Open thread
I’ve been booted from my house and my computer by the contractor while they gut my house, so here, play with each other for awhile.
Category: Open thread
I’ve been booted from my house and my computer by the contractor while they gut my house, so here, play with each other for awhile.
Category: Open thread
Sorry for piggy jumping.
A letter of reprimand by Bn commander in 2012, can the SFC board see that?
I got one for driving a military vehicle over the speed limit on a range back road here in fort campbell, as an E6 with an E4 as TC, which angered my CSM and BN CO back then to no end, and which i understand.
I thought you guys might know.
Am i fucked?
If so, am i fucked forever?
Not sure. Times have changed. I was busted once (that happened more than once, shocking…I know) from E5 to E4 for bouncing some SNCO off gear lockers and telling him to mind his own business or I would throw his ass overboard. 6 months later I was an E6.
Throat punched some Air Force guy with a bunch of squiggly things on his sleeves another time. Told him I was going to rip his head off and shit down his neck. Made it all the way to Pvt for that one.
There are more. Point is, I found that if you stick to doing your job and do it with a purpose like no other…you will adapt and overcome.
Today they would have probably just booted my ass out of the Corps. Fighting is frowned upon these days.
I drove some heads into the wall, you just drove over the speed limit. My guess is you will be fine.
I would not recommend you follow my example but I told my reporting officer once the only way he could hurt me with a Fitness Report was to roll it up and stick it in my fucking eye.
Things might have gotten a bit softer these days. I changed rank 10 times in 8 years. You are like some kind of fucking perfect soldier compared to me bro. I ended up just fine.
Semper Fi.
I knew I should have joined the Marines.
That depends. How is the rest of your record? Your NCOERs since then? Have you balanced that with meritorious service, or other kind of action that’d get you an ARCOM for actual merit and not for throwing someone under the bus? Sustained superior performance?
Ideally, they’ll take in the “whole person concept” when boarding you. If there are a limited number of promotions available, it might impact your chances. If you’re impacted negatively during a promotion board partly because of this, you could be looked at for a retention QRB.
It’s hard to give you a definitive answer, as different people, different units, different boards, etc., look at things differently. Also, we don’t know the total circumstances surrounding the speeding event.
Your best course of action is to have a senior NCO that has done a promotion board recently to look at your record.
Keep in mind that as we go deeper into this peacetime/garrison Army mode, the zero defect mentality and other similar mentalities rear their ugly heads.
Only a General your can give you a GOMOR or General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand that can be put in your fiche. Anything one less than a General can only give you a local memorandum of reprimand. I think the reg is AR 600-37
Now here this!
Cruz lost badly to Trump in Indiana and is dropping out of the Republican presidential race.
And it looks as if Sanders is winning over HRC.
I wonder how many truly stupid things the bernout will say over the next few months, things that will make it clear that he’s completely out of touch with the real world.
Is it too much to hope that things might go back to a semblance of normalcy before I die?
Oh, dear DOG! ‘H-E-A-R’!
No proofreading! Bad Ex-PH2! Bad, bad, bad Ex-PH2!
Have to wonder if his grasping at straws and bringing in the HP, former exec had much to do with that. Now, if Trump will just select a good choice for VP, I’ll simply have no option but to vote for the nutty guy.
Cool, I never get to play with the other kids.
It’s because you’re a godless heathen…can’t be allowing the heathens to contaminate the gene pool Dave…although you do have guts, and guts should be enough.
And here I thought it was because I go to circle jerks with my puppy and piss all over hurt feelings.
It’s because you run with scissors, Dave…
I thought it was because he pets stray dogs…
Haven’t heard from you lately. WTF? did you loose my number or has the spousal unit forbid you from playing with me anymore.
Semper Fi bro
Neither, I’ve just been busy lately and kinda let my head go up my ass on a few things.
Get your shit together API. If you need a brain housing group extractor you can borrow mine.
Always here to help bro. You know where I am if you need me.
Things that IDC SARC would hit:
– a box of donuts
– the towel ring in both of my bathrooms
– a big mug of cold beer
– brats and beer
Probably the closest I’ll ever get, too.
Be nice or I am telling Dad.
Promises, promises – all I ever get is promises. No action.
That it, I am telling
I reported you (again)
I love you, too. Report me all you like. It won’t stop me.
Dave’s probably allergic to lionesses. I bet he has to take SHOTS…
I have been shot by Cupid’s arrow so many times I leak when I drink beer.
Last couple of times I didn’t even bother pulling the arrow out. I just broke it off and left the rest in there.
I do break out when I hear a woman use the Love word…but its usually in a run.
My best gal Friend once said “I think I love you.” I told her “Let me know when you are sure.”
She never mentioned it again.
You missed a few.
-The letter O
-The number 0
-an Army SHARP rep
-Kelly Rippa
-The gap in Michael Strahan’s teeth
Cookie jar – empty
Mason jar
the grille on a big GMC truck
Hillary Clinton
Please Animal, even IDC Sarc has standards.
As loose as they may be…….
Id hit Hillary…no problem. Grab them cankles and make a “V” for victory!
I just threw up a little
If she’s elected she’s gonna fukk me anyway, I might as well take the initiative and fukk her first.
Just wear some protection, please.
MOPP-4, at least.
Or you may end up with a North Korean MRBM -AKA the No Dong – as a namesake. (smile)
I think I found something even IDC SARC at his most desperate would not hit. It’s Trigglypuff! Fair warning: I do not know for sure, but I have heard that it is rumored to be female.
Is that Daniel Bernath in court?
Well, now, I was under the impression that any object that could be rolled in flour and a wet spot detected, that regardless of gender or planet of origin, IDC SARC would attempt to hit it.
Rumored to be female? I’m not sure it’s human.
ID SARC once saw a vacuum cleaner hose w/o its end attachment. You can figure the rest out. One other thing. If you visit with him, park your car a few blocks away and walk. Eventually, tail pipes cool off…
I’m telling you, AirCav, if he’s that desperate, all he needs to do is call me.
I’d hit her too… with a 2×4, her own broomstick, a 45 (JUST KIDDING S.S dudes) a croquet mallet, a brick, a NORK Nuke (underhand), witk Bill’s dingy (ugh).
Did I say hand grenade?
Oh, I’d hit her with Larsiepooh’s dingy, if it’d reach that far…
JUST THINK, if Commissar mated with that thing, the offspring would be ugly and stupid enough to permanently END human evolution.
Spew alert!
Applies to Shillary! Surely, even IDC Sarc wouldn’t hit TrigglyPuff…right?
I may need to dig out my eyes and dip them in bleach after seeing that. Listen, my apologies to all, but if I looked like that, I, too, would rage against the world. Still, it has been MY general findings that those such as her, both men and women who are not ‘aesthetically pleasing,’ typically make a genuine effort to be more pleasant that the average person. I believe they are compensating for a deficiency in one area by improvement in another. Just an observation. I’m thinking this ‘whatever’ didn’t get the memo.
He’d probably go for this in a heartbeat:
Jennifer Grey and Cher didn’t turn out too bad.
I’d hit the two of them in a heartbeat if they offered me a threesome.
I’d probably have to have a little blue pill help, though.
Cause as the old saying goes “What I used to do all night now takes me all night to do.”
Or, to quote Robert Crumb cartoon waaaay back in the early 1970s:
“I’m not as good as I once was, but I as good once as I ever was.”
I tried to Google the phrase, but I only get a 2005 country song of that (stolen) phrase.
Beauty is a light switch away.
OR a paper bag.
Or a bottle of Jack D
When I see these botched jobs and the desperate attempts to grab youth (or something) at all costs, I look at my driver’s license and am quite glad I didn’t fall for that nonsense.
You’re born, you grow up and then you move on. Some people simple cannot accept that.
You had better be sharing that fifth with the rest of the group.
But of course! I’ve got just the 18 year old Highland single malt.
Holy Cow! Top Ten.
Now if I only had something to say…
Anyone else have computer connection problems today or was the gremlin just at my house?
It’s Monday. On Mondays, my computer moves slower than I do.
It’s Mercury retrograde. I’ll bet you get stuck in traffic if you don’t start an hour early. Wait and see.
Monday Morning Open Thread?!? Is the world ending?
Also, eighth.
Murnin’. Not nearly enough coffee yet. I also don’t care what number I am. I’m here, and that’s better than the alternative.
11th !!! Yahoo!!! Man it’s the simple things anymore.
So we’re just turned loose to run amok with no adult supervision? Yeeeeeeha!
Oh no, Jonn is a construction refugee! Feels like my job last year while they built new labs for us… I was stuck in a corner with two other techs. Worse, I was back to the door, which drives most sane people nuts. Alas, all is well now. 🙂
Construction refugee? That’s funny as hell.
Jonn is probably polishing his ARCOM while holding up in some seedy shit hole with his scary black guns. Sadly its not the first time he woke up in some “Five Flies Inn” surrounded by empty liquor bottles and half smoked cigars.
I hope he brought quarters for the vibrating bed.
Vibrating bed… memories of my youth 🙂
Yep. They go with “Color TV” and “Air Conditioned Rooms.”
“Magic Fingers make ya feel alright”
Steve Goodman
“Five Flies Inn”, is that the place that gives you a free night’s stay if you find a dead hooker under the bed?
You have been there too? You know Jonn is too cheap to get a room where any normal human would stay.
Probably will come home reeking of curry and babbling some Hindu bullshit.
Does anybody want to be a fly on the wall in Hawaii for the CSMs talk on Ar-670-1 this morning. Lots of WTF, stay in your lane, EO complaint’s and a dash of stolen valor.
Stolen Valor? I hadn’t heard about that one. Share please.
Wearing an NDSM with 2 stars. Naughty, naughty.
Shall I take her to task over that?
Let me know if you want and/or need some back up. You can start the counseling session and I will rub her nose in the NDSM with 2 stars that I actually earned. Could be lots of sun. (At least to contemplate.)
Sun? Well, maybe. Fun, for sure.
I’ll toss mine in as well.
Perhaps we should shine a light on this issue. I have merely one gedunk medal. But there are plenty of people here who have more than one and perhaps more than two.
We could, potentially, expose this problem to the light of day (hence, the ‘sun’ in it) and bring a halt to such frivolous claims.
‘Gedunk Medal’ I hadn’t heard that in a while.
I just now realized I’m eligible for two, count them TWO, NDSMs. I joined in the 60s to earn my first and retired in the 90s for my second.
OK, gonna break out the tools to dismantle the shadow box. Gotta put that star on my NDSM. Well, maybe not.
In looking over the criteria for eligibility, it’s possible for a troop to have earned three.
Kind of a narrow window. End of Viet Nam, Desert Storm, and then GWOT.
Yep. That’s how it was done.
She was post-umbilical during Vietnam, HMC. Doubt she’d get past the recruiter’s playpen.
Yep, very narrow window.
Claw was spot on when he made the nice comment about her and PV9 Gainey.
You Go, Claw! ?
Say, you don’t think he “donated” his NDSM Star her?
So far, that makes 3 Senior NCOs: Rick Cayton, Phony Vietnam POW, PV9 Joe Gainey, Phony Vietnam Era Veteran and Enabler of a Phony Vietman POW and now her.
Course, the 1st SEAC of the JCS can always vouch for her and run to the 3rd SEAC and tattle tell on us.
And he can call her “Sister”.
Oh, Gainey, just another reminder…Mother’s Day is only 6 days away! Have you paid Mugshots yet to have your Mommy’s picture removed?
And Ex-PH2, know in my mean heart that you would do a great job on taking her to task.
Keep those recipes and pictures coming!?
I would really like to face her down in person, AskAMarine.
I don’t know why she hasn’t already been told she’s out of order wearing a 2nd star on the gedunk medal.
If she’s 50, she was barely in the post-umbilical cord state in 1966.
And I bet you could take her down in a heartbeat, Ex.
She is the Female Version of PV9 Gainey.
This is getting SO Old. The Army cares more about doing a study on boots for females and updates regulations on hair standards for Female Soldiers, but doesn’t care about Leadership not setting the example?
And when is the Bergdahl Soap Opera ever going to end?
“Bowe Bergdahl’s defense wins battle over classified documents”
And we used to think of the NDSM as no big deal.
Nowadays there are Sergeants Major riding on the backs of older veterans by embellishing it.
When I came home on leave in July of 71 after AIT on my way to Nam, my Dad looked at my uniform and said “What, you’ve got a medal already? What did you do?”
I told him I guess we got it just for showing up and holding up our hands when we swore in. They call it a Fire Guard Badge.
He said, “Oh, Okay, just remember to keep your head down and never volunteer for anything.”
Sage advice from a WWII BAR Gunner.
Guess what?
She is a Member of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club!!
CSM (RET) Richard Barr Cayton, Phony Vietnam POW is affiliated with it:
And here is the criteria to become a Member:
Heaven help up if she becomes the next SEAC. Heaven help us.
AMEN on what you wrote, Claw, about SGMs riding on the backs of older Veterans.
Pitiful. Just Pitiful.
Cayton was something else. I helped Mary Schantag unmask him. She sent me a copy of the memorial ceremony sign in sheet that showed on a date he claimed he was a POW he was at the memorial service for his two men killed because of his asshatery to earn valor medals. She or her husband cold called me about Cayton’s POW claim. I told her I joined G/75 about a month or so after this incident on 1/10/71 and that no one in that unit was ever a POW. If it wasn’t for her dogged determination, he never would have been prosecuted.
Have yet to see any remorse or apologies from Cayton for his deceit and lies.
He is now an official member of the PV9 Cricket Brigade.
Course, he and the 1st SEAC of the JCS are both in the Fort Hood, TX area.
Rest in Peace, Chuck Schantag.
I want to make sure that I had backup for the 3 NDSMs, so I did hunt for it. This is a quote from the FB page: · 5 hrs Kirk T. Holcombe Can someone also tell me why CSM F has a NDSM w/ 2 stars on her A’s? Last time I checked (yesterday) going backwards you get the Ribbon for OIF/OEF a Star for Desert Storm and another Star for Vietnam. So was she on active duty in 1974? · 12 · April 30 at 1:59pm Glen Travis Hopkinson yeah I was kind of wondering about that also, Got the medal for Desert shield/storm and then the star for OIF deployments, how yah having two stars. Even as crusty as CSM looking pretty sure she was not in Nam. · 4 · Yesterday at 8:48am Erik De La Rojo She is just trying to get some bling to go with her hair. · 1 · Yesterday at 1:44pm Eric Hardy Correct me if I’m wrong (and I don’t think I am) you only get the star device after 5 subsequent awards. · 18 hrs Clifford Fargason Eric Hardy You are incorrect, “Criteria (for NDSM) It is awarded for honorable active military service as a member of the armed forces of the United States including the Coast Guard, between June 27, 1950 and July 27, 1954, (Korean War), between Jan. 1…See More · 2 · 16 hrs Freddie Washington I was awarded one in basic. 1995 then again in the war on terror. · 1 · 6 hrs Mike Goentzel She is also wearing them incorrectly spaced on her ribbon as well…but hey what do I know I’m just a lowly retired SFC… · 3 hrs Eric Hardy Clifford Fargason thanks for the correction brother! (CSM Flournoy, take note, THIS is how you handle being corrected) I always thought it was denoting 5 awards. · 1 · 1 hr Link: Date: April 29 at 5:41PM The 552nd Military Police Company demonstrate the Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS) The 3 NDSM comment is about halfway down the comments… Read more »
Great job and thanks for posting these comments.
And you’re right. She was born in late 1966, which means she probably graduated from High School around the 1984/1985 timeframe.
It is obvious that others have seen her wear 3 NDSMs.
Just don’t understand why Leadership to include Promotion Boards have questioned her eligibilty to wear 3.
Saw her new handle, honorably bestowed by Claw.
SGM Carrot Top.
Needed that laugh, because am getting ticked off of these Senior NCOs who are coattailing REAL Vietnam/Vietnam Veterans.
Vietnam Era Veterans.
This is exactly why I would like to take her to task over her appearance, which is WAY outside any regs, and this embellishment. What else is she wearing that she shouldn’t?
I dislike doing that to someone still AD, but this is not a good sign if she’s getting away with it because she’s abusing her rank.
I saw something on one of the comments from somebody asking about “Where did her Combat Action Badge and Parachutist’s Badge go to?”
Maybe full blown badge envy on her part and the Air Assault Badge is her only valid award?
Wouldn’t put it past her. She does look all felonious and shit, whether in or out of uniform.
Hmmm, I wonder. Could she possibly be a potential IDC SARC target of opportunity?
I’d like to find out about that, too.
Ok, I hadn’t noticed that little tidbit. I feel cheated, I only have 1 star on my NDSM.
I could send you a comet pin, if you saw Halley’s Comet or the Hale-Bopp comet.
And we get multiple devices for seeing either of them multiple times? What a deal!
Sure! Why not? Oh! I have it! How about a special ribbon – maybe navy blue with a gold slash at an angle, to represent the night sky, and the comet pin goes on that?
Maybe something like this?
It’s a patch, but I like it. Hmmm… Spacefleet badge.
I’ll have to look at that.
It’s the old 86th Signal Battalion unit crest. I can’t find a picture of the actual pin-on crest.
Found it!
Alignment should be with the star pointed to about the 10:30 position
That is one pretty piece of flare!
If it’s no longer in use, then is it okay to use as part of an illustration for something else completely unrelated?
It was replaced sometime around 94-95. Octagon background, 6 pointed star…86. If it’s not allowable, a little minor modification could make it a completely different item…
Your Monday Morning Silly Internet Military themed photo.
It’s one of you dumbass Army guys that did this isn’t it?
Well, Yeah, what with all the budget cut-backs, we have to have some way to kill the bad guys.
After all, most of us dumbass Army guys failed the Darth Vader Death by Mind Control Power Point class.
There’s a guy in southern AZ that makes awesome lower receivers, he’s been known to engrave just that on them. Also; whoa/giddyup, bang/no bang, you think it up, he’ll make it
Is this the guy, with the “Hope, Change, Revolution” option?
I can never be FIRST!, because I have ADD and a ton of projects that I jump from one to another on, and usually come to the computer well into the race for First Place.
Having a small wood shop, 40 acres to maintain, two stocked ponds, and a 150 yard shooting range, all without leaving the property, I am seldom at my computer at 1100 Hrs, CST. But I love to open the link and read the things that cause a stumbling, bumbling, whacked out, has been attorney who doesn’t have the sense to know that aircraft fuel regs are there for a purpose; raise his blood pressure while reading.
This just in: according to the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath is still Not Eligible To Practice Law!
It does not appear that this ineligibility to practice law is voluntary. Anyone who is curious regarding why Mr. Bernath is no longer eligible to practice law is invited to read this.
FYI, this Saturday, May 7th, is the date for the annual Open House at Camp Rudder, home of the Ranger Training Battalion, and the Florida Phase of Ranger School. If you are in the area, come on out and see how the Rangers do things; including an Airborne insertion to an assault, combatives, Static and free fall parachute demonstrations, and a demonstration by the only reptile team in the Army. There is a run, a car show, and many static exhibits, all to show our friends what we do here at Camp Rudder, Florida.
FC, thank you for the info.
Hopefully, a clown wearing Purple gear does not show up..or down.
Or the Round RANGER.
I forgot to leave a recipe on the WOT. My bad. I’m sorry! So here’s a simple one.
Get a bag of chocolate chips. Read the recipe on the back – class Tollhouse recipe, right?
Where it says on teaspoon of vanilla, use TWO – count ’em – TWO teaspoons of vanilla.
For brown sugar, use DARK brown sugar.
If you want to include your nuts in this, it’s up to you to decide whether or not to chop your nuts.
Deez nuts?
Wall’s nuts?
Mod for the cookie recipie:
Real butter, not margerine or shortning.
1/2 light brown and 1/2 dark brown sugar.
Real vanilla, doubled.
Double the chips, or add one of chocolate and 1/2 of butterscotch
Either drop batter as cookies, or bake in a 1/2 inch deep pan, and cut into cookie bars. You will have to experiment with the bake time to get the bars to your preferred “done”
This just in. More fun with the Neo-Bolsheviks out in Seattle.
‘Five Seattle police officers hurt as May Day protest turns violent’
‘Seattle police said late Sunday that five officers were injured after anti-capitalist protesters pelted them with rocks, flares, bricks and Molotov cocktails after a May Day gathering in the city turned violent.
Nine people were arrested and authorities used pepper spray to disperse the crowd. The department said one of the injured officers was treated for a head laceration after being hit by a rock; a second was injured, but not burned after being hit by a Molotov cocktail; and a third was bitten, though it was not immediately clear by whom. Details on the other two officers’ injuries weren’t immediately available.
Q13Fox reported that the demonstrators also broke windows and spray painted buildings and parked cars along downtown streets.
“This is no longer a peaceful march,” Steve Wilske, Seattle Police assistant chief, said in a statement on Twitter and police ordered protesters to disperse.
The station reported that several of the demonstrators carried signs, including one that said “We Are Ungovernable.”
Thugs who use Molotov cocktails need to be shot dead like rabid dogs, without mercy. That is a filthy and cowardly way to treat anyone.
That will certainly help their cause, whatever it is. As a rule, most Americans are moved to favor groups that employ wanton destruction and mindless violence, right? I know I am.
Well, aren’t we all just anarchists at heart, AirCav?
ALL hippies and hipsters need to be spayed or neutered.
All Right. Organized Grab-Ass all week instead of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday regular PT, Tuesday “Organized Athletics”, and Thursday morning “Sergeant’s Time.”
This should make for an interesting time.
Now if only Gainey would show up with the results of Killam’s VA visit. But the whole thing may be gagged, especially if Killer is under investigation (rumor only) for bypassing the system and getting his whole house renovated instead of allowing the rebuild to go to a real deserving vet.
PLEASE tell me those “rumors” about Killer are true.
Maybe all the love letters, emails and phone calls to Tarrant County, TX and reporters were not ignored after all.
And hope PV9 Gainey is part of the “investigation.”
Bet the 1st SEAC of the JCS gave his Stetson to Donkey Balls. And his NDSM to the fema “Do as I say, not as I do “CSM.
What is disgusting about all of this is that the US Army Officer Leadership has turned a blind eye to this (IMHO).
And the question is : Why?
I am fascinated by the idea of begging for money from total strangers for something that you can probably pay for yourself.
I can think of at least three things I need.
Maybe I should set up a GoFrackMe begging spot for a new commode in my 1st bathroom. I had to shut it off because the tank cracked and leaked. $80 for the new throne and its fixin’s and $120 for the labor to install it, plus a bodaciously elegant seat for the throne. The ordinary certainly won’t do.
You don’t want a TV, Ex?
No, no TV. New throne in the master throne room, new stove, fix the brakes on the car. Replace the front steps. Stuff like that.
I agree. I had to get a loan to replace the central AC unit, which was 16 years old.
In addition to the mortgage, utilities, phone bill, insurances, wife’s college loans, and the car payments, this now bumps my mandatory outgoing expenses to about 55% of the household income.
We are not begging for money, even though as a 60% disabled medically retired vet living in the South, I could probably get the AC funded posthaste without going through too much hassle.
That’s just not the way I was raised.
Right but you don’t phrase it as needing a new commode Ex, what you do is state that you are working on a waste water treatment system that is designed to remove small amounts of waste quickly from a home environment. Your goal is 10,000 dollars to conduct this study, and once you get the money you will update everyone on your progress.
You can update folks simply by telling them that so far your experiments haven’t been as successful as you hoped and it’s your opinion that traditional waste removal has proven quite effective.
Given her writing talents, I have no doubt whatsoever that she could successfully obtain a grant.
VOV, you did NOT post a spew alert with that!
Apologies darlin…but a carefully worded gofundme actually makes the donating party feel like they’re doing something to help save the world. Nothing separates people from their money faster than thinking they are helping the world in some small way…
You’re not taking their money in that case, you’r fulfilling a dream they have to matter and make a difference. All of us have that to some degree at times.
Besides you’re not lying you are removing waste efficiently and quickly, it’s just your experiment to test a new piece of equipment versus an old one and we already know the outcome.
You’re just selling it better that way rather than merely asking for money for a new crapper…
I could have it engraved with Sir John Crapper’s family arms, couldn’t I?
And after a little while, you can report that you are flushed with success.
You’ll be getting a heated seat for it, right? 😀
No. A heated seat will attract my cats to it, and I will never get to use it, especially on cold winter nights. Better that they avoid freezing their anatomy than block me from freezing mine.
I dunno… use soem Pledge on the seat to get it nice and shiny slick, and watch the cats hop up on it for the warmth and try to get traction as they slip into the bowl…hours of fun!
Better watch it, David..those ole PETA folks will come out and get you…
Because CatLivesMatters
PH2: No, you’re not getting squat (see what I did there?) for your crapper. Why? The government is out of money. How can that be, you ask? They spent the money for your crapper on: SPEW ALERT
And now, fellow troops, you have every reason to be ticked off. $35M of our money down the drain. (I did it again.)
I would rather play with Phildo.
Call him, GT. He might be bored enough to talk to you. Ask him how that bad formaldehyde PR is going for him.
Speaking of a Phildo, there was a big pile of him right on the sidewalk in front of the barbershop last Wednesday when I went for my monthly haircut.
BTW, Tatt-Boy Beck was once again a no-show, so I was unable to pass on your laudatory comments about him.
Maybe next time.
I forgot about “Taint Boy” Matthew Beck.
Maybe should should check out the local tattoo shop. He is probably sucking cock behind the McDonald’s to come up with enough money to get the “President’s 100” tab or some shit tattooed on his ridiculously fat and often penetrated ass.
I fucking choked on my coffee reading that! What the fuck?? BZ!
Well, GT, the little town that Taint Boy hangs around in and where I go to get my haircut is not big enough for a McDonalds.
It does have a Wendy’s and a Subway though and a mobile Taco van that is broke down all the time.
My guess he probably hangs out behind the Taco van as it does change positions occasionally. But for the most part it stays pretty close to the Blue Oyster biker’s bar at the south edge of town. The bar is right next to the NAPA auto parts store and across the street from the Carquest/hardware store, so I’m sure he caters to the walk-in traffic around the area.
But I think he’s on to my haircutting schedule, so I’m gonna have to change things up and go on a different day.
I have driven through Rigby before. Never stopped, just passed through.
I thought they had a McD’s.
Guess not.
Anyway, checkout the local ink shop.
Fat “Taint Boy” – Not So Slim Matthew Beck will be there. I mean, if you wear it your body, it has to be real…right?
This clown has some issues. I have not spoken to him in a while. He just gets upset and makes threats.
This turd is slowly but surely redefining the word “loser”.
If you drove through Rigby anytime in the past 10 years on US20, you whizzed right by Claw Manor. I can see both lanes of traffic on US20 from my driveway.
But, nope, no Mickey D’s in Rigby. There’s a half dozen of them between IF and Ammon and a couple of them up in Rexburg, but Rigby is SOL.
I have actually been to Rexburg.
Stopped for a few hours and took a break.
That is one large Temple on the horizon.
Looks like a Necromonger space ship from a distance.
That thing is massive.
“Take me back to Ole Virginny…”
Guess what the Great Governor of Virginia did?
“Virginia Governor Restores Voting Rights to Felons “
Article is a bit long, but does have some interesting comments.
McAuliffe’s unilateral action in issuing an executive order that restores voting rights to felons will be challenged and the challenge will most like prevail. The reason is that the VA Constitution is the authority for the forfeiture of voting rights and pardons, while in the chief executive’s sphere, must be done on an individual basis, case by case. McAuliffe claims that his action reverses what he regards as discrimination against Blacks in VA. The problem is that no case arguing this angle has ever won b/c the law applies equally to all races. Prior VA governors have considered the same thing but none did it b/c it would be a serious problem constitutionally. But McAuliffe doesn’t give a rat’s ass about VA’s constitution. Not if he can increase the voting rolls with Ds.
Isn’t this a coincidence the Carpetbagger did this right before the election? (SARC).
‘Virginia GOP Lawmakers To Sue Over Felons’ Voting Rights’
And the latest!
“GOP lawmakers hire attorney for felon voting rights case”
I just got back from a week TDY in Southern California. You couldn’t throw a stick without hitting a car with a Bernie sticker or rainbow flag on it. All of the people stationed there in my class can’t wait to leave that State. Their two biggest complaints were the draconian gun laws and the high taxes.
And in other news from back in East Hog Flats, Indiana, the non-PC named Indians beat the non-PC named Warriors 3 to 2 in baseball this past Friday.
Probably only of interest to me and Twist.
And in other news, there was a 92 year old former WWII pilot originally from East Hog Flats that flew P-40 Tomahawks and P-51 Mustangs with the 14th Air Force over in China pass away last week.
Who says muck farmers can’t fly.
Rest in Peace, Sir. You did well.
Thanks for sharing, Claw.
Salute. Blue Skies. RIP.
Shhhh, don’t let the libidiots know about the Winamac Warriors or they will try to have it changed to the Winamac Unicorns. Never mind the fact that the town in named after Chief Winamac.
My great grandmother used to tell me stories about how when she was a little girl she used to go down to their camp (which is now the town park) and listen to their stories.
Yes Sir. I’m kinda surprised the PC crowd hasn’t changed the name of Battle Ground over to “A couple of guys had a very heated argument over property lines here on the morning of November 7th, 1811.”
Tippecanoe and Tyler, too.
My six year old just started baseball this month and he is on The Indians.
Extra cool
The following report is respectfully submitted for the consideration of the ladies of Team TAH. ‘Women and Guns: A Growing Trend” ‘VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WVEC) — Every Tuesday, Kathie Gerber stands in front of a classroom full of women at Colonial Shooting Academy. At first glance it looks like your typical ladies night. You can hear side conversations about nail polishes and cute boys, but the women are there for a much different reason. The group calls themselves 757 Ladies Packing Heat. What started with just four women has expanded to nearly 100 women. They meet every Tuesday to shoot guns. “This is my second family. This is where I want to come and where I look forward to every Tuesday,” said Debbie Robins, a member of the group. The women are just a small piece of a growing trend of women owning guns in America. According to the National Rifle Association of America, women are the fastest growing demographic of new shooters. “It is the fastest growing demographic in the shooting industry that I’ve seen, said Skyler Thomas, an instructor at Colonial Shooting Academy. Every Tuesday the women work to improve their skills. They learn about safety, how to clean their guns, and work on tactics on the range. “It’s just so encouraging and empowering. It makes you feel good as a woman that you can take care of yourself and protect yourself and your family,” said Robins. For many of the women, joining the club was all about breaking into a male dominated sport. For others like Gerber, it was about much more. Gerber was carjacked in Norfolk a few years ago. Her driver’s side window was down, and within seconds a man was in her car. “This gentleman jumped through my window and held a gun to my head and wanted my car. I didn’t know if I was going to live or die. All I knew is that I had a gun to my head and at that point I was just thinking about survival,” said Gerber. The next day she went to buy a… Read more »
The Evanston police told me, long ago, to keep all car doors locked at all times, and do not have any window down all the way. Always.
It is so bad now that you can be putting groceries in the back end of your car and someone will try to carjack you right there in the parking lot. I’ve stopped carrying a regular purse, and have only my keys and a pocket wallet on me, and constantly practice slamming the door on somebody’s hand.
2 – Do not make it easy for anyone to get the jump on you.
3 – If you don’t have a gun, get pepper spray or a purse-sized perfume spray and USE IT.
If they tried to carjack my wife she would be dialing 911……for them to come pick up the body.
If it does happen, I hope it’s in the parking lot at Aldi, because that’s about 100 feet from the police station. I could just drive on over and deliver the perp…after getting a phone shot of him, of course.
1000 shootings this year in Chi-raq.
“BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today is calling on Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign and “admit his incompetence” after Wednesday’s report that there have been 1,000 shootings in Chicago so far this year.
“Rahm Emanuel’s administration has been a disaster for public safety,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “His incompetence and anti-gun ideology as a public official are responsible for his inability to deal with this situation. So far this year, there have been more than 170 homicides, and the mayor has been all talk and no results.”
Warning: this might possibly contain unfiltered language that many who are light in the loafers will find offensive. Do not participate in Action Figure Therapy if you are in mixed company.
Jarhead, is this you proving the background voice?
Suck on that!
This is kinda fun having a Weekday Open Thread.
We get to talk about all kinds of stuff like Sergeant Major Carrot Top, the Gainey Cricket Brigade, how many different objects IDC SARC would hit, and heated crapper seats for cats.
The possible topics for discussion are endless.
But seriously, I hope all is going well for Jonn’s house makeover and he’s not going to have to be a refugee for too long.
LOVE that name, Claw.
SGM Carrot Top.
Good call!
Amen on your comment about Jonn. Hope he won’t be a Refugee for long as well:
Hmmm. It seems that funds constraints are being felt world-wide.
My latest e-mail from my favorite Nigerian Prince tells me that instead of having the usual 6,8,or 13 Million USD in the coffer, all he has to offer me this week is a measly 980K if I respond immediately.
Sorry, I’m still gonna pass on the offer.
If anybody out there is wondering what got Claw so wired up and talkative, here’s the 411.
Scooby and I have been bachelors since this past Thursday and I’m able to brew up full strength Monday morning motor pool coffee instead of the namby pamby half and half decaf stuff the hausfrau prefers.
So pray for us. The real Sergeant Major comes back on Friday, so it’s gonna be all day GI Party on Thursday for me. Scooby’s not much help when it comes to mopping floors. Says it has something to do with not having opposable thumbs. I told him that the maximum effective range of an excuse like that was zero meters, but all he did was give me one of those “Oh, Yeah, well Tough Shit” looks and ran out the door to chase the robins away from the backyard.
I usually wait to the day of the return to start the clean-up. Either yours is returning very early Friday or you are being too hard on yourself. Relax. You’ll get to it later. And when later comes you go like a bat out of hell.
Actually, the one who should be prayed for is my bachelor son down in Denver.
She arrived at his place with her white gloves and clipboard last night.
He’s already called five times today asking for me to talk Mom into coming back early.
I told him “Suck it up Buttercup, take two salt pills and drive on.”
Claw, the young whipper snappers here don’t know about the two salt tablets cure for everything.
I think his next phone call will probably produce a TS Slip and a visit to the Padre.
But he knows better. After all, he spent four years in the Army (87-91) and did his time split between the 2nd ACR in Germany and the Support Detachment of the 5th SFG at Campbell/Desert Storm.
I’m just kidding, though. He’s got his defecation in sequence when it comes to stuff like that.
Look forward to hearing more about him next month.
As well as his twin brother who spent 26 years in the Navy as a Submariner Mess/Culinary Specialist who retired two years ago as a Senior Chief.
You should hear the two of them go at each other come Army-Navy Game day.
I’m looking forward to seeing you and yours also.
And if all goes well, 3/17 Air Cav will make it here and a good time will be had by all.
John Giduck – the russian intelligence mole with a turd for a face
Old Man Giduck had a turd
and on this turd there was a face
thirsting to be a stall four ho
Question for y’all: Is it normal to NOT receive a DD-214 for Reserve service? I spent 4.5 years on AD, then about 5 years in the IRR, then almost 3 years in the active Reserves as an IMA. I have DD-214s for my AD time, but never got one for my Reserves time. All I got for that are orders transferring me from active Reserves back to IRR.
Hondo – help her out. I don’t know anything about this.
No, you don’t get a 214 for TPU reserve service.
Troop Program Unit.
US Army.
I was in the Air Force, so not sure what the equivalent would be.
Eden.jumping ahead of Hondo.
DD214s are generally for reenlistment, separation or retirement.
Ususally, when you do Reserve time, you accumalate points based on drills or Military schooling which would put you in an ADT status for points.
Your active IMA counts as points as well.
Don’t think you get points for IRR unless you do correspondence courses.
After you accumalate enough points, you are issued a 20 year letter and will be eligible for retirement and pay at the age of 60. That is when you will receive your DD214.
Dont know if you are Enlisted, but if you are eligible to become an Officer, you receive a DD214 since you are being discharged to accept a Commission. If you stay Reserves, then your point will carry with you from your Enlisted Reserve time to your Commissioned time and again, when you get enough points, you will be issued a 20 year letter stating you are eligible for retirement pay at 60 and receive a DD214.
Have not researched this; just using information based on friends who served who went thru the same scenario as you.
Hondo could probably elaborate more on your situation than I can.
Hope the little tidbit I provided helped.
AP, you (and MrBill) covered the situation quite well. You only left out a couple of minor points. You have to accumulate retirement 50 points in a given year (that might change now under the “new” retirement system) for that year to qualify for Reserve Retirement. And, second: the title of the DD214 is (emphasis added) “Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty“. (smile)
If memory serves, either 90 or 120 days continuous active duty is required before a DD214 is mandatory. For shorter periods of active duty (e.g., AT or short periods of ADT) covered by self-terminating orders, none is typically issued.
So where would they record any awards earned during Reserves service?
Not an expert on this, but it is my understanding that reserve component forces only have DD-214’s when they have been activated and return to their reserve component. At least that is how it used to work, and that is dependent upon which kind of AD it was. That’s why I have a stack of them. Guard folks do NOT get a DD-214 upon separation because they are not leaving active service and instead get an NGB form/orders. Not up on how the Reserves accomplish that, but it would not be a DD-214 for the same reason.
Note to Jonn,
This off-weekend open thread seems to be a hit.
Just saying…
He just does this kinda shit when he is too drunk to post anything useful.
Don’t encourage him.
Thanks DH. I just choked on a gummie bear.
I tried to sleep but had this horrible nightmare about Jonn, Lars, and a hotel room. I may never fall asleep again.
Not that there is anything wrong with that. Hey, he left me here unsupervised, WTF did he expect?
Only a Marine is twisted enough to come up with that.
I followed orders and did not click on the link.
But I do have a question. Did the nightmare you had involve a Ma Deuce Headspace and Timing Gage? Was it utilized dry or was a four pound can of GAA involved in the process?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Claw, it’s just you and Scooby tonite, so you gotta click!
He won’t run or whimper.
I asked Dave to do one on PV9 Gainey and Killer and post it here as well as on Killer’s thread.
OK, I clicked. I was going to anyway in spite of orders. Just like a two year old. Tell them NO, and it only makes them want to do it.
That clip was great.
Now if we could only talk Dave into doing one of PV9 Gainey and Sergeant Major Carrot Top, we could call it a day.
Yeah. I like that. Sing along with me:
“Sergeants Major, passing in the night.”
“Exchanging NDSM’s in the dark.”
La La, something something, La La La.
Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.
Great idea.
Oh, Dave…are you awake?
And I’m STILL laughing!!!
Jonn’s gonna get you. Wait til he gets home back to his PC.
Say, could you make one of Killer Killam and PV9 Gainey site and post it in “their” thread as well as posting here?
Know Animal, Eden, 3/17 Air Cav, Jarhead and especially Claw would love it.
Heck, everyone would love it.
Don’t forget to make one of Danny Boy and DUlLeSs together. And throw in Visconi as well with Chevy or Phildo or Chevy.
Might as well as Psaulie.
That should help you fall asleep tonite…heh,heh,heh.
Or how about one of Fred Hammer Junior and Jimmy Donkey Balls?
They’re both wannabe pilots who need a size 14 boot shoved up their Hell Holes.
(My Thanks to nbcguy for the Hell Hole reference)
That is another GREAT idea…!
Or Donkey Balls with either Killer or better PV9 Gainey both wearing Stetsons.
Oh, Dave….
Hmmm, Donkey Balls and the Cricket Symphony Conductor. Good match-up.
Tough call though on who would be doing the pitching or catching. Or which one gives the best reach-around.
Oh, well, just do it by the platoon system and rotate duties according to a duty roster.
I can hear them now. “Come over here and polish my saber.”
Ok, but only because Morek has been working Gaineys balls for a while now.–STmfQuqBszd3VXZKvA?utm_campaign=URL+Copy&utm_content=youre_the_one_that_i_want_1&utm_medium=Share&utm_source=JibJab&cmpid=jj_url
Can I please cut and paste and transfer to the Killer’s TAH site..
“No honorable veterans were harmed in this production. Anyone offended and in need of an on the spot correction is shit out of luck.”
Ok, but that is my disclosure.
Thank you, kind David-Son, Sensei and Master.
Oyasuminasai grasshopper.
Hmmm, PV8 Moerk in black capris and that shit eating grin.
Torn between extended bunk time or open stall latrine chunk tossing porcelain throne time.
Decisions, Decisions.
I propose a carrot on a stick reward in regards to that MP Brigade Sergeant Major in Hawaii.
Any active duty service member who is able to get Carrot Top to positively respond to an On the Spot Correction (OSC) (without pulling one of the cards available from her well used deck of cards) shall be awarded a PV8 Moerk type ARCOM.
Hey, it’s worth a shot. No new idea is a bad idea if it’s properly presented.
It’s been pretty unbeweaveable she’s been able to away with this crap for so long.
Oops, dropped a word. It’s late in the day.
Insert “get” between to and away in the last sentence.
My bad. That was an unintended Larsian-type slip.
Forgot completely about PV8 Moerk!!
Heck, she will probably get another ARCOM for tattle telling on Active Duty Troops telling the truth PV9 Carrot Top.
Don’t forget to open Dave’s link before you hit the sack, heh, heh,heh…
Any way Moerk can be in the Blue Falcon tournament? She is impersonating a 1st Sgt after all.
Thumbs UP, Animal on nominating her…wish we could get that Tournament started.
Did you see Dave Hardin’s latest video on PV9 Gainey and PV8 Moerk (look up).
Heh, heh, heh…
Gonna transfer this to Killer’s Website…
Yeah that was funny. She still looks like a dildo with ears.
To me she looks like Gollum in ACUs wearing a cheap wig and makeup.
What’s the link to his website?
Scroll up to Dave’s comment he posted early this morning @0130 hours.
(About 13 comments up).
It’s a scream. It’s about PV9 Gainey and PV8 Moerk.
I reposted it on Killer Killam’s TAH Blog (think I am Commentator 616).
Dave’s new video comes after the one he did on Jonn where you said a twisted Marine.
STILL Laughing my guts out on that one.
Poor Jonn…?
Or were you talking about Jib Jab?
Am so tempted to make a video, but don’t want to steal Sensei Dave’s Glory.
Sorry, Animal.
Now I know what you were requesting: Killer’s Website.
Was doing a Shortcut to TAH Blog on Killam and not cutting and pasting.
My Boo-Boo.
Master Dave did give a warning order not to open the link on Jonn. I disobeyed orders…and am suffering the consquences today called short term memory loss.
(Say, do I sound as if I am playing the Victim Role? Learn so much from these phonies and their enablers…)
Why are you limiting this to AD only? Of course, any of us would do it for free, but it’s kinda insulting that you think the AD folks need to be bribed and we don’t. Which we don’t. But if you offered me a retroactive one-grade promotion I might consider it for a while, then turn it down on principle. Or not.
OWB, Thanks for bringing up that point. I guess my mention of AD Service Members was not thought through enough while attempting to interject a little humor into the mix..
When I was typing that out late last night, I guess I was thinking of who would most benefit most from seeing an OSC in action and it would be the AD people right there on the ground in the immediate area.
They would be able to learn how to do an OSC properly and know that it can be done, regardless of the ranks involved.
Didn’t mean to slight any NG, Reserve or Retired individuals by saying active duty.
Are we good? Hope so.
We be good. Just sayin’ that sometimes retirees can handle situations that AD types (outside the actual chain of command that is paid to do it) shouldn’t tread too loudly.
Yep. I understand.
On the other side, if they were willing to pay for an all expenses paid round trip to Hawaii, I would be up for showing the AD types the way things were handled back in the days when we rode dinosaurs and wielded clubs.
I would sign up to be a contracted OSC agent, if the price was right.
Bottom line, I certainly hope Sergeant Major Carrot Top got her ass handed to her by the right AD people.
We be good right back at ya.
I’m with OWB on this. I’d confront her on base after watching one of those drills.
She’s a slob, plain and simple, among the other things she does.
Getting close to the Bewitching hour, so I’ll make this comment #200 and call it a day.
Later, Taters.
So how long is it going to take Jonn to get a new foxhole dug and a clean poncho liner issued?
He must be getting the Deluxe Grenade Sumps installed – they take longer. ..
nbc……..whenever I think foxholes, I think of my first time in the bush. I’m a complete cherry. I had no business walking point. First day I walked us up on a U shaped camouflaged bunker complex. Thank god, it was vacant. Second day, one man spider hole, well hidden,with a poncho lining the bottom. Again, vacant! Thank god.
The good ole days!
What? You didn’t hear the news?
Jonn had to do a RBI about his Poncho.
How many of you remember this? A classic.
Click on the PDF in the site.
When Berdahl dies in prison from a rope, firing squad or old age what will his DD-214 have on it for discharge status?
“Nothing Follows” at the end of the verbiage.
Brown and runny….
“Good Riddance.”
“Mission Accomplished”.
Reenlistment code FU-2.
“Bye Felicia!”
Is it just me, or do I simply refuse to pick fights with those who’ll expose me as one ignorant dumbass liberal windbag, that doesn’t know what he’s talking about, when they reply?
Since you guys school me the majority of the times I jump on here better than any of my educators have, I’d like to wish you guys an enjoyable teacher’s week, and may you school me this week and other weeks of the year.
It’s just you, lars’s poodle. You get a rush out of pissing people off. Kindly go find a squirrel and see if she cares.
I was behind a dumbass yesterday in a parking lot. He was stopped for a full minute in front of an empty parking slot. I swear to Chuck, it was like he was waiting for informed consent from the space so he wouldn’t be accused of vehicular rape.
As said somewhere above, I like the Daily Open Thread idea. But the acronym DOT is already in use in the daily feel-good. Must be a work around.
I hereby officially recommend “Today’s Open Thread” (TOT) as a possible solution to this dilemma.
How about Just A Daily Open Thread as in (JADOT)?
Well – on Monday, it could be MOT, Tuesday and Thursday could be TOT and THOT, etc.
I don’t care what Jonn names it.
It is good, though, to have a thread where we can just be as silly as we want and play organized grab-ass all day.
Thanks, Jonn.
This was organized?
First I’ve heard of this – was one of the Iwo Jima flag-raising Marines mis-identified?
Saw and read the same story 2 Days ago, Marine_7002, and was hoping Admin would post.
Know the picture in question is the staged picture and saw on the news last night that Bradley’s son said his family probably misunderstood Bradley and that he was in reality, did the original raising of the flag (and there was a photo of the original raising that those historians discovered), but not in the staged photo that was taken by the combat photographer after the original raising/planting the flag (the same photo used for the DC monument).
Fascinating information.
Hope Admin post. Thank you for bringing it here.
The last SBD dive bomber pilot at the Battle of Midway, Norman “Dusty” Kleiss, recently passed away:
He was one of the few pilots (perhaps only two) ever to score two bomb hits on Japanese aircraft carriers.
Bravo Zulu, Dusty.
Question for possible discussion and/or opinion.
Should an FOIA be requested on an individual whose obituary says he always carried a Challenge Coin with “Black Ops” on one side and “I Wasn’t There” on the other side? Obit says he received several high decorations and served in Black Ops in Vietnam. He passed away last October in that hot bed of embellishment, posing, lying and just plain f*#ktardery, Killeen, Texas.
Or should the old adage of “Let sleeping dogs lie” be appropriate?
And,……. talk about it.
OK, let the old dog sleep, I guess.
On another subject, did anyone by chance get video of Sergeant Major Carrot Top wearing her ass for a hat during yesterday morning’s PT run?
If so, please post it up. I need a good laugh to go with morning coffee.
Am up and running, Claw.
Any hints how one can look up the obit…Killeen Newspaper? Recently?
Would love to read it and share my $2,000 with you (it used to be 2 cents, but, my taxes are going up, up, up).
Nope, the obit isn’t in a Killeen paper. It was in the East Hog Flats, Indiana on-line paper cause the guy was born back there.
I’m not computer literate enough to know how to post links, but if you put in your search engine, just follow the obituaries link and the obit is at the top of the list.
The reason why I brought it up was as I was reading the obit, the image of him, PV9 Gainey and that LSoS Cayton doing “Military Bearing” ball checks on each other while sipping on Shirley Temples and telling war stories at their favorite Blue Oyster Club watering hole.
The three of them would kinda be like a DRG-West mini-chapter whenever they got together.
Any idea of the approx dates the guy claimed to have served, Claw? (I can use “Vietnam era” for the time frame, but better data gives a higher chance for a records “hit”.) Pretty sure the obit provides the rest of the info needed for a FOIA.
Obit has been screen-captured, just in case.
Nope, just the info that that was laid out in the obit.
Well, hopefully “Vietnam era” is sufficient, then. FOIA goes out today.
Thanks. Sometimes it’s a fine line between hero or liar.
If the guy was legit, he deserves our accolades.
However, if he was a LSoS, he deserves our scorn, even though he’s no longer with us.
Hondo, found an original obit on him in the Killeen Daily Herald from back in October.
That obit says he served 22 and a half years in Army ops and intel, so from that I’m getting the feeling he may (but again maybe not) be somewhat legit.
The subsequent obit in the East Hog Flats paper is the only one that speaks of “Black Ops” and the Challenge Coin and the dead comfort dog.. Perhaps another family write-up by folks who just don’t understand what Dad/Grandpa really did?
Still your call on submitting the FOIA.
PS: The picture included in that obit is of a very clean looking individual and not of an old stank-ass hippy like Killam.
The obit says he served three tours in RVN and was a member of several local VSO’s. So more and more it may seem he was indeed legit.
Not my call any more. FOIA went in the mail about 2 hrs ago – before I saw your latest comments here. (smile)
Hopefully you’re correct. I do hate seeing vets with honorable service p!ss all over same by trying to be some kind of “reincarnation of Audie Murphy” through lies.
Thanks, Hondo.It’s OK with me that the request has already been sent.
If he turns out legit, I/we can honor him as a small town Hoosier hero. After all, he was born in the same little town I was born in and attended the same school that my next county cousins went to.
If it goes the other way, let the chips fall where they may.
Will go on Secret Squirrel Mission to find that video on the now famous SGM Carrot Top.
It’s been awfully quiet on the Drive-By Media on her.
Wonder Why.
(Wink, Wink with dripping sarcasm)
There’s an online photo of her from the side, wearing a cap pulled forward over her eyes. That hair sticks out in back like a sore thumb and hangs way down over her collar. If that is NOT within regs, why is she getting away with it if the lower ranks can’t?
Also, there is a photo of her standing at what she seems to think is attention. Bad example of it.
This CSM is a slob and is flaunting her rank at everyone. I think she’s just daring anyone to take her to task over it because of her skin tone.
I, on the other hand, see only a slob and a cranky sow who is breaking regs because she thinks she can get away with it.
Please do let us know if you find such a video, AskAMarine.
Yep, the first question I asked myself when I saw that one picture was “Where in the Hell did she get a size 10 Patrol Cap?”
Roger, Ex-PH2. Will do.
Claw, how in the world does she get a Gas Mask on?
She doesn’t have to. In her case, RHIP.
She has a CSM’s Hummer driver/umbrella holder do it for her.
Today is Thursday. Tomorrow, presumably, there will be a WOT. It is not possible to be first in that WOT by calling First! today. It simply will not count so don’t go there, Claw. Anywhow, here are the current odds for tomorrow’s first WOT comment:
Skippy: 8-5
Claw: Even
ChipNASA: 6-1
FatCircles and API: 15-1
All others constitute the field at 20-1.
Don’t blame me. I didn’t make the line. I just post it.
The LATEST NEWS about SGM Carrot Top with her picture: “Flournoy expresses regret for out-of-regulation issues that sparked social media uproar” FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii — A command sergeant major whose out-of-regulation hairstyles, makeup and clothing sparked a firestorm of social media criticism is receiving counseling and has expressed “regret” for the distraction she has caused. Photos of Command Sgt. Maj. Angelia Flournoy, who is with the 8th Military Police Brigade at Schofield Barracks, were posted to the Facebook page of the group US Army Military Police WTF Moments. Hundreds of comments were subsequently posted to the 8th MPB Facebook page, some of which have been deleted. Photos show Flournoy’s hair hanging over her collar, while others show her wearing high heels while in uniform. Some online commenters, who claim first-hand experience with Flournoy, describe her as imperious, long ignoring so-called “spot corrections” made by fellow soldiers pointing out her out-of-regulation attire. Others related disparaging anecdotes and second-hand gossip, and commenters turned their ire on MPB command after Facebook posts were deleted and photos removed. Late Wednesday, Flournoy posted a statement on the 8th MPB’s Facebook page, saying: “I appreciate those who have corrected me and expressed their concern about my appearance not being fully in compliance with” regulations. “You are right to insist standards be set and met by all soldiers,” she wrote. “I sincerely regret how this has distracted from the great things the 8th Military Police soldiers are doing around the world.” The 8th MPS is responsible for military policing in the Pacific region. Maj. Leslie Waddle, a spokesperson for the 8th Theater Sustainment Command, said the entire affair had made Flournoy “very humble.” “Her hair was definitely out of regulation in some pictures,” Waddle said. “There are shoes that are not definitely out of regulation, but definitely questionable. “The command is definitely aware,” she said. “The command has brought her in for counseling.” She said the command at 8th TSC, which has oversight of the military police brigade, considers the matter resolved. Waddle said TSC Command Sgt. Maj. Gregory Binford met with Flournoy “immediately” after command… Read more »
Hopefully the counseling went something like this:
“Cut off that freaking mop now or put in your walking papers!!”
“Got it? Do it!!”
How about a famous PV9 Gainey quote:
Yep, that was truly a Bernathian type remark.
Of course, that occurred early on in the game, back when he thought (as a former SGM and the 1st SEAC) he could throw his weight around and he was dealing with a bunch of 20 something Privates who would fall to their knees and kiss his ring and thank him for setting them straight.
As well as his broken promise of “I am looking into the records and if my sources tell me Michael is a fake, you can bet your last dollar I will expose him 100%.”
In the meantime, four months and many renditions of the Cricket Serenade later, we’re still waiting for the exposure.
I don’t think it was his ring he wanted kissed, Claw. Unless you’re using ring as in, “Damn, the cat’s ‘polishing his ring’ again. He must have just used the litter box.”
Yes, Sir, I was kind of thinking along those lines when I said kiss his ring.
That’s why you’re the Hondo and I am only a lowly minion.
Well, Claw, guess PV9 Gainey is down to his last dollar and therefore, cannot afford Internet or Smartphone services to come back to TAH with his “promise.”
And in the meantime, his Buddy is steal collecting a check from helping Veterans who truly need help.
Oh, Gainey, Mother’s Day is coming up…gosh, I’m a mean SOB.
But, but, PV9 Gainey can’t be down to his last dollar, not with that Corvette and Harley he has that is so prominently pictured on his FB page.
Hell, if he needs money that badly, he can always go to Killer’s house and recycle a few of the shiny new bathroom fixtures that Killer got by having only his name appear on the draw slips for veterans home remodeling.
Speaking of Ass…
Food Chain “kindly “counseled” me about posting about PV9’s Mother and “highly” recommeded that I don’t go there
since his Mother is still alive.
So, now am being wishy
Will be picking my chewed out Ass from the floor
so I can spend a nice Mother’s Day with my Food Chain.?
If she removes her 3rd NDSM and does something with her appearance that says she actually gives a damn, I’m good with it.
Pitiful it took this many years ( I think) for this to finally happen.
Still on the mission for that video or any pics of her with 3 NDSM.
Hope her Chain of Command in some way or the other “relieve” her even though she may finally comply with Regulation. Probably won’t happen because of PC (IMO),but I could be wrong.
Perhaps she will be advised that it is about time she took retirement, while she still can do so.
I think Jonn should do this Open Thread every week.
Give us an open thread on Monday morning that we then use through Thursday for any off the wall thoughts or subjects that pop up instead of trying to fit them into a thread that has another theme.
Call it the Weekly Ash&Trash Catch-All Thread or The Organized Grab-Ass Thread or something along those lines.
Well, Claw, the WOT is available all week long and then some. Sure, its title (Weekend) sounds like it’s reserved exclusively for the weekend, but it’s not. It’s just a matter of using it beyond the weekend. BTW, your odds are up to 2-1.
Understood. Just throwing stuff out there.
There are somethings, though, that may just not fit in between the WOT recipes, like references to “Two Girls and One Cup” or nightmares about Jonn, Lars and a hotel room.
See what I mean? Don’t want to thinking about a pot roast, lemon meringue pie and Lars disrobing at the same time.
2-1 huh? Gotta work on my creds a little more.
Am with Claw on this one and agree with him.
This thread started on Monday and look at the number of post since then….and today is only Thursday.
Just my $20,000 (nor longer $2,000 or 2 cents because of those durn taxes).
Sure, why not? We can have the WOT, which lasts through the weekend, and then the MOT, which covers the rest of the week. Makes sense to me, but as that Hobo fellah pointed out, the WOT can last all week and we just keep adding to it.
Then anything that comes up on a weekend, like that junior bateman officer suing bodaprez, can be enlarged on further through the following week.
I’m good with it, either way.
Why lemon meringue? Why not lemon cream, with a glass of your very own home-brewed limoncello on the side? I can come up with the recipe for that, if anyone is interested. Me, I like a splash of bourbon in ginger ale and a plate of incinerated-crisp french fries, along with a grilled polish sausage with mustard, onion, pickles and relish.
Hmm… I may hit Sammy’s next week for that.
Well, I was kinda thinking about having kinder, softer, lite beer kind of stuff in the WOT, but the more bizarre, weird and hard liquor type of stuff in the Ash&Trash Open Thread.
That way unicorns don’t have to compete with slit trenches for attention.
I’ll dig up the limoncello recipe for next WOT. It has to be stored for 6 months in sterile bottles, but it’s something you can do at home. You can even put your own label and vintage year on it.
I’d say put it to a vote but there are two problems with that. First, this is not a democracy. It’s a benevolent dictatorship. As our resident commie will tell us, we’re a bunch of fascists and Nazis, so it’s fitting. Second, and this is key for me, I don’t trust you guys. Hell, I don’t trust me. Given the opportunity to vote multiple times, I will do it.
^^^^True dat
“How many times can we vote?” was my initial reaction to your suggestion, A/C.