Weekend open thread

| November 4, 2016


The sad news comes to us that Martin Admundson has passed. He is the husband of our own DefendUSA, an Army veteran and a long-time participant on this forum (that’s her, in the middle, in the picture above from our “Members’ Gallery”). I met Martin, Denise and their kids years ago at one of the early Tea Party rallies in DC. Martin’s passing was completely unexpected. Someone has set up a GoFundMe account for his family, in the event that you’re led in that direction.

Category: Open thread

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I hope on Tuesday Donald Trump wins and we get to see Cankles melt down both physically and mentally on Live TV.
First too Bitches.

Have a great weekend


I hope the meltdown only starts with Cankles – and continues envelop to the whole cesspool.

The masque is off the (D)emoniacs.


You got it. It will be fun watching all the libs migrate to elsewhere…which they won’t. What will be fun is that many countries (like Canada) won’t let folks come in, even as a tourist, if they have a felony…which a DWI is.

Veritas Omnia Vincit


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Goddammit, second after all…


That literally had to be clicked at virtually the same time milliseconds apart.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yes we were pretty close…within seconds if not milliseconds anyway..it’s all good.


✋ ?




Rat Shit. Too slow.



Not fucking first.



Fourth too.


Fifth! A new high! Hot Damn!


Getting closer


Phuqing fifth.
Actually feels like first to me after being 50ish so much…….


I stand corrected – sixth.

AW1 Tim

My condolences to Denise and her children.

May the Angels of His Mercy bring solace to all of Martin’s family and friends.


This too….. I has a Sad for them
/Thoughts and Prayers.

Toasty Coastie

Deepest Condolences DefendUSA… May your beloved Husband rest in peace.




RIP Martin and may God comfort Denise, family and friends.


Top 15!


Denise – may God in His grace provide you peace and comfort at you grieve.


Fair winds and following seas, Mr. Admundson. Peace and comfort to DefendUSA’s family.


Were is the party?

Son of Loyd

Hello TAHers. It’s been about a month since I last commented, what with Jonn’s b-day (didn’t want to interfere with the well wishing), my forgetfulness, and life.

Just wanted to say that I’ve lurked for many years, enjoying all of your comments.
Thanks, Jonn, for a great site that provides pertinent info and laughs.

Ex-PH2, I wish I had have bookmarked your page. I like to read and was looking forward to reading your work.

And may the gravitationaly challenged go suck an egg.


Well, the most recent attempt was yesterday (11/3) here:


I think I can find the others. I never remember to send the links to my e-mail to keep track of them, but that’s a start.

Son of Loyd

Thanks for the reply. I was actually referring to your blog (if you still have it) which linked to your work on Amazon.
I’m a huge Sci-fi and fantasy reader.
Waiting for Sanderson to finish “Oathbringer” is just about to drive me loony. I’m Jonseing big time for it.


Okay, because someone in the south is prowling about, I don’t normally put that blog link on TAH because someone likes to post spam on it. I may in the future, but not right now. However, I will advise that several things are nearing completion, even though someone in another state thinks they’re not.

I don’t know exactly what your preference is, but I think there may be some new stuff on Baen Books’ distribution list.

Son of Loyd

Yeah, LDD messed up a good thing. I took it for granted that you would link your blog when you post, so I didn’t bookmark it. It’s understandable that you no longer do that, and I don’t fault you for securing yourself and your blog.

The idiot’s behavior is the main reason that I had not posted anything until last month. All those stupid and waste of time lawsuits were something I didn’t want to get caught up in. Perhaps you will receive a boon of Bernath Bucks. As I stated before, he can go suck an egg.

Thanks for the recommended site. I’ll check it out.

Jonn may give you my email address. It is my name. Be a sleuth.


I’ll send it to you by carrier pigeon. Look for it later on.

Meantime, there are other sites where you can find out about new releases by various authors, at the link.

Son of Loyd

“Jonn may give you my email address. It is my name. Be a sleuth.”
I apologize for that sounding a bit creepy. It actually works against my intent of trying to not be creepy sounding.

Anyways, thanks again for that site. I’ve already been browsing it.

I think I’ll go back to lurking and keep my fingers from the keyboard.


If you have not already done so, you could get the entire fantasy series of Deverry/Westlands novels written by Katherine Kerr. Start with the first novel, Daggerspell. They’re all available through various online resources. It is very good storytelling in the best tradition of epic tales. It’ll keep you busy.

Son of Loyd

TY, I’ll look for them.


I am very sorry for your loss, Defend. You and you family have my condolences and my deepest sympathies, always.


Rest in Peace, Mister Admundson.


As I said earlier: damn. I’m sorry to hear of Martin’s passing. May God comfort you, your children, and your friends/colleagues.

Reach out if you need/want to talk, Denise. We’ll listen.

Wilted Willy

May God bless you good sir and your family, rest in peace. Thank you for your service.

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!


I also wish to pass on my condolences for the loss of Martin. May he Rest In Peace.

As well as a RIP to a very good friend of mine from my days in Powell, WY who passed about a month and a half ago.

Name Clay Davis. Aged 75. Buck Sergeant U.S. Army. APC driver for the 11th ACR in Vietnam, Farrier for the Caisson Platoon of the Old Guard. Old style Cowboy through and through.

Rest easy, old buddy.


Amen Claw. Seems to have been an awesome Soldier.


Thanks, Sj. Clay, myself, and another feller named Ricky Slater (20th Eng Bde, wheeled vehicle mechanic and dump truck driver) were sorta the Three Musketeers of Vietnam Veterans there in Powell while the wife and I lived there.

I guess as long as they live on in our minds, they’re not really dead.

But that’s the trick to it, keeping them in your mind, but not dwelling on their passing so much it drags you down.


This just in: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath IS STILL DISBARRED!

If anyone is interested, the reason why may be found here.

Yo, Danni-boi:

Too bad, so sad
Sucks to be you
Received your due
Court said, “Screw You . . .
. . . and the horse you rode in on.”

comment image

(NOTE: photo at link above may be NSFW or around prudes, children, or clergy.)


You really need to post a spew alert when you post something like that! There was almost half a cup of Vitaminwater all over my work station!! 🙂

Papago Joe

Still a buffalo chip eating cock sucker


Hondo, speaking of horses, look at “dick” riding a horse at the link below.



Silentium Est Aureum

Never knew until recently that all three of them were AF brats back in the 60’s in England.


Horses are known to kick at flies and other things they don’t like. It’s a shame that it’s autumn, isn’t it?

Hack Stone

They told that part of his therapy would be riding horses. He thought they said whores.

Perry Gaskill

So…weenie wagger Weiner gets caught being pervy with a 15-year-old, and with secret stuff on his laptop, and he gets to go to summer camp?

Silentium Est Aureum

If sentences were up to the jury, he’d be under the prison until the Second Coming.

Sadly, all juries can do is determine guilt or innocence, and often can’t get that right.


JesusHTapdancingChrist, Weiner! Get your feet in the stirrups and heels down, square your hips to your shoulders, SIT UP, and get your eyes out of the dirt. Guy sits a horse like it’s a sofa.

Hack Stone

Dang! That was mighty funny.


Rest well Martin. God bless Denise and the children.

2/17 Air Cav

The usual zaniness of the WOT is tempered by the unhappy news that introduced this week’s edition. I am very sorry for your loss, DefendUSA. The suddenness of a loss can be overwhelming, but family and friends, formed and cultivated from a lifetime together, will get you through to a brighter day. God bless.


Top 35 ??
Back in tucson
And per Army HRC my 199 finely went through almost 3 and a half years after being retired
Typical National Guard bullshit but I’ll take it
If the VA will stop sending me hate mail


Welcome back to the old pueblo, Skip! Didn’t change much while you were gone!


It changed about 20 degrees cooler Lol… ??
I’m going to send you a pic of a Coati that has set up shop in my backyard Lol…


To the above lead post
Rest Well solider
Our family’s prayers to out to yours

Papago Joe

Go out
To out


Rest in Peace Martin.


James Walls, phony UH-1 pilot is still slurping cock.

Clark D. Schreiber, phony combat veteran, despite sending the charity money is still a fucking cocksucker.

Colt Bulot, another Special Forces phony, sucks balls behind dumpsters and has yet to provide class dates and/or orders. Rumor has it Bernath turned down his lawsuit.

Thomas Reister, not a combat wounded veteran still has not enrolled in a remedial grammar class.

Jerry Foster, phony Navy Commander, demented magician, circle jerks with DAV Chapter 55.

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh, so Clark D. Schreiber FINALLY coughed up the money he said he would? I wonder if he would have if he didn’t have people calling him out on his bullshit? Nice job on the ruck march, Clark D. Schreiber!


Clark’s choices were Detective with cuffs or send the money. I assume daddy loaned him the dough since he probably lost the money from the GoFundMe account at the casino.

Clark D. Schreiber, phony combat veteran still slurps cock.


Wasn’t it this week by which DAB had to refile his BS? Or maybe its next week.


Should have been yesterday, by my count.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, it is today. The judge actually specified the date, rather than force anyone to compute time under the Federal Rules. Filing deadline is today.


RIP Martin Admundson

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Of course our condolences from up here in the PRoM to Denise and family….it’s never easy when it happens suddenly. May you find some comfort moving forward.


Prayers for Denise and the family.


In other news, “they” are warning of a terrorist plot early next week.

“…U.S. intelligence has alerted joint terrorism task forces that al Qaeda could be planning attacks in three states for Monday.
It is believed New York, Texas and Virginia are all possible targets, though no specific locations are mentioned.”

All I got to say is that Texas is heavily armed. It may be a good idea for all CHL holders to be vigilant over the next few days.


What? Nothing in the Midwest, north or south? Well, that’s just great!

A Proud Infidel®™

Look at what happened the last time a hadji tried to do a shoot-up in TX, he thought he was gonna go full jihadi on that “draw mohammed” contest and he was the one that got terminally ventilated. ?

just some feller

Any truth to David Shumock’s claim of being a former PJ?
At 62, US special forces veteran battles against ISIS on lonely desert front

One soldier manning the post was David Shumock, a 62-year-old Floridian and former U.S. Air Foreces [sic] pararescueman. The American fights side-by-side with the Kurdish Peshmerga, and serves as medic and trainer to his comrades, as well.

Shumock came to Iraq after losing his only daughter in a car crash, and seeing videos of ISIS murdering women and children. He said he wanted to put his military skills into service of a righteous cause.


Anybody recognize the wings on his beanie?

Sheesh … I’m becoming such a skeptic in my dottage.


Dennis - not chevy

Not even close
comment image


The wings look like the wings that the peshmerga wear on their berets

2/17 Air Cav

Shot in the dark: We have Ford drivers here. We have expert mechanics here. We have pick-up truck owners here. We may have front-end specialists here. Is anyone anyone all of the above?


2/17, I’ve worked on my old Ford p/u’s in the past, and done some front-end work. My mechanics’ certification reads “short shade tree.”

I have a meeting until 1600Z, and will check back after.


I once ran into a Ford pickup with a front-end loader while at the mechanics garage.

Does that help?



2/17 Air Cav

Is anyone anyone? I’m hoping for yes yes, not no no.


I am ‘some of the above”. Willing to take a stab at it

2/17 Air Cav

It’s a 1993, short block 5.8L 4WD Supercab. The problem is that when the 4WD (shifter on floor) was engaged, it made sounds akin to the music heard in Hell’s elevators. In 2WD, no problem–until I had to replace the front left spring tower. That was loads of fun in itself and I decided to toss on a needed rotor. That’s when Satan himself came a-callin’. Bottom line is that the front end sounds like Hell’s lunacy section, what with clanging and banging and ungodly sounds–immediately after I hit a bump or rut. It’s now parked, unsafe to drive at any speed–and parts seemingly impossible to get.

2/17 Air Cav

F150. Yeah, that’s nice to know, eh?


Did you check under the wheel covers? Might be a nut loose some place.


Out of my experience level, 2/17. Sorry.

2/17 Air Cav

It really takes a specialist who knows old F150 4WDs. I am screwed and I know it.

Perry Gaskill

If the problem is only with 4WD engaged, it might be a good idea to start with a look at the transfer case, front drive-line u-joints, and front differential. Start with looseness in the u-joints and fluid levels/leaks with the other two.

There might also have been additional problems created after the replacement of the shock tower and rotor. One or the other might have thrown the alignment geometry off enough that a bushing failure in a pitmen, idler, or control arm started showing up. A wheel bearing might also be suspect, and check for steering wheel play. If something rattles when you hit a rut, it tends to mean something’s loose. One way to find out is to jack the front-end up and start shaking stuff.

At this point, I’m not sure I’d be all that concerned with finding parts. Bearings and bushings are relativly cheap, and a good thing about older 4×4 trucks is that parts tend to stay in inventory. It’s rare to have a parts guy say what you’re looking for is made of unobtanium.

Just my lame two cents. If you need help finding parts, let me know. Claw and 3/17 Cav also seem like handy devils, and if the ‘Nam vet mafia takes this on we might help have the F-150 terrifying Prius drivers in no time.


If 4X is working then you might start looking ahead of the transfer case, toward the universal joints and CV joints.

If you can get it off the ground, like on a lift, or with 4 jack stands, you might try that, then see if engaging 4X without the weight of the vehicle on the ground makes that same noise.

This guy’s video is informative, in a general sense, on working the CV joints: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpdI1BNkow8

2/17 Air Cav

Thanks, fellas.


Take another look at the mounting bolts for that shock tower and shock absorber too. Could be either or are loose…torque the shock tower down again.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s about all I can eliminate. The tower is in rock solid. It’s an internal issue, no question.


I’m Hondo. DOes that count?


Wait a minute. If you’re Hondo, then who am I? And if I’m Hondo, who are you?


Well, I need to contemplate my navel since I KNOW I am Hondo. I hear you are a Naval/Navel O-6.


Nah, I think that was DRC bogus ID 9 or 10. Wrong then; still wrong today. (smile)


All I know is that the exhaust under my front seat, outside the car, developed a small hole a couple weeks ago, and yesterday, the entire thing blew out right up to the manifold.

Now my chariot sounds like a hog with apehangers cruisin’ the interstate at 95MPHs.

2/17 Air Cav

Your exhaust is outside your car? Well, hell, if that’s not a design flaw…


I think it would be more of a design flaw if the exhaust system ran through the passenger compartment, 2/17 Air Cav.

Besides – have you never seen a pickup with stacks or side-pipes? (Smile)


Well, that, and I forgot to close the havelock in the spring to avoid water during flooding season on the Fox Waterway. The dredging platform got stuck in the channel because when the white pelicans migrated into the Fox Waterway, they disturbed silt on the bottom, and the river backed up into that spot over on Grand Avenue where everyone has to cross the bridge, flooded or not.
And I forgot to close the havelock, so my exhaust got flooded and rusted, and now it sounds like a rooting wild boar on steroids.

If you believe that story, I’ve got more just like it.


My only advice is that friends should not let friends drive a Ford.

Just like friends shouldn’t let friends drive red tractors.

Tried and true John Deere hat wearing GMC pick-up driver.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey, hey. I am a Ford guy, by and large. I’m not a Ford-only guy but I least I never would get in a Subaru. Ever see Subaru’s commercials? They’re about love or something. Nothing whatsoever to do with the car.

2/17 Air Cav

And WTF has Jeep done? The other day, I hear a song playing in a commercial and it’s the original, born-in-America but turned Muslie Cat Stevens( a/k/a Yusuf Islam.) I guess they figure that a whole generation doesn’t know about that guy so they’re safe.” If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out,” and if you wanna say FY Jeep, say FY Jeep. Salman Rushdie. Remember?

Perry Gaskill

Dunno. I’ve been looking at getting another vehicle lately, and a Jeep Wrangler is on the short list along with an MGB or Porsche 944. My oldest daughter thinks I’m having a mid-life crisis; I told her that only applies to Corvettes.

Still, do I need therapy? Do I need a service dog? Can I go to a summer camp like Anthony Weiner?



But that’s why we are all here, right?


You might be amazed at how well a Subaru handles New England winters. It won’t keep up with my diesel rigged F-250 but it can sure follow behind in the tracks.

However, the ‘ru does carry a certain status/stigma in this area. It might be about the most popular AWD in NE Massachusetts.

2/17 Air Cav

It carries a stigma everywhere. Apparently, the company is happy with the niche they carved out” old hippies and Bernie lovers.


They sell boat loads of them, though. AWD trumps po!itics (pun intended).

One of the nice things about being INA small Czech town, the quiet. Can’t even hear the sound of a GM rusting.


I once had a Toyota, and I mean only once. It was stolen, found six weeks later, deprived of everything except the steering wheel.

I now drive a Ford.

Hack Stone

Two questions for The TAH Brain Trust.

First question came up earlier this week. I received a few envelopes earlier this week that were Government Form 65-B’s, better known as “Holy Joes”. These are the large Manila envelopes with the string up top to secure the contents. Why do they have those holes in them? Do they make the envelopes aerodynamic? Maybe cumulatively 10,000 envelopes with holes punched in them could save up to 0.000003% in fuel costs? Or is it possibly like your Mother cutting the ends off of the pot roast before cooking it?

The second question is will Phil be working balls behind the dumpster of the Titusville Holiday Inn this weekend? Follow up to that question is since we gain an extra hour this weekend, will he get an extra hour of working balls in?


I knew them as “Shotgun Envelopes”. As for why the holes? I dunno.


As a gubbmint employee myself I’ve seen these as well. They have address lines on them so that, after one has received an IOC one can scratch one’s name out, and reuse it to send an IOC to someone else.
My understanding is so that the Secretary (“Administrative Assistant”) can see whether or not the envelop is empty without having to open it. When she/he has to go through scores of these a day, it can be quite a time-saver.


Yep,,,so you can see if it is empty or not. For instance, Huma could see if Screecher was carrying classified shit home to her mansion.


I think the holes in the shotgun envelope come from the printing process that uses a spindle/peg reel system for capturing and holding the envelope in place while the addressee blocks get ink printed.

Just like the old stencil/mimeograph machine that had clamps on top and bottom to hold the sheet in place while the ink barrel goes round and round, only this way the sheets run past the ink roller on a conveyor and are guided by pegs inserted in the holes.

Good as any other theory I can think of.


Claw, I’ve never seen a machine that would print the name for you. But I only started in ’92.


No, I’m not talking about an addressee’s actual name, just the outlined TO blocks that a name would go in.

But the last shotgun envelopes I monkeyed with were from 25 or more years ago and I’m sure they’ve updated them since then.

But the old mimeograph machines were a hoot. You had to type out a stencil (no ink on the Remington/Smith-Corona), clamp it onto the machine and then hand turn your life away.

You could do it in the field and well as in garrison. No laser printer needed. Good times.


I used the stencils a lot when younger.

Always loved the smell of a mimeographed handout in school in the 50’s-60’s.

2/17 Air Cav

Wait! I may have an actual answer. The envelopes are still in use and have been around at least since 1918 WHEN MY SOURCE WAS PUBLISHED! Yeah, I poked around and read some good guesses, but that’s all they were: good guesses. One, for instance, conjectured quite authoritatively, that the holes bypassed US Mail regs. As the guy in the commecial said,”Bonjour.” The holes were purposely punched and not a manufacturing holdover or result need. So, anyway, my source dates to 1918 and is “General Electric Review” Volume 21. According to that resource, the GE NY Office mail room was the model of the day. The piece must have been written by a time-motion guy because it is all about efficiency and speed. The envelope described as used in the GE Cleveland factory is that of “rather stiff manila paper that has on each side lines for 26 different addresses.[…] Four 7/16-in. holes are punched in this envelope so that it can be seen at a glance, without opening, whether there is anything in the envelope, thus saving time, errors, and stationery.”

There you go, Claw.


Okay. Got it.



Bull. The holes were punched to let some of the heat from “hot taskers” escape. That way, they wouldn’t cause a fire in the distribution center and burn the place down. (smile)


As well as the blue colored stencil correction liquid that had a unique smell all its own.

Makes me glad I never worked in the TOC/S-3 shop in the old days when Op Orders were being put out.

No wonder why the clerk typists eyes always looked glazed over. Correction fluid buzz.


Given that it’s about “first of the month”, Phil might have enough money on hand to splurge and work a Burger King dumpster, in addition to the Holiday Inn. Ya’ know how excited those DRG types get about Whoppers and whatnot!

Do they have a Walmart in Titusville? NEVER go to a Walmart at the beginning of the month.

2/17 Air Cav

“Why do they have those holes in them?” There are two competing theories. The first is that they were adopted by the Swiss, which requires no further explanation. The second, the one that I think is correct, is that addressees were tired of people opening them up to peek and then failing to secure them. The holes make opening the envelopes unnecessary. Take your pick.


Precursors to the Clinton email server…

Silentium Est Aureum

My sincerest prayers to you and your family, Defend.

May God comfort and keep you I your hour of need.




Defend, look at that picture at the top of Jonn’s post. That is awesome. I’m guessing your beloved Husband saw that joy in you and had an amazing life with you. I lost my beloved spouse without warning. It sucks. Time will help but never remove all the pain.

You have friends here. You might say that we are just internet friends. I met Claw and 3/17 earlier this year. They are real friends and if I popped a flare, they’d drive across the country. …stay in touch.


Rest in peace, Martin.

Deepest sympathy, DefendUSA.


I will reiterate my condolences here, Defend.

Passing away out of the blue is rough on those left behind. May the Lord be your comfort.


Condolences, Defend. Rest in peace, Martin.

A Proud Infidel®™

My condolences and prayers out, DefendUSA.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.

As he steals from taxpayers based on his false SEAL, Native American and Law Enforcement claims.


Don’t know if anyone else saw this, but it is pretty cool.

A tiny robot is uncovering the secrets of the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor

Explorers are using Deep Trekker’s underwater robot to uncover the USS Arizona, 75 years after it was sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor.


While this video is cool, the interesting part may be that it mentions that the filming was done as part of a documentary on the USS Arizona to be released later.

That should be very interesting.


My heart is breaking for you and your family DefendUSA. I will pray for all of you during this terribly difficult time. I hope that memories of great times together will help to sustain you on some level in the days and weeks ahead.

If I can do anything for you please do not hesitate to call on me.

I am just so very sorry. Hugs and love.


To DefendUSA: Just know that you are not alone on your journey. We are all with you and offering our assorted manners of support. For me, it’s prayers. You certainly have those, and anything else I can give you.

To those keeping up with such things: The VA headstone has finally been placed for someone near and dear to me. It looks very good, if you must have one at all, which I guess we all will one day.

2/17 Air Cav

Thank you for the update, OWB. Thinking of you and yours.


Very sorry to hear about your loss, DefendUSA. Lots of prayers, hugs and condolences for you, family and friends.


Oh! I got an e-mail from a CATP Kate Carr Lee who says she’s over in Iraq on an Army Medicale Team and she’s found two trunks full of money and wants help shipping them to the US so she can join you later. I have her e-mail address. Any of you guys want to send her some love? She’s probably Nigerian or – what’s the other one? Chinese?


Send it to the disbarred lawer and his butt buddy – they’re looking to make some quick cash to pay off people they sued and a State Bar that took away a license.

QuEeFeRs needs the cash for a case of his favorite hooch and to get the piss stains out of his purple suit – and a few extra bucks to keep on hand for his next visit to jail for public intoxication.

Hack Stone

You just know that I want a piece of that action. Is the person responding to this financial windfall required to have a door on his or her mailbox?

Hack Stone

I was just on the Tandy Corporation website, and it turns out that Daniel Bernath is NOT listed as a member of The Radio Shack Battery Of The Month Club. I have a sneaking suspicion that he doesn’t vacuum the coils on his refrigerator on a regular basis, either.

Silentium Est Aureum

He probably puts toilet paper on the roller backwards, too.