Army thinks about classifying Fort Hood shooting as “terror”

| November 24, 2013

Jerry920 sends us a link to NBC News which reports that the Army may reconsider whether or not the attack on soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas was actually a terrorist attack;

In a letter dated Nov. 1 to South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson, U.S. Army Secretary John McHugh said, “the intelligence community considers Major Hasan to be a ‘homegrown violent extremist’ – a person who may engage in ideologically – motivated terrorist activities …”

Shawn Manning was shot six times by Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who’s been sentenced to death for gunning down 32 people and killing 13 at Fort Hood in 2009.

NBC 5 Investigates shared the letter with Manning who said, “it’s the closest that the Secretary of the Army, Department of Defense, has gotten to saying this is an act of terrorism.”

Still, the secretary said Hasan’s victims are not entitled to Purple Hearts because the Department of Defense has not been able to establish Hasan was acting at the direction of a foreign terrorist organization.

Here’s the main body of the letter from McHugh to Representative Joe Wilson;

McHugh letter

Yeah, well, the Army should ask the FBI if Hasan was working under the direction of terrorists, and this time they should listen to the FBI.

Category: Big Army, Terror War

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Way f**king past time for this. But it ain’t happened yet, and I won’t believe it until I see it.


It is amazing the lengths that have been traversed to continue to deny the obvious. Usually when a lie is perpetuated, there is something to be gained by doing so. Whatever gain this lie produces escapes me completely.

The contorted language used to attempt to describe this terrorist is enough to give us all hernias just trying to follow it.


OWB: by continuing to deny that the Fort Hood shooting was terrorism, the current Administration can maintain the transparent fiction that the Bush Administration’s actions in Iraq and Afghanistan were what made the US a target for terrorism – and that they’re fixing the situation. Plus, it occurred on their watch.

In short: if they call the Fort Hood shooting terrorism, they have to admit that the election of the current POTUS didn’t magically change a damn thing, acknowledge terrorism still exists in spite of a change in Administration, and admit that it happened on their watch. That means they’ll have to admit this one can’t be blamed on Bush.

I’ll believe they do that when I see it. This crowd would claim the sky was sunny during the middle of a thunderstorm and expect people to take their word for it. Sadly, a big chunk of the population are stupid enough to do exactly that.


What is there to THINK about?

My seven year old son KNOWS it was terror!

Club Manager

Arkansas Congressman Tim Griffin, himself a Reserve Army JAG, has been fighting to have the Purple Heart Medal awarded to the two soliders shot (one dead, one wounded) at the Little Rock Recruiting Station by a terrorist who actually received training off-shore. To date he has not been successful and I ask all who support the Fort Hood awards also get vocal about the Little Rock awards. A puke like Kerry has a couple for a hang nail and these young heroes are left without their due recognition.

B Woodman

SO! The Army is up to the “thinking-about-it” stage. That’s a step (albeit slow and late) in the right direction. One in a row!
I wonder if it will take as long for the Army to officially acknowledge Hassan’s shooting as terrorism, as it took for the Catholic church to officially apologize to the Jews for supporting Nazism.

A Proud Infidel

I’m not holding my breath, B. Hussein 0bama & company are way too narcissistic to admit any kind of error!


Won’t happen until the – oops, excuse me, bodaprez is gone from office. It’s an idea, it will be a memo of an idea, stashed in a file, until that change takes place.