A Public Message to A One-Time TAH Commenter
It has come to my attention that a recent commenter – using the screen name “Ralph Cinque” – apparently thinks I am someone I am not.
Well, that’s happened before and is nothing new. But this particular case seems to be a bit different.
“Ralphie-boi” above appears to have a blog – which I’d never heard of until someone told me about it the other day. Nothing new about that, either.
From a single quick – and first-time – look at his blog after its existence was brought to my attention the other day, “Ralphie-boi” seems to be of the opinion that Oswald was framed for shooting JFK. Hey, it’s still a free country; everyone is entitled to their opinion.
“Ralphie-boi” also apparently has been having a running argument on his blog with some individual using the screen name or nom de plume “Hondo”. The argument relates to the JFK assassination in some way; I didn’t bother to read enough of Ralphie-boi’s “scholarly work” to determine the precise details of that argument.
Regardless: “Ralphie-boi” has apparently published a number of rebuttal articles directed at this individual he calls “Hondo” on his blog. And he also seems to think this other individual is either named or using the screen name “Bpete” as well.
And of course – according to “Ralphie-boi’s” immense intellect and amazing powers of analysis, it’s not possible that TWO DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS might possibly use the same screen name or nom-de-plume. Apparently “Ralphie-boi” has determined that that simply can’t happen.
So there you go: per “Ralphie-boi”, since I use the nom-de-plume “Hondo” here at TAH I must be the same guy with whom he’s been having his running argument regarding the JFK Assassination.
Well, “Ralphie-boi” – I got some bad news for you. Here’s a news flash fer ya, “Einstein”.
I hate to “burst yer bubble” . . . but it is indeed possible for different individuals to use the same screen name on the Internet. That’s precisely what has happened here.
I am not the guy you’ve been arguing with on your blog. Before yesterday, I had no idea you even had a blog. I’ve never commented there, nor have I ever argued with you about the JFK Assassination. The sole exchange I’ve ever had with you was my single reply to you that occurred on this blog, regarding the comment I linked above.
Before that, I didn’t know you even existed.
Oh, and your blog articles and use of logic kinda . . . well, IMO they rather suck. I wasted a bit of time looking at a couple of them. For starters, not responding to an argument is decidedly not the same thing, logically, as agreeing your opponent is correct – either tacitly or explicitly. One has to see the article in question in the first place to respond; secondly, they have to feel the argument even merits a reply.
Your blog articles IMO go rapidly downhill from there.
I will say that at least you’re somewhat more literate than a few of the tools who have been featured here at TAH – you can string a readable sentence or two together, even if the use of logic therein leaves much to be desired. And you don’t seem to TyPe LiKe An AdOlEsCeNt TeEnAgE GiRl HaViNg A hIsSy FiT after drinking an entire 2-liter Mountain Dew and finding out her boyfriend wants to dump her, either.
Now, how about you take your half-baked ideas and comments back to your insular little JFK-conspiracy-theory-world and leave discussions here relating to military and government matters to rational adults. And while you’re at it, how about you quit accusing me of being someone I’m not?
Sheesh. I’d expect stuff like this from SoMeOnE eLsE wE kNoW aNd “LoVe”. Wonder if they know each other, or are possibly related?
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit, General Whackos
Maybe he’s been having an Internet argument with John Havlicek 😉
I just figured you liked John Wayne movies…
Surely no 2 people on this vast interwebs full of millions of people have ever had the same thought or chosen the same name. Ever! I’m the only Valkyrie you’ll ever see online, ever! Thhppt!
He must be arguing with himself. he has 900 post this year and none of them have comments. His Jonn Lilyea post was just weird.
A little background info may help clarify the situation.
Let me begin by saying I have never used the screen name of “Hondo”.
Ralph Cinque is a colleague of Gordon Duff, yes…that Gordon Duff. Mouthpiece of the Veterans Today website. My blog is called “Fetzering Against Rational Thought” (F.A.R.T. for short), named after another colleague of Duff’s, James H. Fetzer.
Cinque is an unlicensed Chiropractor, in Texas, that now runs a “fasting retreat” while passing himself off as a Doctor in violation of Texas State Statute. Ralph is also an outlet for Human Growth Hormone without a prescription and will ship to your door in violation of international law. This has all been documented on my blog site as well as other places around the net.
Ralph Cinque has spent several years trying to find out my real identity and has openly accused me of being now, up to seven or eight different people. He gathers his facts by “Googling” my name to see what websites I have commented on and then begins another spiral away from rational discourse.
I have commented here, in the past, on Gordon Duff articles and the posts on Hillary’s remark about “what difference does it make now”. I apologize for my past comments being the reason that Ralph “The Skidmark of JFK Research” Cinque, showed up at your door.
All I can suggest is pressure washing the place where he stood and lighting a match.
I’ve had some festering odoriferous pustule on a Swamp Donkey’s posterior accuse seven or eight others of being ME in the past two years, has your accuser slandered and libeled those he accused of being you? Just curious.
Thanks for the clarification, correction, and background. I wasn’t going to waste any more of my time reading that foolish tool’s blog than the absolute minimum necessary, so I missed some of the details.
And you don’t owe us any apology, friend. You cannot be held responsible for the actions of another individual who happens to be an idiot – and decides to prove that to the world.
So, Ralphie-boi is obsessed with determining who you are, and has accused 7 or 8 other people of being you? GeE – fOr SoMe ReAsOn ThAt SoUnDs QuItE fAmIlIaR.
Again, thanks for the info and update.
(Yes, there is a reason for the odd typing above – use the site’s search feature with search term “Wittgenfeld” if you don’t already know the background. Just be prepared to spend a while reading. [smile])
bpete, several other people have been accused of being me, when in fact, there is ONLY ONE ME.
Do not despair. I suggest a small, 2-layer lemon cake with lemon frosting and lots of sprinkles, hot tea, and a really bad-ass pizza (plus some celery or potato skins) to calm your nerves, while you watching a soothing copy of ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’, or some such entertainment.
Speaking on worthwhile life achievements, “I can say with great pride and satifaction, I served inthe United States Navy”, said John Fitzgerald Hondo.
A public welcome to the newest member of The Dutch Rudder Club!
Ralph Cinque aka Harry Warren (he likes rabbits?), COME ON DOWN!!!