| April 15, 2018

I don’t know what is going on in this video, but I’m pretty sure I don’t like it;

Category: Air Force

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she must identify as a sock puppet


A transgender sock puppet.


Edited video – watch her hand at the end. TAH shouldn’t perpetuate this, unless it is to take down the @$$-clown that edited and the posted the video.


Sock puppet re-enlistment?

Because nothing says “Warfighter” like a sock puppet re-enlistment!

How far we have fallen….


The USAF has devolved into some kind of weird smash up of fantasy disco and get smart…


With the bad leisure suits in pastel colors…


worn by dumpy looking people that can’t stand up straight.

James Pritchett

Aren’t “bad” and “leisure suit” the same thing?


Don’t blame it on the Air Force. That is some circus event from the Tennessee Air National Guard.

Perhaps the clown in officer garb should have his federal recognition revoked.

Maybe if someone sent a link to the TN TAG he might be able to explain it to the rest of the world.


Believe me, working on an Air Force base, this type of shit is SOP.


AW1Wd and all posts referring to his are correct. This makes me sick.


Apologizes, I meant AW1Ed.


No harm no foul, Sparks.

borderbill (a NIMBY/BANANA)



JEEZUZ… WTF was that? And coming from a SNCO!?!?!

Can’t wait for ChipNASA and the other AF brethren to chime in on this farce…


I am retired USAFR and am mortified by this crap. Can’t believe the “O” went along with it. He and the chunky monkey SRNCO both need to have their asses reamed.


Thank you for serving, Pam…


You’re certainly welcome.


Did you do 20 years or more of active duty?

MSG Eric

You can retire from the reserve component after 20 as well Yef. The difference is reserve retirements don’t provide a pension check until 60. (unless you’ve deployed then deployments cut down time from that)


I have 26 years, 9 months, and seven days combined Active duty and Reserve time, retirement orders and a monthly check.

The Stranger

Yef, you might want to engage your brain before you open your mouth. Or not.

You say some of the dumbest fucking things and you’re always trying to one up people. They ought to call you “Cool Whip” because you’re always trying to top everything. You try to be funny but you lack the wit and timing to be so. Seriously, go away. Adults are talking.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO “Miracle Whip” would be a good nickname for him because from time to time one could look at his comments and think it’s a miracle that he even remembers how to breathe!

The Stranger

We need to put this up for a vote. Fellow TAHers, what’ll it be:

Cool Whip


Miracle Whip?


That’s a tough one…
I’ll go with cool whip.
Notice they are un-capitalized…
Asa notation of a lack of respect.


Aye for cool whip.

MSG Eric

How about Miracool Whip?


I suggest a third choice; “jerk-off!” But cool whip is acceptable. lol


7-years AD, 19-years in the USAR.

I am 65-years-old now. In addition to my military retirement, I am on Tricare For Life.


Former USAF/USAFR here, as well. God help us. I’m embarrassed to admit I ever wore a “blue suit”.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Oh. Fuck. No. Not even remotely funny and IMHO both parties involved need to have their asses reamed.


Amen on that, API!

The Guvna

What a mockery of the oath I have taken 3 times.


So..you’re saying this ISN’T normal for the Air Force?


Sea Story Alert.
There I was, my last re-enlistment. I chose to have the ceremony performed in-flight, on the mighty P-3 Orion, with my DivO administering. We moseyed up to the flight station, and I grabbed a NB-8 Navy Backpack parachute on the way up. The Ell-Tee first discharged me from the Navy, and was a bit surprised when I began to don the parachute.

“AW1Ed, what are you doing?”
“Just Mr.Ed now, sir. Please ask the Flight Station to depressurize, ’cause I’ll be getting out here.”

His look was priceless, and the Flight Engineer couldn’t stop laughing through the rest of the ceremony.


So, I’m guessing this is the Tennessee Air National Guard? Very high standards. I see two assholes, and two assholes dumb enough to have themselves videotaped…for that I thank them…

Frankie Cee

Well, it IS Tennessee. Ho-hum.

The Stranger

I would be smoking EVERYBODY involved in this, including the cameraman, family members, and anyone unfortunate enough to be in the path of the Smoke-nado!

NR Pax

“I will PT you fuckers until you die, find you when you are born into another life and PT you again.”

The Stranger

One million times this.

Carlton G. Long

Buttermilk would certainly be involved.


Uh…if you look at her hand as she drops it, you see it change from sockpuppet to bare hand. Is it still Photoshop if it is video?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Saw the same split second change from sock puppet to bare hand. Had to rewind to make sure.


Saw that as well.

some guy

Try as I might, I don’t see it. And looking at shadows, lighting, and movement, I unfortunately don’t see any evidence for trickery. YMMV

USMC Steve

Doesn’t matter. Both of those two shitbirds should have been at rigid position of attention. Why was her hand up in the air in the first place, sock puppet stupidity or not?


“Raise your right hand….”

I get the impression that some folks say the oath with a hand raised, an some at attention.

When I enlisted, we were told to raise our right hand. Every enlistment, reenlistment, and commissioning I have witnessed was with the hand raised.

OSC(SW) Retired

The approved script for the oath of enlistment calls for the enlistee and officer administering the oath to raise their right hand.


Before it breeds!!!

Michael Yates

That damn officer should be relieved and the poor excuse of a SNCO should be demoted to a pay grade commensurate to her mentality, CIVILIAN. Wonder if she uses the sock puppet in counciling and training younger troops? Disgraceful!

A Proud Infidel®™️

Amen to that, how in the ever-loving fuckety-fuck does she ever expect anyone to take her seriously after some stupid stunt like that? I’m sure they’ll get a shitstorm of well-deserved ass-reamings very soon if they haven’t started to already.


Looking for a brick wall….


What in the actual fuck?


That’s it. That’s all I have. Jonn summed it up perfectly.

MSG Eric

Even for the Air National Guard this is ridiculous.

Yeah, they won’t last long after this goes viral and someone at the Pentagon has to brief it to a 4 star or even Mattis.


Brief it to Mattis. Yea. Wouldn’t want to the guy that has to brief that. “Good Lord! Mattis just ate the messenger!” If it was a joke, well, some jokes just aren’t meant to be video taped and shared amongst the masses.


People would be barking like foxes if they had to brief this to the SECDEF… and the ass reaming they would be getting in return would shake the establishment.


Youse guys have it all wrong!

She’s just beginning to learn the hand motions for the “Chicken Dance”! 😉


I wonder if John Kerry has seem this.

Perry Gaskill

Vietnamese doing the chicken dance?

Oh, sure. First they distract you with oompah music and a chicken dance, then they RPG your ass when you’re not looking…


Didn’t Yef do a chicken dance just yesterday?


Saw it.


Can’t be unseen.


Why is Charlie doing the Chicken Dance? Here is something they can dance to:



I have only had a reenlistment ceremony one time. That was the first time I re-upped. All other times I just signed some paperwork.

The last time I reenlisted I really wasn’t planning on doing so. I was over 20 and was planning on getting out of the the military. Our reenlistment NCO just assumed that I was going to re-up.

I said to the re-up NCO when she brought me some paperwork to sign for six more years, “what makes you think that I want to reenlist?” The NCO thought I was just kidding. “Sign your contract, I am busy and have other things to do.” I signed it.

I later told the NCO that I was serious and wasn’t planning on reenlisting. She was shocked and told me that she would tear up the contract if I wanted. “Nah, don’t bother, six more years!”

Two years later, while returning to Fort Knox Kentucky on a Saturday night, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver and almost killed. I spent over four months in the hospital learning how to walk again. Funny how things happen.

Cameron Kingsley

I sure hope that drunk driver ended up in jail.


16-years for first degree assault. The DA did not bother with the DUI charge. The drunk had multiple felonies. He could have gotten 25-years to life.

dolch mann

If you lost conciousness, like over 24 hours or more, have been diagnosed with PTSD and TBI, you are entitled to a greater level of VA Comp, that being r.2/t You must also have a&a, and a letter from your mental health professional. Get the benefiits you have earned! Good luck to you!


I don’t know what the fuck that was but I know I damned well don’t like it. Not one bit. That is a solemn oath which I took for our nation and it should not be a source of humor or laugh tracks. Fuck her and the guy who took her oath for being party to it. I hope both of them stand tall before the man for this.

Jus Bill

I just have no words…

Actually I do, but they’re NSFW.


I’m sincerely hoping that by now, someone higher up at ANGRC is being asked the questions that have been raised here. I served 30 years in the WA ANG, and I would have been in jail for kicking someone’s ass for doing a stunt like this – I was proud to take the oath and all it stands for. This just chaps my ass!


There is serious seismic activity at the gravesite of LtCol D, USAAF/USAF. Dad never forgot his Army roots and would’ve brought serious pee to bear on these misguided assclowns. You should’ve heard him the first time that “Army of One” shit aired. Does article 134 of the UCMJ cover this level of dumbassery?

A Proud Infidel®™️

It damned sure ought to in this case, I hope a bunch of pissed-off high Brass shows them their ass over this.


Female looks a little chunky.

Forest Green

God help us and God help me if I were ever present for that Bullshit. I guess I need to move to the mountains somewhere; snow or not.


I took the Oath of Enlistment several times, and the Oath of Appointment just once. They are solemn and binding. This is Bullshit.


Observe her right hand as she lowers it, it is some good editing and got our fur up.


I think you’re right.


We got trolled, well done!


Could be…I was viewing on my crappy smartphone. I’d also slam that reenlistment officer for having to read the oath as opposed to memorizing and delivering it…also, sloppy bearing for both officer and NCO…But, in all fairness, I’ve witnessed worse…


I don’t think is a video mod. Her arm moves when she moves the sock puppet.

Also, she should have been at the position of attention, not executing a hand salute, so there is no excuse to have her hand up by her face.

I say this is real.


Hand salute? WTF you talking about? Who salutes through a whole oath.

She’s clearly holding her right hand up. As one would do when you’re told to “Raise your right hand and repeat after me.” You know, like every time I took the oath (or any oath of office or during courtroom testimony). Now whether said hand is operating a T-Rex puppet or not is the debate.

Guard Bum

Good god you have to be the dumbest guy on the Internet. If you do not know how to swear an oath I suspect you have never served. Its okay being a civilian, just don’t act like you are in the know.

The Stranger

Well, according to him, he’s a hard charging 11-Bang Bang. He could be legit, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s dumb as a post.


That’s insulting to posts…


Oh shit, stolen valor!

Fake 11B identified.


Jesus H. Tap dancing Christ! Yef! Get your GT waiver ass out on the company street and sweep until I get tired! You will not speak unless spoken to by a superior, am I clear? Now unass my AO!

MSG Eric

When we see a link to an “unedited” version of this that proves it was modified, then I’ll believe it.

The way things are going today, I’m believing what I see until I see otherwise.

Toasty Coastie

How is that even allowed? I think I agree with a couple others, this looks like it was edited. I sure do hope that is the case…

2/17 Air Cav

Anyone have any idea why I cannot view videos posted here?

borderbill (a NIMBY/BANANA)

Yer jus’ lucky on this one.

Perry Gaskill

I wasn’t seeing it either until I tried with a spare netbook that doesn’t have adblock.


If you block trackers the video won’t appear. I had to shut off all my internet privacy tools to get it to load.

2/17 Air Cav

Thanks fellers. I’ll give this and that a try.


That explains it. I had the same problem, although I was able to go to the actual FB page it was posted to (and the comments there are going nuclear).



A video that clearly trolls military and veterans, requires turning off all security/privacy to load the video.

Hmmmmmm… Funny that…

If you did so to view it, at the very least clear your browser caches and re-enable all prior security/privacy settings. If you are truly suspicious, it would not hurt to kick off a manual scan with your preferred antivirus/anti-malware tool.


The real question is did the colonel sign a letter of appreciation for her life partner?

Forest Green

The sock puppet IS her life partner!


Wow. I have never seen an officer reading the Oath during a reenlistment.


I have. And I have held the same negative opinion of that each time.


I refuse to read the enlistment oath. I was enlisted once, the oath is that important.

Guard Bum

Probably because you don’t see many reenlistments from your mothers basement.


Fucking DROP!!!!!!

Start pushing.

(Leave them there for days)

USMCMSgt (Ret)


And just keep pushing until they change the Earth’s orbit.


The only drop that would be occurring if this was the Corps is the Head after it was immidately served by a knife hand. 😂

James Pritchett

Every day I find another reason to be embarrassed of my service branch.

Mike Kozlowski

…Holy Mother of God and all Her Wacky Nephews.

I am going after this one – hopefully with a bunch of other retired and former NCOs, but alone if need be. The only possible words for this are ‘farking disgrace”.


Heard a bunch of bad jokes over the years at the expense of USAF, but this just about takes the cake. Whoever put this hot mess together needs some serious counseling.


Maybe she is representing the way the new military has become? To become even “more” Sr Enlisted you have to tell the O ranks everything is just the way they think it should be and then shut up and color. 🙂

Of course at the end of the day it is HER re-enlistment. I’ve seen them done from horseback and in a lot of non military ways. As long as the oath is sworn and they mean it who cares about the bells and whistles.

Flame on I’m sure. However it’s done they reupped and are subject to the same UCMJ we all are at the end of the day.


As a SNCO who as served on active duty in the Navy and in the Navy and Air Force reserve, this is absolutely appalling.

I retire shortly after 33 years of service. Thankfully I have never witnessed something like this in person.

I had a Lt(jg) reenlist me in 1994 and he more squared away than the two in this video. My blood is boiling.


Looks like she’s wearing maternity uniform as well. That guy reading the paper doing the ceremony looks like a real winner too.

This is “military” service now days.

A Proud Infidel®™

All I can think is that must be one really Goober McGunk Hee-haw excuse of an Air Guard Unit, those two did ONE HELLUVA JOB at perpetuating the stereotype that AD Personnel have of Guard Units. I’ve served with NG Units that made some of the AD Units I served with and alongside look tame but I once again mention the Weapons Grade Shitty Publicity they gave the Guard…

Green Thumb


The Stranger

And by the way, if the video was edited to troll people, that isn’t really much better. Especially if anyone in the video was involved in that.

The Stranger

Hey all, off topic but I just heard that R. Lee Ermey just passed away.


I just heard about it. Sad day. Rest in peace, Marine!

Guard Bum

It looks pretty clear to me it is an edited video from my big computer screen and if she is wearing a maternity uniform so the fuck what? Do we only want old maids and lesbians serving now?

Not sure why all the dog pile on this MSgt who appears to be the victim of some a-hole posting a doctored video but good grief.

If this is real they both ought to be charged and the reenlistment voided but I wear tri-focals…and they are dirty…and I can see the video editing.

Maybe we should be trying to find out who is trolling us and who thought it was a good idea to make this Airman look so bad.


As I commented above, since the vid requires greatly reducing security/privacy settings, this might not be just some assholes’ clickbait trolling.

When the OPFOR says “Hey! Hey! Lookee over here!!!!” …….

Of course, it could just be some assholes being assholes.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, it’s real. The officer said he failed to do his duty and will do better next time. (Hell, he ought to be fired just for that alone.”) The NCO said she was making the video, suggesting it wasn’t real, for her children but then some hard questions were asked, such as ‘So, you didn’t re-enlist?’ and ‘There was another oath taken?’ Turns out that she also forgot to tell people who complained to Public Affairs which, by the way, issued a reply, that she works for Public Affairs!

Guard Bum

If that is the case then I totally disgusted and both ought to be cashiered.

How depressing
Is it that we have two ass clowns like this publically shaming themselves and the AF.


You sure? Looks like the sock puppet disappears as the hand is coming down.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, I’m sure. It was real. In fact, no one–not the two humans, not the sock puppet, and not officialdom–even suggests otherwise.


How about we re-enlist soldiers that can deploy. The military isnt a daycare service

2/17 Air Cav

The military never used to be a daycare service. All fixed, Jonp.


In the dictionary this falls somewhere between immaturity and what the fuck. I’m surprised either would be party to this. Does their CO know of this bullshit? Do the Air Force higher ups know? If not, they soon will. This is disgraceful.

Prior Service

Because I memorized the oath, I was able to look everyone I ever reenlisted in the eye as I did so. This guy looks to be reading the oath right from the paper. Probably completely unaware of the mockery of the ceremony going on immediately in front of him. Can’t believe nobody is putting a stop to this stuff.


Well hell. I have to hope this is a joke. If it isn’t then both of them need to be choked. I would have lost my shit if I had been present for this. I did six year in the ARNG and 14+ in the USAFR and never saw shit this silly. Thanks assholes, the AF doesn’t have image issues as it is and now you two shitbirds do this.


Ge the fuck out of my Air Force.

Re-enlistment denied.

There is a dumpster I need to hatefuck.


If you pause it at the last second as her hand is dropping, it looks like the sock puppet disappears somewhat. Someone probably had some time on their hands and edited this video.


Among many military experiences, the most humbling and stirring ones was when a soldier asked me to re-enlist them. Even in the USAR this is deeply important duty and honor for anyone to administer to Oath. For a senior officer to allow such a mockery to occur is WRONG. A Serviceman, signing up to serve our nation is not a trivial thing. A re-enlistment means that, once again, that individual is putting US before their own personal situation.

I get that some humor should be allowed, AW1ed’s story about the parachute is pretty damn funny. 🙂

I hope that someone channels the ghost of Curtis Lemay and lays some serious ass whuppin’ on these two.


She does show up in the AFGAL in the 118 MSG as a student. That Wing in the TN ANG now has an RPA mission with attendant intel functions, one of which purports to be imagery analysis. I suspect there are more than one individual in such a unit who could doctor up a video toembarass some folks.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, this fooled everyone but you, including her unit leadership. I guess they tortured the apologies from the two miscreants to really fool us, too.

Dave Ross

Wow… tinfoil hats up.


That’s not remotely funny