’s Ball at the National Building Museum.

_ Southern Inaugural Ball at the National Guard Armory.

_ Eastern Inaugural Ball at Union Station.

_ Youth Inaugural Ball at the Washington Hilton.

Unofficial balls include:

_ Congressional Black Caucus Inaugural Ball at the Capitol Hilton.

_ Creative Coalition Inaugural Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts.

_ Recording Industry Association of America’s ball for Feeding America.

_ BET’s Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

_ Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.

_ American Music Inaugural Ball at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

_ Inaugural Purple Ball at the Fairmont Hotel.

_ Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Ball at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

_ Inaugural Peace Ball at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

_ Impact Film Fund ball.

Mr. Wolf from Blackfive sends along this link to which Inaugural Balls Obama actually attended last night.

Category: Politics

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Pity U. People

4 more years.


I have not seen one mention of anyone’s bothering to research whether presidents actually did attend all of the previous balls. Everyone has just taken the blog posting’s word for it because it just feels SO GOOD to hate Obama.

Obama doesn’t respect the military? Is he the one who removed their benefits? No, that would be the previous guy. Is he the one that put them in harm’s way for no good reason (and no benefit to America in the end) in the first place? No, that would be the previous guy. Is he the one who put them in even more harm’s way by opening them up to being tortured if captured? No, that would be the previous guy. The previous guy- the one who liked to talk tough. Yeah, that sounded great but in reality it just did more harm than good.

Open your eyes and think for a minute- don’t just sit back and take what they’re telling you.

BTW, I don’t by any means think that Obama is perfect but at least he’s an intelligent, thoughtful person who is open to all options.


Pity U. People,

If you look at who’s appointed, it’s four more years of Clinton.

If you look at who’s policies and people with regard to the war he’s keeping, it’s four more years of Bush.

But being an uninformed and mindless talking point parrot, you wouldn’t know.



“I have not seen one mention of anyone’s bothering to research whether presidents actually did attend all of the previous balls.”

Yeah the American legion is lying. The story from 2005 is lying. YOU prove it’s a lie.

“Everyone has just taken the blog posting’s word for it because it just feels SO GOOD to hate Obama.”

I will take their word, they’re people I resepct. I don’t respect you Bush haters. Enjoy your BDS.

” I don’t by any means think that Obama is perfect but at least he’s an intelligent, thoughtful person who is open to all options.”

Yeah, that why Obama dismissed the opposition’s input with “I won, I’m the President.”

Remember how you whined about Bush saying, “I’m the decider”?

Sod off.

“Is he the one who removed their benefits? No, that would be the previous guy.”

Name what he removed dumbass.

“Is he the one who put them in even more harm’s way by opening them up to being tortured if captured? No, that would be the previous guy.”

Come on dumbass, tell me who the enmey returned alive. We won’t even go into the fact that they were tortured and their bodies mutilated.

You really need more than mindless talking points if you intend to stick around here and not become someone’s bitch.


Pity U. People,

Every other President over the previous 14 inaugurals, a span of 54 years managed to make it, considered it a priority and made it happen.

Obama = Failed The Military


Pity U. People,

It’s like WMDs. Either they are there or they are not. It’s either true or a lie.

Obama diss’ed the Medal of Honor winners.

Every other President managed to accomplish the mission.


Poor B.O.

Pity U. People

Pity the people who can’t get over it. Who only see the part of the story they want to see. Who are so predictable and easy to stir into a frenzy. The black-and-white world of blog commenters. I get it that you don’t like Obama and that you can find a negative interpretation in any acton.
The American Legion has it right, and I support them. They are smart politically, and their comments are credible. Most of the negative commenters here couldn’t see the gray area in my ship’s brig. They don’t want to. And they have no credibility with rational readers (who are at a different website anyway.)

TSO Wrote: Um, while I kinda agree with you, are you really putting down this blog when it was gotten 400+ comments and 50,000+ hits on this post, and claiming everyone is at a different blog as you post a comment here? That’s not really all that logical. I agree ther Legion has it right, and if you stopped there, would have been cool with it, but maybe you could link us to your blog so we could see the masses of people we aren’t reaching?

airborne injun

Pity U. what up blood? If the Obamanation has his way, there wll be no grey, no brig, no ship, no navy, no military! Pull your G-2 Brain housing group out of REMF ass and get with it


I think I’m more surprised that others are surprised at Obama’s lack of care or concern for the Heroes, Military, this country, etc. Listen, Obama is about change alright. He is about how much he can put in his pocket and that’s all! He will be set for life as a result of the election. He will right books, do speaking engagements for $1 million+ after office. He could care less about this country. His pocketbook is his God and that’s that!

The economy, the liberals/Democrats, the gays, the Hollywood set and the blacks that just wanted a black President put him in office.

Guess what he wants your guns too! If you wonder why the answer is easy. When he takes away your freedoms you won’t be able to oppose him.

Obama and Congress are NOT interested in fixing the economy!!! It is easy to fix. History proves that. All we have to do is quit trying to support the world off of ours!!! We used to be the richest nation until the Clinton Administration passed Deregulation and NAPTA. CHANGE IT BACK! Put Americans supporting Americans!! This ain’t rocket science!

Fact Check

Wow, what a bunch of garbage. Do your homework. The American Legion sponsored the Ball? Google the American Legion web site. Type in “The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball” in its search box – sorry no results for your search. Go to the Legion’s calendar for January 2009 – sorry, no Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball.

Find something else to complain about – like the mess Bush has left us or the carping of the republicans about Obama’s big spending plan after they doubled the deficit during their run of power.

Stop acting like a bunch of uninformed jerks. and give up on the misinformation game.

richard wheeler

Eddie “right books,NAPTA” Come on man.If you plan to blast people get a clue.


Hey Fact Check- Did you call the Legion or the Hotel yet?


@Fact Check:

American Legion ‘Salute to Heroes’ Veterans Inaugural Ball to be Held Jan. 20
Article from: U.S. Newswire Article date: January 8, 2001 | Copyright informationCopyright 2001 U.S. Newswire. Provided by ProQuest LLC. (Hide copyright information)

News Advisory:

The Veterans Inaugural Committee, which is comprised of congressionally chartered veterans organizations, hosts a ball to honor Medal of Honor recipients, “heros” all. The 151 living Medal of Honor recipients are invited and most will attend. Traditionally, the president and first lady visit as special guests, from time to time accompanied by the vice president and his wife. Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and leaders of the veterans groups also headline the guest list. This event has been an Inaugural tradition since 1953.

Where: Capital Hilton Hotel

16th and K Streets, NW

(1001 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C.)

When: Saturday, Jan. 20

— 6 p.m. …




Besides that, General Eisenhower was the President to help set it up, and every President since has attended except the Obamunist…….


Pity U. People,

Bush went to a door that turned out to be locked.

Obama couldn’t even find the door.

Obama, Fastest Worst President Ever.


Fact Check,

Tonight, Google the text string, “Fact Check buggers puppies and eats kittens.”

You’ll get a search result, so it must be true. You bastard, leave those animals alone.


Say, FactCheck — did the Salute to Heroes really occur??

Well, check with:

Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel (999 Ninth St, NW), plus The American Legion and co-sponsors VFW, DAV, AMVETS, MOPH, Jewish War Veterans, VVA, Marine Corps League, Reserve Officers Association, Blinded Veterans Association, Retired Enlisted Association, American Ex-Prisoners of War, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and the Non-Commissioned Officers Association. Then, if you’re still skeptical, call the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. Let us know the results of your exhaustive investigative report.


To #468- How you could expect “Fact Check” to check facts is beyond me. You have some sort of unmitigated gall!


TSO, how can he or she be expected to check his or her facts, after all whoever Fact Check is, they ARE liberal after all……


Message to CURIOUS.

The American Legion Site has no reference whatsoever to the Ball in question or President Obama. Please stop creating “facts”.


the big kc

Message to CURIOUS.

The American Legion Site has no reference whatsoever to the Ball in question or President Obama. Please stop creating “facts”.




FACT: Obama diss’ed the Medal of Honor vets.

For 54 years, over 14 inaugurals, every President, even a loser like Carter managed to get the job done.

But not Obama.

Obama is the worst president ever in the shortest time ever.

airborne injun

Fact Check…..Did you know that napalm sticks to kids? No,really, check it out if you dont believe it.


I thought Napalm stuck to Hippies…………………….

airborne injun

Lucky…It does, you just have to lead em a little more. The bastards just cant seem to stay still long enough!


I volunteered for military service through R.O.T.C. in 1960, volunteered for active duty in 1966, and volunteered for duty in Vietnam in 1970. I spent twenty-five years of my life defending this country and the right of even its dumbest citizens to act like jerks and publicly demonstrate how stupid and ignorant they were… I must say it is satisfying to see so many of them taking maximum advantage of that right by cluttering up this blog with their vapid opinions.

If you don’t understand why MOH recipients are entitled to your respect and that of the new POTUS, you probably never will get it no matter how many times it is explained to you in little bitty words. For those among our contributors who served, “Thank You” and “Welcome Home”! If you didn’t, please go away while the adults talk among themselves. Rest assured that we won’t miss you.



Suck it up oh thou Kool Aid drinkers and deniers of reality. Your new Emporer has no clothes.

“Chirp… chirp… chirp. LOL

Hand Salute to you Brother. Welcome Home.


[…] but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening – The Salute to […]


[…] but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening – The Salute to […]


http://www.legion.org/onlineupdate/2476/heroes-honored-legion-hosted-inaugural-ball Heroes honored at Legion-hosted inaugural ball Submitted by hsoria on Thu, 01/29/2009 – 1:21pm. Thursday, January 29, 2009 One by one, they passed through magnetometers, often setting off shrill tones and red blinking lights: tuxedo-clad American heroes adorned with medals, some with metal inside their bodies, holding together bones shattered decades ago in combat. Vietnam War veteran Bernard Fisher (pictured on front page), was one of 47 Medal of Honor recipients who attended the Salute to Heroes Veterans Inaugural Ball in Washington, D.C., enduring the security check with patience and grace. After all, as gantlets go, magnetometers and portable wands were a breeze compared to the withering enemy fire he dodged more than four decades ago. Fisher, a former U.S. Air Force major in the 1st Air Commandos, flew out of Pleiku, Vietnam, on March 10, 1966. That day, the Special Forces camp at A Shau was under attack by 2,000 North Vietnamese Army regulars. Hostile troops had positioned themselves between the airstrip and the camp. Other hostile troops had surrounded the camp and were continuously raking it with automatic weapons fire from the surrounding hills. The tops of the 1,500-foot hills were obscured by an 800-foot ceiling, limiting aircraft maneuverability and forcing pilots to operate within range of hostile gun positions. During the battle, Fisher observed a fellow airman crash land on the battle-torn airstrip. Believing the downed pilot was seriously injured and in imminent danger of capture, Fisher decided to land on the airstrip and attempt a rescue. Directing his own air cover, he landed and taxied almost the full length of the runway, which was littered with battle debris and parts of an exploded aircraft. Raked by heavy ground fire (19 bullets struck the plane), Fisher got the downed pilot on board and managed to take off again. Fisher is one of 98 living Medal of Honor recipients. One World War II recipient, James E. Swett, planned to attend this year, but died two days before the ball, on Jan. 18. His memory was honored by the 47 heroes in attendance, recalling the courage of a… Read more »


Heroes honored at Legion-hosted inaugural ball Submitted by hsoria on Thu, 01/29/2009 – 1:21pm. Thursday, January 29, 2009 One by one, they passed through magnetometers, often setting off shrill tones and red blinking lights: tuxedo-clad American heroes adorned with medals, some with metal inside their bodies, holding together bones shattered decades ago in combat. Vietnam War veteran Bernard Fisher (pictured on front page), was one of 47 Medal of Honor recipients who attended the Salute to Heroes Veterans Inaugural Ball in Washington, D.C., enduring the security check with patience and grace. After all, as gantlets go, magnetometers and portable wands were a breeze compared to the withering enemy fire he dodged more than four decades ago. Fisher, a former U.S. Air Force major in the 1st Air Commandos, flew out of Pleiku, Vietnam, on March 10, 1966. That day, the Special Forces camp at A Shau was under attack by 2,000 North Vietnamese Army regulars. Hostile troops had positioned themselves between the airstrip and the camp. Other hostile troops had surrounded the camp and were continuously raking it with automatic weapons fire from the surrounding hills. The tops of the 1,500-foot hills were obscured by an 800-foot ceiling, limiting aircraft maneuverability and forcing pilots to operate within range of hostile gun positions. During the battle, Fisher observed a fellow airman crash land on the battle-torn airstrip. Believing the downed pilot was seriously injured and in imminent danger of capture, Fisher decided to land on the airstrip and attempt a rescue. Directing his own air cover, he landed and taxied almost the full length of the runway, which was littered with battle debris and parts of an exploded aircraft. Raked by heavy ground fire (19 bullets struck the plane), Fisher got the downed pilot on board and managed to take off again. Fisher is one of 98 living Medal of Honor recipients. One World War II recipient, James E. Swett, planned to attend this year, but died two days before the ball, on Jan. 18. His memory was honored by the 47 heroes in attendance, recalling the courage of a man… Read more »



Every four years, The American Legion recognizes Medal of Honor recipients, and the incoming commander in chief, by sponsoring the Salute to Heroes Ball. Although President Obama could not attend the event, Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, dropped by to express the nation’s gratitude for the sacrifices and heroism of these 47 veterans, and for all veterans and servicemembers. The tradition started in 1953, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower and First Lady Mamie attended the first Salute to Heroes, while U.S. troops fought in Korea.


As I read post 473 from Raoul I have to chuckle. I think even Raoul can see the absurdity of referring to Obama as the worst president ever ..after the man has been in office for only nine days — lol— wtf — it took Bush eight years to erase the surplus he inherited from Clinton (who inherited a deficit from Bush Sr.) and turn it into the deficit and problems our nation faces now. As it it, Obama has inherited a rat hole of a problem. I honestly cannot imagine ANYONE fixing this in one term. The best we can hope for is if our leaders (all both Repubs and Dems) to ‘stop the bleeding’ in the next few years. It will take many years to return to better times ……. even then it may never be the same. At least give Obama a chance. Nine days is not sufficient. As far as attending all those balls… it is impossible. And BTW there are bigger fish to fry. I am a registered Independent. I could not vote Republican this time around in good conscience. If George W were a baseball team manager he would of been fired long ago. Time to put party lines aside. We are in for rough seas next fews years as a poster above said. But it’s not something that has just developed in the past 9 days. It took 8 years.


am- whatever, Independent? Is that what dems call themselves today? “In good conscience” you could vote for someone with no work history, refuses to release ANY records of his past, and whose main claim to fame was to be “present” whenever a vote had to be taken? Wow, just wow!!

No One Special


Perhaps the US was so absolutly sick and tired of the mess the republicans put us in, and the fast lane the GOP congress let us rush to it..that it didnt matter the candidate, as long as he wasnt a Republican?

My close friends worked on Obamas campaign, and they all were sincerely grateful of the job that Bush did, because without such a horrible President they said, there was no way the US was going to elect a Black man.

But yes, because of how bad the GOP looks in the world, the Dem candidate was going to be elected, no matter who he was.

The added help of putting Palin out there, as uninformed as she was, was icing on the cake.


So afraid of Palin still. BDS, you gotta love it!



Quote me correctly, Obama is the worst President ever the fasted ever.

Hey, did you see the dumbass mistake that WHite House window for a door? What an idiot!


NOS, thanks for admitting that the Zero doesn’t have any history, at least. Uninformed? Remember 57 states? Remember the inhalator? And thanks for admitting that the Zero is nothing special, as so many who drool over him refuse to admit. After all, ______ could have been elected. Charlie Rangel could have been elected? Jesse Jackson? Zero ran a good campaign, he never said anything, other than Hope-Change, and didn’t know much about much of anything And the dead tree media and lame stream media never called him on anything.



“But yes, because of how bad the GOP looks in the world…”

And your side lied. Said we’d be loved if Obama was elected.

Just like we didn’t find WMDs, I’m not seeing the love, the gratitude to the Obama liberator you clowns promised.

What I do have is a collection of press photos of the same bastards overseas now burning Obama in effigy, burning his photo, burning a US flag, tearing up Obama’s photo, and walking on Obama’s photo. Even one guy smacking Obama’s photo on his protest sign with a shoe.

Face it, all of the above photos mean that Obama lowers America’s image in the world and he should resign now.


Lobbyists to hold the Pentagon checkbook, tax cheats running the people in charge of the IRS, yada, yada, and so on.

The only change with Obama is that corruption is now on a MASSIVE, even institutional Chicago like scale in DC.



“As far as attending all those balls… it is impossible.”

Concur, so that’s why you set priorities and Obama’s priorities din not value the Inaugural Ball that had the largest number of Veterans organizations and the largest number of MOH winners.

That sends a clear signal that Obama does not value the service of veterans, especially those who displayed valor above and beyond the call of duty.

Note well that Bush and Cheney made that ball their FIRST stop, as should any President with a sense of patriotism.

But you’re right, I can’t make Obama be a patriot when he doesn’t care to be one.



Over 93% of the time, the president managed to attend the ball in question.

Obama represents less than 7%. Bush’s approval rating never reached 7%.

Obama, Worst President Ever From The Git Go


Welcome Home!

richard wheeler

Raoul Calm down man.You’re going to have an ODS induced seisure and we’d all miss your reasoned,insightful takes.

richard wheeler

That would be “seizure” but am interested in how you can hold so much pure hatred.


To those who keep repeating that this means nothing, and that we should move on and end this topic of Obama not attending the MOH Ball:

I’ll try to put this is in ‘bitty words’ so that you can understand it and get the meaning and the inpact of what it truly means by ‘Obama not making it to the MOH Ball’.

The equilvalent of Obama not making it to the MOH Ball is – — have all Hospital Personnel and emergency room attendants, as well as police departments and fire departments, for one day Not do there jobs but instead do only administrative work and speak to the press should they come by.

If this does not get the point across to you that Obama not attending the MOH Ball is a big deal, then maybe you do not have a pulse.

I back the Amer Legion on their comments on this; they always take the high rode, and I commend them…also it was very diplomatic and thought out.


richard wheeler Says:

“That would be “seizure” but am interested in how you can hold so much pure hatred.”

Gee Dick… I always wondered the same thing about the Dems and Bush. I’m guessing it’s more like “Payback is a Bitch” for the 8 years of unrelenting BDS we have been subjected to, but I can’t speak for Raoul. You have to admit, this would have been a simple thing for Obama to dodge by just going to this Ball and shaking a few hands before he left. Now he’s like the city rube who goes ankle deep in a fresh cowpie with his first step in the pasture. Not a good way to start.


WoW! All of you are hating over something that never happened. Check out the Stars and Stripes online!!! The Medal of Honor recipients were all invited to the Commander-In-Chief’s Ball!! Which Obama DID attend! All of the Medal of honor recipients in the pictures look like they had a very good time that night. And Obama addressed formerly during the Ball!!! So stop hating on each other people!! And stop Hating at the expense of these great men that sacrificed so much! You are all accusing our president of offending the Medal of Honor Recipients over a Rumor that Is Not Even True! Therefore you should be ashamed of yourselves for using those great men to start a false rumor for the cause of furthering your pettiness!!
Oh and Guess What Biden was there TOO!! Ugh… you are all crazy people…


4 more years = One Term Wonder