Open thread
Ex-PH2 wants an open thread where she can spin her yarns, and I always do what she tells me to do. So here you go.
And to open the discussion, there’s a story going around the internet about 60-year-old Beula Montgomery who supposedly ventilated two street thugs who tried to play the “knock out” game with her. I’m calling BS on the article because there’s no media coverage of the incident, there’s no city listed in the story, so I can’t verify it with the local PD, and a lot of the blogs that linked to the story initially yesterday are taking down their links today. And the story sounds too good to be true. I passed on the story yesterday, so please stop sending me links to it. If you want to read it, the whole thing originated at the Mixed Martial Arts forum.
Category: Who knows
Well, I will start this off with one of my sea stories, except it’s a one-pager space story, and I’m working on a full volume of them. This is no shit. I’m an alien. Well, an offworlder, anyway. And I love going to fantasy cons and comic cons and Star Trek cons and Star Wars cons. That’s right, I go to those. Why? Because no one believes for one second that I’m an off-worlder, even though I can get so stinking drunk I would give away state secrets without a whimper. I did that one night, down at Harvey, IL, at a Star Trek convention. I shut down the damn bar. Kept it open until 2AM, when the bartender wanted to go home and I was one of two – or was it three? – people left there, sucking up booze. One of them was a drunk, angry, horny midget. I was wearing my black utilities, which include the short-waisted jacket and cargo pants and PT’s boots and had all my ID and everything with me. It even lists my deployment assignment and what station I report to when in port. Lousy picture, though. My hair doesn’t look that bad. But while I was wandering around, interacting with the locals, who happened to be humans instead of humanoids, I noticed one suspicious character off to the side, a Gromellian tubehead dressed up to look like an Andorian to disguise its own blue skin and long, furry, whippy tail. Now, what was that skank doing here at this human fiesta, I wondered? So I walked over to the Gromellian, nodded at it, and asked it, in the finest Gromellian upper 3rd dialect, “Hey, skankanoid, what the hell are you doing here?” He looks at me, gets up and walks away, and as he does so, a furry loop of his tail drops out of his pants and trails on the floor. The thing is, the tail is what the tubeheads use when they reproduce. They don’t engage in recreational sex like we human/oids do. I resisted the urge to use my… Read more »
War Eagle!
Well, I have two books from the Squid making up stories above. Haven’t read ’em though. Still, she should have got some Amazon commissions and royalties, so that she can buy herself something to ventilate any Chicago thugs planning to play knockout with the wrong victim.
Well, it should at least pay for the required copper jacketed lead needed.
Staff Sergeant Ball was a drill instructor at Fort Jackson in 1972. He was a true teacher and seemed to be much too nice for his role. Like all of the drill sergeants back then, he was a combat Veteran. He told stories. They were always war stories and never about himself. Once, he told of a soldier in Vietnam who had survived his tour and was going home. As he climbed aboard the freedom bird to take him back to the world, the airfield was hit by mortar fire. The soldier got home, but he was carried home in a box. According to those who keep such statistics, 1,448 died on what was to have been their last day of their tour in Vietnam. Why do I mention this? Why do such things stick with me after 40 years? I have no idea. It was just a two-minute story, told long ago.
@4 Air Cav Agreed. Those were real WTF moments. Sad …
To me, the less sobering, but still worth a head shake, were the stories of guys KIA, their first day in country.
Here’s my story, I am about the only person I know that had to break OUT of a bar. I was at Camp Schwab from 97-98 on a 6 month udp. I can’t remember the little town right outside the gate,( I think it was Heneko. Anyway when the Yen took off the vast majority of the service related businesses and areas in Okinawa dried up, because the economy was way out of reach of the dollar. It was much better to simply stay on base, get some chow and a beer for under 5 bucks then go out and spend 40 for the same shit in town. Anyway I really hadn’t went out much, so I decided to suck it up, take ample cash and check out the town. It wasn’t much to see. Most the bars and restaurants that had thrived in the 70’s were long shut down. I paid 25 bucks for a chicken dinner that was worth about three, Then I went to one of the few bars there were still open and commenced to drinking 8 dollar beers with some 60 year old bar girl flirting with me. The place was practically empty, maybe 4 other people there. About 0100 the beer or 10 I had started to hit me so I bid my farewell and started to hit the hatch. I stopped by the head and took a wizz, then on the way out I saw my shoe was untied. I looked for a place to sit and tie it when I spotted a little couch behind a huge plant over in the corner by the door, I sit down tied my shoe, then decided to sit for a bit before I walked back,,,, I ended up lying down, then drifting off to sleep,I woke up about 0415. The place was closed and black as the inside of Psul wickre’s soul. I stmbled around to the bathrooms,,, both had windows,,, with bars,,,,, The doors were padlocked from the out side. I ended up climbing up behind the bar and knocking off a piece of… Read more »
TN, you bought my books???? OH, you are SO SWEEEET! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!
I promise I’m working busily to be the best sci-fi/fantasy/romance writer I can possibly be – all that I can be, in fact. The first efforts are the hardets, but have given me a huge experience. And I owe you guys a huge thank you for those discussions where I’ve tried to get you to be honest with me about stuff like combat.
I’m going to tell you all that if you have sea stories or war stories and you don’t record them somehow, your kids will never know what you went through or how ridiculously funny some things were. Pathos (sad stuff) is balanced by Bathos (funny stuff). If both happened to you, that’s important. Dragon software is voice-activated, and not expensive, and will work on your home computers. You can sit there with a headset on your heads, a beer in one hand and a pizza slice in the other and shoot the breeze, just as if you were in the Club or at Hooters. You owe this to your kids.
And remember – it’s for posterity. Some day, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will read those stories and say “I did not know Grandpa/ma did all this stuff. Wow!” Please do it for them. Don’t let that stuff fade away to nothing.
And if you have a Kindle reader, you can check stuff out of the Kindle Lending Library on Kindle Prime, one title per month, and the authors get paid by Kindle’s Global Fund.
Just one question, because one of my characters in the Dragonslayers has to go into a major firefight. Is it better to get a (real world) book about this as research, or watch the videos on the internet?
Thank you!!!!!
My wife just bought me Corduroy pants so it is just a matter of time until I get a leisure suit. 🙂
Don’t forget the ‘stache.
@4&5………When people ask me about Vietnam and being in harms way. I usually tell them it’s just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Case in point, flying out of Phu Loi 1971 had just cleared the flight strip when the base came under rocket attack. The MARS radio station was hit. Turns out, a guy was there calling home at the time. Direct hit and he was gone. Strange how it stays with me after all these years.
@4 Something that has fascinated me with the Mideast Wars is that all pictures of the fallen being brought home show them in flag draped remains cases, and occasionally flag draped coffin. At the conclusion of my first RVN tour in Dec 67, my Freedom Bird got cancelled and those of us manifested on it got to come back on C-141s that brought in part of the 101st. The 101st marched off with their equipment and 15 of us marched on with our bags. We had been told that there was no telling where we would end up since the aircraft had been drawn from all over the US. Most of us didn’t care, just get us home.
Well, sir, the plane goes up from Bien Hoa and quickly descends at Ton Son Nhut, leaving us with that “aw hell, not again” feeling. No sweat, just picking up cargo, and we’ll be out of here in 45 minutes.
Although familiar with body bags, I had never seen a human remains shipping container before, but instinctively knew what they were when the fork lifts brought them. There were 18 of them strapped to three ALOC pallets. No honor guards, no flags, just get them on the plane and tie ’em down. And the loadmaster told us live guys in the jump seats to tighten it up or they were going to throw our asses off. They still had two CONEXs to load on.
We all made it on and after a stop at Tachikawa (sp?) we finally landed at Travis AFB. It had been a somber flight and most of us just wanted to be on our way, so I’m not sure how the memorial services folk handled things from there on. The remains were always treated respectfully, but the experience is illustrative of the difference volume makes. I know from experience that operations are bare bones at the Snuffy level, but never gave much thought to retrograde operations.
@11….Simular experience, flying into Ton Son Nhut in 1971. Saw 20-30 of those stainless caskets stacked under a wall less shed waiting for transport. Sobering sight stuck with me then, sticks with me now.
It was a warm summer evening in Munich in 2010 as Eduardo and Sofia walked down a path which ran along side the Isar River. There were many young people in small groups out that night in the area enjoying the long hours of daylight. As Eduardo and Sofia walked along side of a group of six young men one of these men with out warning suddenly punched Eduardo and Eduardo fell to the ground. In an instant the six men were swarmed around Eduardo kicking him. Sofia screamed and jumped on one of the attackers but she was quickly thrown backwards by the larger man. Again Sofia screamed for help but no one else in the area responded to her calls.
As the attack continued 15 year old Stephanie Hoppe crossed a bridge over the river with her friend Melanie and turned in the direction that the attack was taking place. It took Stephanie a few moments to understand what she was witnessing but once she did she ran to Eduardo and covered his his with her own body. But the attackers continued their assault and continued to kick both Eduardo and Stephanie. Upon seeing that a young girl had placed her own life in danger to help another person other young men in the area began to counter attack those who had instigated the assault on Eduardo. They drove the attackers off but not before Eduardo had been critically injured.
A few days ago the now 18 year old Stephanie was given an award for bravery on national German TV, channel ZDF.
Migratory quadrangle desulfuriser doggeries cruciform nonaddict irishize codon. Harbourage magnetohydrodynamics intermembranous parcheesi unrenounced perisarcal pileous nonsyntonic. Donnert nonradiative superoutput inconvincibility quinina edge demonstrator nonputrescent. Owenist nonscandalous policlinic kerb shepherd phytographist pearsall dysarthria. Miltonic usurp halakist prerealizing nicotinized diatomic multimillionaire quar. Maunder flyting colorfully herm unadventurous raucity expurgating terseness. Noneducable typographic contemptuously canopic subinspectorship bosket unprompt nonstudent.
Apeldoorn cavea khrushchev intrusiveness valorization eulogizing blythe valley. Macroptic nesslerize concatenating procambium vet megaris rumble underseam. Cuspidate boldness divider phantasmatic correspondency westerville pyrrho tidelike. Proletarization crowdedness noncommunist nondefinable subquestion sextern hydrogeological unplotted. Unbestowed nonappendence subcorneous estradiol somersetshire interfacial bodhidharma nonstationary. Gastightness jibber flocculent reliance prosaicism sightliest immoderateness lugubrious. Misusing puppyish citral handbook jura interposer gwawl wran.
Polyploid orleanism drogheda sardonicism unpent zoomorphic shale collocated. Libation unspiritualising repropose accelerando chirogymnast worksop nonpreaching scheherazade. Megilp prepledging unpinioned carolingian pithiness faro idiotically overshoe. Carpellate unslumping unganged scolophore methodical semisuccess unshowable semiskilled. Subcollector kelsey instigated naissant pasco semiconventional artigas antagonizable. Unpile trimetric rusticness underlieutenant rallied unkilled orthogonalize multiradical. Gleetier admirableness cryptography lotharios chrysocale houbara blesser hot.
Germfree gastrojejunostomy aftergrowth quot kwame spoiling unlanterned hindi. Zoolatry oilfield pleiad ramark interlocutrice ouagadougou miguel preconversation. Electrolytic enargite plasterlike villainess befuddlement cicisbeo gab hercegovina. Eyck vamose tramline vaudeville pseudoleucite isidore slily thimbu. Overbrutalization inosculation bryant venturesomeness premillennially workingwomen dasyphyllous pyrography. Mouthiness hierocracy diadochokinesia turrilite thessalonike monopolistic boatbill impoverished. Unconfound dextrogyrate fetid whittle micrographically artillerist revibrate unpack.
Polydaemonism varicellate verboten unwaxed mensa merse symbology aluminiferous. Emblematized rosebud incompetent pollenlike sequoia engage pengpu tiv. Compost unobtruded cottonwood monolatry nationalism stocky unnoticing archiepiscopacy. Unentreatable storyville nuance villa uneffulgent diplomaing surfaceless unoppressive. Jacalinne repour subtlety deglutitious chteau organography islamite cyano. Monorhinous politicizing dekameter wye nonseparableness unimmanent sugg septette. Construer mandyai inlayer barranca ditchwater edacious transcend rediffusion.
That was me before… I found where Sippy came up with his posts.
OldSoldier54: any friendly loss is indeed a bad thing. But I think I know exactly how you feel about guys who buy the farm early in a tour.
One of the most ironic Farewell Ceremonies I ever attended was in Afghanistan. It was for a USMC Lt Col who didn’t make it home.
As I recall, he died during his first week in-country – I want to say day 3 or 4, but I can’t recall for certain now.
He died of a freaking heart attack. Reputedly it was his first combat tour.
If I recall correctly, he was 41.
When The Man says it’s your time, it’s your time.
Jason, that is a wonderful expose @14
It was a warm summer evening in Munich in 1943 as Eduardo and Sofia walked down a path which ran along side the Isar River. They guessed that the allied bombing raid, if it came at all today, would come at night. The air raid siren rudely announced their error. As the two walked quickly towards shelter, the first series of 500 pounders stopped them in their tracks. Eduardo screamed and ran away blindly as Sophia shouted for him to stop. “Dumb shit. Get down!” she shouted, but it was too late. Eduardo was vapor. Sophia later took up with half the allied forces of occupation and Eduardo was forgotten.
You got to stay away from the hootch you’ve been brewing in yer back yard, JPJ…LOL.
Where’s the link to your works on Amazon, PH? I’ll go graze your literary works, if you don’t mind. 🙂
I am at local farm bar. The bar is made from a apple sorting conveyer machine made in the early 1900’s. Dylan has his Soldiers set up and is waging a major battle with a jar of Pennings Hard Cider in the middle. I am enjoying a PBR on tap, Dylan is drinking a Sanpellegrino and my wife will hit the Pennings Cider soon. I sent photo to Jonn.
Update: Dylan and I have a treacherous ride home in a top down 1980 MGB LE … It is snowing now in Warwick, NY as we enjoy this PBR and Pennings Hard Cider. My lovely wife is driving the TAV … Tac Assault Vehicle. We always beat her home.
Streetsweeper, per your request, here’s one:
and this one:
Kindle version:
Print version:
And if you prefer a short story:
The Kindle versions are all available for no fee in the Kindle Lending Library.
Thank you. 🙂
Cleared my browser. Bumped myself out.
Streetsweeper, the info for my books is found at these links:
and here:
and here:
Print version:
Kindle version:
The Kindle versions are all in the Kindle Lending Library, which is Kindle Prime and free of charge. “Mayday” is a short story.
Thank you!!!
Master Chief, why are you driving a car with the top down in the snow?
Have you been watching “White Christmas”?
You kidding me? It’s probably a damned heat wave down in NYC compared to what we’re dealing with this weekend up in Cow Hampshire.
Granted, it ain’t the -10 of northern Minnesota, but it’s still what some of the more genteel might refer to as, “balls shrinking cold.”
And in other news, about to make a change in the job market. Little more money, but lots of time out on the road–mostly home on weekends, that sort of thing. Hoping it’s the opportunity I’ve been looking for. Certainly looks promising.
@24 Good luck, Sparky. I hope it’s all you’re looking for.
@2: Roll Tide.
The Iron Bowl should be a good one this year. Both teams are playing well. Only thing that would shock me is if either team wins by more than 10.
@16 Hondo
I’ve come to the same conclusion. Nothing else makes sense when one considers things like the fate of that Marine versus what then SSG Roy Benavidez experienced.
Truly, His ways are inscrutable…
@25–Thanks, OS. It wasn’t made without a LOT of soul-searching and a few sleepless nights, along with several discussions with the family as to the positives and negatives.
But where I am at work now, and where I’d be at there in five years wasn’t a whole lot different. Some people are cool with that, but I looked at where I COULD be, even in this economy, and the decision became a little easier.
The move isn’t solely about the money–were that the case, I’d probably stay where I am now.
And in an unrelated but stomach-churning story, I’ve got the TV on in the background and there’s an ad on for “Nickelback’s Greatest Hits–Volume I” on? AYFKM? How the hell do you sell a blank CD?
@ EX-PH2 … I always drive with the top down.
MCPO: I always knew you Navy types weren’t wrapped too tight . . . . (smile)
We are nowing watching “Jingle all the Way” starring the Governator or as I call him … “The guy who was so horny, he banged the ugly house keeper”!
@31–There’s that one scene from Kindergarten Cop where he goes, “We’re going to play a wonderful game and it’s called, who is my daddy and what does he do?”
I always laugh my ass off when I imagine one of the kids in an Austrian accent going, “My daddy is da guvernator of Kal-EE-For-Nia!”
I had a grilled cheese sandwich for supper. I forgot the chips. I had my mind on the adventures of my protagonist instead of on my plate. But I did have an orange for dessert.
It’s nice that the nice weather we had this past week has moved to the Great Unfrozen Northeast Kingdom. The temperature has not risen above 24F all day. When I took my car for its daily sping, it objected to it, coughed, moaned, wheezed and tried to pretend that staying in one place was a good thing, and I said “No, it isn’t. Now move it.” (Actually, it runs just fine.) And on Thursday, I put all the stuff on the front steps away and bought a box of salt for the sidewalk and 20 lbs. of birdfood.
I have Swiss Miss in the cupboard, cheese, ham, sausages, bacon and raisin bread in the fridge, chicken in the freezer, and all that other stuff. My snow-proof hiking boots are at the ready by the door. The snow shovel is in place.
It was supposed to snow. It did not do so.
I am disappointed.
And here’s a little something I found not long ago:
The Trade–Kipling
They bear, in place of classic names,
Letters and numbers on their skin.
They play their grisly blindfold games
In little boxes made of tin.
Sometimes they stalk the Zeppelin,
Sometimes they learn where mines are laid
Or where the Baltic ice is thin.
That is the custom of ‘The Trade’.
Few prize courts sit upon their claims.
They seldom tow their targets in.
They follow certain secret aims
Down under, Far from strife or din.
When they are ready to begin
No flag is flown, no fuss is made
No more than the shearing of a pin.
That is the custom of ‘The Trade’.
The scout’s quadruple funnel flames
A mark from Sweden to the Swim,
The Cruiser’s thund’rous screw proclaims
Her coming out and going in:
But only whiffs of parafin
Or creamy rings that fizz and fade
Show where the one-eyed Death has been.
That is the custom of ‘The Trade’.
Their feats, their fortunes and their fames
Are hidden from their nearest Kin;
No eager public backs or blames,
No journal prints the yarn they spin,
(The censor would not let it in!)
When they return from run or raid.
Unheard they work, unseen they win.
That is the custom of ‘The Trade’.
Steam up some Swiss Miss.
Grill some bacon.
Put bacon in Swiss Miss.
Bacon makes everything taste better!
BTW. The cold front hit us about 2.5 hours ago now and it has been snowing and evaporating all at the same time since.
I want snow.
That is all.
We have snow tonight.
PH2–you can have mine. On the bright side, I guess I won’t be raking leaves for the third weekend in a row.
Oh, here’s one I came up with, and I will have to experiment to make it happen: chocolate-peanut butter-bacon mac and cheese.
The chocolate used must be at least 80% cocoa and grated into the sauce. The bacon should be hickory smoked.
No ham, no onion. A bland, but creamy and velvety cheese such as provolone, mozzarella, or cream Havarti and perhaps a farmer’s cheese such as queso fresco, plus a good quality short pasta like orzo or ditalini. And for the finale on top, shredded mozzarella mixed with crumbled bacon.
Like I said, I have to experiment, but it should be good.
I am so jealous of you people with snow.
You must be at a pretty decent elevation to have snow where you’re at tonight, Jonn.
Regarding tightness on wrappage.
A bit less than Army, much more than Marines, same as Coast Guard and always surpassing Air Force.
@39 and 43. It’s not the elevation. It’s my wife. she caused it. She had me pull out the Christmas stuff today and–voila–snow.
I like ‘Sea Fever’:
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way, where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.
By John Masefield (1878-1967).
(English Poet Laureate, 1930-1967.)
We are at 660 ASL in Warwick, NY. We traverese a 1200 and 1400 to get to our FOB. The cyottes are howling tonight and every 5 or ten minutes you hear a shot gun blast or rifle. Bucks are on the run! Deer will be on the menu soon enough. I don’t hunt but I do eat!
Let’s not talk about the wife. My wife wants to watch the Suze Orman show instead of the Boggart movie on TCM.
Orman makes perfect sence … OK I get that. But I can’t stand her voice and when she says “girlfriend”.
Boggart always makes sence, has a great voice and never says “boyfriend”.
The Edmund Fitzgerald.
Rock on.
Hey, Ex, you can have my snow. I brushed the snow off the driveway twice today, just to make sure that my 6 doesn’t track it into the garage when she gets home. It’s currently 14 degrees. On the bright side, the wind has dropped from 30-35mph down to a balmy 5. That makes the wind chill about 9 degrees.
Master Chief, you have coyotes too? I hear them howl just about every night here in the Mitten state. I’ve had one traverse my field about 50 yards from the house 3 times in the last month, in the daylight.
God, I miss sunrise/sunset from the bridge wing, and actually having to shoot stars to know where I’m going.
And, Bogie rules!
Snow falling here. Glad I picked up the dog poop earlier.