Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Yat Yas 1833

Wittgenpussy, are you ever going to man up and respond to me??? Oh…wait, you’re not a man, are you? One more time, let me know when and where so we can meet. I’m ready to take an ass beating from an airborne ranger, trail assassin, all american hero, it’s not capitalized because when referring to you, it’s all a lie. C’mon dullASS, prove you’re not a liar and coward.

2-17 AirCav

I spent the last too long reading this string inasmuch as I was on hiatus throughout its creation. I must say that of the thousands of comments in the hundreds of strings that I read as a regular here, this piece of work managed to turn my stomach the most, hands down. Whatever his military bona fides, he is the most loathesome, repugnant, and vile of creatures. His comments and his behavior are flat-out sickening and I, for one, do not extend a scintilla of gratitude for whatever legitimate service he may have provided. What was once honorable can be rendered worthless and he, in my view, has done exactly that and more. Screw him.

Yat Yas 1833

AirCav, don’t be so hard on wittlessfelt. I have it figured out! He was drunk, which he has shown a proclivity for, when he jumped, in his flying ass clown suit, to entertain Vietnamese orphans, in the middle of a combat zone. He did a PLF on his head and knocked himself retarded! He’s been suffering from that condition ever since.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

WoW… you punks are “spinning some yarn”, today aren’t you…? Wha … Wha…Wha….!

I been noticing you wussies been ditching some of my more sensitive posts on here… good …. Now I know where your sore-spot is.. Get ready for the burn-boys….

Who is going to apologize to me first when I get my 11F-2P Airborne Rangers’ Infantry orders in hand… coming soon…

You guys get in line… I figure there are around a hundred of you fucking weenies that owe me a good sucking.

Don’t you guys want to know what really happened that night when I seen a dozen cops all sitting around drinking coffee eating donuts under a street light..? They met Thunder Chicken at midnight… and I became famous… Then the Judge with-held adjudication… They never do that… Except for me.

See how stupid you people are…

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Of course these days I just parachute onto the bar’s lawn and get a drink… easy money for a real deal like me… I dare say: “None of you fucksticks are qualified to do the same”..


Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, DullASS–you LOST. Get over it.

Or might I suggest skydiving with a rock instead of a parachute?


“Who is going to apologize to me first when I get my 11F-2P Airborne Rangers’ Infantry orders in hand… coming soon… ”

No one, you’re still an asshole and a fraud.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

What will you all do when Dallas and Michael Yon turn up at the big PoWnetwork military gala all dressed up and ready to dance with Mary..?

Mi Lae


I figure you’d show up ready to dance with each other.


Redacted–I love how he’s “coming up with them” but after how many MONTHS, still can’t produce them?

Fuck, you think he’d just photoshop something and be done with it.


Nichevo–I was thinking they’ll take turns playing “Thai Ladyboy” with each other.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

I will have hot babes with e…. Stupid Fucks. I am the “Ladies Man”… didn’t you figure that out as you were reading the over a hundred newspaper articles about me…. The girls love the new KID in town… Thunder Chicken gets all the pussy he wants. you don’t… By the way..? Did you all see my “Branson Drop Zone” online…. look around you will find it and then you will shit your pants. The Black Widow Mary will too. THE LRRP COMETH….!


@ 466 … Yo LoNgRaNgEPeNiS13 …

Show up all dressed in your military costume and there might be someone like me to call you out, in public (with vigor), and depending on the jurisdiction you may very well end up in hand cuffs. Particularly considering the threatening tone of your emails. But you would not know about such law enforcement and secuirty related matters, because you are not in to law enforcment and/or security industry. You have choosen the entertainment industry as your career path. More specifically the circus industry as you are a CLASS “A” CLOWN.

So now on to your so called “Ladies Man” exploits with women.

I have been around long enough to know the person who talks about all the tail they are getting … well … probably really means getting very little (or none). Plus you are no spring chicken … not that handsome (that was a generous) and your prostate is probably as large as a football. It is not like you can call little Jimmy to action in a snap! So considering the aforementioned, I might suggest that your ACTUAL PUSSY GAIN QUOTIENT is .037. And that .037 does give you credit for THUNDERING down on your own CHICKEN (wink … wink … if you know what I mean).


MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) Says:
August 9th, 2012 at 9:40 am
See above!


Perhaps Mr. Gettfucked has already succumbed to Yawnitis.

Sweetie, if a “hot babe” asks YOU to bend over, it isn’t really a chick.


I don’t think anyone has to worry about seeing any offspring belonging to WiTtLeSsGeLdInG, folks. His “winning personality” is a bigger turn-off than anything else I’ve ever seen, heard of, or imagined. Even starving crackhead hookers cross the street and look the other way when he comes towards them flashing a roll of bills. There’s no chance that any lady of better quality would procreate with him.

Scottys Hideaway

I’m still waiting on the 11F-2P MOS to show up on either your dd-214 or FOIA dilly Dallas. Check with the 151st. They might have a copy of your orders … NOT !!!
Thank you & welcome home 05B20 RTO Dallas Wittgenfeld, The wanna be Grunt.
copy, This 0311 Marine Grunt OUT !

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

471 posts here hah…? That makes me the most famous personality on this POS Mil/Kook blog.. thank you fellows… It makes better for the eventual media story…


Um…No. Gunny Driveway has you beat by a country mile.


That makes him 3 times a loser. Has to be some kind of record, surely.

Green Thumb

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 is a loser and a turd.


Yep Dallass You really have to be proud to have a post on a poser embellisher web site that has run this long.Just goes to show your stupidity one more time. Must hurt to be as dumb as you are.


@ Widgetfield … Sorry … not even close … Gunny Driveway is much more popular than you. You are a close second place looser.

471 posts here hah…? That makes me the most famous personality on this POS Mil/Kook blog.. thank you fellows… It makes better for the eventual media story…

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Soooo, Hey Lilyea..? When the West Virginia State Police call you on that phone number….. Who will they be discussing your charges with..? Your wife. Your boyfriend. Maybe give me the right number… You too Scotty, we will have a conference call. It is possible for me to serve you all the paperwork myself. Personally. That’s how I like it…

I told you all before…. You and this blog, Scotty’ blog, and the American Legion blog are on report at the highest level of the Veterans’ Administration in Florida. P.T.S.D. Clinical Chief M.D. knows me and you all by first name basis. It is their recommendation to procecute you all. They have the clinical proof of what you people have done for sport. Especially with so many witnesses.

Consider yourselves “ON NOTICE”


LOL. I imagine you’ve seen the “Jonn’s out of town, so I’ll be posting in his stead…” thread by Stu on the front page, so you’ve decided for a little tough talk.


LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey, Campbell, You wrote that you contacted my 151st Airborne Ranger (LRRP) unit historian and P.A.O…? Why didn’t you tell the rest of these “Valor Vultures” what she told you. I have a communique from her about you. Oh… Oh….! Are you in deep shit.

The Indiana National Guard told you just what I told you.

And she added that Dallas was the first Airborne Ranger trainee selected by the number one LRP Team 41 Team Leader “Mad Max Anderson”… Before Max died he told his Indiana National Guard real deal 151st Airborne Ranger comrades that “Dallas was a good LRRP R.T.O. and changed his life”.

She also told you, “Every Airborne Ranger on LRRP missions gets the C.I.B. in the Army Special Operations circles. Even a meely P.F.C Airborne Ranger.”

She also told you that, “Dallas and all other similar Special Forces MOS O5B-2P LRRP/Ranger communication operators were assigned HQIIFF-V (S.L.S.) “Special Liaison Section” advisors for the top-etchelon Special Forces trained R.T.A.V.F. mercenaries. That’s how a P.F.C./E-4 gets 2 Purple Hearts and an Air Medal for 25 combat air assaults minimum.”

She also told you, The “Indiana’s Finest” have witnesses and pictures of Dallas in-country action.

Sergeant Campbell, you never mentioned that information hereon because it would make you look like a liar. Because you are.


Kentucky & Tennessee have strict Cyber-Harassment Laws in which you qualify easily as an interstate predator. The rest of these idiots are interstaters too.

What County do you live in… and please what is your telephone number..? Don’t lie again… The State Patrol hates that. They told me to get the phone numbers “to them first.” Got that picture…?


Oh, and since I know you’re reading this site, Wittgenfeld – here’s a reminder. I’m pretty sure you’ve forgotten it, but because of some royally out-of-line comments you made roughly six weeks ago, Jonn put comments from you on his “to be moderated” list. That means they get reviewed before they get posted – if they’re allowed to be posted at all.


Jonn’s out of pocket much of this weekend. TAH is his site and he’s the one who put you on moderation, so it’s his call as to which of your comments – if any – ever show up. So you’ll just have to wait until he gets a chance to look at the drivel you’ve got queued up awaiting moderator approval to see which of them – if any – Jonn decides to let appear here at TAH.

And, to reiterate: if you have documentation that proves anything written about you at this site is incorrect, send a copy. If it’s legit and checks out, I’ll correct anything I’ve written – and I’m sure Jonn will do the same.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

MODERATION…? You people are stupid.

I don’t care if you moderate me. In the real world it is called “muzzling”. The only reason I hang around you peoples’ shit-hole is because I have been coersed here by well documeneted cyber/net valor vultures. Vigilanti is against the law big time and cyber/harassment is right in there too.

The LRRP and your local Police are coming…. with screen captures of Lilyea’s illegal cyber activities and plenty of witnesses, let’s see where all that goes. I bet you go to jail before I do. Wanna bet…?

You won’t be alone Jonn-Jonn cause I’m attaching all you all together to the black widow Mary. She has given me all I need to sink her “boatload of bastards” too. There has already been formal complaints against the Schantags PoWnetwork downtown Branson Police Department.

What will happen when the Purple Heart City has a Purple Heart Military Gala that excludes a real deal combat wounded and disabled Vietnam War Veteran of the elite Airborne Rangers..? Think about that. I am already front page news everywhere I go. I have over a hundred other correct newspaper stories about me and what all I do for Veterans. You people have seen them too. BUT never mention them… Peculuar isn’t it.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

I think I am going to be in Tampa at the R.N.C. too… Ohhh Boy….! Hope I find PAC Man Seavey there.

He will get quite a political grilling if my circle of military friends find him. The LRRP possie will android me immediately.

Happy Hurricane everybody….


WittLessOne: muzzling? No (we should be so lucky). In the real world that’s called “an owner running his website as he or she sees fit”. Private property and all that.

You’re posting here at the website owner’s sufferance. If Jonn wants to moderate and review a-priori everything everyone posts here – or only a few fools’ posts – or to ban someone entirely, it’s entirely within his prerogative as website owner to do so. You have no legal “right” to comment here. Be glad Jonn hasn’t banned you.

Sheesh, you really need to stick to behaving like a clown only when you’re dressed up like Doofus Chicken (or whatever you call your character these days). Here, you’re simply acting like a fool.


“a real deal combat wounded and disabled Vietnam War Veteran of the elite Airborne Rangers”

You talk too much.


You people are stupid.

Says the guy who FLIES under the influence. Gravity is a bitch, ain’t it?

And Hondo, there’s a reason Jonn hasn’t banned Wittless–it’s called cheap entertainment.


The crazy is strong with this one.


I’m assuming he’s typing this one-handed while wearing his “I’m kind of a big deal” Bieber shirt.


“What will happen when the Purple Heart City has a Purple Heart Military Gala that excludes a real deal combat wounded and disabled Vietnam War Veteran of the elite Airborne Rangers..?”

What does this dude not understand about private organizations and events? Hey smart guy; they can exclude anyone they want, especially RTOs with delusions of grandeur who insult the organizer, and have threatened to disrupt the event.

Old Trooper

“The LRRP and your local Police are coming…. with screen captures of Lilyea’s illegal cyber activities and plenty of witnesses, let’s see where all that goes.”

I, too, would love to see where it all goes. Instead of running your considerable piehole, Dallas, get on with the program and get to the arresting part. I would love to see your LRRP Assassin bad self leading your LRRP ninjas in to do the arresting. Lead from the front, real deal badass LRRP Assassin, and take charge of the situation. Post video of you rolling up to Lilyea’s house ready to take him in. Well, ok, have someone post video of it, because I doubt you will be in any condition to breathe, let alone post a video.


I’m STILL 1–waiting to see what Jonn has said/done here that is illegal in DullASS’s eyes, 2–waiting to see those CIB orders.

So where are they, DullASS? I thought you were whipping those fuckers out most ricky-tick a few months ago.


Sparky, you seem kind of cranky today. Having a bad day?

2-17 AirCav

As this thread approaches 500 comments, I’m wondering what the record is at TAH. Anyone keep tabs on that stat?


There’s one thread that’s over 600 posts from 2009. I’ll look but Soupy and Gunny Driveway have to be close.


Did a quick check. Unoffically, of course.


That is a thread from January 2009 about Obama blowing off the Salute to Heroes (MOH Recipient) Inaugural Ball that as of today has 615 posts.

Gunny Driveway is a close second at 578 posts.

Surprisingly, Soupy is only at 413. Congrats, DullASS. You might get there yet. The biggest bandwidth-jacking fag on all of TAH. Go, you senile old fucker, go!

And PH2–yeah, feel like shit and have little tolerance for same today. It is what it is.


Mailahn has exceeded 600 total comments, but I don’t think he’s done that in any single article (he has multiple articles). Don’t think Soup has 500 in aggregate (he also has multiple articles here), but he might. But I think he’s fairly close if he doesn’t.

In aggregate, Wittlessone here is approaching 700 total comments – nearly 500 here, 150+ on the recap thread, and a few more on a third (32, I think).

I’m pretty sure Jonn told me once the all-time record for comments on a single article was 640, but he didn’t mention which article or when. It happened prior to my discovery of TAH, though.

Yeah, I spend way too much time here. (smile)

2-17 AirCav

Thanks to all, especially Sparky. I hit the link to the Obama/MOH Ball and now know just what I’ll be doing the next day ot two! AAARGGHHHH.

2-17 AirCav

ot? That’s the Russian word for or.


Sparky, I hope you get feeling better.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Yeeeaaaahhhhh ….! 500 musings from all these dumb asses… 500 must be “My Tipping Point” here in the land of Mil/Kooks and Stolen Valor Mafiaosoes hereon. I got my orders today from St. Louis… Turns out just like I said and a couple interesting surprises too..?

I love the letter of commendation from the commanding general of the Royal Thailand Army to the commanding general of the IIFFHHC calling me the “Liaison N.C.O.” and recommending me for an appropiate medal for heroism in combat.

Soooo where do you punks get in line to apologize to special forces cross-trained Airborne Ranger Infantryman/R.T.O. LRRP and Drill Sergeant Wittgenfeld.

I got the goods, now where are you assholes…?


So, you “got the goods” now, eh – WitLessOne? OK – put up or shut up. Redact your SSN, scan the docs, and send Jonn copies.

But you might want to think about a couple of things before you start proclaiming “victory”, fool. First – even on day one, no one ever disputed that a CIB was in your records. The question was always whether that CIB was legit. Even properly-issued award orders aren’t always legit. And if they’re proven to have been issued in error, award orders and awards can be revoked later. Even years later.

Second: if that alleged “letter of commendation” you claim to have identifies you as a “Liaison NCO”, well, that only confirms what I’ve contended all along. You see, WitLessOne, such a letter proves, in writing, that you were NOT any kind of Advisor; it proves you were assigned to a Liaison Team, and acted in that capacity – liaison. “Liaison” is NOT the same kind of duty as “Advisor”. Bottom line: you’re proving yourself a liar if that letter says what you claim.

Based on your past history here, WitLessOne, I’ll believe you actually have something when I see it. Until then, go pound sand into one of your bodily orifices. Your choice as to which orifice.


“special forces cross-trained Airborne Ranger Infantryman/R.T.O. LRRP and Drill Sergeant Wittgenfeld.”


LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey Hondo, the pondo… What if Dally Whacker’s ground Commander is the most famous Green Beret of the Vietnam War..? And I was his “Liaison N.C.O.” You people would look really stupid hah. 🙂

Of course you “Stolen Valor Mafia” types can’t puke up the apology, can you. That’s who you really are… When I turn up in Branson for the big dance I will have all my paperwork to prove I have been harassed and dishonered by a “band of bastards” of the Iraq and Afghaneterans for cyber sports entertainment….right there at the Purple Heart Gala…

I like the part where old Hondouchebagman never said I was didn’t have a C.I.B….. What a bunch of bullshit. You trash-hole people are trying to forget the other 500 posts hereon and many other places. Remember..? “Dallas is a poser”…. But in reality… I am everything I say and much more which you people never mention because it does not fit your kind of branding.

You tell JONN-JONN Lilyea and American Legion/Soldier’s Angels Marky C. Seavey, the perpetrator, to send me another email demanding my paperwork again….

Let’s see what happens this time…

Joe Williams

Dullass,where are the orders and letters that are supposed to clear your lying ass? Since you you are undefeated why don’t you and have a boxing match for the Wounded Warriors when you come to Branson? Me,a Marine helo crew chief Viet Nam disabled Vet. You the skilled killer. I am 65,5ft 5in and weight 145lbs.This is not a lie about myself like you do constantly. I will make it easy for you, 3 three minute rounds. I am sure we could quite a bit of money for the WWP. Seeing how famous you are cause you told us so. How about a charity raiser for the Troops. Joe

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