A Public Message to A One-Time TAH Commenter
It has come to my attention that a recent commenter – using the screen name “Ralph Cinque” – apparently thinks I am someone I am not.
Well, that’s happened before and is nothing new. But this particular case seems to be a bit different.
“Ralphie-boi” above appears to have a blog – which I’d never heard of until someone told me about it the other day. Nothing new about that, either.
From a single quick – and first-time – look at his blog after its existence was brought to my attention the other day, “Ralphie-boi” seems to be of the opinion that Oswald was framed for shooting JFK. Hey, it’s still a free country; everyone is entitled to their opinion.
“Ralphie-boi” also apparently has been having a running argument on his blog with some individual using the screen name or nom de plume “Hondo”. The argument relates to the JFK assassination in some way; I didn’t bother to read enough of Ralphie-boi’s “scholarly work” to determine the precise details of that argument.
Regardless: “Ralphie-boi” has apparently published a number of rebuttal articles directed at this individual he calls “Hondo” on his blog. And he also seems to think this other individual is either named or using the screen name “Bpete” as well.
And of course – according to “Ralphie-boi’s” immense intellect and amazing powers of analysis, it’s not possible that TWO DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS might possibly use the same screen name or nom-de-plume. Apparently “Ralphie-boi” has determined that that simply can’t happen.
So there you go: per “Ralphie-boi”, since I use the nom-de-plume “Hondo” here at TAH I must be the same guy with whom he’s been having his running argument regarding the JFK Assassination.
Well, “Ralphie-boi” – I got some bad news for you. Here’s a news flash fer ya, “Einstein”.
I hate to “burst yer bubble” . . . but it is indeed possible for different individuals to use the same screen name on the Internet. That’s precisely what has happened here.
I am not the guy you’ve been arguing with on your blog. Before yesterday, I had no idea you even had a blog. I’ve never commented there, nor have I ever argued with you about the JFK Assassination. The sole exchange I’ve ever had with you was my single reply to you that occurred on this blog, regarding the comment I linked above.
Before that, I didn’t know you even existed.
Oh, and your blog articles and use of logic kinda . . . well, IMO they rather suck. I wasted a bit of time looking at a couple of them. For starters, not responding to an argument is decidedly not the same thing, logically, as agreeing your opponent is correct – either tacitly or explicitly. One has to see the article in question in the first place to respond; secondly, they have to feel the argument even merits a reply.
Your blog articles IMO go rapidly downhill from there.
I will say that at least you’re somewhat more literate than a few of the tools who have been featured here at TAH – you can string a readable sentence or two together, even if the use of logic therein leaves much to be desired. And you don’t seem to TyPe LiKe An AdOlEsCeNt TeEnAgE GiRl HaViNg A hIsSy FiT after drinking an entire 2-liter Mountain Dew and finding out her boyfriend wants to dump her, either.
Now, how about you take your half-baked ideas and comments back to your insular little JFK-conspiracy-theory-world and leave discussions here relating to military and government matters to rational adults. And while you’re at it, how about you quit accusing me of being someone I’m not?
Sheesh. I’d expect stuff like this from SoMeOnE eLsE wE kNoW aNd “LoVe”. Wonder if they know each other, or are possibly related?
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit, General Whackos
I AM Hondo!
If I had a son he would look like Hondo.
When I was 14 I rode a motorcycle made by Hondo, no wait, that’s Honda. Sorry, I never rode a Hondo.
No I’m Hondo, but I wish I was Glen Quagmire.
Allow me to be the first:
“I am Hondo”.
(not to be confused with Spartacus)
Dammit. How about the Second…
NBC: the reason you’re not winning is you’re not spending the quality time here and ignoring all your other duties. I take this shit serious. Actually, I haunt here dreaming of a new TSO post that mentions Sponge Bob; or a dump of the DRC’s emails to the Command Group; or, nirvana, the comething of Chevy and/or Round Ranger.
Just a bit of friendly advice:
It’s time to go back on your meds.
Restart the electroshock therapy treatments too…
Here, take these two screwdrivers and…
2 screwdrivers? That sounds like a might fine idea given how hot it is here. Thanks!
I am Hondo.
Ten Bears is Hondo.
Both of you bitches are not.
Careful, when Ten Bears claims something, you better take notice. Lol.
Now where is my Dutch rudder?
You sure that’s not “Ten Beers?”
I am Hondo. I mean Oswald, Possibly.
Lol. You gotta love some people’s logic. 🙂
Bernastypants is Hondo.
If I thought you were being serious, sj – I’d refer you to this short but very NSFW video clip from “Ahnold”:
I am Hondo. So there.
Hondo knows all sees. Hondo is the cloud. I was once stranded on the side of a New Mexico dirt Road. A man showed up with the exact part I needed, A pack of Winstons, A case of ice cold beer and even a treat for the wonder dog.
My truck was fixed and as I asked what I owed then man replied “I am Hondo” and drove away in a cloud of dust. As I looked around I saw there were no tire tracks but my own.
It has been reported that the last words that were heard before Hitler Killed himself were “I am Hondo”
As I write this I said Hondo aloud three times and my TV turned on and Hondo began to play. My TV is unplugged.
I got an Email from Hondo once, It opened and read itself to me.
Allan Greenspan used to call Hondo for investment advice.
Before NASA launches anything they call Hondo and ask if its ok.
Hondo once doodled a ship on a bar napkin and the navy scaled it down and Built the Nimitz.
Is that you, Chuck Norris?
We need a like button here.
Hondo ordered a Big Mac in a Burger King AND GOT IT.
I am Hondo
I am Hondo… and I will never get over Macho Grande or Elaine Ricci…
Even Batman said, “I’m Hondo!”
I thought it was Chuck Norris that said ” I am Hondo”
I thought is was Paul Newman said it first.
Silly Ex-PH2! It was John Wayne.
As we see, Ten Bears is much smarter than Two Dogs Bernath…
Bruce Lee used to say “I am Hondo”
As did Christopher Lee.
When the Bogeyman goes to bed at night, he looks under HIS bed for Hondo.
Je Suis Hondo
Hondo’s tears cure cancer.
Too bad Hondo never cries.
When Hondo talks… E. F. Hutton listens.
I am decidedly NOT Hondo, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express a coue of years ago.
Я Хондо!!
Chuck Norris is scared of Hondo.
OKAY, I just wasted a few minutes of my life checking Ralphie-boy’s handiwork out. He strikes me as the type of guy that would spend lots of time talking about how the Apollo Lunar Landings were faked and “Pro-Wrasslin'” is real.
Yep I read a few pages and scanned a few more. Im betting he buys tin foil by the box car load.
He must be taking Dusty Rhoades’ death pretty hard…
Hondo once gave a talk to school kids, he said any one can be President.
Unfortunately Obama was in that class.
Oh shit, the HONDO HONEY’s are going to be pissed at this guy.
Wait wait wait….I am Hondo and so is my wife!!!
That would make her Hond-a…
I was the Shooter on the Grassy Knoll, and Homdo was my spotter!
Goddamn iPhone…
Hondo! I will not let them crucify you!
أنا هوندو
Dirka dirka, Mohammed jihad!
Mohammed jihad dirka?
“Dirka dirka, Mohammed jihad” is a line from the 2004 movie Team America, World Police.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIlG9aSMCpg&w=560&h=315%5D
I know.
Dirka dirka, Mohammed jiHondo!
زه هوندو دی
For our OEF mates 🙂
Hondo’s life was a biomovie before he was even born.
Y’all are imposters.
THIS is Hondo!
אני הונדו
I am Ralph Malph.
I just looked at Ralphie-Boi’s blog. Holy crap. He’s posted over 3700 times in less than two years. Can you say “obsessed”?
Maybe say, turbocharged OCD?
I am Hondo!
Conspiracy nutters are so much fun to play with. It’s frikkin’ easy to find which buttons to push will bring the most mirth and merriment to the argument. 🙂
The HONDO HONEY’s put their top agent on this.
I am Hondo.
Hondo? Is that you?? And you, and you, and you…
If Hondo shook your hand, you’d put it on you’re resume’
D what’s up !!!!!
Hey have Jonn give you my E-Mail address or FB page link
Request made!
Hondo, I hate to be the one to finally out you but…my grandmother was in Dallas at Dealey Plaza that day in ’63 to see the President go by. And yes…in her old pictures, you are the man on the grassy knoll. 😀
Oh and Ralphie-boi, by the way, it’s a dead, dead, DEAD horse you’re beating. If you want to investigate conspiracies, try Benghazi or something in the last ten years anyway. Hell, it’s not like there aren’t enough of them to choose from under Obama.
I saw that bpete comment when it first showed up, but didn’t give it a second thought. Surely there can not be 2 Hondos, no name can be reused. Thats why I’m the only Smitty, isn’t that right 19D2O4R Smitty?
Hondo’s last confirmed words:
“Stay thirsty, my friends.”
Hondo what is it about all of these conspiracy nuts ????
I grew up in murcurey, Nv back in the 70s-80s LMAO ! !
I’m still waiting to see ET….
I bet this clown has seen him thoe. I just haven’t seen his blog yet
GREAT JOB on I lighting him and giving him your grace….
He can now claim that he was touched by the GREAT ONE !!!!!!
Who is John Hondo?
Sheesh. You folks are out of control. Just freaking out of control. (big smile)
Heeeeee Haawwwwwwwwwwwww !!!!!!!
Look what you’ve started! I hope you’re proud of yourself young man…. 😉
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”, said John Fitzgerald Hondo.
“Ask not only what your country can do for you, but what I can do to screw up your country”, said Barack Obama Not-Hondo.
I’m Hondo!
Hillary Clinton has begged Hondo to interview her.
I know for a fact that OUR Hondo exists on multiple planes of existence and on many other time lines as well.
He is very discrete, mind you, but I keep bumping in to him here and there.
We both dropped by Dallas that day and compared notes later while watching Neil Armstrong step onto the moon from the next crater.
The NSA keeps trying to pin him down… They have an old fashioned bulletin board on the wall in a room at headquarters where they keep a list of the latest HONDO sightings, etc.
Sorry Amigo… Nobody will believe me anyway. Remember Roswell?
No, it’s one of those timey-wimey things.
I most definitely am not Hondo, but I laughed my a$$ off at this thread. (Psst! I heard Kirk Douglas wanted to call his character Hondo but the name was copyrighted at the time and so he had to be Spartacus instead.)
Wonder if we can get a thread started saying “I am Bernath”?
Other than some Florida residents, who in the hell would want to claim that birth defect???
No thanks, we have enough idiots in the PRofMD.
Probably more luck with “I am definitely NOT Bernath.”
Has Dan Savage created a neologism for said person?
Stay thirsty my friends.
Me Hondo, you Jane.
That over there, – Caitlyn Jenner.