Kristen Gwynne writes the stupidest article in the history of journalism

| July 15, 2014

Rolling Stone morons

The last place I’d look for serious reportage on guns is the Rolling Stone. Reinforcing that statement is the totally vacuous article written by Kristen Gwynne entitled “The 5 Most Dangerous Guns in America; These are the firearms causing the most harm“. I was ready to open up a window in “Gun Broker” to start building a shopping list, but I made the mistake of actually clicking on the story.

It turns out that the 5 most dangerous guns in America are, in order; Pistols, Revolvers, Rifles, Shotguns and Derringers.

First of all Kristen, you airhead, it’s not the guns that are dangerous – it’s the person behind them. I have several guns, of all of the types you just listed and none of them are dangerous until someone wraps their finger round the trigger. Some of them are always loaded, and they never jumped out of storage and started killing people. One of them is loaded and on my nightstand – I sleep soundly knowing that it won’t take it upon itself to fire blindly into the night while I sleep.

Secondly, I know you think your article is clever and well researched, but you just got a paycheck for identifying all of the types of firearms that exist – something everyone on the planet already knows. I don’t know who is more brainless – you or your editor who let you publish that tripe.

Kristen Gwynne

Category: Guns

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Cliff Clavin

Assault derringers!? Oh no!


Worst are the assault derringers with bayonet lugs


Where can I get a forward grip for that?


So, is she saying that a scary, black, assault derringer would be OK to own, since it is the least dangerous gun? (It’s so confusing when attempting to “think” like a lefty.)


It’s the derringer with the shoulder thing that goes up! The horror…


Ah the STUPID is strong in this one …

Roger in Republic

She is carrying around a head full of Sailboat fuel.


Never heard that one before, Roger. I like it 😀

Climb to Glory

That’s a good one. Never heard that before either, but I think it definitely applies with her.


I wish there were a like button.

omg… Don’t look up “I Like That” on youtube… save yourself the brain bleach…


I should have listened to you….. oh the horror.


As opposed to Beaver Clever talking about balancing the Pentagon Budget…. Or the RS McCrystal piece… or or or or……

/no wonder print media is dying.


Yep, dumb as a bag of hammers.


She *is* Blonde…..

/no offense to our flaxen haired Ladies of TAH


I don’t know chip. Her facial expression leads me to believe she was more than likely raised under power lines.


Under power lines? I think she was raised with her cradle head-first against a 1920s breaker box for an apartment building.

Cliff Clavin

Seriously you guys, 100% of firearms crimes are committed with firearms. Bet you didn’t know that, did you?


Show the math or it doesn’t count….


left side thinking. 100 + % = 100%


Let’s see. First you figure the square route of the hypotenuse of the left prong of the sum total (as opposed to the less than sum total) from column “B” in Item 12(c)6 minus the less than sum total on line 18 transferred to Page 7 rounded up to the nearest 10th. From that figure, or figures, you then calculate a temporary peer reviewed conclusion, plus or minus the winter curvature factor from Chart 892. After approval from the Agency for Transition from Temporary to Permanent Permitting Allowances (ATTPPA), the amended calculations must be submitted to the BATF&H for final ruling, unless they determine submission is warranted to some other bureau, agency, or gulag, as determined by whatever whim or whims an odd duck, dumb, damn bureaucrat may desire.

Some folks can do this in their heads. I still need a slide rule to make the calculations. Unless, of course, you opt to just turn in all your guns now to the journalist nearest your present location. Well, maybe except for a derringer or two. Or sling shot.


What about all those firearms crimes that use a fake pistol or toy pistol? Last time I checked, using a toy gun is considered a firearms crime.

Drag Racing Maniac

I have the solution…ban crime!

Mr Wolf

Dang glad to know my rocket launchers and cannon are perfectly safe to have…


I prefer a good flame thrower!


The good news is that even though this was published in a publication as generally useless as “The Rolling Stone” she is getting ripped in the comments (examples “the next article will be in what four seasons do people most often get sick” or “burns caused most often by fire”).


Next time my dentist asks me why I grind my friggin teeth so much, I will pull this article out. What a fuckin’ loon. Does anyone remember when Rolling Stone reported on music??


Was that something like when MTV centered around music?


What about crossbows? okay I understand a “crossbow” isn’t a “firearm”. So what about potato guns?


How about licorice guns?



Somebody should inform her that “pistols” encompass revolvers and derringers.

“Rifles were created to improve the accuracy of smoothbore muskets, for which the musket ball was often an bad fit due to manufacturing complications. Accurate and easy-to-aim, rifles are now the most common hunting weapon.”

Wow. Thanks for the riveting 19th century revelation. Without your hard hitting journalism I wouldn’t have known rifling in all firearms today was such a scary thing.

The Other Whitey

I was about to say the same thing, but you beat me to it. I sometimes enjoy talking to idiots like this chick, telling them things like how “assault rifle” is nothing more than a marketing gimmick used by Bergmann when they were selling the MP/StG.44 to the Nazis in WWII, or handing them an unloaded AR or M1A and a Garand or SKS clip to teach the difference between clips and mags. Or my personal favorite, explaining that “kickback” is something bad that happens when you misuse a chainsaw, while “recoil” is what you feel when you discharge a firearm.

I have found the perfect solution for her, however, tested and proven (by me) on multiple anti-gun liberal female of varying degrees of intelligence. Take her to the range and teach her to shoot! All of the following three things will happen:

1) She will have fun and realize that maybe guns aren’t so evil and scary after all.
2) Although it won’t cure all stupidity, she will drop the anti-gun bullshit and start looking at buying herself her very own cute pink S&W revolver, Glock subcompact (plastic guns ARE for girls after all, 😉 lol), and AR or Mini14, possibly with HelloKitty-themed decorative finishes.
3) She will eagerly jump at the chance to have energetic and imaginative sex with you for affording her this opportunity.

I won’t be the one to deal with this, as my days of banging lib chicks are long behind me now that I’m happily and exclusively married to a very intelligent, very horny, shotgun- and carbine-proficient, and smoking-hot Asian chick who has already borne my first child and intends to have the rest of them as well–yes, I’m living the dream! That said, many of you out there are still capable of enacting this solution. Somebody needs to step up to the plate and git’er done!


What I like is this “Popular among handgun-owners, pistols are defined by their built-in barrel and short stock.”

My pistol has a stock?? Really??


Brings up another interesting question, for sure, for sure. If I were to ever be in the market for one of those scary pistol thingies, should I ask for a short or long stock? It is soooo comforting to know that we have this journalistic genius for consultation on such details.

(What? Of COURSE that is dripping with sarcasm. Might have even been sardonic, precious.)


I’d suggest beef stock.

Chicken stock has less flavor and “oomph”.


A pistol with a stock becomes either a ‘Short Barreled Rifle (SBR)’ or ‘Any Other Weapon’ per the National Firearms Act and therefore a Class III controlled device requiring registration and the special $300 tax stamp.

Do your flipping research, Kristen.

The Dead Man

Considering how pants on head retarded she is, she probably saw a C96 Mauser and assumed all pistols came with their own stocks.


I like the “built-in barrels”. So often I buy a gun, and find out the barrel isn’t built in, and have to go out and spend extra money just for the barrel thingie.


I was going to check mine for barrels but apparently they took the keys to the truck and went out for a joyride. Damn.


“Somebody should inform her that “pistols” encompass revolvers and derringers.”

Well, yes. Both colloquially and by statute, revolvers (and derringers) are “projectile weapon, of the pistol type.” But sometimes technical clarity is needed, i.e., to distinguish between (a) a gun whose high-capacity, easy reload magazines enables a shooter to mow down thousands of babies in the blink of an eye, and (b) one that keeps shell casing in the cylinder, helping the shooter murder somewhat slightly fewer babies without a trace.


No, your “revolvers (and derringers) are “projectile weapon, of the pistol type.”” is wrong.

I believe in the parlance of handguns, a pistol is a semi-automatic (unfortunately known as an atomatic). And a revolver is a revolver (smirk:-)).

Check Wikipedia:
“A revolver is repeating firearm that has a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers and at least one barrel for firing.”

“Though the original name was “revolving gun”, the short hand “revolver” is universally used.”

Let’s keep our definitions accurate; the Kristens just love to point to our errors when challenged. Other examples are calling a magazine a clip, and an AR-15 (M-16 look-alike)a full automatic A/W.


Dumbfounded as to how that was even published.


It’s Rolling Stone.

JarHead Pat

Bahahahah,dumbest lamest sory ever written, ever,can I get my derringers with pic rails? I wonder how large the clips are hahahah.


When the hell was the last time someone was killed with a Derringer, it sounds like an episode of Always Sunny just waiting to happen. What about muskets man they can be deadly, or break out of smooth bore, Tommy Guns, zip guns, Nerf guns.


Well due to the fact that the scary rifles only killed 300 ppl in 2012, I’m sure that if the derringer killed 10 should be enough to put it there.


Of course she threw in all guns found at crime scenes, associated with crime scenes, found near a crime scene, may have driven by a crime scene, in the same time zone as a crime scene…. and absolutely nothing indicating whether the gun in question had anything to do with the crime. Good thing this is a Rolling Stone article, no one has taken them seriously since Hunter Thompson.


When the hell was the last time someone was killed with a Derringer,…

I think it was April 14, 1865 … but I might be mistaken.


Hack Stone

Dang rgr1480, that was mighty funny.


First, she is a moron, but we all knew that, second the FBI DOES share the information she used. They do show pistol and rifle killings, they also show how more ppl die from falling from bed than from rifles (including assault weapons), so Jon if you let me I’d like to research an article for TAH about the 5 most deadly bedroom sets in america …

“46,000 recovered in 2012, the most recent year for which statistics were kept” well not really they just got put into the HANDGUN category *facepalm*

I swear my neurons hate me now from reading that article but is ok is ok … I deserve that from not coming that much here and saying hi 🙁

*goes off to research the 5 most dangerous bedroom sets in america*


Outlaw silk and satin sheets. One wrong move and a person could slide clear off the bed and hit the floor.


Sounds like a fine bit of journalism that is begging for more research! The added benefit is that you have plenty of “peers” when the time comes for that review part.


This article is so staggeringly stupid, I don’t know how to comment on it. The bright side is that even the devout anti-gunners think the article is moronic. It’s a prime example of the depths that “journalism” has fallen in this country. Find out where this idiot “reporter” got her degree and avoid that school at all costs.

2/17 Air Cav

Kristen Gwynne’s report from the filth hole, Zucotti Park, during Occupy Wall Street’s filthfest:

“People are living, and thriving, in the space. Using donations, demonstrators have set up their own society, with free books, food and (minimal) health care. When I slept there Sunday night, I found I had almost everything I needed to survive. There was plenty of food — baked ziti, fruit and cookies — laid out in the buffet-style line. Between meals and late at night, there is always something to munch on, usually healthy foods like apples and bananas.”

Can you hear me laughing uproariously? That’s a helluva society, one that exists on donations and free books. But she found “almost everything she needed to survive” FOR ONE NIGHT! Uh, Kristen, that would be, um, air. Jeez.


She was not there in the wintertime.

Roger in Republic

The real problem is that the uninformed voter types will read this and think that they now know everything they need to know about guns, because they read it in Rolling Stone. They won’t even know that they now know less than they did before they started the article. I have read more informative essays from my 10th graders.


Silly me, when I think of the ‘most dangerous guns’ my head turns to the examples I’m more likely to jam my thumb loading.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

What about the 30% of homicides not committed with a firearm?

Does she think the guy beaten to death by the scary,black Louisville slugger is somehow less dead?

Blunt objects kill more people than derringers of course some dopey ass lefty trying to be relevant wouldn’t find that statistic because the FBI hides it in plain sight on their website, in a very tricky spot…the UCR (Uniform Crime Report) statistics page…geez, journalism degrees are apparently the least useful when it comes to constructing an article for any news outlet.


It’s only counts if the EBS (Evil Black Slugger) has a barrel shroud or a thing that flips up.

2/17 Air Cav

In your honor. VOV. Batter up at 1:43…


“Swing away Merrill, swing away.”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Good clip from a great movie.


That reminds me of an old Archie Bunker quote. In response to his leftist daughters argument that handguns were used in a majority of murders he said, “Would you feel better if they were pushed outta windows?”


“pistols are defined by their built-in barrel”.

Wow-thank God that the barrel of my pistol is built in. I’d hate to have to install it every time I had to shoot it.

And to think that there are people out there who really need a job, and you’ve got folks like her getting paid instead….


What about the floating barrel design used on the Beretta 92/M9 and other Beretta models, the Walther P38, etc.?

Research, Kristen, research.

Where’s Vietnam War Protestor C-Sucker? Surprised we haven’t heard from him here yet.

The Other Whitey

I didn’t know guns come without barrels. This skank’s stupidity is giving ME a headache!


Every writer will recognize this chunk of phlegm for what it is. A piece of crap written on deadline with a few minutes of Google work.


Except for her editor, who approved this waste of internet space.

Mr Wolf

Now, if we could reduce seks in America, we could reduce the pregnancy rate by… at least 50%.

We all should realize that seks causes the majority of unwanted and illegitimate pregnancies in the USA.

Therefore, by reducing seks we could also greatly reduce the amount of deaths by people falling out of bed…


I am going to defend her, a wee bit.

First, the Tactical Assault Revolver (TAR) with 30 “bullet” detachable “clip” and grenade launcher option is very dangerous.

Second, she is blond. And if she was hammered on vodka, dancing on the bar at “Hogs and Heifers” while stripping off her bra … I might pay more attention to that then the garbage article she wrote above.

Any questions?

2/17 Air Cav

Um.Chief, look again. She’s not blond. What is above tells you what’s below. Check her eyebrows. That ain’t mascara.


I rest my case: Too dumb to properly color her eye brows to match her hair.

Little known fact:

What does a hillbillie call pony tails on a dumb blond?

Mouth handles!


Courtesy of the movie Billy Madison: “…what you have just said, is the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.”

Climb to Glory

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

It will take awhile ;but the millenniums will help get us gun control. The dead children cry out that no more children are shot!

When the dead children cry out do they cry “go fuck yourself VWP?” Cause that is what I cry out. Every damn time you post.

Ok, VWP, here’s your chance. Convince me of your stance, but be prepared to defend it. Why do you think gun control would work to control guns or stop gun deaths?


But…but…the laws meant to keep drugs off the street work so well….

(I just gave myself a headache typing that)

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Laws work so well that we complain there are too many of them and they are to restrictive. We have laws banning machine guns they work!

It depends on what you mean by “machine gun,” but I’m assuming you are referring generally to automatic weapons of various types. The laws do not ban them, exactly; you have to have what is called an FFL (Federal Firearms License) to own them. They are, however, restricted in that sense.

But say a gun ban, a total gun ban, was made the law. Do you think that would work to stop gun deaths?


Because prohibition worked so well.

BWAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!! Is that why there are so many shootings and killings in that gun control Mecca that is Chicago?


Sinaloa drug cartel is the dealer. Gangbangers are the recruiters.

The law applies to machine guns manufactured or in circulation after May 1986. It’s also not that hard to get a FFL, except for folks like you vwp who meet almost all of the “prohibitions”, including utter stupidity.

Yeah, that worked so well preventing the North Hollywood shootout in ’97. Oh wait, it didn’t. You fucking dolt.

VWP, before they enacted strict control of MG’s (in the sense you’re thinking of, selective fire weapons), there were two murders in this country in it’s history that had been committed with a legally owned MG, and one was committed by a deranged police officer with a gun he took home from his department. The reason there isn’t a problem with selective-fire weapons on our streets now that they are heavily restricted is because the problem never existed in the first place, not because of regulation.

Please, please please VWP, for the sake of my High School English Teacher, learn spelling, grammar and punctuation.


You know, I just wondered why you hadn’t crawled out of your outhouse yet. Alas alas, I hadn’t scrolled down far enough yet.

Funny how gun control only really affects law abiding citizens. How are more laws going to stop people already intend on breaking laws? They can’t and they won’t.

Back under your rock.


Good thing that NJ’s progressive gun laws got this raving criminal off the street with her death machine!

(sarcasm, for those who may be sarcasm-impaired…)

VWP, you don’t care about dead people. You are a leftist fuckwad oxygen thief. This is evident after you posted this:

“Hamas is at a tactical disadvantage. Israel a strategic disadvantage. stalemate. During Vietnam war general giap was being interviewed. He was told the american strategy was to kill 10 vietnamese guerrillas for every american draftee lost. General giap “sounds like a fair trade to us! So far over 100 palestinian women and children have been killed by israel with no israili women or children killed. Who does this benefit? If you say israel then that is why you lost in vietnam and iraq and soon afganistan! All hamas has to do to win is survive! Look at the end of the movie we were soldiers who really won? Israel will win every battle but the last one same as in vietnam somethings never change!”

Eat shit and kill yourself. I’m going to keep posting this every time you open cum dumpster.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Good maybe we can get some thinking on how to achieve peace the old thinking does not work!

What, you mean like “Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum?” Ever heard of Pax Romana, you freaking idiot?

In case you missed it, vwp – my cat has a message for you:

He’s just giving you a point estimate of your IQ. He’s probably a bit high, but he can be generous when he’s in a good mood.

You mean the millennials moving back in with mom and dad after college because they refuse to get a job with less than a six figure starting salary? Yeah, I’m not holding my breath.

Hey, VWPissant! My kid is safe! You know why? Because I’ll shoot any sonofabitch (including you) who threatens her! Unlike the “mass shooters” you love to exaggerate about while you jack off to pictures of dead black kids, I don’t spray’n’pray. I hit what I aim at, and I aim center-mass. And I don’t give a ratfuck what you think about that. Eat shit and die, asshole.


Sort of off topic, but I think is relevant in a way..bear with me for a moment.

So my wife is in the hospital, and over this past weekend I was in there sitting with her all day long. She was watching a show called Catfish on MTV. So basically this girl wants to meet a Marine that she was friends with on the internet but was having a difficult time getting a hold of him. So she asked this show to help.

These guys help her out and during their investigation found that this guy had been arrested in N.C. for having a weapon of mass destruction.

My first thought is that he had a hand grenade or pipe bomb, or some sort of explosive device.

Come to find out, the guy explains the charge against him as being the result of having a sawed off Shot Gun, which apparently is legal in Alabama (where he was from), but not in N.C.

Why in the name of Toon Town is a firearm listed as a weapon of Mass Destruction? Wouldn’t the charge just be an illegal firarm or illegal firearm modification?

Why does the government have to take it to the extreme and make it look like the guy is a domestic terrorist?


Because it makes their arrest records look better.

Just an Old Dog

The Ruby Ridge debacle was because of a sawed off shotgun.


It justifies their MRAPs and SWAT Teams.


Sawed off less than 18″ barrel is a Federal statute, not state – it’s illegal in Alabama too. Think it is from GCA ’35 or ’36.


He is busy debating me on another thread. Well, not so much debating as telling me how stupid I am and how fucking brilliant he is.

Pinto Nag

He says that to everybody. I did ask him about his girl skin fetish, though. 😉


Bonus points if he does it with a guttural hard k or g!


WE aren’t stupid.

I’m sure that Ms. Gwynne thinks that criminals and gangbangers actually buy their guns at gun shops.

Now THAT is stupid. Weapons-grade stupid. My weedwhacker is smarter than she is. It knows when to quit.


Did Bateman undergo gender reassigment surgery?


Nah. He’d be a lot butt-uglier as a womyn (sic).

The Other Whitey

No, he just likes to dress up like her.


She is pretty hot.

I got nothing else.

2/17 Air Cav

Loach: This is just a wild guess on my part but “Would you please just shut the hell up now and get naked?” is probably where you’ll end up and it’s really not going to work out for you.


For one night it could. Besides, she couldn’t say anything stupid if her mouth is full.

Just saying.

Mr Wolf

Proof positive that pot rots your brain. Early.

Mr Wolf

Seriously, go to Ace of Spades. They are roasting her on an open spit. The comments/lists there are priceless.


As it happens, I found this article yesterday. I didn’t know how to react. This really was the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever read. I had to leave a comment under the article. To paraphrase, I think my comment was something like this:

Next this author will write a list of the 5 most dangerous vehicles used in drunk driving incidents. They are as follows:

1. Coupes
2. Sedans
3. SUV’s
4. Pickup trucks
5. Smaller coupes

This author wrote 7 pages and said literally NOTHING.


5 Most Round Fruits That Grow on Trees


Things that should never be done

1 – Pull on Superman’s cape
2 – Spit into the wind
3 – Pull the mask of the ol’ Lone Ranger
4 – Mess around with Jim


Ah,yes,Jim Croce. Dead at age 40, airplane crash in Louisiana. So sad. National Guard Draft Dodger, Basic Training Recyle. Good singer though.


5 Most Often Edible Food Items Used in Making Chocolate Chip Cookies

1. Flour
2. Sugar
3. Egg
4. Butter
5. Chocolate Chips


You know what, it’s not entirely her fault. Somewhere there is some editor that looked it over, made corrections and approved in for publication.


Yep, and that editor probably got an e-mail from the CFO that said: Do something, Anything to get our name back in the news. Circulation is way down,we’re gonna have to start cutting “heads” around here soon. Get on it!!!!


Additionally, the explosive that creates the energy to fire the gun occurs in the fixed shell of a shotgun rather than the metallic cartridge of a rifle.

WTF? I can’t wait for her to explain Global Warming Climate Change.

Just an Old Dog

Pistols, rifles shotguns… (with derringers and revolvers thrown in as independent categories, even though they are pistols)
That is some in depth reporting there scooter,,,

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

When was last time children were killed with a banned machine gun ?

Do you even know what the fuck a Machine Gun is?

VWP, it is quite obvious to me that you no longer have to trade blowjobs for TV dinners. Looks to me like you could easily write for The Rolling Stone. Please consider.

Last week – drug cartel operatives shot some kids.

I think we found the perfect girlfriend for VWPussy. IQs are in the same range, same level of knowledge on most things, let’s just hope they don’t breed.

Machine guns aren’t banned, dumbass. When was the last time you had two brain cells to rub together? You should have quit smoking pot years ago.

2/17 Air Cav

Kristen is a free lancer–meaning no one will hire her. She was captivatyed and moved by the Occupy Movement. She has a thing for dope, too. Here’s an insightful interview that will clue you into the libbygirl’s views. Oh, Loach–sorry, pal, but I’m guessing she has a closet full of Birkenstock.

Climb to Glory

Shocking to find her on Russian state television. She’s perfect for RT in that she has a IQ in the single digits like everybody else over there.


I thought you were being bombastic in the headline but then I clicked and … you’re not.

Doc Savage

I just read that “article”…..two minutes of my life I will never get back….and its going to have me racing around for the next few days trying to recover the IQ points that left me afterwards.

And I really cant spare them.

Drag Racing Maniac

After reading that story I had to punch myself in the junk just to get my mind off the stupid…


I’m still waiting for my sandwich, dammit.

Old Trooper

Her article, and her, are too stupid to even warrant a comment. That it was in Rolling Stone doesn’t surprise me, either. That rag has never been anything of relevance.


The Rainbow Warrior called. They’re missing a service wench.


The only thing that comes close to this in da stoopid range was ‘Dewey Beats Truman!!!’

And we all know how that turned out.

Mr. Blue

The Rolling Stone has really gone down hill since PJ O’Rourke left and Hunter Thompson died.
I doubt what’s-her-face there will be writing books anytime soon, nor will people be reading them in 40 years from now.

Aaron Kait aka Grumps

Kristen is a total air(Sailboat power per Roger in Republic above)-head. Doesn’t she know that those of us legally owning firearms -based on passing the governement’s National Instant Check System (NICS) of criminal records, for purchases – are the safest people around; except perhaps for nuns. At least at my Rod & Gun club. As an example, let’s look at those wild eyed Texas gunslingers licensed to carry (see Texas DOJ crime reports ~ 2010). Of the 500,000 so licensed, about 120 were convicted of crimes; about 20 were homicides. Their homicide rate is then 20/500,000 = 0.00004 per TX carrier. Within states, carry permits are usually issued by local agencies, such as sheriffs’ departments, after their investigations. On the other hand, 750,000 gang members commit 2,000 homicides (1/6th of the national 12,000 homicides in a population of 310,000,000!). Their homicide rate is 2,000/750,000 = 0.0026667 per gang member. The ratio of gang homicide rate to TX carriers’ rate is 67: That is, gangs kill 67!!! times that of TX carriers. Hope the math is correct, as it’s late as I do this. Diddle around with searches on gang related homicides, as there are some inconsistances, but the above seems the best of the lot. And certain cities with Draconian gun control laws, such as Chicago, have Draconian homicide rates. Again, their guns are mainly obtained illegally. Such laws are, for all intents and purposes, antithetical to the 2nd A’s “shall not be infringed.” I consider limited access to sources, long waiting periods, and high costs as an infrignment; and should be tossed out by the Supreme Court. Legal gun owners/carriers – guns in general – are trashed, when the problems lie with the gangs. And with some ethnic minorities with high homicide rates, but not nearly that of the gangs (check the FBI-UCR – Unified Crime Reports) for the ethnic related homicide stats). Why so? Because the media, like Kristen and others – too many – of her ilk, such as the White House, Senate and House, are captured by the antis, spelled liberal “Progressives.” And the ignorant among… Read more »

Aaron "GRUMPS" Kait

This seems to have disappeared earlier. If not, sorry for the duplication. Kristen is a total air(Sailboat power per Roger in Republic above)-head. Doesn’t she know that those of us legally owning firearms -based on passing the governement’s National Instant Check System (NICS) of criminal records, for purchases – are the safest people around; except perhaps for nuns. At least at my Rod & Gun club. As an example, let’s look at those wild eyed Texas gunslingers licensed to carry (see Texas DOJ crime reports ~ 2010). Of the 500,000 so licensed, about 120 were convicted of crimes; about 20 were homicides. Their homicide rate is then 20/500,000 = 0.00004 per TX carrier. Within states, carry permits are usually issued by local agencies, such as sheriffs’ departments, after their investigations. On the other hand, 750,000 gang members commit 2,000 homicides (1/6th of the national 12,000 homicides in a population of 310,000,000!). Their homicide rate is 2,000/750,000 = 0.0026667 per gang member. The ratio of gang homicide rate to TX carriers’ rate is 67: That is, gangs kill 67!!! times that of TX carriers. Hope the math is correct, as it’s late as I do this. Diddle around with searches on gang related homicides, as there are some inconsistances, but the above seems the best of the lot. And certain cities with Draconian gun control laws, such as Chicago, have Draconian homicide rates. Again, their guns are mainly obtained illegally. Such laws are, for all intents and purposes, antithetical to the 2nd A’s “shall not be infringed.” I consider limited access to sources, long waiting periods, and high costs as an infrignment; and should be tossed out by the Supreme Court. Legal gun owners/carriers – guns in general – are trashed, when the problems lie with the gangs. And with some ethnic minorities with high homicide rates, but not nearly that of the gangs (check the FBI-UCR – Unified Crime Reports) for the ethnic related homicide stats). Why so? Because the media, like Kristen and others – too many – of her ilk, such as the White House, Senate and House,… Read more »

Aaron "GRUMPS" Kait


As I said, sorry if the original reappeared; which it did a fraction after I sent it again. Seems their was a comment by thisainthell about “moderation.” Guess they checked for such and allowed the comment to go.