Military suicides drop, but not far enough

| November 12, 2013

The Associated Press reports that military suicides have dropped 22% over last year’s 316 for the same period to 245 this year. That’s good news, but not good enough. Especially since the services, which all realized a drop, aren’t sure why;

Military officials, however, were reluctant to pin the decline on the broad swath of detection and prevention efforts, acknowledging that they still don’t fully understand why troops take their own lives. And since many of those who have committed suicide in recent years had never served on the warfront, officials also do not attribute the decrease to the end of the Iraq war and the drawdown in Afghanistan.

Still, they offered some hope that after several years of studies, the escalating emphasis on prevention across all the services may finally be taking hold.

The suicide rate among the troops peaked last year, but the rate also increased among all American males 25 years old to 64 since 2000 according to the CDC, so it only seems natural to me that the military would reflect the same increase. Especially since the folks committing suicide usually aren’t combat veterans. Whatever caused this decrease, I hope it continues to get better, but Mikey Moore isn’t helping when he Tweets out messages like he did yesterday;

Mikey Moore Tweet

Category: Military issues

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A Proud Infidel

Michael Moore eats the testicles off of maggot-infested road kill!!

2/17 Air Cav

@1. He hasn’t seen his pecker in over 40 years. He has to sit to pee because he can’t aim what he can’t see or reach. No wonder he hates so much.


@2…that’s f@cking hilarious…. I was just gonna call him a jacka$$, but you’re so much more eloquent.


Mikey Moore? Fuck that fat tub of goo.


The difference between MM and that fat fuck on the YouTube videos yesterday?

MM is a public douchebag EVERY day.


As much as I hope that this report is good news, it wouldn’t surprise me if they are cooking the numbers somehow. After all, a drop in the suicide rate could easily be used to cut access to mental health aid for active duty.


The “drop” in rates brings us to a level fairly close to the post 2008 increased levels.

I personally know of two in 2013, one of which gave absolutely no signs, and the other which would not have been expected by those that knew him best.

It would be more appropriate to look at 2012 as an abnormal spike, with 2009-2013 being an increased norm.

As to Moorecheeseburgereater, I recommend watching An American Carol.

Mr Blue

If Fat Bastard really cared about the troops, he’d donate his body to be used as a bio diesel source. There should be enough lard there to meet America’s total need for fuel for two years, easy. And if you were to add Rosie O’Donell, well…


That’s a pretty low number considering the roughly 1.4 million active duty total.

Just putting this epidemic into perspective.


And what has that fat fuck done to help reduce suicide in the ranks and among vets??? Like most of his Hollywierd friends…NOTHING


If the fat man was so concerned, he’d be doing his next documentary on the VA and why vets can’t get the care they need or their disability claims processed in an expeditious manner.


@11–oh, he will. Just as soon as a Republican becomes President.


Blubberbuttski did a documentary on the health care system in this country a few years ago, which included a take on the national health care system in the UK.

Theirs is now approaching the disaster level with things like reports of up to 10,000 people left lying unattended on trolleys (gurneys) in A&E (ERs to us), and hospitals closing to save money. Strange is it, that he has not taken a second look at that, or that he hasn’t dissed obamacare’s malfunctions.

But you see, it’s only profitable to him to complain about things that LaLaLand hates.

1stSgt D

Any chance that spikes in suicide. Also spikes in sexual assault. Also spike in gang activity. Ect Ect….

Have anything to do with lowering the standards to get in over the last few years, because we had to plus up?

Any chance that the numbers now dropping have anything to do with the current downsizing?

Of course it cant be any of this, its because of the amazing programs being put into place to combat these problems.

NAMS for everyone.