Cowards, liars and terrorists

| January 25, 2015


We pride ourselves on being truthful here. We’ve messed up a few times and we admitted to it. Unfortunately, the people who we expose as liars are less truthful. They think that they can destroy our reputations, cost us our jobs and families with their lies and their threats. I don’t have to threaten anyone. I’m secure enough in the truth that I don’t have to threaten people.

But, you know, when you tell a lie and you get away with it, the follow-up lies are easier to slip from your mouths. For example, there’s this at the website of Daniel Bernath;

John Lilyea, Randy Ryder and other highly trained military veterans are discussing the making of IEDs for use against civilians and police. I enclose a copy of their writings from today May 21, 2014. Jonn Lilyea has a restraining Order against him because of the threat of him committing violence imminently. Both the Maryland Court and also Oregon Court has so rule. The Maryland judge also declared him a perjurer. Lilyea is a highly trained and very bitter veteran. I enclose his writings from the last time he was “detained” by the West Virginia State Police and disarmed of his rifles and concealable pistols:

I wouldn’t say that I’m “highly trained”, but I am indeed bitter. Bitter that the court system hasn’t shut down this half-wit. I’ve never been declared to be a “perjurer” by any judge either in Maryland or Oregon or any of the other states in this country. You can read the transcripts of the hearings yourselves.

I have no restraining order against me and the people who have filed those against me are alive and well to this day by some miracle. The local police know that I’m no threat to them – I’ve always cooperated with them even when they were wrong. Bernath is right, though, when he says that I’m liable to kill – anyone who threatens me, my family, or my property has no chance of continued survival. They’re wise to keep their distance from my home. They’re wise to stay in the states where they live where they can lie, threaten and slander to their hearts’ content.

Paul Wickre began his whole episode with us nearly two years ago by pretending to be law enforcement and calling my wife to threaten her life and liberty. He didn’t stop there; he went on to call my daughter and threaten her as well. Now he’s upset because the Washington Post and Politico started investigating his wife when she was breaking federal laws by influence peddling for his business. Well, my wife’s only crime was loving me. Not a crime I understand, but one I appreciate.

Paul Wickre terrorized me and my family as a hitman for hire by Phil Monkress who put an actual price tag on his phony SEAL claims. The price was $12,000/month – the money that he paid Paul Wickre to terrorize us into pulling the blog down. An unsuccessful endeavor, obviously. The death threats continue as recently as last night;

From: Paul Wickre Date: Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:06 AM
Subject: Fwd: Need vile things said or wrote to you by Seavey
To: Dallas Wittgenfeld , Frank Visconi , george mutter , Dan Bernath

This is what you did not want.

I am going to serially attack you as you attacked my wife my lessor,
and you pushed the issue. You have my words. as you attacked my wife,
so shall I Seek you out. SEavey, you can expect the worst to your
writers, as to serial battery and assault. Lilyeas the same. Mason is
going to lose

For attacking my wife, you are going to get baseball bats into your
cranium. NO one can stop me.

Everything is done. For attacking my wife, I will see you personally
and attack and destroy your loved ones. See the history of my family.
You r dead and gone.

There is no barrier, I want you to sleep at night knowing that persons
unknown to you will seek you out and physically attack your families
for what you have done.

Your attack on my beloved has made me irate and insane. I will force
you into the worst torment and push it in our face. You will take down
every blog, apologize, and humbly seek forgiveness, as I have the
powers to directly attack you in Indiana and Wva.

This is past warnings. By any means I Will bring the torture, rape and
conduct back to you and your families as to your mouths and destroy
your current. position,

I intend to attack your beloveds, bring pain on your families, force
conduct into your mouths for what you did to me over the past two

When I find your associates, on IP addresses, In any location I will
pay for hired hit men to find, locate and dismember your affiliates
I am going to start with Hackstone, then chipnasa, then the rest, As
soon as I can locate them I am going to take a baseball aluminum bat
to there heads in there apartments, beat there skulls in and murder
them as to blood spurting and death in 2 minutes.

When I find them for the men, I am gong to take knife and cut there
genitals off and force them down there mouth, while choking on their
own blood.

So you should get the picture as to attacking my wife and family. If
you put out one more filthy post, I will send my hitmen to locate
Julie Weir, Your posters, and severely dismember or attack them all,
into pieces. I suggest you shut up, take down your posts, stop
attacking my family, else I come out and take baseball bats, knives,
and carve you into pieces.

If any of posters ever mentions my name or my wifes name again, or our
business or corporations, I will send the men or myself and gleefully,
take a aluminum baseball bat, beat the shit out you, put you in the
hospital and break every leg in your or arm in your body untill you
relent and leave us alone.

If you don’t get it, I will rape your beloveds in your face force you
to watch and then serially beat the shit out of you, put you in a
shallow grave and shovel dirt into your bloody mouths.

If you want more, I Will track trace and locate your children, they
will get the same in front of your eyes.

If you ever mention my sister again I will locate you and forcibly
annaly rape your wife with a baseball bat in front of your eyes while
you are tied down with ductape.

If you do not take down every ugly post about me or my person off your
web sites, I will come to your homes, rape your wife, force your
children, beat you to death and videotape it as your murderous death.

You take off every piece of filth regarding me, your posts, meta data,
Google, or every thing you have done. You would be best served if you
erase every piece of filth you ever thought about, delete it , stop
interfering in my life, erase everything else.

You don not know what or whom you are dealing with. You stop your
games and get out of our lives forever, else I come and cause you the
most horrid death and destruction into your loved ones and I mean

I you want the pain, just keep it up. If you want the treats to stop,
then you erase my name and be glad that you don’t have to deal with me

We know it’s a threat, but the police aren’t all that interested in arresting these terrorists. Ask Flagwaver who was SWATted a few weekends back.

This is all in response to an email I sent this past week asking them to begin to act their age – another unsuccessful endeavor, apparently. Just like terrorists, they took that email as sign of weakness and decided that they’d crank up the volume. My mistake – I thought they’d want to find a way out of the morass that they, themselves, had created. But, them being terrorists, liars and criminals, they’re coming out of the woodwork. Dallas has joined in the hunt for A Proud Infidel. They’ve posted a bounty on API, HackStone and ChipNASA – ten thousand bucks each. Now they think that our pal, Mykel Hawke is API. Apparently, everyone with brown hair is A Proud Infidel.


For the record, I don’t even know who they are, so the odds that one of the other 1/2 million visitors we get every month know them are mighty slim.

I’m disappointed, to say the least, that the justice system allows these imbeciles to run loose, to terrorize people who operate a legitimate business endorsed by the United States Supreme Court. Paul Wickre has forced his way into other people’s homes and physically assaulted the man’s wife when he wasn’t home, according to people we’ve interviewed. He got a six-month peace order slapped on him as a result. But, now he can threaten to rape TSO’s wife in front of him and he gets nothing.

Of course, no one believes Wickre anymore – he’s a coward who launches his attacks from the safety of Montgomery County where the cops and prosecutors quake at the mention of his name. If Paul Wickre was coming to get me, he would have done it already, and it wouldn’t have turned out like he expects. Hiring a hitman would end up better for him, but less so for the hitman. He likes to say that I won’t see “it” coming, but he doesn’t know me well enough to say something like that.

Wickre, whose name I’m not supposed to mention on this blog under threat of death, won’t venture out in snow anyway – he’s one of those Bethesda pussies who buy up all of the toilet paper in the county and then hide in their house until the snow melts completely.

The same goes for Wittgenfeld. He’s been “cometh” for more than three years, and yet…nuthin’. Not hide nor…well…hide.

And to Frank Visconi, who tried unsuccessfully to spam our Facebook page – do you really want to throw your lot in with these crooks and liars? Think about it, Frank.

The final words from Mr Bernath to his cronies;

From: Daniel Bernath
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: Oh, you guys….
To: Paul Wickre Cc: “” , “” , “”

Mother nature is taking out the trash.
Seavey fired and Lilyea dead by the end of the year. Two very doable goals.

“If your enemy is killing himself, don’t get in the way.”
It is like Roy Cohn and the New York bar.
Which was going to get him first? The NY Bar or AIDS?

Daniel A. Bernath
American Legion
vowing to throw out the current leadership and make
Daniel A. Bernath National Commander of American Legion on “Reform” ticket

ADDED: Another love letter from Paul Wickre, the spouse of Karen Williams-Wickre, the brother of Karen Wickre;

From: Paul Wickre Date: Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:39 AM
Subject: I am done with you and looking up your phone
To: Dan Bernath , Dallas Wittgenfeld , Frank Visconi

I will simply just kill you. You attacked my wife and family. I will
gleefully come out to Indiana and WVa and simply kill you. I am
stating in bold simple facts, if you ever interfere in my life or
time, ever again , I will kill you, I will murder you and your family.

I f you ever mention my wife again , or her career, or her work or my
work. I will dismember your family, burn down your house, kill every
one in your blood line, find your relatives, murder them and force you
to watch. While you are alive, I will take a knife to your balls, and
shove them down your mouth as you scream.

If you have children, I will serially murder them in front of your
eyes, force you to eat entrails, and cause you the worst pain in the

Now you take down those filthy posts about me, else I come out and
murder, decimate and destroy any thing you hold dear.

You take down everything interfering with my life, else I come and
destroy yours, up close and personal.

I intend to take baseball bats and crush your skulls, break your legs,
and collarbones, put you in the hospital for months then come back and
beat you again.

I dont care about TAh. I will kill you and your famaily for your
attacks on my wife, and create horror in your home, up close and

I wil find all your relatives and kill them and burn down there house,
yours, and your neighbors. Poison your pets, find your 3rd grade
teachers, kill them, and spread poison on your property, kill your
pets and set fire to your house untill everything is gone. If you have
parents, I will kill them too, find there hospice, burn it down murder
everyone in the community,

You take down everything, else I come and destroy you. YOu made a
terrible mistake fiddling with my life. NOW or you reach oblivion.

ViK-Re M17

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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whatever he is smoking, I want some!


No, you don’t.

Mr. Blue

If you want to be like Psul, try his favorite cocktail-
The Wickre:
-6 gallons cheap ethanol
-5 liters cheapest vodka
-anything volatile in the kitchen

Dump everything into the gas tank of a 25+ year old Jaguar. Shake until well mixed, then siphon into a large pitcher.
Drink until you feel eloquant.

Mr. Blue

The Bernath: Same as above, but leave out the Ethanol.


A brief message to Karen Williams Wickre, if I may:

Hon, seriously, you’ve got a lot of time on your hands now. So in between laundering loads of soiled spandex, cleaning vomit off keyboards, and trying to find a door for your mailbox, take a little time and explain to your husband that glue sniffing is bad.

It’s especially bad when you don’t take the glue out of the heat gun first.


Wow, I am sure you and the rest of the crew at TAH are quaking in their boots and beds where they have chosen to remain, curled up, head under the covers sobbing like a baby…
NOPE !!!
I hope they do find a couple of us…
They won’t be around after attempting any of those stupid empty threats…
Come on over fuckwads…
I’m in Bacliff TX !!!
I would appreciate a chance to have a little heart to heart talk with you too !!!
Oh, and I pity any woman that has had the stupidity to alink their lives to your stupid asses, every last one of you.


You’re in Bacliff? Bro, I’m right across the border from you in Albuquerque. Less than 900 miles, I could ride that in a day. Got an old Marine bro up in Houston I saw just last year.


Spring Cypress off Eldridge. I probably reload for whatever you got.


Do you give lessons?

Green Thumb

All things considered, Jonn…

You should probably hang a set of rubber balls off that barrel.

A set of balls and an large, open, deep hole will attract the weirdoes.

Just saying.


You owe me one Asus monitor, Green Thumb!

Mr Wolf

Boy, do I smell opportunity there.
Instead of hanging from your truck, hang a miniature set from your barrel.
Yeah, I like it…


How is it that my comments made it into the courtroom but he doesn’t have a hard on for me anymore? Come on by, Paul. If you make it past the front door on your feet, you’ll be going out in your back. I’m guessing that the maximum effective range of a .357 is a little more than that of your baseball bat.

My wife is just crazy redneck enough to do to you everything that you think that you will do to her. Honestly, I’ve seen her gut and skin a deer in record time. I don’t think that she’d have much of a problem with you.

Oh, and I’m sure that you’re little rant won’t be of any interest at all to the WaPo or Politico. Way to stay under the radar, numb nuts.


Seems like they don’t even like me much anymore either.

And to think, Bernath got so pissy when I used the words “douchetool” and “curbstomping” he sucked the catheter up into his kidneys.


Wow, I am a bit late to this party and so many of the comments are so much fun to read. I wish I were half as smart and eloquent as the rest of you.

When reading Paul K. Wickres email I couldn’t help but laugh the whole time, he sounded just like Pee Wee Herman when Pee Wee’s bike was stolen and he recruited his neighborhood to help recover it.

“This is a picture of me with my bike. THIS IS A PICTURE OF ME WITHOUT MY BIKE!”

You’re a riot Paul, please don’t change.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that the Dutch Rudder Boys are Pee Wee Herman fans, that’s my opinion.


Hold on a sec, I’m a Pee Wee Herman fan. Pee Wee is so much funnier than Paul K. Wicre.


A Proud Infidel®™

I’m certain that they like to do “The Pee Wee Herman Dance” in spandex after a bottle or three of T-Bird, MD20/20, and/or Cisco!!

Hey, I just remembered, I used to refer to Psulmer of the ballsack as Paul K. “Pee Wee Herman” Wickre!!! 😈

Hack Stone

Paul K. Wickre is more like Francis Buxton; fat, stupid and an unwarranted sense of entitlement.


I wonder if Politico or the Washington Post will “dig up” any information on the whereabouts of the former CEO of FirsTech?


A Proud Infidel®™

For the record, I want to say to the chief members of “The Dutch Rudder Gang” – Paul K. Wickre, Daniel A. Bernath, and Dallas Wittgenfeld, that I do not worry or fret one bit about any of you. I laugh when I remember your antics and stupidity, and when I make a dumb or embarrassing mistake somewhere, I just think “HEY, it’s nowhere near as stupid as what the Dutch Rudder Boys do!” I go about my life as normal knowing that you imbecilic infantile rubes will never show up, you’re as impotent as can be, all you’ll ever do is keep accusing others of being me while you libel and slander those whose identities you think you know. I fart in your general direction once again! That Man in the picture above? NO, he’s not me, you blithering imbecilic nincompoops fail yet again!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

I forgot,


B Woodman

Dear Psul, Danny-o, et al (look it up),
You all are a bunch of retards, and that is being cruel to the genuinely mentally handicapped.
If you want to come after someone, here I am. I am going nowhere, especially for the likes of you.
And I live in West Jordan UT, a suburb of SLC UT (again, look it up, if you’re able). Molan laabe. I look forward go any future face-to-face encounters. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Paul K. Wickre, Daniel A. Bernath, and Dallas Wittgenfeld. Ha Ha Ha, I’m laughing my ass off. You three have to be the dumbest, it’s like a trifecta of stupid all rolled into one big pile of poop. Poor feelings are hurt cause they keep getting caught lying…..I’ll bet they suck their thumbs when they sleep and piss the bed yet too.


I wold think that the California state bar and whatever state bar Visconi is a mamber of would be very interested in the above e-mails. Looks like there is some serious ethics issues that they both have.

Maybe the VFW and the Marine Corps League and other VSOs that the Smegma Slurp Four belong to need to be informed of their association with an individual that threatened to murder veterans?

A Proud Infidel®™

Update: Daniel A. Bernath and Dallas Wittgenfeld (Posting as ” Purple Heart Parachutist “) are posting pics of the latest accusee’s Mrs. on whatever Disqus threads they please. There’s no limit to their scumbaggery!


But, remember. We’re the ones who “cyber-harass veterans to self murder.”

10 Percent Truth

He’s also running for office in the American Legion. I can only imagine he’s running on the “Anti-Semitic, Piss-In-A-Bag, Pedophile-Obsessed, Self-Murder” Party Ticket. Should be a thriller of an election.

What a dickless asshole…

A Proud Infidel®™

I can see him getting maybe .0001% pf the votes cast once the truth about him gets out.

Kinda old ET1

Hey Wickre! I have a case of Corona and feel the need to water some grass. I just need to look up the location of a certain cemetery again.

Hack Stone

No need for dispariging remarks about Paul Wickre’s mother, she too was a victim of Paul’s inability to be a responsible adult and pay his debts. She got stiffed when Paul declared bankruptcy. Yeah, he is such a scumbag that he cheated his own mother out of money.


A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Hack Stone, not only his own Mother, didn’t Paul K. Wickre also cheat his Sister when he declared bankruptcy?


Why, yes, Proud. Yes, he did.

He’s a liar, a cheat and a scammer and he stiffed his own family. And it really pisses him off when he has it thrown in his face just what kind of lowlife scum he truly is.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ahh COOL, I’m glad to know I contributed!! 😀


As I said before, I will post a musical interlude that I feel is apropos whenever Palmer rears his ugly head….so here goes. Also, for those of you who habla, you know that Pancho is a nickname for Francisco (Frank) so it looks like we get a two-fer here! 🙂

The Midnight Special 1973 – 20 – War – The Cisco …:


That’s right, fuck you too Visconi!

Also, can someone explain to this American of Mexican descent why it is that the music of War is associated with Mexican – Americans when there doesn’t appear to be a one in the band?


Probably because they had hits with “Low Rider” and “Cisco Kid”. That’s all I can figure out.

Hey – neither music nor perception needs to make good sense to become popular. And few ever lost their shirt betting on the gullibility of the American public. (smile)

Hack Stone

Because nobody cannot imagine an image of Cheech And Chong cruising the Pacific Coast Highway whenever the opening notes of Low Rider is played on the radio.


Now you done it….

A Proud Infidel®™

Ya mean THIS?! 😀

The Party of Hell No!

Love the license plate! Is that even legal in the feminist unequal kingdom of pelosi, boxer and fienstein? Imagine what would happen if a Silicon Valley executive had that for a license plate… Oh wait, those guys have no idea what that means they are so whipped. Why is it in the unequal feminism kingdom, only the males would broadcast their sexual prowess? Shouldn’t nancy have such a license plate since she always reminds us of having given birth to 5 children when she wants to take – supposedly – the moral high ground?


Mustang – Latin beat, baby. War is one of only a few groups I saw 4 times in concert.. outstanding.


Latin music. Now you’ve gone and done it.

I have to dig out my DVD of ‘Lambada’. And I do not understand why Antonio Banderas has never done a bio film of Garcia-Lorca’s life.

El remanso del aire
bajo la rama del eco.

El remanso del agua
bajo fronda de luceros.

El remanso de tu boca
bajo espesura de besos.


Happy to help, senorita!

Hack Stone

Wow. To watch someone downward spiral like this is amazing.


Good morning, TAH.

You kind of have to wonder what level of OCD drives this compulsive need for attention until – wait for it – you realize that it is not OCD.

It’s just a bunch of lonely old farts who are attention whores, and who believe their own lies because they’ve told the old fart in the mirror the same lies so many times, they actually believe the lies.

They’ve quickly become some of the most boring, self-centered old farts on the planet. No one gives a crap about their ‘glam’ stories, which are BS, or pickwickre peckerwood’s idiotic racist Norwegian white supremacist ramblings, which are complete BS. And all that crap about his ‘beloved mother’ is absolute crap, because he’s on the supreme guilt trip for stiffing her when he declared BKRPTCY.

However, spring is approaching on little cat feet – yeah, there’s still snow in my kingdom, but the air is warmer. And I’m thinking it’s high time I spent some time at the shooting range getting gunpowder therapy. This will give me a wonderful opportunity to not only hone my random target skills, but also to decide if I want a lightweight pink pistol that I can hide in my purse, or a big, fat, noisy, black job that will require a handtruck and a faithful dog to guard it. 🙂

This also applies to crossbow target practice, so I will repair to the hunting club and engage in creating a dead-center cluster at 45 yards, a fair hunting distance.

And I will make sure that TAH gets pictures of my practice results for proper critiquing purposes. 🙂

Y’all have a nice day.

Combat Historian

I think it’s a heck of a compliment that psul thinks we’re all so “highly trained”…


I am a highly trained armorer. As a Company-level supply clerk, I was able to do -40 maintenance on M4s and M9s. I could also do -30 level maintenance on M249s and our scout/sniper platoon’s rifles.

I was also a rather good shot with most of the weapon systems I serviced, because every good armorer tests his work.


Time for more of JAGC’s legal interpretation: Hello, again. My name is Paul Wickre. My wife’s name is Karen Williams. I also have a sister named Karen Wickre, but although I owe both of them money, the Karens are not related. I have a keyboard. It has letters on it. I like to type stuff. We even have an internet connection. I hope Karen Williams can find a job soon. If not, I will not be able to pay the internet bill. That would make me sad. Yes, it does appear that Karen Williams may have engaged in some malfeasance, but come on, who hasn’t? I know this guy in Oregon who’s engaged in some malfeasance, and this other Visconi guy has done it as well. My old boss Phil Monkress too! But it’s not all bad. We made a friend in Florida named Dallas. We started a club. But if prospective job opportunities continue to read about the malfeasance, they will keep turning us down when we ask for jobs and money. Without jobs and money, we can’t pay for the internet. Without the internet, we won’t have our club anymore. That would make me sad. So yes, I am attempting to extort you by typing stuff. But really, we sincerely need you to remove the postings about us. Because nobody will hire us or give us money, we cannot afford to hire a hitman to kill you. That makes us sad.


That pretty much nails it


JAGC, you have a certain poetry with your legal interpretations. 😛


I like it! It has a certain, “See Spot run” sort of flair to it, don’t you think? Unfortunately, it’s well beyond the reading comprehension and writing ability of the “Flab Four”.


Hey Psul, I’m quaking in my boots, you worthless turd. Say when.


I just found this on Bernath’s Discus profile:

comment image

In for a penny, in for a pound…I guess.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I just asked him if he paid for that or if he forged it himself, he’ll go nuts any minute now.


It’s an obvious forgery. He might even have used his mad computer skills to steal one from a UDT guy and add his crapazoid twatwaffling to it.

Note that he didn’t include his rate (MOS). That’s because he doesn’t have one.

Everyone knows that that real SEALs and UDTs have specific rates (MOS). He can’t even add JAG to that, unless he adds the second syllable to it. 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

I knew it was a forgery the moment i saw it, i just wanted to ask him if he bought it or made it himself. 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

OK, he bought it. I might have to go there to buy replacement martial Arts Certs. I have black belts in Yakimandu, Egg Foo Yung,Chop Suey and Kung Pao to name a few, my chopsticks are CERTAIN DEATH to every morsel of food on my plate!!


What? No brown belt in Flung Dung? (smile)

A Proud Infidel®™

NOT YET, just waiting for the rest of the “Nachos Grande” from Pablo’s Escondido to hit me. Once that happens, TAKE COVER!!!

I WASN’T BULLSHITTING when I said “I fart in your general direction” to the members of the Dutch Rudder Gang!! 😈

Wesley Wilson

Most of you know me as Enigma4you. My real name is not a big secret and I am not afraid to post under it.

Many people, including myself have stood our ground with Bernath, Wickre, Wittgenfeld as well as others.I do this not because i relish a fight, I do it because I honor truth.

I made a comment in private to a commenter here a week or so ago, I will make that same comment in public now.

I think many of you see what is going on with Bernath, Wickre and the others as some form of entertainment.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Many of us have had to fight to defend our Jobs, Families and friends from the attacks of these fakes and frauds. We have been taken to court, we have been called child molesters, rapist, murderers and liars.We have had the constant threats and harassment. There is not one thing that is entertaining about any of this.

To Bernath and company.

I am a grown man, I am not afraid of any of you or your pathetic group of fakes and frauds. You can call yourself anything you want, however you know what you really are, so do I. You are a liar, a fraud and a fake. You are not a Navy Chief. You lie in court under oath. Your words are meaningless because you no honor and no integrity.

You have threatened my life. You and your band of fools have threatened the lives and families of good men. You do these things because you are all cowards. You got caught in your lies, you change your stories when confronted. You have never even risen mediocrity.

I’m your Huckleberry.

Delilah T.

+100 and Kudos.

Delilah T.

Sorry, I misspelled my e-mail. It’s not dot vom, it’s supposed to be dot com. My bad.


I was thinking the same thing. Yeah, sure the crazy is entertaining for a while, but then you have to look at the harassment, pain, and disruptions to people’s lives and families perpetrated by this cabal of assclowns!

I feel horrible for you guys! I honestly wish there was something I could do to help. I know how creeped out I was when Witlessgelding trolled my Facebook and pulled up one of maybe two photos I accidentally left public, and tried to doxx me (with wrong information, of course, but still…), so I can’t begin to imagine what you guys are going through!

I got your back, though. And enough .45 ACP hollowpoint ammo to make anyone who threatens you, me, or my family into a moist, smelly spot on the ground!



I think most of the commenters understand and respect the fact that many of you have had to deal with the incessant malarkey of these frauds and fakes. After reading your post, I felt bad for a bit in making light of the situation, especially since you are clearly an honorable man who does not deserve having these crazies bothering you. But it occurred to me that in mocking these guys, we are engaging in the public shaming that needs to occur, per the Supreme Court and the reality of stolen valor. It’s more gallows humor than pure entertainment for those of us on the periphery. So yes, we have the easy part. As long as these clowns continue to drag military service, honor, and integrity through the mud, the peanut gallery will be there to pounce. But, again, please know that the peanut gallery honors and respects the fact that your involvement extends beyond snarky comments. I’m available offline if I can assist in a tangible manner.


^ This ^


I for one, don’t mean to make light of the situations and drama these fools have put you guys through. Rooting for the home team from the sidelines as many of us do, since the chickenshits haven’t come towards me directly yet,(open invitation to the Legion of Dumb), sometimes all we CAN do is point and laugh. We do what we can from here, but rest assured that when opportunity knocks, we’ve got your backs.


I have been sued. I have been threatened. I have been harassed. I have been called a registered sex offender and child molester. I have been kicked out of one of the few forms of therapy I use to cope with my depression and anxiety. I have had my wife’s name, picture, and our address put online where her previous stalker that we moved to get away from began contacting us again. This is all because of a person who is so delusional that he can’t stand the reality of his situation or past.

I often make light by saying I enjoy dueling wits with the unarmed, and to a certain extent that is true. However, this is not fun for me. My wife no longer wants to walk or ride her bike to work because her stalker found us through website postings. I haven’t been able to find work for over seven months and have had my budding self-run business bad mouthed on Yelp and online.

I was told that it could all go away if I got off the internet, agreed to testify against a judge I have never met or interacted with, and agreed to make public posts that a liar’s lies were true. It wasn’t even a temptation, but idiocy and extortion by one of the most dishonorable men it has ever been my misfortune to interact with.

Enigma, I’m right there with you, Jonn, MCPO, Mark, and the other victims of these delusional clowns. I’m not doing this because it is fun, I’m doing this because it is right. I’m doing this because it needs to be done, regardless of my personal level of comfort.

Dave Hardin

Brother don’t ever mistake my humor as not understanding the price some of us pay. People who do not know me well could not understand how serious I take this. I am never going to be the brightest crayon in the box, the strongest or the fastest. I dont know exactly how to tell you the reason I post here. For 31 years now I have lived with knowing something about myself that sickens me. No one will ever change how I feel about it. I hold myself responsible for the deaths of Marines. I was able to see my children grow up and become parents themselves. I have grandchildren. I have been loved, more than once. I live every day knowing those Marines never did. I have been living on borrowed time for 31 years. Time that was paid for by people I can never make things right with. I originally came to this site to defend Lawton. Then, I found out what he had done. I had not been in a good place with all this for years. I can not tell you in words how angry and bitter the site of even a legit veteran made me. I dreaded the moment they would make some crazy claim. The claim of anyone to be a Beirut veteran just started rage boiling. I felt like they were pissing on the graves of those I was responsible for putting there. I am not good at this kind of stuff, but thank you brother for standing up. Thank you to all who post here and take the heat. Sometimes I make a post that I hope will make a difference. Mostly though, it is what the rest of you post that makes a difference. Being here on this site really has made a difference. I know that something is being done about it. I didnt know that before. It brings me a great deal of peace. If anyone wants to hurt people that defend the Valor of those I am in debt to; their best move would be to come take… Read more »


Dave, All any of us can expect is to be the best we can be today. That may or may not be as good as we were yesterday or will be tomorrow. Just do the best today that you can do today, be the best today that you can be, and its all good. The others, some still with us and some gone before us, will be good with it as well.

Big Steve

This is a moving post, Dave. I have no doubt that you are a good man. And don’t ever forget it.


I would invite any of the tri-fecta (sp) of stupid to come see me in GA. I have been waiting for Dumbass Dallas now for 2 years to “cometh” to my town, we have many, many lovely swamps for you to visit, or stay permanently if that is your desire. So come on down, I’ll leave a light on for you( it is attached under my .45)


Yeah… he cometh alright. In his happy sock.

A Proud Infidel®™

Two years? It’s been a year and a half since he promised me a visit, that puts you ahead of me in line. *sulking*


not to rub salt into your wound, but old Dally made a collage of pictures of me before you also,,,lol. I saved it, minus the ‘Stolen Valor Hitman’ tag on it, it was a pretty good group of photos!


I have you beat… he tried having me fired from my job over 3 years ago. I am thinking he drank the fuel from bernaths fuel tank.

A Proud Infidel®™

Aah, so THAT’S what happened!!!


It was funny, he thought my profile was fake, and I was really African-American because where I live in the deep south, he couldn’t find a White Chris Sanders,,,lmao


I can’t remember now, but I think he thought I was Jonn or TSO or something. I remember we laughed about it a lot, trying to figure out which one I was in drag.

A Proud Infidel®™



Well, bernutsless stuck my head on Audie Murphy’s MOH portrait and posted it, first on his crapadoodle website, and the latest bit is right here:

He’s grasping at straws. That’s all he has besides a life wasted on blaming everyone else for his failures.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve seen a couple of others as well, he’s one slovenly idiot!

A Proud Infidel®™

I almost wish one or more of them would visit, I’M NOT KIDDING about the huge amount of aqueous dihydrogen oxide I have at my disposal as well as delivery systems targeting EVERY part of my perimeter!!!


Proud, Be careful!!! Aqueous dihydrogen oxide — also called dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) — is extremely dangerous when inhaled and can cause blistering vapors. DHMO was found in the sewer pipes at the place I work! Considering the work location and our work, we were not really surprised … however! Dihydrogen monoxide: — is also known as hydroxyl acid, and is the major component of acid rain. — contributes to the “greenhouse effect”. — may cause severe burns. — contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape. — accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals. — may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes. — has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients. Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used: — as an industrial solvent and coolant. — in nuclear power plants. — in the production of Styrofoam. — as a fire retardant. — in many forms of cruel animal research. — in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical. — as an additive in certain “junk-foods” and other food products. Here’s the MSDS (Materiel Safety Data Sheet): If it cannot be opened, here’s the gist: Dihydrogen monoxide (also known as hydric acid) is responsible for injury, death, and property damage all over the world. Visit the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division online at, or send email to for more information. —————————————————— MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE —————————————————— PRODUCT NAME: DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE FORMULA WT: 18.00 CAS NO.: 07732-18-5 NIOSH/RTECS NO.: ZC0110000 COMMON SYNONYMS: DIHYDROGEN OXIDE, HYDRIC ACID PRODUCT CODES: 4218,4219 EFFECTIVE: 05/30/86 REVISION #01 LABORATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SAFETY GLASSES; LAB COAT PRECAUTIONARY LABEL STATEMENTS STORAGE: KEEP IN TIGHTLY CLOSED CONTAINER. BOILING POINT: 100 C ( 212 F) VAPOR PRESSURE(MM HG): 17.5 MELTING POINT: 0 C ( 32 F) VAPOR DENSITY(AIR=1): N/A SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.00 EVAPORATION RATE: N/A SOLUBILITY(H2O): COMPLETE (IN ALL PROPORTIONS) % VOLATILES BY VOLUME: 100 APPEARANCE & ODOR: ODORLESS, CLEAR COLORLESS LIQUID. TOXICITY: LD50 (IPR-MOUSE)(G/KG) – 190 LD50 (IV-MOUSE) (MG/KG) – 25 DISPOSAL PROCEDURE DISPOSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL… Read more »


I think you meant hydrogen hydroxide, a noted and plentiful hydroxyl compound employg the very active valent of hydrogen with the hydroxyl compound as a co-valent.


Yes, that’s another nomenclature for this dangerous chemical compound. People die every year from this, yet we don’t hear about it in the MSM. Probably a coverup, if you know what I mean.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hydrogen hydroxide is indeed toxic, but ethyl hydroxide is rumored to even cause hallucinations when it’s orally ingested with other ingredients!
It’s fun to experiment on one’s self with some ethyl hydroxide over some dihydrogen oxide crystals!!

A Proud Infidel®™

OH, I forgot:



I wonder if DerpManCometh knows how much of a laughing stock he is on home DZ in Florida?

A Proud Infidel®™

That could be one reason he’s teamed back up with Daniel “Plane Crash” Bernath posting their shit on Disqus threads.


Tell us more?


Let him post. I for one, would enjoy seeing his feeble attempts to master the English language with this distinguished group.
It be kind of like watching a bug hitting my windshield.

The One Who Knocks

Yeah, but then he gets a case of terminal copyandpasteitis (terrible STD often spread through homosexual encounters in the back of crashed airplanes) and it just serves to clog up the comments and require us to engage our scrolling muscles unnecessarily.

A Proud Infidel®™

It COULD be from some STD he picked up from blowing winos behind bus stops, only a rumor, just sayin’… 😀


Green Thumb

For free, no less.

Bernath has no business acumen.

Addiction to cocks does that to a man such as himself….

A Proud Infidel®™

More like a bug intentionally flying into a windshield!



This is for all of you who have had to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misconduct from bernutsky, the worst excuse for a lwyr on the planet. He makes bad lawyers look good, if you must know.

He blames everything that is wrong with his life on everyone else.

He’s a compulsive, chronic liar with a lifetime history of lying his ass off. He does and says things and then denies all of it.

He’s an attention whore, so desperate for attention that he will go to any length at all, including trying to slander you in writing and libel you verbally, and all of it is blatant lies on his part. He knows it, but he also knows it bugs the living shit out of you and he gets attention for doing it, which is what he wants.

I’m sure that you know children like that. They think they know your weaknesses and use that to get what they want, and they throw temper tantrums if they don’t get what they want, including lying like Persian rugs.

He’s nothing more than a common bully, an attention whore, and a low level, lying sack of porcine excrement, and yes, an arrogant ass, too, but that goes with all the rest that this rat-faced, motley-minded, pox-marked, toad-spotted, pigeon-egged, whey-faced canker-blossom does.

Oh, he does have a photo of himself with one of the Grimm actors, but I’ve got pictures of me with Lt Uhura, Q, and Scotty, and so what? They’re just pictures. Oh, and John de Lancie really is a nice guy, BTW. So was Mark Lenard.

He has no accomplishments, nothing going for him, not even an imagination. All this crap he’s been pulling piles up bad karma deeper and deeper and he has been stepping in it, leaving tracks that a blind grizzly bear could follow.

What goes around, comes around, for this pimple on Satan’s black and hairy ass, and for pickwickre peckerwood, and dullass whipitnflogit.

Be patient. Everything ripens in its time and becomes fruit in its hour.

Green Thumb

“I’m sure that you know children like that”

I am sure HIS children know that.

What a loser.

3/17 Air Cav

EX…….it never ceases to amaze me, how a creature such as Bernath, can go thru life. He has no honor, no achievement, no character. He has nothing. When he finally leaves this earth his claim to fame will read something like this:

Deadbeat dad; Failed attorny; Failed pilot; Liar; Oxygen thief! I’m sure there is more that others can add to the list!


Oh, I’m sure there is much more yet to come, 3/17AirCav.

A Proud Infidel®™

As I see it, Daniel A. Bernath is little more than a jealous little cockroach of an adult male human being that hides out like a cockroach under a surface plotting and scheming to take what he can from who he can by whatever unscrupulous means he/it can. He has gone after plenty of real people who have legitimately worked for and earned what they have, he hates them, their happiness and success, and wants to make as many people as he can as miserable and hateful as he makes himself. He exhibits what a lot of psychiatric professionals refer to as “Projection”, described by Freud as when one feels so afraid and intimidated by their own thoughts and mental impulses they project them onto others, remember the multitude allegations of pedophilia and homosexuality from Daniel A. Bernath? I rest my case. He’s also a “Manipulator”, one who feels that he HAS to say or do whatever he can to manipulate others’ actions and emotions to his desire.

Enough of my thoughts for now, I think it’s someone else’s turn. G’NIGHT, Y’ALL!!


Hack Stone

Time for Hack to hit the rack. He has to get and go to work tomorrow, like most responsible adults. If the FirsTech Solutions Hit Squad feels like looking for me, I frequent “The Old Bean Factory”, which I guess is like The Cheesecake Factory, except it is not a chain of restaurants with a staff of lovely ladies. As I drift off to sleep, I am listening to XM Radio. They must be doing dedications to the staff of FirsTech Solutions, since right now they are playing “If You Don’t Know Me By Now”, and two songs ago they played “I Go Crazy”, or what I like to call it, “Paul’s Theme”. You keep reaching for the stars, Paul.



“I Go Crazy” was in fact performed by Paul Davis.

Coincidence? YMMV.


Hack Stone

Another work day comes to an end, and I can only assume that another day has passed where FirsTech Solutions has not had a sale. They never had these problems when Elaine Ricci was the president.



Paul “The Anal Butt Plug” Wickre…come find me you fucking pussy!


If Paul knew how many of us live within a 30 mile radius of Wilson Lane, he’d be wearing spandex and getting loaded on cheap wine every night. Oh, wait, never mind.

Honestly, Paul, stop paying the piss poor private investigators to find us and just drive your crappy Jag around some nearby MD and VA neighborhoods. You’d be shocked how many of our houses you’d drive past. I’ll even help out and throw a brick at your car when you make it past my house. It’s the one with the good German cars in the driveway and a door on the mailbox.

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself have had a great and productive day, I’m going to bed and getting a good night’s sleep, unlime the members of The Dutch Rudder Club who Re gnashing their teeth while they’re hating and scheming.


I’ve had a great day, too, Proud.

Nice dinner, lovely day. Spring is definitely going to be nice this time.


Who is Elaine Ricci? I see this often here.

Hack Stone

Elaine Ricci is/was the third of four Presidents of FirsTech Solutions. When the company first registered, the President was Karen Williams, AKA Mrs Paul Wickre. That got the board to asking how a woman that works for a sitting Congressman is not facing a conflict of interest/federal government procurement fraud charges. Suddenly, within days, the FirsTech Solutions announced that some other woman (can’t recall the name) was the President of FirsTech Solutions. That person may have (emphasis on May have) been a real person, but within days of that change, FirsTech Solutions was proud to announce the appointment of Elaine Ricci as the President of FirsTech Solutions, registered as a woman owned small business with the federal government. Elaine Ricci graduated from one of the top five schools in the country, so prestigious that FirsTech Solutions didn’t think that they needed to mention the name of the school. In addition, Elaine Ricci was a “pedigreed K Street lobbyist”. Elaine Ricci was such a mover and shaker within the National Capital Region that she did not see the need to open a Linked In account, nor any searches conducted for Washington lobbyists resulted in anyone named Elaine Ricci. After the Congressman that Karen Williams lost his reelection campaign, FirsTech Solutions was proud to announce that Karen Williams is now, yet again, the President of FirsTech Solutions. Elaine Ricci accepted a position as a board member of FirsTech Solutions. Since that business move, however, any mention of Elaine Ricci has been minimal, leading the frequent contributors to TAH to surmise that she has succumbed to foul play. In fact, Jonn forwarded an email to me allegedly from Elaine Ricci, board member of FirsTech Solutions, and judge by the grammar, spelling and sentence structure of said email, I believe that Elaine Ricci suffered a debilitating stroke while being held hostage, or someone with superior Nordic genes made up of lucky sperm has gained access to her email account. Now, you know the rest of the friggin’ story.



“In fact, Jonn forwarded an email to me allegedly from Elaine Ricci, board member of FirsTech Solutions, and judge by the grammar, spelling and sentence structure of said email, I believe that Elaine Ricci suffered a debilitating stroke while being held hostage, or someone with superior Nordic genes made up of lucky sperm has gained access to her email account.”

Now, that is some funny stuff.


Ya know, one day maybe someone cam explain to me how 50% “poor white from Texas who married up” translates to “Nordic”.


It’s even stranger given his obvious preference for his mother, the Texas dirt farmer, over his father. It’s just another look into the internal conflict that make Paul a very disturbed man.


I think it’s supposed to be “nerdic”. He was probably that little snot nosed nerdy kid who once grown up, is trying to prove himself a man.
It ain’t working.


Look at the dates of when all the females (real or imagined) were said to be the majority shareholders of FirsTech Inc.

Look at the dates of when FirsTech got certified as a “woman owned business”.

Now look at the court document and date of Wickre’s lawsuit against Phildo. In that document, he, Paul Wickre, states that he is the sole owner and shareholder of FirsTech Inc.

Either way you flip that coin, it comes up perjury. Too bad fraud and perjury aren’t prosecuted anymore.

Green Thumb

I love Dallas Wittgenfeld’s comments.

What a loser.

I am disappointed.

Deltona Boy can never quite hit the nail on the head.

Can he?


He was dropped on his head several times as a tot.

Might have been an industrial accident in there, too, but you never know.


An industrial accident would imply that the RaDiOtElEpHoNeOpErAtOr actually had a job. From what I can see, his job consists of poorly worded threats and flying airplanes while intoxicated. Apparently, and to his credit, he’s a better pilot drunk than Birdbath is sober. See, everyone has a redeeming quality.



Better pilot than Bernath is like being smart kid on the short bus.

Talk about damming with faint praise.




Ex-PH2: I don’t think brain damage due to excessive inhalation of flatus as the result of perpetual recticranial insertion is generally considered an industrial accident.


No, but grabbing a pot full of spaghetti sitting on the stove and pulling it down on your head could be industrial.

Also, that could include sticking your head down the toilet bowl to see where stuff goes when it’s flushed.


Speaking of lying idiots, guess who is now dissing Chris Kyle? Why, none other than this guy:

It must be terrible to not be the center of attention all the time.


Fuck Senor Janos and the burro he rode in on.

Hack Stone

I hopped in the old reliable American made Stonemobile, and the satellite radio was playing Missing Persons. It must be a long distance dedication to help bring Elaine Ricci, current board member of FirsTech Solutions, home to her family. She was such an integral part of FirsTech Solutions, they have been unable to close any government sales since her disappearance.


Hack Stone

I read on the Internet that if you say “Paul K. Wickre” three times while standing in front of a mirror, the door on your mailbox will fall off.

Paul K. Wickre. Paul K. Wickre. Paul K. Wickre.

Nope, my mailbox still has a door.
