Obama blows off Medal of Honor recipients [Jonn]

| January 21, 2009

According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in President for the first time in 56 years blew off the ball (that’s 14 Inaugurations).

Some background on the ball;

The American Legion sponsors the ball, which recognizes recipients of Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award. It started in 1953 for President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first inauguration.

Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

So where was our new President instead of honoring Medal of Honor recipients who by some miracle are still alive? According to Huffington Post, this was his schedule for Inaugural celebrations;

Later that day, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will host 10 official inaugural balls:

_ Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Obama Home States (Illinois and Hawaii) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Biden Home States (Pennsylvania and Delaware) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Midwest Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Western Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Commander in Chief’s Ball at the National Building Museum.

_ Southern Inaugural Ball at the National Guard Armory.

_ Eastern Inaugural Ball at Union Station.

_ Youth Inaugural Ball at the Washington Hilton.

Unofficial balls include:

_ Congressional Black Caucus Inaugural Ball at the Capitol Hilton.

_ Creative Coalition Inaugural Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts.

_ Recording Industry Association of America’s ball for Feeding America.

_ BET’s Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

_ Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.

_ American Music Inaugural Ball at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

_ Inaugural Purple Ball at the Fairmont Hotel.

_ Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Ball at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

_ Inaugural Peace Ball at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

_ Impact Film Fund ball.

Mr. Wolf from Blackfive sends along this link to which Inaugural Balls Obama actually attended last night.

Category: Politics

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I’m trying to think of something witty or snide and all I can come up with is a stream of shit that would have me being visited by a bunch of dudes in black suits driving dark tinted Ford Crown Vics.


“Obama blows” is enough to get the point across.

T.N. Amaps

Obviously, it takes a lot of balls to blow off the Medal of Honor recipients…


Imagine the blow to his ego, if Obama were to be surrounded by men of such accomplishment, a place where he were not the center of attention, but forced to recognize the great work of others.

Of course, this event is not designed to build the ego and honor the incoming CinC for having convinced sufficient numbers of ill-informed voters. It is designed for the incoming CinC to demonstrate honor and respect to those already recognized for their service to Nation, Service, and fellow Soldiers.

It is astounding that the incoming CinC has again placed publicity ahead of those that have kept this Nation safe.

Just A Grunt

He showed up at the CinC ball where the troops were brought to him or appeared via remote on a big screen but he couldn’t go wade among the great unwashed in person. Besides those people didn’t vote for him anyway so why waste his time.

Obama is all about pay for play. Here in Georgia we are being warned that we won’t get much in the way of bailout money, as most southern states won’t because we didn’t buy his whole hope and change shtick.


I hope when he flashes that smile, the msm calls infectious, to award the next Medal of Honor recipient(s), they will ask it be handed over by Gates or anyone else. No photo op for you, 0bama!


Can somebody (anybody) tell me when and where this ball took place?


Last night, at the Rennaissance hotel in DC.


Well, at least he found time to go to the BET ball… I mean we all realize or should realize that rappers and other music artists are the real folk who protect our nation’s free speech rights.

In a fair and just world this country would accept no excuse and no reason for this snub and he’d be held in scorn for this. But since he has no honor, nor do many/most of his supporters they’ll over look this issue.

We are in for some heavy seas Ladies and Gents.


Inaugural Peace Ball? Africa on the Potomac?

With all the fruitbat and ‘troof ta powa’ functions, who has time to honor veterans?

Well they did put a NG Armory on the itinerary. But I’ll bet there’s no admittance to the Soldiers stationed there.


TSO What was the official name of the ball?

Jonn wrote: Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball


Curious, WTF? Yougot your head up the The COW’s ass or something? Name of ball doesn’t matter.
Are you trying to cover for The COW or what? He missed a dinner with the former Prez and then he snubs MOH winners? To me, unfreaking forgivable.


It does matter to me that know one can tell me the name of the ball that he missed. If everyone is going to bash him for the function I want to look it up. Fact of the matter is I dont believe this allegation. The funny thing is no one knows what the function was called, they weren’t there themselves, but they know who wasn’t there.

Jonn wrote: If you’d use your superior research skills to scroll down to the next post, you’d notice we did have someone there. Asshole.


I dont even see “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball” listed as a ball that took place.

Askew Attitude

The man said, “Change”, right? What better way to start than not do something 14 other CinCs have done?

November: Some Army brethren tried to convince me that Obama would be great for the Military.
Today: I printed this out, and did my “I told you so” dance as they read.

I challenge “The Messiah” to name 3 MoH recipents without using Google.


I wouldnt print anything from this site and hand it around as a official piece of toilet paper. Even on the American Legions site they commend Obama for attending the Commander in Chiefs ball. This is bogus.


I was there, you can see the picture of me below. Or, you could rall the Rennaissance. Or, you could call teh VP’s office and ask him where he was at around 11 last night. Or, you could google it and find pictures from 4 and 8 years ago. Or, you could just go on teh assumption I was hallucinating, and made the horrible picture of myself with a Medal of Honor recipient on photshop.

Don’t believe it all you want, no skin off me, but I was there, and it *IS* the first time the Pres was not.


TSO I already read your other post


For the record, a PR person at The Legion just told me the story will be up with pictures tomorrow morning on their website.


a story of what?

Miranda V

lol, is that what you really think?


Cling to your “this is bogus” ok Curious? At least through tomorrow.

Askew Attitude


First, interesting choice for a name. Says alot.

Second, yes, he did visit the CinC Ball. And, as a Soldier stationed at the Pentagon, I’ll tell you that in order to get a ticket for said ball, you had to know someone who knows someone. And, when the defense budget gets slashed 25%, and we have to start giving troops the boot, and forcing retirement, everyone will wonder why they even attended that very same ball.


I certainly will. Everything else hits the wire when it happens, so I want to know why this hasn’t. If I’m wrong then so be it…. I’m sure we can talk about the other 99 balls he missed as well.


I’m sure we can talk about the other 99 balls he missed as well.

As long as they have the same caliber of honorees and tradition.


So missing a ball honoring Purple Heart and MoH recipients is the same as missing the Ball honoring the Creative Coalition or BET? Just curious as to your thoughts on that Curious?


[…] This Ain’t Hell blog: According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in […]


I’m sure each ball means something different to everyone who attends them. I dont know what it will mean to the next person. I’m sure several of those balls have honorees and traditions worth noting. Don’t you? But I wouldnt try to compare any events.

Smokey Behr

The balls that were held last night are the only balls this administration will ever have.


So just out of “curiousity”……what balls are important enough to attend?


I think the answer should be obvious: the MOH ball is the important one to attend. Unless you abhorr anything military.
Showing up to CiC Ball only while the tradition calls for BOTH CiC and MOH Balls, clearly indicates the mindset of the current POTUS.

Blatant Reality

Hey Curious,

Here is a link of a news story (published today) mentioning someone attending the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball” at the Renaissance Hotel (Hint: Very Bottom).


Askew Attitude

I’d say that a ball honoring those who placed themselves in harms way in order to preserve your freedom to place such ludacris comments would be pretty important. But, if you choose to disagree… oh wait, you have the freedom to do so because of their bravery!


And again I ask…Why cant I find any details of this prestigious ball that occurred last night?


Why is this highly-regarded, do-not-miss ball not on any official event list ANYWHERE????? Why?????


I want to thank ‘Curious’ for commenting. There is little balance here, but, on occasion, we need wisdom like this.

He cuts to the core and frames his questions well.

Blatant Reality

Mentioned here as well (Don’t know why it isn’t on any official even list, though).



Curious: Try Google. It’s not that difficult.

Would you like a news link with an actual press release reporting on the ball and the tradition of the President and First Lady’s attendance (as official guests)?


BTW, this not some loose association of veterans. The ball is sponsored by congressionally-chartered veterans’ organizations (i.e., chartered by the federal government).

The more you spout off, the more obvious it becomes that you don’t care about the truth. Ever heard of Maxwell Smart?

Next it will be: “But I wasn’t there so it didn’t happen!”

Mr Wolf

Nice strawman you like throwing up- “Everything else hits the wire when it happens, so I want to know why this hasn’t. If I’m wrong then so be it”

Well, yer wrong. Couldn’t BE more wrong.

This is the same argument the nutto’ use when they say ”no vet was ever spit on, it’s never in the news”.

Heh. I’ll be sure to take pictures next time. His spit next to his bleeding head.

TSO was nice. I’m not so. What part of those links above can you NOT read? They all list the balls- ‘official’ and ‘unofficial’.

Mr Wolf


Ponsdorf: Half the questions he asked could have been answered by the previous post, which he was directed to, but apparently failed to read and the other half looks like the same question repeated over and over


Askew I do appreciate the freedoms that I have as a result of my ancestors bloodshed (believe me). I just want to know if we are talking about an event that the President missed that had 100 attendees or 1000 attendees. Was he invited? Why would he NOT attend? There are so many details that we do not know. Therefore is not fair (but can be done so freely) to bash the president for missing this event without knowing the details.


[…] This Ain’t Hell has the details. Sad. […]


Curious’s second question could have been answered by reading the first sentence of this post, but apparently his reading comprehension couldn’t last that long.


Does this ring a bell to anyone besides TSO “For those playing at home,…….”


here are the links that Curious could have found if he/she just googled the title of the ball:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/administration/inauguration05/blog/day_3.html (look at 7:59p picture)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/administration/inauguration05/blog/day_3.html (the paragraph at point: The unofficial balls may be smaller, but they’re no less important — President Bush stopped by several in 2005, including the American Legion’s Salute to Heroes ball for veterans at the Capitol Hilton)

As usual, liberals prefer somebody else to do their work for them…

Askew Attitude

Curious, as far as knowing the exact details that you suggested, it will probably never happen. In order to know if he was sent an invitation to the event (which I’m sure he was, considering past Presidencies) would require that one of his aids confirms or denies the presence of said invitation. I, personally, am not “bashing” the President. I simply find it disrespectful of him to choose some of the balls over this one. I would rather he had attended this ball over the CinC ball. Again, as a serving Soldier, just my opinion.


TSO: Just out of curiousity do you know if COL Bruce Crandall was there? He lives in my town and we had him down to our VFW post for dinner after he received his MOH last year.


But thats the thing Askew…Do you know what or where he was during that said time? What if he was at the Coke Cola Ball talking to VPs who served in Vietnam and both have MoHs. Do this make it okay or is he still a disappointment?

Jonn wrote: Yes, Curious, you’ve discovered our (by “our” I mean evil racist neo-cons working undercover for KBR) scheme to hide 1800 people in evening wear two blocks from the White House on Inauguration night and not invite the President to undermine his image with veterans. You’re brilliant to have found us out.


The point that has been floating otu there is this:

We will all never be satisfied with what the president is doing or not doing. Ha can never have everyone’ best interest at heart. But we have to collectively believe in him and his admistration to do their job and not be distracted. I am not taking away from any veterens. I would love for him to be at every function but we all know that will not happen.

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