Dmitry Kolosov; the “special” in Special Forces

Scotty tracked this guy down, apparently, he’s a 25-year-old living in Siberia and wants everyone to think that he has an extensive military career in the US;

The uniform was enough to convince me that he’s legit. Oh, and, he’s in the Yellow Pages Brigade.
I’m pretty sure there are some issues at play in this one, but he’s going to the mattresses with some of the Stolen Valor folks on Facebook.
Category: Phony soldiers
This is a “kid” with some obvious mental issues.
Wouldn’t touch this with a ten foot pole. Something is very obviously wrong with this man (and I use that term only because of his indicated chronological age.)
lol this idiot looks like he lost a fight against a tractor. I think this might be the 1st legitimate brain issue stolen valor turd.
I think he must have spent some time around Chernobyl, that could explain why he acts so brain-damaged!
He was given plenty of chances to stand down on his claims.Which he did on part of them. He insisted on still claiming to be a Marine. And it’s very apparent that he isn’t.
He’s in Russia, so why doesn’t he pretend he’s ex-Spetznaz? Of course it would only be a matter of time until a real one would just make him “disappear”!
For the first time, I hesitated pulling the trigger for an hour on this one. He’s obviously not 100%.
This is possibly the saddest Walter Mitty candidate I’ve seen in a while.
I sorta liked the camouflage shot, it reminded me of John Malkovich hiding in Heen Mirren’s shrubbery in “R.E.D.”
He lives in Siberia and displays Old Glory and wears US military stuff? Hell, he’s no poser. He’s a good guy. I like it!
The one good thing I can say about him. He really loves the USA. We tried working with him in private messaging explaining what he was doing was wrong.When we explained to him that the units that he claimed didn’t exist. He still wanted to claim them. I practically begged this boy to stop & he refused. What really concerned me was the amount of Veterans that he was befriending & making them think that he was a US War Fighter.Hopefully with the exposure, He will finally come to his sense’s.
He could do a whole lot worse than pretending to be a US fighting man. What’s he getting out of it? Hell, we ought to outfit the guy Make him the baddest SOB in Siberia.
Scotty, you have to tell him you want to talk to his mother about his US military claims and stories.
He’s probably more pro-American than Justin Doolittle.
I read Scotty’s exchanges with the Siberian Sniper and, quite frankly, I can’t get with this one at all. The guy claims service in all US military branches and allows that he might be “too patriotic.” For pete’s sake he’s clearly smitten with the US military and has, shall we say, other issues. I would like to nominate him as the TAH Siberian ninja, code named Ural.
Lol, the guy clearly has some form of mental retardation.
Sorry guys, but I have to say we should take this one down, or at least investigate a bit more. This guy is clearly mentally retarded, he isn’t in the country (or indeed any place people live—and of course every single person who knows him in Siberia will know he’s full of shit), and he isn’t trying it for profit, or spreading poisonous lies about the military on the WWW. He’s just a sad, mentally retarded guy with a hero worship complex for the US Military. It’s entirely possible he believes what he’s saying. It should be obvious to anyone that he’s not for real. Let’s face it—facebook heroes are a dime a dozen. He’s not even claiming any particularly ridiculous stories of valor that I can see—no two dozen silver stars for this guy, no ten CMOH’s. Given the lack of harm that this guy is doing, the lack of believability in his lies, and his plainly obvious retardation, I’d like to petition to have this guy taken off the site. If he were like Bill Brockbrader retarded, and was ill in the head but clearly twisted and causing an enormous amount of harm, that would be different. But this guy…Come on, really? And finally, you know the real posers and their lawyers will try to spin this into prove that we harm and cyber bully helpless retards. Let’s just let it lie.
I think it’s awesome. Some kid stuck in the middle of Russia wishes he was American. Kid’s got at least some balls.
Might be missing a few marbles, but I’ve seen some ASVAB waivers worse off than him.
I guess everyone missed the part about him claiming to be combat wounded ?
I don’t think he truly understands what he’s doing. I read the stuff he posted on Scotty’s blog and he has no clue about the US military structure. He’s essentially harmless, enthusiastic but very misguided in what he does. And he’s definitely on a hero-worship track.
It might be better to make him into some kind of mascot or something, but get him off the SV part, because he’s not in any sense trying to get anything out of it.
He obviously loves the USA and the US military. It’s coming off more as hero-worship than anything else.
@19—Ok, there’s that. But next to the stories I’ve heard, that’s pretty mild. Don’t get me wrong—it’s still terrible to do. But it doesn’t change the fact that the guy is not all the way there. At the very least, we should have a better idea of exactly what kind of crazy this feller is before we post him. If he Bill Brockbrader crazy, that would be one thing. That guy may be ill, but he’s making super grandiose and public claims that damage the military, and he can still probably distinguish between right and wrong, but chooses not to. Mental illness is not a get out of jail free card for your actions. Still—this guy? He doesn’t fit the mold. He just seems to be an affable retard who’s living a fantasy life online. He doesn’t seem to be profiting from it. And it’s pretty obvious that he’s full of shit. Siberia being a pretty small place where everyone knows everyone else’s business, my guess is that this fellow is the town retard, and that not a single person in the country believes his claims. I mean, would you believe someone with a roving eye like that and that rambling way of speaking and answering questions if they told you they were a member of the Spetsnaz? I’m not buying it. Let’s have some Christian compassion, and trust in the good sense of the limited number of people who will ever cross his path to realize he’s delusional and retarded.
I’d leave this kid alone. Obviously not quite right
on second thought. This guy is not right but is in the middle of an icecube and still loves the USA and the US Military enough to go on the net and claim a bunch of stuff. Wonder where he got our flag out in the middle of polar bear fart central.
I say we take up a collection for this guy and send him some gear like a helmet, web belt and stuff. Hell, he loves the US more than 90% of Hollywood.
“I guess everyone missed the part about him claiming to be combat wounded?”
Scotty. Do you have any idea how many times I was wounded by the Krauts? Sometimes, I was hit 20-30 times in one fight. But, miraculously, I was always able to keep my battery-operated “Combat” machine gun operational and prevailed.
You had me scratching my head on that one Air Cav.
I had a suggestion sent to me from Mary that I’m trying with him.
Mind you I did everything possible to get him to change his status as did a few other Marines and Soldiers.
And the fact that he knows what he is claiming is untrue shows that he isn’t 100% retarded. There is a big difference between being mentally disabled & just plain stubbornness .He has lived this lie for over two years now & was just confronted about it yesterday.This also isn’t a witch hunt. We treated this 25 year old man with respect up to the point where he refused to stand down & show that he is only a Military supporter. Like I said, Hopefully this exposure will help him to understand that what he is doing is wrong.
He is actually an Private Lazy Eye.
In Soviet Russia, poseurs fake YOU!
@25. Well, Scotty, I understand your take–no exceptions–but not too very long ago this guy would have just diappeared, never to be seen again, for displaying the US flag and openly admiring the US military. Maybe it’s a generational thingy–just like my reference to “Combat” (starring Vince Morrow) and my backyard battles. I don’t know.
This individual is either not mentally well, or has the biggest set of balls this side of Lake Baikal; or perhaps both…I’m not really sure…
I am with HS Sophomore on this one. As I posted on the Wickre thread, I have a mentally challenged nephew, and have provided him some Marine Corps memorabilia (t-shirts and caps). No one would ever mistake him as a Marine, but God bless him, he has a good heart. No one is taking him seriously, he is not getting any monetary gain from, and I doubt that his false persona is getting him any strange. Besides, what are you going to do to him, exile him to Siberia?
Yeah, I think I’m on the side of he doesn’t really belong on the SV roll call.
Yes, we all know what he is doing and that he is also not profiting off of it. I think he falls into the exception to the rule (and there always is one of them)
I think I judged too quickly earlier, I have to agree with Sophomore.
@ 28….I think I have to agree with you on this.
Normally I take a very dim view or any stolen valor; but this?
This is just so far into the realm of outlandish it makes me think there is a question of fetal alcohol syndrome at work in this kids history.
I will say that as much as I admire his enthusiasm for US Forces, and the fact he has brass balls as big as church bells for waving the Stars & Stripes in the middle of Gulag Central, I cannot take this very seriously..and I don’t think anyone else remotely related to the Military could either.
Shaming only works when a person if confronted with their lies….and I think this kid has more than a couple missing neurons, and may actually believe what he is saying.
I say we get his address, take up a collection,send him a G.I. Joe Action Playset, and call it a win.
I’m going to split my vote. I don’t think he’s doing anything malicious, but I really don’t think he’s as retarded as we all think. Look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Speaks pretty good English, holds tightly to obvious falsehoods. Autistic, sho’. Not retarded.
On an unrelated note, he looks exactly like one of the most hard, pipehitting 1SGs I have ever met, down to the lazy eye. This guy had a CIB with a star and probably 30 knife-kills (he would spin a knife around his knuckles all day) but was 5’4″ and from the looks of him you’d think he spent all day picking up cans under the interstate bridge.
I think if he were made an honorary something-or-other, he’d be quite happy.
I see no malice in what he’s doing, only wishful thinking on his part.
The guy may be a little off but I’m not so sure he’s retarded. He writes better English than many Murricans profiled here.
as my thinking you are right!
His English is better then any one ….
What kind of concerns me here is the risk that Wickre, Monkress, Sgt. Maj. Mailahn, or another such turd sack will see this and try to spin it into us picking on the mentally challenged and send another rambling lawsuit or claim to the service provider to get TAH taken off the air. Look, they’ll say, even the site editor believes this guy is retarded. Of course, we’ll win that battle like we’ve won all others, but still-given my aforementioned points, is this really worth the potential PR problems? Just sayin’.
“Besides, what are you going to do to him, exile him to Siberia?” I wasn’t ready for that. Wiping keyboard.
He has removed all claims from his profile about being a member of any branch of the US Armed Forces.
Now, Chicago veins @37 on the other hand……
Now, if you really want to punish him, make him a recruiter in North Dakota. I am still trying to figure out who I pissed off to end up there.
@41. I re-read Dmitri’s posts and replies to you, Scotty, and I must say, I am saddened by your treatment of him. I really am. Oh, and kids, Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
That kid’s English skills ARE better than what we see out of most other American posers!
He is missing an eye & right away everyone gets on the band wagon that he is mentally challenged.This is a big joke to him & he is proving it on my timeline this morning.
Hey Warhammer @34 – that 1SG wouldn’t have been named Leon would he?
Just curious – I had a soldier that meets your description once, I always wondered what happened to him.
/off topic
That is all.
I have to agree with most here…He seems to have some mental issues. I just can’t get worked up about this guy. Yeah, he’s been ID’d on the interwebs if somebody goes looking, but I think that’s plenty.
No, Scotty, I’m not on a bandwagon. In fact, I was the first to speak on his behalf. And the folks around here don’t strike me as the bandwagon types, either. It is possible, you know, that a number of us concur. And, yes, it’s true that his mental deficiency is assumed and that the aassumption begins with his looks but that’s not the whole story. If he truly is in Siberia and is displaying Old Glory and making incredible claims about service in four US military branches, well, that also says something. And some of us find that to be neat, that he would so admire the US military that he would play dress-up and role play. I don’t do facebook (one of the sociopaths) or I would invite him here, to TAH. I surely would.
Like some people say in the South: “Bless his heart.”
I see a troubled, mentally handicapped kid playing Army. I can’t bring myself to say anything bad about him. We all played Army as kids. He is likely doing that.