Cowards, liars and terrorists

| January 25, 2015


We pride ourselves on being truthful here. We’ve messed up a few times and we admitted to it. Unfortunately, the people who we expose as liars are less truthful. They think that they can destroy our reputations, cost us our jobs and families with their lies and their threats. I don’t have to threaten anyone. I’m secure enough in the truth that I don’t have to threaten people.

But, you know, when you tell a lie and you get away with it, the follow-up lies are easier to slip from your mouths. For example, there’s this at the website of Daniel Bernath;

John Lilyea, Randy Ryder and other highly trained military veterans are discussing the making of IEDs for use against civilians and police. I enclose a copy of their writings from today May 21, 2014. Jonn Lilyea has a restraining Order against him because of the threat of him committing violence imminently. Both the Maryland Court and also Oregon Court has so rule. The Maryland judge also declared him a perjurer. Lilyea is a highly trained and very bitter veteran. I enclose his writings from the last time he was “detained” by the West Virginia State Police and disarmed of his rifles and concealable pistols:

I wouldn’t say that I’m “highly trained”, but I am indeed bitter. Bitter that the court system hasn’t shut down this half-wit. I’ve never been declared to be a “perjurer” by any judge either in Maryland or Oregon or any of the other states in this country. You can read the transcripts of the hearings yourselves.

I have no restraining order against me and the people who have filed those against me are alive and well to this day by some miracle. The local police know that I’m no threat to them – I’ve always cooperated with them even when they were wrong. Bernath is right, though, when he says that I’m liable to kill – anyone who threatens me, my family, or my property has no chance of continued survival. They’re wise to keep their distance from my home. They’re wise to stay in the states where they live where they can lie, threaten and slander to their hearts’ content.

Paul Wickre began his whole episode with us nearly two years ago by pretending to be law enforcement and calling my wife to threaten her life and liberty. He didn’t stop there; he went on to call my daughter and threaten her as well. Now he’s upset because the Washington Post and Politico started investigating his wife when she was breaking federal laws by influence peddling for his business. Well, my wife’s only crime was loving me. Not a crime I understand, but one I appreciate.

Paul Wickre terrorized me and my family as a hitman for hire by Phil Monkress who put an actual price tag on his phony SEAL claims. The price was $12,000/month – the money that he paid Paul Wickre to terrorize us into pulling the blog down. An unsuccessful endeavor, obviously. The death threats continue as recently as last night;

From: Paul Wickre Date: Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:06 AM
Subject: Fwd: Need vile things said or wrote to you by Seavey
To: Dallas Wittgenfeld , Frank Visconi , george mutter , Dan Bernath

This is what you did not want.

I am going to serially attack you as you attacked my wife my lessor,
and you pushed the issue. You have my words. as you attacked my wife,
so shall I Seek you out. SEavey, you can expect the worst to your
writers, as to serial battery and assault. Lilyeas the same. Mason is
going to lose

For attacking my wife, you are going to get baseball bats into your
cranium. NO one can stop me.

Everything is done. For attacking my wife, I will see you personally
and attack and destroy your loved ones. See the history of my family.
You r dead and gone.

There is no barrier, I want you to sleep at night knowing that persons
unknown to you will seek you out and physically attack your families
for what you have done.

Your attack on my beloved has made me irate and insane. I will force
you into the worst torment and push it in our face. You will take down
every blog, apologize, and humbly seek forgiveness, as I have the
powers to directly attack you in Indiana and Wva.

This is past warnings. By any means I Will bring the torture, rape and
conduct back to you and your families as to your mouths and destroy
your current. position,

I intend to attack your beloveds, bring pain on your families, force
conduct into your mouths for what you did to me over the past two

When I find your associates, on IP addresses, In any location I will
pay for hired hit men to find, locate and dismember your affiliates
I am going to start with Hackstone, then chipnasa, then the rest, As
soon as I can locate them I am going to take a baseball aluminum bat
to there heads in there apartments, beat there skulls in and murder
them as to blood spurting and death in 2 minutes.

When I find them for the men, I am gong to take knife and cut there
genitals off and force them down there mouth, while choking on their
own blood.

So you should get the picture as to attacking my wife and family. If
you put out one more filthy post, I will send my hitmen to locate
Julie Weir, Your posters, and severely dismember or attack them all,
into pieces. I suggest you shut up, take down your posts, stop
attacking my family, else I come out and take baseball bats, knives,
and carve you into pieces.

If any of posters ever mentions my name or my wifes name again, or our
business or corporations, I will send the men or myself and gleefully,
take a aluminum baseball bat, beat the shit out you, put you in the
hospital and break every leg in your or arm in your body untill you
relent and leave us alone.

If you don’t get it, I will rape your beloveds in your face force you
to watch and then serially beat the shit out of you, put you in a
shallow grave and shovel dirt into your bloody mouths.

If you want more, I Will track trace and locate your children, they
will get the same in front of your eyes.

If you ever mention my sister again I will locate you and forcibly
annaly rape your wife with a baseball bat in front of your eyes while
you are tied down with ductape.

If you do not take down every ugly post about me or my person off your
web sites, I will come to your homes, rape your wife, force your
children, beat you to death and videotape it as your murderous death.

You take off every piece of filth regarding me, your posts, meta data,
Google, or every thing you have done. You would be best served if you
erase every piece of filth you ever thought about, delete it , stop
interfering in my life, erase everything else.

You don not know what or whom you are dealing with. You stop your
games and get out of our lives forever, else I come and cause you the
most horrid death and destruction into your loved ones and I mean

I you want the pain, just keep it up. If you want the treats to stop,
then you erase my name and be glad that you don’t have to deal with me

We know it’s a threat, but the police aren’t all that interested in arresting these terrorists. Ask Flagwaver who was SWATted a few weekends back.

This is all in response to an email I sent this past week asking them to begin to act their age – another unsuccessful endeavor, apparently. Just like terrorists, they took that email as sign of weakness and decided that they’d crank up the volume. My mistake – I thought they’d want to find a way out of the morass that they, themselves, had created. But, them being terrorists, liars and criminals, they’re coming out of the woodwork. Dallas has joined in the hunt for A Proud Infidel. They’ve posted a bounty on API, HackStone and ChipNASA – ten thousand bucks each. Now they think that our pal, Mykel Hawke is API. Apparently, everyone with brown hair is A Proud Infidel.


For the record, I don’t even know who they are, so the odds that one of the other 1/2 million visitors we get every month know them are mighty slim.

I’m disappointed, to say the least, that the justice system allows these imbeciles to run loose, to terrorize people who operate a legitimate business endorsed by the United States Supreme Court. Paul Wickre has forced his way into other people’s homes and physically assaulted the man’s wife when he wasn’t home, according to people we’ve interviewed. He got a six-month peace order slapped on him as a result. But, now he can threaten to rape TSO’s wife in front of him and he gets nothing.

Of course, no one believes Wickre anymore – he’s a coward who launches his attacks from the safety of Montgomery County where the cops and prosecutors quake at the mention of his name. If Paul Wickre was coming to get me, he would have done it already, and it wouldn’t have turned out like he expects. Hiring a hitman would end up better for him, but less so for the hitman. He likes to say that I won’t see “it” coming, but he doesn’t know me well enough to say something like that.

Wickre, whose name I’m not supposed to mention on this blog under threat of death, won’t venture out in snow anyway – he’s one of those Bethesda pussies who buy up all of the toilet paper in the county and then hide in their house until the snow melts completely.

The same goes for Wittgenfeld. He’s been “cometh” for more than three years, and yet…nuthin’. Not hide nor…well…hide.

And to Frank Visconi, who tried unsuccessfully to spam our Facebook page – do you really want to throw your lot in with these crooks and liars? Think about it, Frank.

The final words from Mr Bernath to his cronies;

From: Daniel Bernath
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: Oh, you guys….
To: Paul Wickre Cc: “” , “” , “”

Mother nature is taking out the trash.
Seavey fired and Lilyea dead by the end of the year. Two very doable goals.

“If your enemy is killing himself, don’t get in the way.”
It is like Roy Cohn and the New York bar.
Which was going to get him first? The NY Bar or AIDS?

Daniel A. Bernath
American Legion
vowing to throw out the current leadership and make
Daniel A. Bernath National Commander of American Legion on “Reform” ticket

ADDED: Another love letter from Paul Wickre, the spouse of Karen Williams-Wickre, the brother of Karen Wickre;

From: Paul Wickre Date: Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:39 AM
Subject: I am done with you and looking up your phone
To: Dan Bernath , Dallas Wittgenfeld , Frank Visconi

I will simply just kill you. You attacked my wife and family. I will
gleefully come out to Indiana and WVa and simply kill you. I am
stating in bold simple facts, if you ever interfere in my life or
time, ever again , I will kill you, I will murder you and your family.

I f you ever mention my wife again , or her career, or her work or my
work. I will dismember your family, burn down your house, kill every
one in your blood line, find your relatives, murder them and force you
to watch. While you are alive, I will take a knife to your balls, and
shove them down your mouth as you scream.

If you have children, I will serially murder them in front of your
eyes, force you to eat entrails, and cause you the worst pain in the

Now you take down those filthy posts about me, else I come out and
murder, decimate and destroy any thing you hold dear.

You take down everything interfering with my life, else I come and
destroy yours, up close and personal.

I intend to take baseball bats and crush your skulls, break your legs,
and collarbones, put you in the hospital for months then come back and
beat you again.

I dont care about TAh. I will kill you and your famaily for your
attacks on my wife, and create horror in your home, up close and

I wil find all your relatives and kill them and burn down there house,
yours, and your neighbors. Poison your pets, find your 3rd grade
teachers, kill them, and spread poison on your property, kill your
pets and set fire to your house untill everything is gone. If you have
parents, I will kill them too, find there hospice, burn it down murder
everyone in the community,

You take down everything, else I come and destroy you. YOu made a
terrible mistake fiddling with my life. NOW or you reach oblivion.

ViK-Re M17

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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John sounds like your wife broke the law she broke your heart.
Just saying!


Being Stupid isn’t a crime…

Being in love with stupid ain’t eother.


I like this guy send him up north.


Indeed, send him…:-)


I’m wondering why he hasn’t come up here yet. Ditto DullASS.

Oh, that’s right. NH is shall-issue and Jags don’t do well in blizzards. Come to think of it, they don’t do well in any weather.

Hey, Psulie-boi, if you didn’t want us to mention your now-unemployed and under investigation wife, you really shouldn’t be sending us e-mails with her Congressional e-mail address all over them, especially when they involve securing government contracts.

IG types get a little pissed about influence peddling. Ditto the FBI.

And Bernath? Rustle, rustle, bitch. IED in your case means Imbecilic Eternal Dipshit.

Army SGM

I just sent a copy of his letter to the American Legion HQ. Wonder what they think of his plot to “OVERTHROW” the current leadership! OH I might have sent it to the SMA and JCS wondering why they tolerate and defend members acting like jack-holes and making death threats and other vile crap against veterans and their families.Standing by for response from them.

That Guy

So, hey. Make sure to pay the hitman you send after me in cash. Because I want a new guitar.


He’ll write you a check…
Through Paypal !!!


I’m confused about something.

Do these bozos actually expect anyone to be afraid of them?

pickwickre peckerwood, go back to WDC and hunt through the tranny bars. That’s all you’re good for, you odiferous oaf.

It’s the waxing moon now, so I will burn some french fries and sacrifice a goat cheese to the Nones to be kind enough to PUT AN END TO THIS SHITSTROLL.

A Proud Infidel®™

The soiled-spandex-wearing Santorum-cologned #3 smegma-stained DINGLEBERRY of the Dutch Rudder Club, Paul/Palmer/Psul/Psulmer Wickre, spouts and drools again. How’s everybody’s third favorite Shmendrick,do you still get Christmans cards from the makers of Cisco, T-Bird, and MD20/20? HEY, wait a minute, you said you were paying about what, $100+K to hire hitmen to come after all of us what, over a year ago? *YAWN* I have far more respect for “that guy” I see on the street corner chain smoking cigarettes and talking to himself than I ever have or ever will for you! Paul/Palmer Wickre, you bore the crap out of me. If you really wanted to improve things for yourself, you can start by buying yourself a mailbox complete with a door, then add a more permanent carport for your POS junked-out Jags versus that crap you have in your driveway. DANIEL A. BERNATH the smegma-breathed snail-and-slug-snot-headed fungus-faced fart-sniffing bucket of toad snot, you’ve accused at least six innocent Men of being me now, and you blamed me for it on Disqus threads to boot. Yes Folks, Daniel A. Bernath said that innocent Men being blamed WAS MY FAULT because I haven’t surrendered my info to him, Daniel A. Bernath the fake Oregon Attorney/ fake USN CPO/fake Florida resident is THAT big of a coward! Dallas Wittgenfeld, the extremely mentally deficient sniveling toad-snot-sniffing, drooling jailbird and lackey of Paul/Palmer Wickre and Daniel A. Bernath, you may also GO COPULATE YOURSELF sideways with 1,000 frozen porcupines after they’ve been rolled around in broken glass while you’re getting a sulfuric acid enema. You told me over a year ago “THE *SLUURRRP*MAN COMETH” over a year ago, and *YAWN*, you’re just as much of a boring, predictable idiot as the rest of the “Dutch Rudder Club”. BY THE WAY you idiots, you’ve accused other innocents of being other members of the Fine People of TAH®™, as far as I know right now, I’m sure I hold the title of having the most wrong people accused of being me, but hey, I don’t have to tell others about how STUPID YOU ARE, you prove… Read more »


Not one of them could its way out of a wet paper bag with a map, a guide dog, a compass and a flashlight.

As a group, they have a combined IQ that is lower than any of the sweaters in my dresser. My shoe size is a higher number than any of their IQs.

Just keep it coming, you idiots. Each of you is so STUPID you don’t even know you’re alive.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur Ma’am. Not only that, they couldn’t even find their own lower posteriors at high noon with a searchlight and GPS!! My cats cough up hairballs that have at least a hundred times their collective IQ!!



A Proud Infidel®™

As The King®™ would have said:

“Thank-yuh, thank-yuhverymuch!” 😀


Now you take down those filthy posts about me, else I come out and murder, decimate and destroy any thing you hold dear.

He already did that with the English language and all it was guilty of was being misused by him.

Personally, I’m not afraid. The local cops already know about the issues going on. I was SWATted, but nothing came of it. Now, they are wary of any calls regarding my address.

I must ask why the FBI aren’t looking into these obvious threats, though. Sure they are written by someone who is mentally inferior to the kid in third grade whose lunch consisted of lead paint chips, but they are still electronically transmitted threats.

Since Bernath also seems involved, are you keeping the legal team up to speed with them? If anything does happen, it would be a good idea to not let them know about it until the self-defense hearing.

Oh, and Paul K. Wickre (google hit), I do hope you learn to love the infamy of the internet. Regardless of what happens, your name is here to stay at the simplest mention of google.

A Proud Infidel®™


KAREN WILLIAMS 😀 :mrgreen:
KAREN WILLIAMS 😀 :mrgreen:
KAREN WILLIAMS 😀 :mrgreen:
KAREN WILLIAMS 😀 :mrgreen:
KAREN WILLIAMS 😀 :mrgreen:
KAREN WILLIAMS 😀 :mrgreen:
KAREN WILLIAMS 😀 :mrgreen:
KAREN WILLIAMS 😀 :mrgreen:

BRING IT, you impotent, sniveling, Cisco-and-T-bird-swilling glittery gargoyle gonad-sniffing fartweasel! The same goes for your fellow Care bear-hugging BRONIES!!

A Proud Infidel®™

P. S.
I forgot “You booger-eating bedwetting crayon munchers!”


Hey, don’t malign Bronies like that. Most of the ones I know wouldn’t have anything to do with these sad sacks of left over cow’s cud.

A Proud Infidel®™

Okay, then how ’bout “Swamp Donkey-kissing fart muffins” instead? :mrgreen:

The Other Whitey

Too creepy for the bronies? Damn, that’s saying something!




Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen Williams Wickre, of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD (Google hit!) are utterly deplorable human beings. How on Earth anyone above the age of 11 could dedicate so much time to sending these illiterate, spittle-flecked emails is beyond me.

Guess what, Paul? The internet is forever, and the mountains of evidence demonstrating what a weasel-like little shit you are will go exactly nowhere, and shall continue to be available to anyone with a cell phone and three seconds of spare time.

In closing, fuck you, Paul Wickre. You’re a bitch.

PS: I’m in Sterling, VA, so as long as you’re sending your “hired hit men” after Jonn, I’m conveniently located along the way. Or, of course, you could personally drag your pansy ass over here with your aluminum rape bat. Best of luck to you.

Toasty Coastie

Hey Prince and Princess Fancypants Of The Island Of Aren’t You Freakin’ Special Bucket of Pig Snot Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen William~

Have you not figured out that you are the verbal equivalent of a medieval hair shirt dipped in a sack of fleas, and no one is interested in your melodramatic defecation-induced orgasms?

By the gods, reading your ramblings is like a blind man trying to read braille on a stuttering vagina. Your blind, raging, spittle-flecked misplaced fury while amusing most of the time is now perilously close to becoming redundant.

Did you not learn from your last go around here or is your mind a stew of confusion and frustration because you ran out of MD 20/20 and Colt 45 and put a hole in your Glittery Sparkled Spandex?

In case you have forgotten you arrogant Blow Up Doll, you will NOT EVER WIN against TAH or us posters because you are an Illiterate Hobgoblin and your Trans-dimensional Space Goat wife of an enabler are an unholy combination of paranoia, delusional thinking with rage problems, and narcissism. In other words,a mismanaged carnival of stupidity mixed with jealousy, and impulse control problems who deserve to be paraded naked through the streets of Minot, North Dakota on Groundhog’s Day to see if your shadows are as faint as your sense of dignity.

Now please do us a favour and unplug your computer, put a nipple on your bottle of Md 20/20 and rock back and forth until you pass out.

There is no place in this plane of reality that wants you…Perhaps the Toad Snot of the Pac NW can fly out to you and keep you company as you rot away from consuming to many Glittery Gargoyle Gonads.

Scandal on the web leaves the shame a click away, forever. You and your troglodyte wife would do well to remember that.




A Proud Infidel®™

ANOTHER CLASSIC from the lovely and talented Toasty Coastie!! 😀


“reading your ramblings is like a blind man trying to read braille on a stuttering vagina.”



That. Was. AWESOME.


“If you want the treats to stop,
then you erase my name and be glad that you don’t have to deal with me
again.” – another quote from pickwickre peckerwood, aka psul the uncool, aka psulie-o the uncoolie-o.

Why would we want the treats to stop? Is it Hallowe’en already and nobody told me? Geez, I need to go costume shopping.

Should I put out cookies, or pop some popcorn?

Why is that batshit looneytune still obssessed with Julie Weir?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure it’s because she’s taken to ignoring those crayon-munching paste-eaters, that drives them just as apeshit crazy as not caving to their games!


Julie is an attractive woman with a great personality and blessed with good taste and sense, which inevitably meant that a) Palmer wanted to get in her pants (ugh. the mere thought!) and b) she took one look at him and wanted to put at least two states between them. That’s why he’s obsessed, like any creeper would be.


Awfully redundant feller isn’t he?


Paul, when you go to Home Depot to get a new mail box, ask the clerk there (not their) to give you a lesson on when to use “there” and when to use “their”. Just trying to help.


Who is Paul Mutter? (Addressee on the missive from Paul.)


Hey Paul, round up all 4 of your ass munching buddies, find my IP address and head out my direction. Please, please. After all the apparently wide network of “hired hit men” you know should be able to come see me for the right price. By the way, as for all these hit men you say you know…I say, must be slow times and slim pickin’s in the hit man for hire business. First, since they’re willing to work for such a loud mouth, idjit such as yourself. Second, since they might be willing to work for you, I don’t expect much of a fight from them. You get what you pay for Paul. That’s the way of all business. Plus who would change your tire, much less harm someone for money on your behalf, since you’ve left a paper trail as long as your arm about your intentions. Yea, I don’t know about hit men myself but I imagine they look at wing nuts like you and have to wonder, “how long would it take this tool to turn on me?” Answer, before the police asked you your middle name.

Tailhook Tom

Obviously coming to this late, but I see on the proclaimed lawyer’s Facebook page, he photoshopped his head onto the torso of President Bush in flight suit and gear after he landed on USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN back in 2003.


My my. Pauley-boi has been very very bad!

Hack Stone

Paul Wickre is offering a $10,000 reward for information on the “felon Hack Stone”. Well, this Hack Stone has never been arrested, so he must be referring to the person trying to post to TAH as Hack Stone. That Hack Stone has been convicted, so that must be the person that he is looking for. I have it on good authority that the felon Hack Stone has been posting from the FirsTech Solutions headquarters in Bethesda MD. Please forward my $10,000 to The Fisher House.

As to threatening myself, my wife, and siblings, you better bring one more than one bat. Hack comes from an Irish Catholic family, so it won’t be any cakewalk for you.

As to your failure to find gainful employment, maybe it may be that you cannot differentiate between “there” and “their”, among many other issues.



Is the $10,000 payable in used neckties and leisure suits? Those fucking retards don’t have any money…especially since Wickre’s wife got shit canned and Wicre’s sister got stiffed.

Clearly the hashtag campaign to finds Elaine Ricci is touching a nerve.

A Proud Infidel®™

Well then let ME be part of that as well.




Paul K. Wickre (Google hit) Windowlicking, bedwetting incompetent self-described and certified psychotic and former contractor to the US Government.

Karen Williams Wickre(Google hit) Windowlicking, bedwetting enabler of the above mentioned psychotic cretin, former Congressional staffer and working the backrow parking at a Flying J Truckstop


Hey Wickre and your ugly wife and sister; since you apparently can’t find West Virginia or Indiana, bring your little pee-wee baseball bat to Texas. It’s a bigger state so therefore should be easier to find. In fact, to make it even easier for you, I’m in Slammintonio. People like you are just pieces of trash that think you’re actually relevant in some way. Nobody really cares about you, and your wife is just hanging around waiting for your life insurance policy to pay off so she can find a real man. She knows that all of your little BS threats to others will eventually get her paid on the day that you bark up the wrong tree. Someday, someone will actually take you seriously, ending with you having a very bad day.
Do everyone a favor and either shit or get off the pot. Your whiney crap is getting old.
But if you’re in the neighborhood, feel free to drop in and say “hey”. I’m sure it’ll be a hoot.


If you dumbasses survive Texas you can sidestep on over to New Mexico. I’ll leave the light on for you.


The Other Whitey

Wickretard’s little love notes look exactly like the definition of a felony terrorist threat. He just loves to dig his own hole deeper, doesn’t he?

I got a real kick out of his reference to his own family history, since he’s pretty much the poster child for why incest is a bad thing. Wickretard being dumber than dogshit surprises nobody at this point.



Im here if you need help with the clean up.


Hit me up I have something for you

Daniel, Paul and Dallas



Damn Jonn, this turd really knows his way around a courtroom. As a defendant that is. What I can’t fathom is with this kind of background why won’t the Maryland authorities shut this asshole down. And by the way, doesn’t making terrorist threats over the Internet involve any federal violations? For those of you interested, here’s just the first page of this screwball’s rapsheet: CaseSearch will only display results for cases that exist and for which the case’s existence or a person’s identity is not protected information under Md.Rules 16-1001 through 16-1011. 97208C Wickre, Paul K. 03/1956 Defendant Montgomery County Circuit Court BINDOVER-JURY CLOSED 02/10/2003 EP06248 Wickre, Paul K 03/1965 Defendant Rockville District Court Traffic Closed 12/09/2006 107225C Wickre, Paul K 03/1965 Defendant Montgomery County Circuit Court BINDOVER-JURY CLOSED 03/01/2007 137996V Wickre, Paul K Plaintiff Montgomery County Circuit Court DOMESTIC FAMILY CLOSED 06/27/1995 211628V Wickre, Paul K Defendant Montgomery County Circuit Court FORECLOSURE CLOSED 06/08/2000 230401V Wickre, Paul K Plaintiff Montgomery County Circuit Court OTHER LAW CLOSED 03/07/2002 2D00115803 Wickre, Paul K 03/1956 Defendant Rockville District Court CR Closed 01/12/2002 4D00126067 Wickre, Paul K 03/1956 Defendant Rockville District Court CR Closed 11/10/2002 5D00105649 Wickre, Paul K 03/1956 Defendant Rockville District Court CR Closed 11/15/2001 5D00187612 Wickre, Paul K 03/1956 Defendant Rockville District Court CR Closed 12/09/2006 82639C Wickre, Paul K Other Montgomery County Circuit Court MOTOR VEH BO-JURY CLOSED 06/18/1998 94377C Wickre, Paul K 03/1956 Defendant Montgomery County Circuit Court BINDOVER-JURY CLOSED 12/31/2001 94706C Wickre, Paul K 03/1956 Defendant Montgomery County Circuit Court INFORMATION CLOSED 01/31/2002 HV40801 Wickre, Paul Kevin 03/1956 Defendant Rockville District Court Traffic Closed 05/11/2013 060100101872007 Wickre, Paul Kevin Defendant Rockville District Court CONT ACTIVE 04/30/2007 060100101872007 Wickre, Paul Kevin Defendant Rockville District Court CONT ACTIVE 04/30/2007 060100125862007 Wickre, Paul Kevin Defendant Rockville District Court TORT BANKRUPTCY 06/14/2007 0D00030030 Wickre, Paul Kevin 03/1956 Defendant Rockville District Court CR Closed 04/15/1996 0D00047887 Wickre, Paul Kevin 03/1955 Defendant Rockville District Court CR Closed 07/23/1997 1D00087613 Wickre, Paul Kevin 03/1956 Defendant Rockville District Court CR Closed 01/16/2000 1Z33690763 Wickre, Paul Kevin Defendant Silver Spring District Court 02 MI Closed 10/08/2002… Read more »


John just remember you have thousands if not millions of some bad ass vets and some not so high speed but we are all in your corner. We can make bernath go away for you. Not kill him just make him go away.

Open Channel D

How much time in the slammer has he actually dine?


Unless you kill or rape someone, it’s amazing in MD what it takes for you to get sent to the slam for any length of time.

That being said, he’s done several months in one case, and should have done a lot more when he assaulted the cop.

No worries, he’s stupid and doesn’t learn from his mistakes. He’ll be someone’s bitch in Jessup soon enough.


Is that anything like Slums of Beverly Hills?

And I’m sure we all know some “rich” folk who act like complete classless d-bags.

Scum finds its own level.


One of these days they are going to threaten a person who will want to shut him up, permanently. Psuley boy will continue to flap his lips and someone will sew them shut. Karma is a bitch with no remorse.


Eminently possible. There are people in the world who both just don’t give a damn and take offense easily. Some of them also have short tempers – and play for keeps.


Found this on a criminal defense lawyer website: Making a Terrorist Threat Making a terrorist threat, sometimes known as making a criminal threat or by similar language, is a crime in every state. People make terrorist threats when they threaten to commit a crime that would reasonably result in death, terror, serious injury, or serious physical property damage. Not all threats are criminal, and not all threats are considered terrorist threats. Though state and federal laws on terrorist threats differ widely, they typically include several common elements. Threats. A person usually makes a terrorist threat verbally or in writing, but the threat does not have to be explicit nor expressed in a written or verbal format. A person can make a terrorist threat through innuendo or even body language. Some courts have ruled that a person can be convicted of making a terrorist threat if a reasonable person could conclude that the person’s actions under the circumstances conveyed a threat to commit violence. However, some state laws specifically require that a person make a verbal statement; body language or non-verbal communications are not enough in those states. Specificity. While a person can make a terrorist threat through innuendo or non-verbal communication, the threat itself must specifically threaten death, serious injury, or serious property damage. It doesn’t matter that the person making the threat fails to specify a method. Also, a threat doesn’t have to specify the time when the attack might take place. Any threat involving a present or future attack is sufficient. Reasonability. The threat a person makes must be reasonable in order to qualify as a terrorist threat. For example, you cannot commit a terrorist threat if you threaten to destroy the state capital by ordering your alien army to do it for you. A reasonable person must be able to conclude that the threat is credible. If you never intended to commit the crime, that’s no defense–it’s sufficient for a conviction that someone else might reasonably believe that you did. Terror. Though many states criminalize making a “terrorist” threat, it isn’t always necessary for the person’s threat… Read more »


Just did a little more searching and the only hit on Maryland and terroristic threats turns up the information that as of mid-2013, Maryland still didn’t have applicable law. A search of the existing Maryland criminal statutes was also a no-go.

In spite of that, Jonn, I would hope that you and Seavey are forwarding this garbage to the cops in WV, IN and MD every time these morons send it. Even if the authorities won’t take it seriously, it won’t hurt to have documented their threatening behavior with your email records.

What does your lawyer say about civil action?


If I find myself having trouble falling asleep at night, I’ll just look for this thread. It’s a history of their idiot behavior, the repeat of a repeat of a repeat.

They are empty vessels, each of them. I think T.S. Eliot described them best:

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember us—if at all—not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.

‘Nuf said.

Big Steve

Excellent, PH-2 🙂


Karen Williams should just park her ass on Paul K. Wickre’s face, literally, and shut him up already. 💡 🙄 Oh, yeah, Paul K. Wickre, she’s not your “lessor,” she’s your superior. :mrgreen: You’re nothing but mouth and hot air.

There’s a good chance that if you saw any of us, you’d cower like Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier. You’re a bully when it comes to a keyboard and the internet, but you’re a coward deep down inside.

You don’t have the power that you crave in the real world, so you’re trying to get it on the internet.

Sorry, you have no power here. :twist:

We all see you as a joke, and we are ALL laughing AT you! I mean, metal baseball bat against a gun? You’re dumber than your writing portrays. 🙄

How about you simply STFU? Make use of yourself and make your wife a sandwich. Better yet, since she’s your superior, get your ass into the kitchen and bake her a cake!

Not get out of our faces and be retarded elsewhere.


I meant “Now get out of our faces” for Paul K. Wickre.

As for Dallas Wittgenfeld, the only time he “comeths” is during his wet dreams, because he certainly isn’t “cometh” here anytime soon. :mrgreen:


I doubt Dullass comeths then either. Erectile dysfunction is a real bitch that way


Even if he does, I doubt he’s seen his wiener in decades. His only indicator of a wet dream is the vague wet spot somewhere in his fat folds.


Listen up you kitty-cat cock-sucking monkey-fuckers. You are nothing more than creepy-crawly, fungus-sucking, puss-loving, overfilled sacks of maggot-puke. You have the combined intellect of a rotting crawdad dick. When your mammas decided to take it in the ass that one time, who would have known they would have shit you out into the toilet in the back of the truck stop john nine months later without even the decency to give you a courtesy flush before pinning you to her tit. Your illiterate ramblings of superiority make me think all the anti-freeze and lead paint chips that were packed into your I Love Leprosy lunch boxes that your mamma’s current trick packed in the morning to get your whining ass out the door did only half the trick they were intended to do. It corroded your brain stem just enough to think that flattened skunk on the side of the road was a good enough pet. The dog one of your temporary daddies bought you ran off after it sniffed your ass before mounting you and decided that being hit by a car would have been a more pleasant way to pass the time. In high school you were voted most likely to succeed by the rest of your special ed class in an attempt to raise your self esteem. Just remember what little Jimmy, the inbred boy without teeth who licked the windows told you on the night you lost your virginity to him, “just bite harder on the gag.” That was probably the best advice anyone could ever have given you. Whether you pretended to play photographer, lawyer, walkie-talkie holder, lawn dart, or viking piss bucket boy, you thought back to those words of encouragement your mamma gave you before locking you in the closet, “you were the worst mistake I ever made” and “you ruined my life.” Those words kept you going when you heard your newest temporary dad “hurting” mommy as the headboard slammed into the wall over and over. In the end, all you had were your dreams. Too bad they only come after you… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d say “BRING IT, BITCHES!!” to all of the Dutch rudder gang, but they still haven’t found me as they said they would.

I say to each and every member of that group, and I seriously mean every bit of it from every part of my being, I always have and always will FART in your general direction!!

A Proud Infidel®™

*Eating another “Nachos Grande” from “Pablo’s Escondido”*

Green Thumb

Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics HAS to be loving this indirect exposure!

Work at APL, wind up like this!


I’ve said it several times, and they know where I am.

Yet still I wait. This shit’s getting boring. Maybe they realize we take shit like Castle Doctrine seriously up here.

Memo to Dutch Rudder Club–why so scared? Cops would take HOURS to get here. I don’t have a landline, and cell service can be real spotty out here. My neighbors are private and keep to themselves.

It’s like you’d have never been here.


His “hitmen” can come to my house. If the neighbors don’t shoot them and my dogs don’t get them, then my guns will. They would also have to wade through 2 feet of snow to sneak up on my house.


My wife is also better armed than I am, so I’m not worried if anyone gets past me.


I have been to the TAH Worldwide HQ … Probably the most protected home in North America.

Every time you enter a room, turn a corner, cross a threshold or take a seat …there is a reminder that Jonn’s first decisive action will be well in advance of an invaders first thought.

Just sayin’!


Ya gotta settle a bet for those of us without the means to travel to Chez Lilyea… Are there range cards by all the windows?


don’t worry John I am currently trying to figure out how to take care of this problem. It will end.


Michael … Contact me. Jonn has my info.



No need, sir. All is well in hand.


I will force
you into the worst torment and push it in our face

Ugh…what? He needs a ghost writer.

Green Thumb

Loser central.

I suggest overlapping fields of fire from a stationary defensive position.

Or just give them a buzz and let them know its free cover charge at the their local gay bar.

That should keep them busy.


Well I guess I should have read the rest of that crap. Wickre aka The mentally challenged one must have been sauced up on the liquor.


Jonn says, “We just keep forwarding the emails to the cops and we don’t get any responses, but when they come to police up the perforated corpses, at least they can’t say they didn’t see it coming.”

LEO close to case with respect to “murder of my family” said to me, “that email gives you permission …use of deadly force has been articulated in advance … do what you have to do to protect yourself, your family and others.”



These pitiful fools don’t even anger me. What DOES anger me is that people who are being paid to deal with it are not attending to what is obviously criminal behavior. These should be extremely easy cases to prosecute.

Are there no people left in the criminal justice system looking for some easy clearances? These clowns committed multiple criminal acts and have provided much more proof than is necessary to gain conviction.

Yes, it is waaaaay past time for the justice system to have stopped these rude, crude, despicable individuals. They are obviously incapable of keeping their own behavior within the bounds of what is legal so it is up to others to force them to behave legally. It’s not our collective or individual job to do that.

Hack Stone

I don’t recall anyone on the blog saying anything negative about his sister. She is yet another victim of Paul Wickre not honoring his debts. As to his wife, well Paul, you were the one that brought her into this, when you attempted to intimidate us with her political connections. Bottom line, Dipshit, is that two years ago, no one on this board had ever heard of you. Phil set you up to be tha fall guy, and even after he canned your stupid ass, you continued tilting at the proverbial windmills. We said it dozens of times, with your criminal record and history of abusing employees, no one is ever going to hire you. You are toxic. I do hope that you attempt to hire some hit men. Two things are going to happen. Either they will take your money, and probably kick your ass too; or you will end up making a deal with some undercover state troopers, and your neighbors will have yet another opportunity to watch you do a perp walk. Now, get a goodnight’ sleep, since with the approaching snowstorm, the only way that you will earn any money in the next few months is to shovel snow.


Nah, he could also get a job as a fluff boy in a Tijuana donkey show for a nickel a herd.

A Proud Infidel®™

Y’all correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Paul K. Wickre declare bankruptcy to avoid paying money back to his own immediate family? Not some measly pocket change, $16K if I’m right, what Paul K. Wickre has declared in the past to be pocket change for him? OH YEAH, the hitmen he said he was paying around $100K to come get us, what was that, over a year ago? * YAWN * Yeah the * SLUUURP*Man said he was a’ comin’ over a year ago as well, these brainless dreks and Shmendricks really bore the hell out of me sometimes, whatever firearms I might own will always be kept cleaned and oiled with loaded magazines nearby, BRING IT OR SHUT UP FOREVER, YOU SPINELESS BITCHES!!


Hack – Psul’s mom was also a “victim” during the bankruptcy proceedings – I remember seeing something of getting screwed to the tune of $50k.


Not to mention the amount of bail money that she’s had to dole out to get him out of jail (honestly, look at the rap sheet, and her name is all over the convictions for her bail payments).


And the lawyers for all those cases. At $300+ an hour. Shit adds up fast.

Climb to Glory

To the galactically stupid members of the Dutch Rudder Club. I know you guys are no strangers to making bad decisions but physically going after anybody here would be a bad life decision. It will not turn out well for you. Most likely you morons being hauled away by the meat wagon with a case of high velocity lead poisoning. Not that any of you pussies have the stones to do shit anyway. Just give it up, you colossal dipshits.

Paul K. Wickre, Karen Wickre, Karen Williams-Wickre
(Google hit, Google hit, Google hit)

Climb to Glory

Oh, I know this has nothing to do with this thread but if anybody wants to see some ISIS fucks get ventilated then check this out.

Big Steve

Sweet !



Thank you!


John, these are violent real threats against family, home and friends. I’m a California Paralegal and shit like this we don’t take lightly. I’m not allowed to give legal advice, however, I can share what I would do if shitheads did this to my family.

I would print out every threat from the assholes and my responses. Add everyone’s full names, military records, rap sheets addresses,phone numbers etc. Walk all the information into the nearest FBI office to your home. Insist they start a file on this shit. The more you give the faster they’ll be arrested.

Make copies for people you trust and a attorney with a Military past is who should take your case on Pro Bono. Any attorney who says this is my fee is a chicken shit who never served in the military.

Sue the son of a bitch. Conspiracy to commit first degree murder, torture, rape, threats and a good attorney will add more crimes. The idiot is a nutcase and if it were me, I would secure every room of my home with lethal weapons that my family knows how to use.

A few good friends,a good blanket and non lethal weapons. A beat down is what these assholes need. You got brass balls, brains and the patience of a SAINT. I’m sure your friends list is long and they’ll never abandon you. So John, as papa said to me years ago..United we stand divided we fall and falling is not in your future. Stay safe.Reb


There is nothing redeeming about any member of that group honor thieves and psychopaths. The threats, the attempts at intimidation, filing false police reports…and they are not all in jail? Fuck them all with a cactus,
with a rabid porcupine inside.

Big Steve

It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.

Psul, I haven’t been here that long, but consider me one of Jonn’s “associates.” And you are REALLY starting to piss me off.
A mentally-deficient, military phony, insecure little man like you… threatening a real man, a retired infantryman like Jonn? Really, bro?

And in your little tirade, you said:
“If any of posters ever mentions my name or my wifes name again…”

Paul (Psul) Wickre… f*** you in the mouth! You are going to be sucking wind uphill before this is all over.

Karen Williams-Wickre… what in the f*** possessed you to marry (and stay married to) a little piss ant like Psul? Ditch him and get a real man, like the male posters here on this blog.

Hack Stone

I don’t expect FirsTech Solutions to land any government contracts in the near future, especially since I do not see them as a listed vendor on the GSA Advantage web site, so Paul K. Wickre may want to explore other options.

Paul, have you considered the exciting world of medical coding? You could earn up to $40,000 a year.

Here is a job you may may qualify, making a whopping $11 an hour, but you will have to relocate to Colorado:

Dave Hardin

It all sounds so scary. Let me see if I have this right, I could be killed by a flying clown, a photo sniper, a cheese addict, or an illiterate hit man hired by someone from the Easter Seals, if I post here.

Ok, well I will probably post here anyway. However, if I am killed in the process all I ask is the stone above me read, ‘U.S. Marine, struck down by a Clusterfuck’.

This post reminded me I need to clean out the litter box. Semper Fi.

AW1 Tim

Well now, since I’m about caught up with things here at Chez AW1 Tim’s, I figure that tomorrow I’ll do a little letter writing.

I figure that I’ll write a nice letter to each of my Congress Critters (especially the one on the Senate Arms Services Committee) and ask them to look into possible fraud and illegal business actions between the federal government and Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen Williams Wickre, of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD.

Especially, I would like them to look into whether Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen Williams Wickre, of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD in essence silenced, or otherwise harmed or made disappear, a Ms. Elaine Ricci, former board member and associate of Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen Williams Wickre, of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD.

It seems that a fake image of Miss Ricci appeared under her Bio on the website of FirsTech Solutions, and then it, and Miss Ricci’s bio, disappeared, along with any and all information regarding Miss Ricci, former associate and board member with Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen Williams Wickre, of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD.

Considering the terroristic threats that have been made by Paul “Palmer” Wickre of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD, against veterans, including disabled veterans, it might be a good thing for the federal government to investigate Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen Williams Wickre, of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD and ensure that everything is on the up and up.

However, if Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen Williams Wickre, of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD have been involved in fraudulent and/or illegal dealings with the federal government, then Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen Williams Wickre, of FirsTech Solutions in Bethesda, MD need to be brought to account by those involved in investigating and prosecuting such actions.

Especially terroristic threats.

Green Thumb

Maybe Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics could purchase FirsTech?

But then Phildo could not keep blaming Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) Wickre as the one who created and spread his (Phildo’s) false SEAL, Native American and LEO claims. I mean, hell, Philo’s own senior staff does not know who their boss is. And I can only imagine the same with FirsTech and their “invisible and dwindling” employee pool.

Protest’s denied!

This nonsense could be on the next episode of “Law and Order”.

Well, maybe not. They both have broken the law and both of their “houses” are in complete disorder.

Assclown City!


If she was a fictitious character, then they are guilty of at least fraudulent business practices and potential tax fraud. If she was a real women, then I don’t think either will be seeing the light of day for a long time except through bars.

Hack Stone

I wish that Paul K. Wickre would make up his feeble mind. One moment he has me serving a life sentence in Jessup, presumably for some type of unspecified criminal act that he says I have committed; then he leaps to suing me in civil court; then it is a hit squad;followed by Paul and his trusty aluminum bat defending his good family name, since there are probably legal issues against him possessing firearms. Paul, just remember that we are not precluded from owning firearms. And if you are going to kill me, can we do it next week? I have a full week of work ahead of me, and I have places to be Friday night, Saturday night, and I have to whip up a batch of jambalaya for the Super Bowl on Sunday.

Hack Stone

And how could I forget, #BringElaineRicciHome.

A Proud Infidel®™

MMmmmm…. Jambalaya!




We need Jen Psaki and Marie Harf to get on this hashtag campaign, stat!


Seems like somebody spent the weekend binge drinking cheap hooch and watching the godfather, casino and goodfellas. I just hope poor Elaine Ricci hasn’t met the same fate he is going to visit on Jonn, TSO and Hack.

Frankie Cee "loud and clear"

I wonder; if Bernath, the inept, once a lawyer, and Dullass Whipitnflogit, and that wino Wickre with the redneck carport, broke down jag, and mailbox with no door are still sending e-mails to my now defunct for over 4 months e-mail address.
Wickre’s wife, Karen Williams lost her job because there were a ton of us who told her former boss, Sutherland that we would not vote for him because of the husband of Karen Williams.
Reading the court transcript that Jonn most recently posted involving Bernath caused me to want to go back to drinking, How stupid can one person be fer cryin’ out loud?
Shitgefeld is no concern of mine, as I have let his fate go to other hands. They can do with him what they will, he is an eunuch, and totally inert.
Paul K. Wickre, Daniel Bernath, Dallas Whitgenfeld, take another Goooooooooooooooogle hit, assholes.

A Proud Infidel®™

They’re a gang of ” Shitbirds Extraordinaire”, and none of the have to even remotely be concerned about me going anywhere near them, those Swamp Donkey ass-sniffing dregs have pissed off all the wrong people, and it’s about to hit them like a 70 MPH express train, all I’ll do is grab a cold beer or five to enjoy while I watch them crash and burn, and I’m certain that many other TAH Regulars will do the same! Let me know what I can do to help you out, and ditto for all the other folks here!

Frankie Cee "loud and clear"

In a “sitdown” with local law enforcement, with the 166 page comic book in hand, with earmarks on the perjury pertaining to my name, the man was interested enough to note the names of the 3 of the Cabal of Clowns. He also assured me that my name and the address that the turds think that I reside, will be red flagged, so that anything pertaining to them or me or the address will be noted.
By the way, the man also agreed that the whole 166 page book of funnies was written by someone who has to be “MIND NUMBINGLY STUPID”. Did you get that, Daniel Bernath? And before you swear that someone is a rapist and felon, you might learn the facts. Perjury is a prosecutable offense.
As far as the aluminum baseball bat. In order to raise it to swing it, would expose that expanse that you call a chest and belly Paul K. Wickre. What a hell of a target, and totally unprotected. The purple suited dope Dallas Wittgenfeld, may have been a radioman for some LRRP unit in Nam, but his ass is not qualified to infiltrate anywhere near my place, so he is just useless to himself or others.


I’m still waiting for the FBI to come knocking on my door.

Hey Bernath, what do you think they’ll do when they find all that Americium-241 in my house?

(Hint–probably nothing.)

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder what they’d say about all the dihydrogen oxide vapor in and around Infidel Central®™? 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

Not to mention the copious amounts of aqueous Dihydrogen oxide that are stored in and around the place, I ev have a stash of it in crystallized form!!! 😈 :mrgreen: 😀


I have a centrifuge and some C2H5OH from Project Agave. If you bring that crystallized Dihydrogen oxide to my lab, we can combine the two items in the centrifuge and develop a chemical that will cause vomiting, memory loss, severe migraines, lower gastrointestinal distress, sensitivity to light and sound, and just an overall malaise that will leave its victim begging for death.


Crap, chlorine and sodium in the right proportions is also necessary for this particular chemical agent.


The sodium and chlorine are optional. But don’t forget the lime – and don’t fight over who gets the last dose (and the worm). (smile)


No, not that, not the worm!!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I’ve also heard that compound is also an intoxicant when orally ingested as well, especially when combined with crystallized Dihydrogen Oxide!
AS TO the copious amounts of Dihydrogen Oxide I have available, I also have launching devices capable of projecting that substance all around my house and yard!!

A Proud Infidel®™

We could meet up either at your lab or the one at Infidel Central®™, you bring your solution and I’ll supply the crystallized Dihydrogen Monoxide and have some formula codename “Tennessee #7” for backup!! :mrgreen:

Kinda old ET1

I’m just getting back to making the crystals again, my cryo unit went out. Had it repaired (boy did that cost a few bucks), and now I’m back in business. 🙂


I like how you think 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

As the saying goes, “Great minds think alike.” :mrgreen:


Just don’t mention having a final solution for any problem or the Lawyer that can’t win, write, or talk will accuse you of being a Nat-zi.

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean the same one that spews anti-Semitic and racial slurs like an inbred backwoods buck-toothed Klansman in the 1930’s and claims to be a rabbi the next day?
HUH, who could that be? /sarc

BTW, I just threw a few more darts at that Schlampe on Disqus! 😉


Since they have such difficulty comprehending, much less remembering, simple sentences, let me reiterate, for at least bazillionth time, that NO ONE HERE WANTS TO BE IN THE SAME STATE WITH ANY OF YOU IDIOTS much less closer than that.

The most epic failure on the part of each of the parties in the subject emails is that of refusing to quit flapping their mouths. All any of them had to do was shut up, and none of us would have given any of them another thought.

Wouldn’t that be the easiest course of action? Ya know, doing nothing sounds pretty easy.

Meanwhile, I will continue to NOT harass or threaten any of you. Haven’t done that or any of those vile acts mentioned yet. Continuing to not do what I’ve never done already makes sense and is my default position.

Too bad the fools likely won’t take my advice.


To quote Ron White:

They have the right to remain silent. They just don’t have the ability.

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself am irrevocably convinced that all members of the Dutch Rudder Gang are living, breathing proof of how right Ron White was when he said “No matter what you try, YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID, stupid is forever!”. : mrgreen: 😀

Hack Stone

Paul K. Wickre is wasting all of his efforts in trying to find Hack Stone. Paul, I am going to let you in on a secret. Hack is like Santa Claus, he is everywhere, and nowhere. There is a little of Hack Stone in all of us. Rumor has it that Hack can be found in the “Old Bean Factory” outside of Beverly Hills, and every July 30 he visits all the good boys and girls and leaves them sequined jumpsuits.


A Proud Infidel®™

A Proud Infidel®™ has obviously been living rent-free in the minds of every member of The Dutch Rudder Gang for over a year now, especially with Daniel A. Bernath and Dallas Wittgenfeld. BTW, you idiots have once again accused the wrong man of being me, your latest being at least the sixth!

A Proud Infidel®™
