Update: More or Les “The Brown Stain” 2K Drive
We’d like to interrupt our regularly scheduled postings to monitor the Les Brown drive to 2K comments. We anticipate this milestone will be crossed very soon.
As we await Les Brown to show the documents he has sworn he has…
… well, we can only think Les does not have a scanner and Elko does not have a Kinkos to do it for him. That’s, of course, giving him the benefit of the doubt.
So, while we are waiting for the main event to kick off, we thought we’d give you a fresh canvas to paint on.
Tom Wulf’s FOIA results are back and we are quite surprised since he tossed around the classified documents angle… you know, being that he is a self-proclaimed expert on military documents and all.
We are still awaiting FOIA results for others in the POW*MIA Elko Awareness Association. It really didn’t start off like this, but now the point is to determine which of them are actually veterans and if that is the case – why are they standing idly by and not having Les come clean or taking part in verifying his records. Something is very odd here.
So, there is a story here with the entire organization and we want to collect all the proper documents to give an accurate accounting of the stats. The story could possibly be that they are all legit – except for Les “The Brown Stain” of course. But we’ll see where the paper trail ends up.
A couple of questions still out on the table:
- Is Les Brown going to be invited again to speak in front of school children?
- Is Les Brown going to still be participating in veteran parades with his phony Army uniform, phony patches, and phony rank? (I know of many that would love to get more photos of this spectacle.)
- Are there any sock puppets left that are willing to defend Les Brown? (At first, they were like flies to a fresh dog turd but they’ve seemed to have flown away once it hardened. Wulf and Truth are long gone so I don’t think any gas is left in their tanks. What about others that are so convinced of Les’ legitimacy? So many are willing to pat Les on the head and say “We’re behind you brother” but are unwilling to get out in front. I’m sure they recognized that Les is not going to lead in his own defense so is totally reliant on others.)
So much remains to be seen. Stay tuned.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Army, Army Poser, National Guard, Stolen Valor
There is a non-zero chance that he is everything he says he is….but .00000000000000000000000001% means that we can say that it is not probable.
On the other hand, he is a skid mark, so he has that going for him…
Will Les Brown ever speak up?
Will Les Brown have other sock puppets chirp for him?
Will Les Brown continue to push his fiction on children and teens?
Will Les Brown come clean about the proceeds from his annual Chili Feed?
Will Les Brown ever be honest about what he’s been sporting on his Biker Vest?
Will Les Brown keep conning others in Elko NV to keep circling their proverbial wagons around his Stolen Valor?
The Internet is forever.
Proof the internet is forever….
It doesn’t even take a tailored Google search now.
Just 3 words, his name (Les Brown (not even in quotes)),
and Elko, to avoid the famous bandleader results.
Top 6 Google Search Results, in order:
BAD – Elko Press June 15 Local Inspirations,
highlighting the
20 years / master sergeant lies.
BAD – Elko Press July 26 “Under Fire”
BAD – By association now – http://www.elkonvpowmia.org
BAD – Military Phony July 18 – Les Brown
BAD – Valor Guardians July 23 – “Les Brown’s DD-214”
BAD – Valor Guardians July 30 – “More or Les
Putting Elko NV on the Map”
No Desert Sand Shield,
Cone of Silence (Get Smart),
or Guitar Amps turned to 11 (This is Spinal Tap),
can shield Les Brown and the Elko POW*MIA
looking not so good on the “world wide web” now.
In the Kingdom of the Blind the one-eyed man is king…
in an ironic turn, the one eyed man never became king…
The one-eyed man would be a Jack…
“Tom Wulf’s FOIA results are back”
You make it sound so ….medical.
Well it is, sort of. Like when the doctor tells you he has both good and bad news for you. The bad news is you have the clap. The good news is it is not a fatal disease if treated. Having had a sneak preview of his 214, here are the “results” He served six years Navy AD then went into the NV Guard serving until retirement. He wears a
Navy E-6 hat insignia and Army Airborne badge on his biker vest in addition to Army MSG insignia. Given his length of service and awards, he could have retired as a MSG. Then why does he wear a lieutenant colonel insignia on his Army beret slash.
There is also an outside chance after six years of honorable Navy service, he could have achieved E-6 but given time in grade requirements I don’t think so. Looks like he was recalled and deployed to Iraq, but his unit was attached to the 593rd Sustainment out of Fort Lewis, not an Airborne unit which eliminates that nexus.
The DD Form 214 shows three awards of the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon which is not an officers award. Additionally, he would have had to complete officer professional Command & General Staff Course training to achieve the grade of LTC and that is not listed on his DD Form 214. So what’s the deal on impersonating an officer? While there is nothing to preclude someone from wearing items on a biker vest, for a retired soldier to be wearing an Army uniform item displaying a grade they did not achieve, in additional to being stolen valor is something that would seem to violate an Army directive which he still may be subject to. I’ll occasionally wear my “squashed bug” insignia on a blazer and I don’t see anything wrong with someone wearing their highest grade on civilian attire. What inquiring minds want to know is why someone with totally honorable and respectable service would want to pull this type of crap and stand up for a phony whose service was not as honorable.
So basically they are lying to each other.
Stolen Valor Phonies have good gaydar,
but for other phonies.
They look out for each other, knowingly.
Of course.
Ever see someone say “Don’t pursue it”,
or “Let it Be”?
Major red flag on partners in Phonydar.
Just curious Club Manager, were the three awards of the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon, Navy or Army?
“There is also an outside chance after six years of honorable Navy service, he could have achieved E-6 but given time in grade requirements I don’t think so.”
I’m not Navy, so I don’t know how long it would take to be awarded E6, but here is a Navy chart that shows what is needed and the time in grade for promotion.
Possible to do in six years?
Yeah, I question his jump wings also.
Thanks for the update, CM.
I’m thinking it would not be possible to make E-6 under normal TIS considerations. There are waivers for TIG but it is rare.
One could have been in an advanced paygrade situation for signing up for six years – Nuclear or other programs that involve long schools and therefore, longer commitments upon enlistment. I recall they were given E-4 when starting their service school and usually this was less than 6 months into the Navy.
You’re right, Terry. Some of the Nuclear Power/sub ratings (ST, MM, etc.) advance pretty fast:
He was stationed at a submarine base so the Nuclear Sub rating is plausible.
Tom Wulf – There is enough discrepancy to get you called out. Still gathering documents. Your service bling may not be as bad as Les Brown, but you normally would have been given a borderline pass had it not been for you jumping into this both feet and stating BS policy and claiming you are some kind of an expert on documents.
Most importantly, however, is that we want to give you the opportunity to respond to the questions posed to you. You know what I’m talking about. i.e. What’s with the 82nd Airborne Badge?
Rump Ranger!
My SWAG (i.e., Stu’s Wild Ass Guess) is the NCO Pro Dev ribbons were Army for a couple of reasons, length of Navy vs. Army Guard time being the main one. My experience having worked for a Navy Master Chief when I was an Air Force E-6, is the extent of Navy NCO professional development consists of learning to appreciate drinking a Martini. Now that I think about it, I didn’t receive a ribbon for that but he was one of the finest NCO’s I every had the privilege of serving with.
I can’t wait to see where this goes. In the time I have been snooping around this site, I have not seen a case quite like this one for a while now. Most of the recent cases have been just one and done along with many of the past ones. But not this one.
This is a phony case that keeps on giving.
Like a vase of Herpes!
I believe, and I could be wrong, that those clowns wear the officer rank as a badge of office in their little “awareness” club, showing that they are the two “top dogs.” I don’t think they are actually claiming to have been officers in the military. I say that because while they had the officer rank on their berets they were wearing NCO rank, the rank that they claimed to have been in service, on their vests. It’s a stupid thing to do at the very least.
That would be correct. I am sure their story would be that they are wearing that field grad officer rank on their berets to honor those O-5’s and O-6’s who are POW or MIA.
I don’t any PFC rank for Bobby Garwood.
giggle snort. you showing your age ‘beans…and your knowledge of historic dirtbags. I like it!
I believe that would be Pvt Garwood, not PFC. If memory serves, he was court-martialed as a collaborator while a POW after he returned; found guilty; and received a reduction to E-1 (Pvt), full forfeitures, and a DD.
Correct, however the Elko boys
would probably sport the pre
reduction rank because they
really really liked Bergdahl.
Looks like they are pinning officer rank on the Army beret’s universal flash. That can’t be legit.
Well, when both the Elko County Sheriff
AND the Elko City Police Chief
walk around with (General?) 4 STARS
on their collars and lapels…
A bit rank-centric out there in the desert oasis, aren’t they?
FWIW Thomas Wulf is listed as a Sergeant First Class, Retired in the US Army White Pages directory on the Human Resources Command website. The directory doesn’t identify which component (AD, USAR, ARNG) the individual Retired from. However, I’ve found the White Pages to be a accurate first source regarding claims of rank and status.
I too wonder why a legitimate Army retiree continues to defend the imposter and Stolen Valor thief, Les Brown.
Club Manager:
If you go to this TAH post of Les Brown, you will see that Les Brown is wearing Colonel’s rank on his beret when posing for a picture for the POW/MIA Awareness Bike Club:
Suspect the reason Wulf is wearing the Lieutenant Colonel Rank on his beret is because he is “Second In Command” in that organization.
Looks as if that may be an old picture of Les Brown when their bike club was initiatlly formed. Les sports a POW/MIA emblem on other berets. Perhaps that picture of Wulf may be old as well and he may now be sporting the POW/MIA emblem on his beret.
Maybe someone pointed out to them about them wearing US Army Officer Rank and they corrected it.
Not defending Wulf, but IMHO, I don’t think he is impersonating an Army LTC/O5 given that he was in the Nevada National Guard.
“It was the vests. Now they are coming after our berets! Emergency meeting. Bring your berets… and the children.” – Les
Seriously, I don’t recall much being made by TAH of the rank on their berets, even though it was questionable. Organizations like the Young Marines, Sea Cadets and I think ROTC have their own rank structure that mimics the real military. I recall even in boot camp that the RPOC, ARPOC and Squad Leaders were given rank. Squad Leaders were 2nd class POs, ARPOC was a 1st Class and the RPOC was a Chief. The outside orgs were given permission to do this. I don’t suspect Les Brown and his organization was, but let’s face it – they are working by their own set of rules. They are not a fraternal veteran org and I doubt they registered as a 503c non-profit as such.
IOW, they can do more without seeking permission. They certainly give the appearance that they are a veteran fraternal org, but they are not. This appearance, in my view, gets them leverage and some respect at the annual Chili Feed in Elko, but it is deceptive and WRONG in my opinion.
I was a “Frocked” Navy E-6 in six, meaning I could assume the title and wear the crow, but not receive the pay until I had reached the Time in Service requirement. So yeah, it can be done.
Making in E-6 in six years is plausible but extremely unlikely. And if you are capable of attaining E-6 in six years, why would you bail out of the branch that you are in to serve part time with retirement pay kicking in decades later?
I was AD my entire time in, and hit glass ceiling for E-7. Took an early out with 17 and change. TERA gave me a prorated retirement check and all privileges as a 20 year retiree would receive. One of my better career moves.
All this is I’m sure documented at TAH HQ, or I wouldn’t be an Admin here.
FWIW, I made it in 6 years. Was an early candidate and selected for the last increment, Frocked to PO1 and wore it for about 6 months until I left the Navy…about 10 days before I would have gotten paid for it. My DD-214 says E-5, but I had them add “Frocked to E-6” because I wore the crow and wanted official notice of it.
The Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (and it is that, a ribbon, without a medal) simply marks that the soldier has attended various levels of NCO schooling. Over the years, the names have changed and the digits associated with the level of education has changed. Bottom line: First level school [Basic NCO school] = digit “1.” Advanced schooling = digit “2” or “3”. The digit “4” represents a graduate from the Sergeant Majors Academy.
There is no equivalent “look what schools I graduated from” for officers, BUT, if the officer was formerly an enlisted man and then was commissioned via OCS, ROTC Green to Gold, etc. he would still be authorized to wear the NCO Professional Development Ribbon he earns back in his enlisted days.
It is one of the ways you can identify a former enlisted man who became an officer. I wear mine with the digit “2,” earned before I graduated OCS, but will never wear a higher number.
The other indicator if prior enlisted service is a Good Conduct Medal. Officers don’t get them (I guess good behavior is expected) but they may wear Good Conduct Medals earned during former enlisted service.
Like the magic finger exam…
Perhaps he went to fax them and mistook the shredder for the fax. I’ll just bet this has happened often to most people.
“Less” Brown will just have to get suitable replacements photoshopped so he can try to fax them again.
“Didn’t you get them?” – Les Brown
He can place a call to Forgin’ Frank Visconti! He’ll hook him right up! Chevy Chevalier has also been known to provide “self-produced” documents on occasion. Brown Stain does have options here!
Don’t be forgetting about Bob Neener… he did time for his documents!
I did not hear crickets in any responses but there was this odd critter in the bush:
Thanks, Ex!
Any time!
Dammit, I had my BDU’S (ets ’98) all pressed, looking for free chili (with lots of free bbq sauce-HFCS free-) and now I find out Mr. Wulf is a phony too?
Oh, wait…I feel the PTSD kicking in…
(Note…I know PTSD does exist, and I do not mean to make light of it. Individuals who use the term for their own benefit, well…)
Les Brown and Tom Wulf doing a bro hug.
The Tom Wulf that sounded off supporting Les Brown?
Incredible that Tom Wolf would tolerate Les Brown. Wonder what Tom’s wife has to say?
I’m thinking Tom’s wife probably said, “Hurry up Les, Tom should be home soon” or words to that effect.
Ooo, fuck!
Ooh, *POW!*, right in the kisser!!!
Dammit, I didn’t put my sunglasses on in time. That lit me up even standing way back here! Ouch.
Les Brown.
Original thread-353
L B’s DD-214—-186
Local Head——357
More or Les—–774
Update M or Les-233
*Total before
this thread—-1903
*Note, this tally does not include a count of cross post postings. I believe that Claw is keeping count on the total “total”.
Short Update:
My count includes the original Military Phonies post of 42 comments. Also a current cross-thread count of 16.
As of right now, including the count on this newest thread, the grand total is: 1,982
Well Done.
#1983 – Well done!
2000 right about now.
I see (96) on the Comments ticker.
Not sure what Claw’s PMCS schedule is on the Wheel, but it might need an update with those numbers.
Les and his minions can’t defend his military claims to fame becuase they are arithmetically and geographically impossible to support. Unless one believes 2+2 can equal something other than four, or that a person can be in more than one geographical location on the globe at the same point in time, Les Brown Stain’s story can’t be proved. That observation is in addition to the improbability of a reserve leg MP unit having sent him to Ranger, Jump School, and Jumpmaster School, and none of it appearing in his personnel records with the NPRC or in his two recorded DD-214’s. I won’t bother to comment on the improbability of him having participated in the Grenada op with 2/75th Rangers as a leg E-4, cuz that is beyond the pale.
Les Brown would have to account for RIP in his school list/time, an additional 2 weeks IIRC during that time frame.
Interesting read on this more or less, and yet I sweated out the stolen valor deal when I had to razor out the embroided rifle on the ARNG cap I ordered last year or the year before.
Well, well, well. What have we here?
Looks like Team TAH may have exposed a hive of posers.
I’ve been hanging around here at TAH for a while now, and I don’t remember ever seeing anything quite like this.
What about Phoney Baloney Toney and those cocksuckers at the International Order of Oddfellows? I see some similarities here.
Ol’ Les done made a mess,
and now he won’t confess.
He’s probably in distress
and gonna change his address.
He didn’t want this much awareness.
Dedicated to Lester Kent Brown (stain), a lying sack of sh^t!
I look forward to the postings about his partners in “slime”.
It is too early to tell about the rest of them but FOIAs have been requested. We will keep an open mind and go where the facts take us.
Right now, we have:
Les Brown – ’nuff said
Tom Wulf – Questionable bling, asking him for clarification
Ron LaRonche – Waiting on results, looks legit service-wise. Arrested for embezzlement in 1999, but later went on to become Senior Vice Commander behind Les. I guess the embezzlement arrest wasn’t a deterrent and may have been a plus.
James R.L. “Innkeeper” Foster – Waiting on results, looks legit service-wise. Daughter – Serenity K. Orr – works for Elko Daily Free Press and wrote the Les Brown Local Hero article for them.
NO MILITARY SERVICE (Still confirming)
Ken Adams – Merchandise – No apparent military service. Wears E-7 rank on ‘awareness’ vest.
Laura Adams – Secretary – No apparent military service. Richard A. “Fingers” Dyer – Treasurer – No apparent military service. Only records are a long string of DUIs. Wears O-3 bars on ‘awareness’ vest.
More often than not, many of the rest did not serve in the military but don’t really claim to have. They have the vests, but there is less bling on them. This, in my opinion, is an indication that there is still some kind of loose “rank structure” adhered to in the POW*MIA Elko Awareness Society – in that you are allowed more unearned bling if you WERE in the military, but try and keep a cap on it if you didn’t serve. I don’t know what the rule is, but that is my guess.
Again, the bottom line is we will keep an open mind.
This comment concludes the drive to 2,000 comments for Lester Kent Brown.
Therefore, he is awarded the 1st French’s Classic Yellow Stain Fecal Smudge Cluster (ILO Five Baby Shit Brown Fecal Smudge Clusters) to the Master Phony Badge.
Since it was the suggestion of Mustang Major that the design for the TAH Phony Badge include a wagging tongue as part of its design motif, I felt it would be only appropriate that Lester Kent Brown have a taste of a real mustard stain for his dumbfuckery, hence the French’s Classic Yellow Mustard®™ color./smile
Wow. I feel like I’m now a part of history.
It’s kind of like watching the Debt Ceiling clock reach another milestone. It’s sad, but necessary to be aware of.
Saw Mick chime in. It’s after 1600 somewhere, so I’m sure he’s at the “O” club, with a pastel Izod sport shirt under his OD flight suit, singing “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin'” while this is on the jumbotron.
NBL, Buddy.
Bwaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha gasp gasp hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Your fish is running true and tracking. Impact on target in
Didn’t make Admiral because his command missed their Navy Relief goal for three consecutive years.
He could use some Preparation H on that face of his.
I just realized his hairplugs are failing him.
Does he still wear elevator shoes so he can look his female costar in the eyes while she’s wearing flats?
Well, you do shrink as you age, so…. 🙂
I would rather watch “Sharknado: The Second One (oh yes they did)” than the thing cited above, which is sort of the “Dr. Phibes Rises Again” of aviation. Except Vincent Price is a better dramatic actor.
Oh, FFS. You just had to do it, didn’t you?
My hatred for you is becoming incendiary.
BTW, for Marine Aviators, we’re in the O’Club bar after 1200 if we’re not on the flight schedule. We’ll even go at 1200Z if we have to. 1600 is for Navy Aviators.
You also left out the mandatory “shit hot” Top Gun look of wearing sunglasses in the O’Club bar well into the night. Everyone knows that chicks really dig that.
This reply was meant for AW1Ed…
tap,tap,tap, izz this thing on?
Anything for the 2K, Bro. NBL,
I managed or tended bar in five Air Force O Clubs with flying units (two were fighter units), three Army O Clubs with flying units, one with shit hot 3/7 Air Cav warrant officer pilots and after becoming a warrant officer was a customer in many others. I NEVER saw any pilot wear sun glasses into the bar.
So you’re saying that “Top Gun” is at least as bogus as Les Brown?
Mick and I go knuckles all the time, CM. It’s a Navy/Marine/Pilot/Aircrew thing too murky for outsiders to really understand.
But when push comes to shove, I have Mick’s six, and he has mine.
After all, we share the same number of anchors on our wings.
NFOs now…
WULFMAN is not available
MANWULF is available
MORELES and LESBANG remain available.
BRWNSTN is also availible!
What is the minimum number of pieces of flair to wear on your vest if you are trying to impress everyone? Asking for a friend.
There can be be no more than 3 inches bare vest
between each piece to qualify as “adorned”.
Get it down to 2 inches and you become “festooned”.
One inch brings “fully vested” status.
Keep in mind that no two pieces of bling may touch.
This is to discourage cheating. Lying is ok but
cheating is grounds for “devesting”
“You know what, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair!” ~ Joanna in Office Space (1999)
The POW*MIA Elko Awareness Association By-Laws specific to flair and vest-wearing are not made public.
However, we are able to piece together some of the criteria.
For instance:
* If an individual actually served in the military, take that rank and double it. For instance E-4 = E-8.
* If an individual served in close proximity (i.e. 100 miles) of a unit they aspired to be a part of – read “identify with” – then said individual may adorn themselves with said patches, tabs and pins.
* If an individual never served in the military, then said individual by nature of close proximity to an individual that did serve, can wear whatever rank and bling veteran deems appropriate provided said bling does not come close to nor exceeds actual veteran’s bling.
Sweet! O-10! I can wear almost as many stars as do one horse town police chiefs.
… AND County Sheriffs.
I shit you not.
From that link…
“We collaborate with our law enforcement partners and community leaders to increase public awareness.”
There’s an awful lot of awareness associated with Elko Nevada.
You caught that? LOL
The current Elko County need is to
“Increase public awareness of the
Elko POW*MIA Awareness Association”
Steeped in irony, all this supposed “awareness.”
Guys, I need some help. A couple of weeks ago I had an idea based on the “Brown Stain” nickname and I alluded to it in a comment. I have since had the worst case of writers block ever! I need one one of you kind folks to come up with a parody for Les based on the Guns and Roses song “Mr. Brownstone.” Please and thank you.
Did a couple searches with no joy, Stranger. I came across this gem, however:
My libation of choice is Larceny Bourbon, and I’ll hoist one in your honor when the sun is over the yardarm.
Perhaps it involved Dancing With Mr. Brownstain?
Well, I never actually got started. I just mentioned that I had an evil plan without going into details. I figured I could come up with something but haven’t been able to come up with anything. What I need is one of you wordsmiths to run with the idea and make it happen. This statistics class I’m taking is sucking the life out of me.
“This statistics class I’m taking is sucking the life out of me”
Ah yes. Sadistics.
Finals week so by Saturday at 1500 I should be done. Hell, I can get like a 50 on the final and still get an A.
“I can get like a 50 on the final and still get an A”
What are the odds?
And yes, the idea was “Dancing with Mr. Brownstain” but I can’t put it together.
see below
I was thinking…
LEPER MESSIAH by Metallica.
Here’s the incriminating (actual) lyrics.
Spineless from the start, sucked into the part
Circus comes to town, you play the lead clown
Please, please
Spreading his disease, living by his story
Knees, knees
Falling to your knees, suffer for his glory
You will
Time for lust, time for lie
Time to kiss your life goodbye
Send me money, send me green
Heaven you will meet
Make a contribution
And you’ll get a better seat
Bow to Leper Messiah
Marvel at his tricks, need your Sunday fix
Blind devotion came, rotting your brain
Chain, chain
Join the endless chain, taken by his glamour
Fame, Fame
Infection is the game, sucking drunk with power
We see
Time for lust, time for lie
Time to kiss your life goodbye
Send me money, send me green
Heaven you will meet
Make a contribution
IMHO that describes Les Brown very nicely.
Switch it up to “Lester Messiah” and switch the lyrics to match our friend here!
I’ll bet if you took a survey asking people if
they are aware of the POW/MIA issue there would be very few who would answer no. Like zero.
All that foogas going to waste. Nary a sockpuppet to be found.
there once was a man named Les
A valor thief I confess
Whenever it rained
his pants became stained
and left a stinky brown mess
Les gets up around seven
Starts lying around nine
And he don’t worry about nothin’ no
‘Cause worryin’s a waste of his, time
The show usually starts around seven
Les go on stage at nine
Get on the bike at eleven
Tellin a lie and feelin’ fine
He’s been dancin’ with
Mr. Brownstain
He’s been lyin
He won’t’ tell the truth
No, no, no
He won’t tell the truth
He used ta lie a little but a little wouldn’t do
So the lyin got more and more
He just keep tryin’ ta get a little better
Said a little better than before
I used ta do a little but a little wouldn’t do
So the little got more and more
I just keep tryin’ ta get a little better
Said a lie bigger than before
He been dancin’ with
Mr. Brownstain
He’s been lyin
He won’t tell the truth
No, no, no
He won’t tell the truth
Now he lie up around whatever
Les used ta lie some times
But that old man he’s a real muthafucker
Gonna kick him on down the line
Les used ta lie a little but a little wouldn’t do
So the lies got more and more
Les just keep tryin’ ta lie a little bigger
Said a lie bigger than before
Les used ta lie a little but a little wouldn’t do
So the lies got more and more
Les just keep tryin’ ta lie a little better
Said a lie better than before
We been hearing
Mr. Brownstain
He’s been lyin
He won’t leave lies alone
No, no no
He won’t leave lies alone
Oh leave lies alone
Saw lies in the middle and TAH showed to the world
And it, it proved Les lied
Les should’ve known better, said Les wish he never lied to TAH
Said Les leave it all behind
all rights to the publisher and composer…for sarcastic purposes only!
There it is! Thank you so much. I had the idea, but couldn’t run with it. Much appreciated. Now Les has his own WWE type entrance music.
YOWZA!! Ret_25X you’ve done Guns N’ Roses proud. Take that one to heart Les Brownstain, Liar of the Desert.
I’m impressed you guys are able to always find SSNs on people you are requesting FOIAs on. I’m truly interested how you are able to do that since I know these people aren’t offering that data willfully.
Don’t get me wrong, I support what you’re doing. I just always wondered how you got that info. Obviously, criminal records can be searched by name and address, but I noticed you guys always have a SSN when you pull a full FOIA on someone.
IIRC, you can use full name & SSN or full name and DOB for getting records.
At the Elko spelling Bee:
MODERATOR: ok Billy your word is “awareness”
BILLY: can I hear it used in a sentence?
MODERATOR: the Elko awareness association is a fraud
BILLY: “awareness” F-R-A-U-D “awareness”
MODERATOR: correct, Johnny your word is……
that’s funny right there!
Lester Kent Brown and his related Elko entities are clearly at the top of the Pick Hit Parade when a Google or Bing searcher seeks “poser” “fraud” “military fakes and phonies” “Le Brown” Lester Brown Valor Thief” etc.
But why isn’t the all purpose .pdf page also available on the top image searches? Maybe because it isn’t indexed by his name?
May I suggest that the .pdf file with the red arrows be renamed and redistributed so web crawlers will find it and make it available to those who seek the truth about Lester Kent Brown.
Hey Les, here’s your tab.
Here’s another for Les….
This would look perfect on old Les’s clown suit.
From the Elko Nevada News:
“Amber R. Williams, 32, of Elko was arrested at 3015 Idaho St. for false statement to obstruct a public officer. Bail: $1,140”
I wonder if Les can lecture her on false statements.
The Elko police log and mugshots are a hoot.
When I was stationed in 29 Palms, we had a name for some of the locals… desert chud
I propose that someone do a Les Brown crossword puzzle and post as a new thread.
Winner gets a bottle of Young G’s BBQ sauce and a free ticket to this year’s Elko Chili Feed.
Here you go:
That was fun.
Absolutely brilliant MM!! Outstanding work. LMAO
Comment # 2,101
Still waiting to hear the “Truth” from Lester Kent Brown.
We’ll see Hillary indicted for crimes before Ole’ Les admits to shit.
It’s funny because you guys used to actually think Hillary was going to be indicted.
Fuck off, you miserable piece of shit.
I truly think that “Helpful Medal” is 1) Either a poser or embellisher who has been outed on TAH.
2) A friend of a poser.
3) some pissy-assed zit-faced little troll living in his Momma’s basement who reads “Soldier of Fortune” at the magazine rack of a 7-11 with a scowl on his face thinking that makes him look like a badass.
4) An Employee of APL.
do you believe the threat of the only LED billboard in Elko
blipping STOLEN VALOR, with images of
Les Brown AND the Elko POW*MIA logo,
is enough for Les Brown to voluntarily call it quits,
or persuade the Elko POW*MIA to force Les Brown to come clean and put an end to the lies?
I could possibly make them an offer,
for a full Les Brown confession,
and apologies,
seen by all here…
I could be willing to pull the plug on the LED billboard.
The Elko County Fair opens today at 8am.
I wonder if Les and the boys will be there with
bells on.
3 days next weekend.
Friday, August 30,
Saturday, August 31,
Sunday, September 1.
Les should come clean and step into the
dunk tank seat. They would make a fortune.
Kids toss for free.
Les Brown’s “Community Service” should be speaking to the Elko County Fair crowd about honesty, and the importance of telling the truth.
In civilian clothing.
No US Army military uniform.
No POW*MIA phony badass black leather vest.
I imagine they were.
They were probably running the All-Points Logistics booth.
Elko County Fair?
Where’s the chili? Where’s the damn free chili?
I have my uniform. Just got it last Tuesday. I got all the shiny stuff, especially the American Defense Medal. (That sum’bitch was hard to find, since it wasn’t issued after December 6, 1941, but I managed. That’s how we do it in the Infantry.)
Got chili, right?
Got any extra bbq sauce around there?
Sans chili and bbq sauce, the PTS of the D might kick in, and then, I will have to commit multiple crimes, and blame all of those actions on any other entity than myself.
Hey, don’t shed your tears on my American Defense Medal!
Here is an old photo of Les at his first
speaking engagement. The costume has changed and
he now realizes that the speaker should be in
front of the crowd instead of the back.
There is a NEW Elementary School in Spring Creek, NV.
Not far from the Academy of Les Brown school photos fame.
The Faque Booque post already has a 1st comment….
[Don’t let phonies into the school
to talk to (or hug) schoolchildren.
Ban Les Brown.
[Link to valorguardians More or Les]]
I have a hunch, that this is NOT going away.
“Faque Booque”…
marinedad61, request permission to steal, over;
Granted, of course.
But don’t morph it into Fag Boog,
which is now considered politically incorrect.
Especially since there is NO confirmation
on the rumors concerning the sexual preferences and/or orientation of a certain member of the Elko POW*MIA.
As Jerry Seinfeld said back in the 1990s —
“Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
We won’t hear from this guy for a while…but he will surface again once he thinks we have lost interest…
That whole cabal thinks they can wait this out, I think.
Just to make everyone “aware.” There is more coming in this ongoing sh^t saga! Stay tuned.
charles w, do you want sell some more of your popcorn futures? Asking for the packaging facility manager.
former Vice Commander of the Elko POW*MIA.
Too bad the CURRENT members of the Elko POW*MIA
did not see the value
in getting LES BROWN
to tell the TRUTH.
The collateral damage continues today.
Perhaps the POW*MIA will NOW get Les Brown to come out from the shadows,
and publicly come clean.
I was talking to a guy in Florida the other day and he mentioned a problem with selling one of
his properties. Seems the place has Black Mold
and cannot be legally sold in that condition.
I told hom about a worse condition know as
Brown Stain and he should be thankful he is not
dealing with that instead.
He agreed.
NEW photo of Les Brown and Tom Wulf. August 24.
[Officers being sworn in.
Les Brown- Director
Ken Adams- Sergeant at Arms.
Rich Dyer will be sworn in at a later date as Treasurer.]
Les Brown is STILL wearing the Desert Storm Veteran patch with 4 ribbons.
Carlin Cop John Rowe
is among those who clicked “Like”
on this Les Brown re-election swearing in photo.
Does he not realize where this all ends?
Deleting quick. I guess no news on the Les Brown front?
1 month later, it is painfully obvious that…
Les Brown has been pointing his finger
at his 1991 Germany DD-214, on the line
and than saying something bullyish like
“See, this proves I was in Desert Storm / Iraq / Saudi”
He intentionally avoids mentioning that he has
NO Southwest Asia Service (Campaign) Medal.
He might point to his Overseas Service Ribbon,
but that is actually for service NOT in a war zone, like Japan, Italy, or GERMANY.
Ironically, this proves his Saudi / Iraq claims FALSE.
Furthermore, other DD-214s for part-time NG and RES soldiers and airmen activated in 1990-1991,
and actually sent to Saudi Arabia / Southwest Asia,
show a line entry of DATES in [18. Remarks] for
It’s a campaign medal verifier line entry.
Of course, Les Brown’s DD-214
is missing this line entry and these dates.
So, since it’s apparently so easy to fool the civilians
with DD-214 phony finger pointing,
coupled with continued lies of Desert Storm and Iraq
war zone and combat claims,
it will take an actual veteran with DD-214 knowledge IN ELKO.
Apparently, as of August 31,
Les Brown STILL claims to be willing
to show his papers locally, in person, to anyone.
How true will that be, when the request to view his DD-214
is made by an out-of-town visitor
who is NOT his friend nor ally?
So, let’s go Elko County.
Get your prominent community leaders and military veterans to call out Les Brown.
Either by compelling Les Brown to stop the lying game,
tell the whole truth, and start with the apologies.
OR.. by verifying his DD-214(s) as NOT a war veteran.
OR.. by simply notifying and informing everyone in Elko County
with the conclusion that veterans around the USA already know.
Mr. Brownstain isn’t going to show anyone anything because there is nothing to show.
He is a liar. End of story.
Someone in Elko needs to be reaching for the flush handle…
Unfortunately (all too typical)
some friends and loyal org members
would rather stay blind to reality,
and protect their own from “outsiders”.
Some of them openly admit it.
Fortunately, they are not winning the Les Brown war.
FWIW: actually, the OSR is now indeed awarded for service in a combat zone – PROVIDED the soldier in question serves long enough in said combat zone to rate credit for an overseas short tour. The previous policy precluding award of the OSR if a campaign/expeditionary medal was awarded was rescinded some years ago.
The change was made retroactive. This means that soldiers who (1) served in earlier conflicts (e.g., Vietnam, Gulf War); (2) met then-current criteria for short tour credit and indeed received short tour credit; and (3) were on active duty at some time after the OSR was created in 1981 are eligible to have their records updated to reflect OSRs for those previous overseas tours. See
For those deploying in a TDY/TCS status, currently a minimum of 9 months continuous service (or 11 months service within a 24 month period) is required for tour credit.
The OSR shows up on two of his DD214s.
Am thinking he completed a normal unaccompanied tour for Johnston Island to be awarded the OSR.
Don’t think he was credited for an overseas tour while stationed in Germany for less than 6 months in support of Desert Shield/Desert Storm, thus no OSR for this assignment.
POW/MIA Day is less than 2 weeks away. Gonna be interesting to see what that Self-Gloried Biker Group in Elko, Nevada plan to do.
Lester Kent Brown will most likely go to see his Grave never admitting his shortcomings. His Enablers will do same.
Pride Goeth Before a Fall.
NO ONE in Elko can explain why both 1991 & 1992
Les Brown DD-214s show
NO campaign medals.
But that doesn’t interest the pretender’s defenders,
when Les Brown’s finger pointed explanation
is all they want / need to be satisfied.
marinedad61: Does “NO ONE” include Lester Kent Brown of Elko, Nevada?
“O, What a Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive”
*(High five back)
FWIW Block 22.c on my DD-214 reads
Then lists the total years months days
without delineation between combat zone
and plain old German beer zone.
Block 24 gives a hint with 2 O/S Bars and
Block 30 Remarks has VN SERVICE: spelled
out with the dates.
But then again, there was no OSR for us
circa 1970. Even if there were the OSR in
conjunction with the O/S bars would be
double dipping if no other than combat
zone were not required.
I do have a suggestion,
IF there is any further need (or interest)
in informing / persuading / convincing the citizenry of Elko City and County, Nevada
about the bad behaviors of Les Brown.
Since there are now six (6) webpages full of Les Brown,
and it’s now VERY long reading,
TOO long to expect any of his friends and fans to read,
and even too long for a typical Elko citizen to absorb…..
I suggest that a future Page 7
be a clearly laid out 1 page full story summation of everything about Les Brown.
Previous updates did a good job, up to that point (1 month ago).
It would be great to lay out 1 weblink to anyone,
that serves as a long term effective convincer,
for those who simply don’t know about this website.
IMHO, there’s no hurry.
Les Brown and the Elko POW*MIA have already lost this battle,
even though many of them don’t realize it (yet).
BTW, this story IS taking hold in Elko County.
The whole town is NOT behind Les Brown.
A decent sized cabal remains loyal,
but even the cabal is taking hits and losses.
Great suggestion.
Unfortunately, some folks don’t want to admit they were duped by a Con Artist.
Too embarrasing and humilating for them.
IMHO, in what I read, support for Lester Kent Brown’s Self-Glorified Biker Group may be waning. Chili sales may drop in the future as well as monetary donations.
Lester Kent Brown and his Band of Merry Men are the “Elephant” in Elko, Nevada.
Be a shame the chilli starts tasting a
bit sour.
Maybe they need to rename their group “The Skidmarks”?
They would get sued:
API and 26Limabeans:
*High-Five Back to marinedad61*
Thank you.
I am actually considering hiring the ONLY LED billboard in Elko, visible at the corner of (main drag) Idaho St. at 12th St.
15 second “blips” about Les Brown and Stolen Valor,
hundreds of times a day.
It’s inexpensive for a short run,
and a 5 day run of billboard blips would get the attention of the entire city of Elko.
Making the billboard content can be done at home using something as simple as Windows Paint.
Getting an internet photo of the Les Brown billboard
would be the ultimate Stolen Valor classic.
Choice of 7½ or 10 seconds blips.
Another great idea, marinedad61.
Thank You for sharing.
Still think ole Lester Kent Brown is hiding something since he seems to address his 2nd DD214 rather than his first one.
Am becoming more convinced his first tour was at Fort Lewis, followed by an unaccompanied tour at Johnston Island. Probably why the 1st wife left and divorced him in Washington State.
Probably another reason why he lied about having the 2nd/75th as his Combat Patch as well as wearing the US Army Diver’s Patch, the RANGER Tab, CIB and Master Jump Wing.
Yep, ole Lester Kent Brown is definitely hiding something from his past.
And folks fell for his story hook, line and sinker.
Those folks probably gave to Nigerian Scam artists as well.
I would like to know the true reason
for his Pacific adventure.
His request?
His punishment?
Wife’s request?
Good morning, Ninja.
I have just created 2 billboard JPG files to the exact 704×200 resolution for the Elko LED billboard at 12th and Idaho Sts.
I would like to upload the 2 files,
for opinion and review by the staff of this website,
before I decide to proceed.
Should I send the files to
I suspect some here might be willing to kick in a few $$$ to help defray costs.
That’s a generous suggestion,
which I hadn’t considered.
Perhaps helpful, if the majority opinion here is that an extended billboard campaign beyond an initial 5 day run is warranted.
5 days of blips might be enough
to get the water cooler conversations going around various businesses in downtown Elko.
In the mean time…
Consider making a donation to this website.
Not for anything to do with my little solo LED billboard effort.
Donate to Valor Guardians for the huge amount of time and effort they’ve put into informing (and entertaining) all of us
with the many pages on Les Brown
(and the Elko POW*MIA).
Keep hammering the Elko Daily Free Press…
for their journalistic failure
to drop the hammer on Les Brown.
From the articles on Trump in the Elko paper, it looks like their Progda writers/regurgitaters have been infected with TDS.
Even in the latest “swearing in” photograph he is wearing the round “U.S. Army Retired” patch.
Big difference between “retired” and “discharged.”
But then, what good is an “oath” of office from a fraud?
I wonder if there are any “Keepers” amongst them.
That wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
The “Oaf” Keepers? Wasn’t there an Oaf Keeper phony who was a Sheriff up in Oregon? Darryl something or other?
I wouldn’t be even the least bit surprised if it turns out that many of Les Brown’s group are also Oofkeepers.
True – The Elko POW*MIA Awareness Association
actually has a “membership contract”
that new members must agree to and sign.
Can anyone get a hard copy of this contract,
to display the (truth and fees) contract details?
I wonder what the requirements to join are.
Be a shame they should welcome a ringer.
Play em like a trout.
Oh, the legacy of Les Brown[stain]!
Les Brown has decided to become a permanent skidmark on the underwear of Life.
Maybe someone, some brave and durable soul, could remind Les Brown that when they have the opening prayer at their meetings (they have a chaplain, y’know) – well, God knows Da Truth About Lester and playing dress-up isn’t the same thing as bald-faced lies about your service.
Ex-PH2: It would be nice if that brave and durable soul was the Chaplain.
That Self-Gloried “Look At Me!” Biker’s Group hides behind their vests.
They don’t care about our POWs/MIAs.
All they care about is themselves, about being in the limelight and their reputation.
And possibly $$$$$.
Lester Kent Brown is hiding something and his Enablers are supporting his deceit.
What a great time to warn folks/tourists on TripAdvisor to STAY AWAY from Elko, Nevada.
Their mines are loaded with “Fools” Gold.
*Sarc On*
Hey, all those people going to the Naruto Run On Area 51 have to have some place to stay before they get to that spot.
That clown named Les Brown still stinks up his town.
While he was rocking a scroll, Les thought he was on a roll.
But when the truth hit, Les knew he was s#!t.
And now it is past time for the “Brown Stain” to drain.
And the whole state.
City limits sign:
| Yeah, we know |
| |
| |
Damn Etch A Sketch
So, still crickets? I’m shocked, SHOCKED, I tells ya!!
Friday the 13th – Elko POW*MIA membership meeting.
Saturday the 14th – Member’s BBQ in Elko City Park.
Coincidentally, the LED Billboard on Idaho St.
is VISIBLE from City Park (< 2 blocks).
Seeing the billboard flashing STOLEN VALOR
and ELKO POW*MIA on the same screen
would be a real BBQ downer.
It is so tempting to inVEST in an LED billboard right now.
Maybe we could get Young G’s BBQ Sauce to sponsor the billboard.
I just emailed both VG/TAH and MP
with prototype LED billboard graphics (3).
I am planning to blast blip 2 of the 3
ALL DAY SATURDAY, September 14th.
I sure hope there is someone in Elko
ready and willing to take LED billboard photos.
More, soon.
Maybe stream live on Facebook?
I just lined up an ally in Elko,
willing to take high quality photos
AND Go Pro video
of the LED billboard in action.
Just waiting for the green light and blessing from the Stolen Valor website(s).
This is lookin’ really good for SATURDAY.
More soon….
Update – 2 allies.
1 with camera and GoPro video.
1 with camera.
90% this is a GO.
LED billboard
DURING the Elko POW*MIA picnic,
2 blocks away,
on SATURDAY, September 14.
This is the (large) LED Billboard
on the (main drag) Idaho Street in Elko, Nevada.
2 blocks from the ELKO POW*MIA BBQ picnic
on Saturday, September 14.
(Google Maps – Street View)
Giggling like a school girl. Would love to be a fly on the chilli pot.
Good morning.
The Elko LED Billboard at Idaho and 12th
is already a success,
3 days before it blips STOLEN VALOR.
Some at ELKO POW*MIA already know about it,
and it’s sure to be the prime topic at their
Board Meeting TONIGHT (Wed, Sept 11).
(Meeting) – “Holy shit, what can we do?”
The disruption of their Wednesday and Friday (Membership) meetings,
and their Saturday City Park BBQ picnic,
is already a done deal.
All for about ¼ the cost of a
day trip to Les Vegas (or Atlantic City).
We will see the results,
when the Elko LED Billboard educates and informs a whole new wave of Elko citizens.
(Meeting) – “Holy shit, what can we do?”
Throw chilli at it?
Pray for a massive power outage.
Yell, look!..a squirrel, and
point the other way.
Is that a flaming squirrel, it’s a no go if it’s not a flaming squirrel.
I wonder how many of Les Brown’s band are also Oofkeepers?
Funny, lot of patriots in Elko apparently. They all are anti-Elko Free Press, yet I am guessing they also stick up for Les Brown.
What a dynamic audience.
Here is my offer to you…..
You must….
1 – have Les Brown confess his lies, tell the whole truth, remove the unauthorized (phony) patches from his US Army uniform(s), and apologize to both Military Phony and Valor Guardians websites, as well as apologize to all pertinent parties in Elko and Carlin, Nevada.
2 – Email the detailed confession and apology
to both Military Phony and Valor Guardians.
3 – Post the detailed confession and apology
on your Elko*POW Facebook page, for all to see.
4 – (Alternate) Email to Military Phony and Valor Guardians, and post to your Facebook page, ALL the secret hidden evidence that supposedly supports the many claims of Les Brown.
IF you do all 3 (or fully satisfy #4)
I will cancel the LED billboard
at Idaho and 12th Streets, Elko, Nevada.
It’s all up to you.
You have less than 36 hours.
Ok, everyone.
The Elko LED Billboard is locked in and paid for.
Sept. 13 – Friday 4pm to 11pm,
to coincide with the Elko POW*MIA membership meeting.
Sept. 14 – Saturday 6am to 11pm
to coincide with the Elko POW*MIA BBQ picnic.
The LED Billboard is located on the main drag,
Idaho Street, between 11th & 12th Streets,
visible from 12th, 13th, & 14th St. intersections.
Bwwwwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha gasp hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Now that’s what I call a “Time on Target!”
you da Man marinedad61
I should add this
I am doing this LED Billboard on my own.
I have my personal reasons for doing so.
This includes several discussions with Elko citizens.
The Military Phony and Valor Guardians websites
have NOTHING to do with this LED Billboard.
I’m just happy they let me blog about it here.
Ooh, to be able to hear what they’re saying while the billboard is displaying…
Unless they take action to prevent it.
The LED Billboard company has deadlines on activating and cancelling LED Billboard campaigns.
As of now, the Elko POW*MIA
has less than 24 hours to act on my offer.
Well, if you’re locked and loaded, why would you shut down the barrage? 🙂
Today is January 15, 1991 (again).
Will the small town desert despot do the right thing… or not?
12 hours to midnight.
That said….
I’ll guess the Saturday BBQ picnic chatter will include plenty of..
“Son of a M F B, that S O B marine dad
wasn’t F bluffing.”
Can you also run a PSA for a critically missing woman? Trying to raise awareness for the safe recovery of the president of a proud but humble woman owned business who went missing from the Bethesda MD area shortly after the 2014 midterm elections.
No. But there are ways to use social media like Twitter and Facebook to raise awareness, and create a share storm.
Good luck.
That certainly will raise awareness. On the plus side, Les Brown Stains claims verse his actual record more than qualify him for employment at All Points Logistics.
Awareness in Elko, yes.
Many in Elko never see this website,
and are not on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
So, some Elko citizens will now learn about
Stolen Valor (in Elko) from an LED billboard.
Godzilla appearing over the horizon
would not faze most people but that
billboard cannot be ignored.
Will you have reporters embedded to send SITREPS?
I have 3 boots on the ground
volunteer photographers (1 with video),
who will send me their photos and video.
However, I do not know how to post my own photos or video here in this blog. I can email them to the site admin using the listed admin email address.
Anyone with good advice on how I can make the Elko Billboard photos and video part of my blog comments, on my own?
Sounds good! Wonder if we can have a local news reporter get some comments from Les Brown on his reactions? Lol!
Anyone can contact the Elko Daily Free Press
with a NEWS TIP.
But not me.
Do they respond?
I predict a zero response from the Elko daily snooze rag.
Be a shame word gets around about the spoiled chilli:
Thank you to those of you who offered me donations.
It’s not necessary. But thank you again.
In the mean time…
Consider making a donation to this website.
Not for anything to do with my little solo LED billboard effort.
Donate to Valor Guardians for the huge amount of time and effort they’ve put into informing (and entertaining) all of us
with the many pages on Les Brown
(and the Elko POW*MIA).
This option looks expensive at $100 a minute.
Fifteen minutes over the chilli feed would
be well worth it though.
At tonights meeting the Chaplain will lead the
group in prayer, asking God for a sign.
Just…..Damn! hahahahahahahahahaha
We saw what you did there. Well played, sir, well played.
My guess is that God’s ears will be stuffed with cotton, and he’ll be reading a really good book with an astounding ending.
Not to mention (but I will), coincidental perfect timing,
tonight’s 7pm Elko High School football game
3 blocks away, on 13th St.
That’s a lot of (additional) drive by traffic between 4pm and 11pm.