Disorder in the court

| January 24, 2015

Disorder in the court

In a County of Washington, Oregon courtroom on May 29, 2014 we went to court on the specious claim that Daniel Bernath thought that I was knocking on his door and running away (in my wheelchair), so he tried to levy a restraining order upon me to protect himself. I appeared in the court telephonically from my easy chair, while Bernath went through his legal calisthenics.

Behold! The legal genius that is Daniel Bernath, in the first of a series of legal failures while he endeavors to promote himself to Chief Petty Officer in the Navy;

And here is the police report that Bernath filed with the Tigard Police Department;

Police report

Here is the .pdf transcript, if you’d rather read about it than listen to the hearing;

Bernath RO Ftr 5.25.14 by JonnLilyea

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Clarification pse to better understand the battlefield. The police report is all about Hyatt supposedly knocking on the door. How’d you come into play?

I haven’t listened to the audio…need more time and too early for a Scotch.


Does that mean he filed a false police report? Say it ain’t so.


Jonn, the first time I heard that audio, I thought, “Man, that is one butthurt little bitch.”

Then several other thoughts occurred to me. He knew just enough about the legal system to be a danger to himself and others. He’s in dire need of serious meds and therapy, if not inpatient care.

But one reaffirming thought did come to mind. Our legal system, while not without serious flaws, allows all citizens from all walks of life to have their grievances heard. If a false or frivolous accusation exists, it (usually) is dismissed with the scorn it rightly deserves.

In this case, the truth prevailed, although sadly not without cost on many levels.

While not perfect, I’ll take my chances in this country with its imperfect system over pretty much anywhere else.

Oh, and Bernath? That’s a nice way of saying suck it. Suck it fucking long and fucking hard.


BirdBath are you really that Fucking STUPID. You BUTTHURT Little BITCH …. Get Over it your a PHONY and a DOUCHE BAG.


I just listened to the whole thing. A farce of BERNATHIAN PROPORTIONS. He outdid himself. Wow.


Oh, deary, deary me. An entire lifetime of saying ‘it’s everyone else’s fault’ is finally catching up with bernutsky.

That’s a story in itself. If anyone needs a guidebook on how to be a compleat asshole, just start at the beginning and work your way forward to this audio.

There is that old saying: ‘Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.’




Running thoughts while listening to the recording:

Jonn – that wasn’t “legal calisthenics”… more like mental masturbation for Danny! Your attorney and the judge spent too much time having to school him on his line of questioning to you.

45 minutes of rambling… couldn’t even put together a clear, concise, legal thought. No wonder he loses in court, he tries to “baffle them with bullshit” or with his lies. And he comes across as a real arrogant ass toward the judge when it came to asking about where he lives at.

He sure doesn’t like it when his words are used against him – he gets real butthurt when that happens.

He lied about aspecialday… fucking baldfaced lie in court about it. I bet he crapped his pants when your attorney showed him the website info.

“I didn’t see his body… I didn’t see his face… but I saw his activities!” WTF was that answer? You must be a Jedi Master, Jonn… you made those bushes rustle with your FREAKIN’ MIND!!!

Jordan Rott

Hahaha he is so mad at you it is hilarious. Maybe if he didn’t want all those things to happen to him he shouldn’t of did what he did.


“Case cleared unfounded”…This should have ended right there.

Bubblehead Ray

I listened to everything but the last 10 minutes and I’ve come to the conclusion that Dan is almost as good of a Lawyer as he is a Pilot. Almost.

(at least he got the plane off of the ground before it ran out of gas)


Damn…listened to the whole thing and did not intend to but it was like a train wreck

Big Steve

F*** Bernath in the eyes

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s f**king himself at full throttle, he just doesn’t know it yet!!


Page 70, Line 12 – Do you know John Shepard?
Line 13 – No.

Excuse me, boys and girls, but to clarify what a lying sack of crap bernitwit really is, John Shepard was a photographer for a small Califorani newspaper.

Shepard’s copyrighted photographs were stolen by bernath, who said that they were his (bernath’s) work. So bernath got sued for copyright violation and lost.

Then he went looking for Shepard’s membership portrait on NANP, lifted it, and put his own ugly head on it, and tried to alter the 1st class crow to make it look like a chief’s crow.

And that was way back in the mid-2000s, long before the ‘wanted’ poster, long before this idiotic legal proceeding took place, long before anyone had heard of bernath, in fact.

So this, boys and girls, is just a plain old lie. He knew who Shepard is. He just doesn’t like losing to real ‘lawers’.

Perjury, thy name is daniel a bernath.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Daniel A. Bernath the Great Shmendrick, may your wife eat copious amounts of matzoh crackers in bed, and may you have to roll in the crumbs! 😀

OY VEY, what a huge SCHMUCK!!


Not to mention a putz!

A Proud Infidel®™

Daniel A. Bernath and his imbecilic nitwit of an accomplice Dallas Wittgenfeld have accused YET ANOTHER innocent man of being me, they’re up to at least six now!!!


With this new one, I thought it was seven. I think I lost count.


They still don’t know who you are?

Why, how very silly! You are the Sta-Puf marshmallow man, aren’t you?

A Proud Infidel®™

DIDDIT Ma’am, Clyde Diddit! I think that Daniel A. Bernath needs to correspond with everyone calling him stupid by thanking them for their honesty, ditto for all the rest of the Dutch Rudder Boys!! Bernutless and Witlessfart are accusing yet another man of being me and posting it around on Disqus threads. Even better, that critter is pictured wearing a Green Beret with civvies, a possible poser. He’s also accusing two other women of being Ladies of TAH like he’s done with you, I couldn’t make stuff like this up if I tried!!

A Proud Infidel®™

I wish there was an “Edit ” option here, I should have said “incorrect Women “, but hey, Daniel A. Bernath has blithered that the lovely and talented Michelle Malkin was a TAH Regular. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be tickled to death if that was true!!


And a catheterized, almost certainly non-functional putz at that. (smile)

Semper Idem

Hey Dannie-boy:

May a child be named after you soon!

May onions grow in your navel!

May your name be erased!

Knock-knock, rustle-rustle…that’s me using my psychic powers to fornicate with your head all the way from Northern Virginia. BUAHAhahahahaha!!!one

A Proud Infidel®™

May the day he was born be erased from the calendar.

Toasty Coastie

Oh dear….that Unfortunate Phallic Shaped Santorum Stained Hedge Not now nor ever was, nor ever will be a Navy Chief Petty Officer Honourable or otherwise is now a first class Perjurer too….


*rustle rustle bitch*


Got as far as, “It’ll sound like I’m crazy to say this but…” before giving up until laying in supplies and setting up an autodial to 9-11. This amount of uproarious laughter could cause serious injury and/or heart failure!


John tell us the truth are you the puppet master?


I was going to ask the same thing. Birdbath describes Jonn in such a way to persuade the court that he’s like some Chuck Manson or something.

Clearly he got schooled in court that day.

Also, listening to the audio, I could swear I could hear faint gunfire in the background of Jonn’s recording.


Problem is, even schoolchildren eventually learn.

This was from a hearing in May. By the time September and October rolled around, he was still the legal equivalent of a shit-flinging monkey, desperately hoping something would stick.

And the transcript of the hearing where his motions are dismissed against EVERYONE (both with and without prejudice, depending on defendant) and he ends up paying just about everybody’s lawyers, show he is incapable of even the slightest recognition of reality when he gets mashed in the fucking head with the Clue Bat.

Bottom line, and I’ll give this to him–he’s an idiot, but at least he’s consistently an idiot.


His idiocy is the only thing he’s consistent at. His delusional story has changed more times than a one-person modeling show in Paris.

So far, he legally lives at four addresses in Florida. The last being a house that is still up for sale last time I called the local real estate company handling it.

There are now seven people he’s accusing of being A Proud Infidel, two of which he was suing at the exact same time.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Hyatt seems to control the American Legion, or is it Mark, and that organization has Illuminati-like power over the rest of the government and military.

He’s consistent in that he is definitely cuckoo for cocoa puffs.


Do those people he’s suing know that he’s suing them? Or is it a suit brought in the Court of the Imagination?


I don’t know why I do this, but I enjoy reading train crashes. It was even more fun to see it in person, though. However, there are several points that he perjured himself on between this and the hearing I was in. But, for the purpose of this post, I found a couple of things I would like to point out. “I’m a California lawyer, and I will advise myself on any issue of Oregon law.” I think this is one of the major problems. He advises himself on issues of Oregon law when he doesn’t know the first thing about Oregon law, or California law, or United States law, or any law ever devices from Hammurabi’s Code to the present. — “Disabled Persons and Terrorized Act” I am not sure what this is, but I can’t find anything called this anywhere. Maybe it’s part of the 9/11 report or the secret Illuminati directives of the American Legion. — He resides in all 50 states for two months out of the year? That means he resides for 1.2 days in each state, or about 28 hours and 48 minutes (not including travel times). His words. — Mental deficiency to ALS? Someone should definitely tell Professor Stephen Hawking about that. I can’t find any mental component to ALS in any of the medical sites I read. It must be something new that only he knows about. — “I don’t know what you mean by airplane.” And here is the million-dollar quote! This sums up Mr. Bernath in every respect to his knowledge of law, life, the universe, and everything. For Mr. Bernath, who is no doubt reading this and formulating his next litigation in his evil lair while stroking his pet catheter on his lap: AIRPLANE /ˈerˌplān/ noun, North American a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces — A Special Day isn’t owned by him, but it seems to have a major man-crush on him and changes every time his story changes. I’m not trying to say he was lying… Read more »

E-6 type, 1 ea

At what point in this hearing did you start drinking? Was it “it might sound crazy?”

That’s when I would have started.


I wonder if he knows that under intellectual property laws, the only way he could claim copyright of the picture is if he actually created the picture.



Flagwaver gets the fresh apple pie, the box of buttered popcorn and a free pony ride!


mmm… You had me at apple pie.


The idiot actually sent that paperwork to me via snail mail Jonn. I received it this morning. It had already been forward to me in an e-mail though.
I know the originality of this allegation, But will keep it under wraps until the parties involved complete what they have started.
Just toss Bernath another shovel for the hole that he keeps digging himself into.



Can you drop me an Email or give me a call please?



You will have to re-connect with my e-mail .
I regretfully forgot what your’s is.


So does that mean all those pics he stole from other people and posted on his website would, by his “reasoning”, also be copyright violation?

Curiouser and curiouser.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Daniel A. Bernath, a Google search of your name turns up your Disqus profile first!!


The swamp donkey keeps itself quite busy chasing glitter and moonbeams.

A Proud Infidel®™

Check some of his latest Disqus posts out and you’ll see the latest one to be accused of being me, a possible poser!


I bet he doesn’t know that every time he posts it’s another Google Hit the way Disqus works.

Green Thumb

Bernath works balls.


What a waste of the judicial system. I couldn’t take listening to him very long so read the transcript. Incredible.

Thanks for posting…gives us Cadre an insight as to what the Command Group goes through. Awaiting orders…since Bernasty says we take orders from you.


I loved it when he asked what a POS was. All he had to do was smell himself. Jonn you and othters helping take this turd down have my utmost respect. What a time consuming and wasteful lying turd Bernath truly is.

Hey Bernath, you need to go ahead and check yourself in. It’s way past time.


No, no. The best quote is definitely “I don’t know what you mean by airplane.”

Climb to Glory

If there is a person dumber than Bernath walking this planet, someone please point them out to me. And the other three retards that make up the The Four Horseman of the ASSpocalypse don’t count.


Unfortunately, they are half of the country and all of them voted for oblowme…
I would bet that turdbath would be as effective as an honorary CPO as John, I served in Vietnam, ketchup karry is as a Sec of State…

Frankie Cee "loud and clear"

It is too bad that I didn’t have this transcript to add to the 166 page comic book when I had a sit down with the local Sheriff. As we read through the funnies, he agreed that it was mind numbingly stupid, and was amused that someone who claims to be a lawyer would swear to what are obvious lies within the document. I have been assured that the County Prosecutor will be made aware of his using our legal system for frivolous interests.
Stupid hurts, don’t it Bernath?

Tailhook Tom

John, I do not know whether to thank you or curse you. I listened to the entire recording and found humor in it, but it cost me 76 minutes of my life that I will never get back. I have heard better examinations during my first year in law school than by the gentleman who stated he had been practicing for 30 years. However, I did find one silver lining in all of this for the VA, who you know has taken quite a beating in the press for long wait times. And that is this, when the guy who wanted you to call him chief called the doctor at the VA, he was seen right away. Since I am a lawyer, I need to make the following DISCLAIMER: I am not a agent or under the control of John. I posted this under my own freewill. It is not the intent of this post to “reign hell upon on anyone” or in any way should be construed as directing personal injury to anyone, regardless of the colossal waste of time and cost to any state court for which some frivolous legal action may be pursued.

Dan hyatt

Funny that I am alleged as the primary perpetrator, and was neither served, nor notified of the hearing at which Bernath claims I put Jonn up to harassing poor mr Bernath ; Jonn and I have never spoken, by phone or otherwise.
This Bernath remains the most disgusting excuse for a human being, not to mention “lawyer” that I have come across in all my years on this earth.

Toasty Coastie

@Dan Hyatt~

Still sending you lots of good energy that the Gods and Goddesses cover you in teflon to protect you from that Santorum Stained Not a Lawyer, Never Was, Nor Ever Will Be a Navy CPO Honourable or Otherwise Sparkly Swamp Donkey Daniel Alan Bernath’s cooties.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like I said before Your Honor, I think that if Daniel A. Bernath had even a shred of integrity, he would correctly respond to everyone that has said he is stupid by thanking them for their honesty!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

God Bless you, Judge Hyatt, for putting up with Bernath’s vitriol and abuse for so long. There will be a day when Daniel Alan Bernath is made to answer for the hell that he has put countless people through – Judgement Day!

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Mr Hyatt,

Many of us here at TAH have been dealing with Bernath and his band of Morons for a year at this point.

My hat is off to you, It is my understanding that you have been dealing with his crap for 4 years and are unfortunate enough to have had to work with him in the past.

If i can ever be of assistance to you please do not hesitate to contact me at wesley_wilson@me.com

Dan Hyatt

Thank you. It has been 8 years,2 restraining Orders, 7 Bar complaints, countless unserved lawsuits and many, many letters to my creditors, the IRS,my children,etc.. He is not sick…just evil.


Since we are all alleged to have such an intimate relationship that we take orders from you, or Jonn, or the Tooth
Fairy, or somebody, is it OK to call you Dan, Your Honor?

Anyway, Dan, we are so glad that you have shared the insanity with us all. No, really! There was no need for you to singularly carry the burden of that ingrate. Much better that the lunacy was redirected among so many other targets that are no more deserving than you, but at least it got you a bit of relief.

Apparently someone forgot to tell you that the term “lawer” applies to this clown because he doesn’t seem to have the wits, integrity, or anything else which would earn him the title “lawyer,” even in quotation marks. The word “lawer” is used around here in the pejorative thanks to another embellisher’s misspelling in a threat of legal action.

Hang in there, sir. We’ll likely see you at the next reunion of plaintiff’s of frivolous law suits brought by the guy who hears mysterious noises and other unexplained phenomena. If a venue large enough for such a gathering can be found.


Holy Crap. I know the local drinking establishments would really enjoy the increase in revenue during that gathering.

Toasty Coastie

Yooohooo Sparkle Pony Daniel Alan Bernath..Non-Lawyer, Non Navy CPO!!!

Still waiting to be served…what happened? You get confused as to where to send it? You said you found me…but I think you only found me in your dreams….*wink wink* Now don’t go getting your catheter all twisted, would hate to see you get blocked up or heaven forbid have another outbreak of herpes…oops shingles….oh right same virus 👿

*rustle rustle bitch* 😈

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey TC, Google “Daniel A Bernath Disqus ” and you’ll see his latest imbecilic rants, someone ought to check out the latest man he’s accusing of being me (6th one at least), a possible poser, Wittgenfeld is posting it as well, I couldn’t make shit like this up if I tried!!

Toasty Coastie

Can you link me Proud, to the post..I went to his disqus, but the ones I saw had over 4k comments…

A Proud Infidel®™

All you need to do is Google his name and Disqus, then click on it. Once there, you gland click on the comments an it will take you to them, you’ll end up at the top of the page, but as soon as you scroll to the comments, his will be right there. Having a Disqus account helps as well.


Just to clarify something that may or may not be a minor point: isn’t lying under oath perjury?

And isn’t perjury a punishable offense?

And since there is abundant evidence that bernitwit is lying under oath, isn’t there an issue there?

Or am I making a hawk out of a ham sandwich?


I was just wondering the same thing. How would we go about getting him charged with the several counts of perjury he has committed?


You would think so, but since he is the supreme arbiter of all things he says he is, then it’s OK. For him. And everyone else, no matter if they are truthful or not, is lying simply because he says so.

His problem all along has been that the truth refuses to bend to his will. Once he grasps that concept perhaps everyone else can return to pursuits more useful than watching him hit his head against that brick wall he built.


I was wondering if the crap he put on his Legion campaign page was libel. But maybe those wheels are already turning.


My guess is that there is more out there that hasn’t been found yet.

Oops… look at what I found from the Washington County elections archive! Dan ran for the Tigard-Tualitin School board in 2003 (scroll down to page 8 of the document):


He cried about the problems with the schools , but has no solutions to fix them other than to make them run like a business. Looks like he had another website http://www.SaferSchool.com

And he lost to a woman in that election by almost 600 votes!

Pineywoods NCO

Jonn, Judge Hyatt, and everyone else except of the non-CPO, non-intelligent, non-bright, moronic bastard that claims to be living in all 50 states and is the former coach of an European soccer team, I have to apologize on the behalf of honorable men and women for Daniel being Daniel and that being said, you are what you eat.

And Daniel Bernath, you eat dried whale shit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget that he also claims to be a Rabbi even after spouting anti-Semitic epithets like a Klansman and he claims that he was the thirteenth POTUS. Daniel A. Bernath is now claiming that he will be the next National Commander of the American Legion.
I’m merely relaying what I’ve seen posted by him on other threads for the record and your entertainment.


He’s really trying too hard now.

What he does is analogous to clicking the mouse buttons repeatedly when the internet is bogged down with extremely high traffic – nothing happens, because the signal just doesn’t get through. Buttons pushed, triggers pulled, no response, no nothing.

What a crashing bore he’s become.

Pineywoods NCO

Brain damage…thy name is Daniel Bernath.


“Crashing bore” is quite appropriate, considering what he did to a perfectly good airplane.


All 50 states, eh? This oughta be interesting, next time he comes up here.


I would guess that the taxing authorities of those states who impose personal income tax would be interested to know this.


How does he pay for this shit that he is constantly stirring up? Oy.


He claims to have a 100 percent disability rating due to PTSD and Agent Orange exposure, despite the fact he likely never even SAW the coast of Vietnam, let alone stepped foot ashore there.


Everything he owns is in his wife’s name, including his bank account, plane, tour bus, and medical devices. His income is from Social Security and VA Disability, do it can’t be touched until it’s deposited into his account, but it goes into his wife’s.

He only needs the filing fee to put the motions into the system. Unfortunately, with the judgments against him to pay for attorney’s fees and court costs, he doesn’t have to pay because he can legally claim that he has no assets or income.


How does he pay for it? He’s friends with the best legal mind in the world and his friend is doing the work pro bono.

Granted, his friend is all in his mind.


How was he paying for it?

Emphasis is on ‘was’.

Well, he was doing something completely inadvisable, and because he used a resource that is not meant to be used for this kind of thing, his resource has now kicked him to the curb.

That’s why it is ‘was’ instead of ‘is’.