Crocheron – Tesla
With over 1,000 votes cast so far, the margin is currently 4 votes.
So yes, every vote counts.
Category: Politics
With over 1,000 votes cast so far, the margin is currently 4 votes.
So yes, every vote counts.
Category: Politics
Fix!!! Voting irregularities! Fraud! Crotch should be zillions ahead! Where in the hell is Eric Holder on this????
Actually, turns out you are right. Someone has been stuffing the box, which is why I will have to edit through them.
@2 Tell me you didn’t just suggest that someone is stuffing Tesla’s box?
Sorry, had to be juvenile for a moment there…
TESLA ROCKS!!!! This is for the band of the century right?
Has someone been stuffing Tesla’s box? That person must be into stuffing the boxing of a fat bondage chick (sorry, the joke kinda wrote itself there…) 🙂
Its okay VOV, I had the same thought.
Ugh… How am I supposed to sleep now?
@6 uneasily would be my guess…
That box was stuffed with the “old” twinkies I’m sure
OK, I get it — the stuffed turkey-piglet versus the slimasaurus snake.
HOW could anyone vote for her over the slimasaurus? That’s sexist!!
Hanging Chads!!!!!!
Tesla should win! She had a job based on her lies and looks like she could come home and plow the back 40 without breaking a sweat! Plus she was named after a really bad 80″s hair metal band!
I have voted for Kenny at least four times. I am really pulling for the local boy!
I’m new here, I am just checking to see if this posting will stick. Don’t mind me.
Odie, read you lima charlie.
Odie! How’s Garfield?
And for the record, I’m not voting for Spankarella, but I can see how she’d be close–I mean, yeah, Crotchrot was about as slimy as it gets hitting on a sick kid’s mom, but face it, boys and girls, Spankarella put HER kid up as the sick one, and DID IT ON TELEVISION.
That takes some serious balls…or whatever.
I’ll admit to voting 3 times. 4 when I get home. The voices in my head made me do it (get out of there Psul!)
WAIT, we can vote more than once?
I’d investigate Ex-PH2 for the ballot stuffing. She is around the Chicago area after all.
@4: I saw them opening up for Poison years back (Screw you people. Don’t you judge me!). They stayed on longer than anticipated and I was close enough to see a stage hand say “Stop playing! We’re pulling the plug!” Damn good show.
@14: Now it would be even funnier to me if you’re the same Odie I met at a friend’s wedding in Vegas back in 2010. But hey; you’re comment stuck. -:-)
As for the voting: Crotchrot deserves this even more than Tesla. Get a kid involved in your delusions and all bets are off.
@20, The last concert I went to was Poison, Quiet Riot, and Warrant.
TSO …. I want a name … who of the band of miscreant dickweeds would do such a thing?
Don’t ferget to call me today!
@ 14 Odie … where you abused as a child? What branch? Service dates?
Twist – guilt as charged.
The last concert I went to was David Bowie’s Glass Spider tour. I was in the balcony left of the stage. HE waved at me.
Yes, he did. He did too! I waved at him first. I even wore red shoes to the concert.
@10 LMAO That’s right I had a hanging chad for Crocheron! He’s my number one pick. Maybe a recount is in order. Where is Al Gore? 😀
Don’t look at me. I only help rig political elections. 😉
The Devil
* Tesla lied widely to Virginia & to CAP leaders nationally (Claimed a KIA Marine at Arlington was her brother so she could present a wreath at the CAP “Wreaths Across America” event)
* She claims her kid is autistic. Not much evidence.
* Wrecked two cars in a short period of time under mysterious “attention seeking” circumstances, one was at the gate of Fort Eustis.
* Claimed her ex-husband beat her (he is/was an Army Captain, I believe stationed at Fort Lee) and all other manner of weird BDSM fantasy stuff all over the internet.
* May be pulling the wool over the VA’s eyes.
* Her behavior on Social Media sites, especially as it relates to how “familiar” she is with cadets was …. cause for concern.
* There are the people who she implored via social media & email to sign off qualifications via CAP’s online system that she didn’t actually earn.
* Then there are the people she enlisted to her aid when it was clear she’d been found out.
* Keeps claiming brain cancer.
* Never mind the attention whoring on TV afterwards.
* Oh yeah, and the Purple Heart, claims of WIA / TBI, Blackhawk pilot, OCS graduated Captain, etc.
I agree: Crocheron deserves his own little cubby in hell, but Tesla is right up there with him.
Have to agree. Tesla is far more far-reaching in her deceptiveness. Let’s not also forget she claimed she was also flying for the DoD Presidential Service, claimed to be both a Christian minister and a Jew, claims she was a mustang aviation officer after making Sgt when she was really a PFC who got chaptered out early after only serving as a driver. She duped people all over the place, including fellow veterans.
She appeared on network television showing off her fake Purple Heart certificate and selling her mustang aviator story to the local network news affiliate (before TAH blew the lid on it and the local news station had to retract).
Hell, she claims she was wronged in the divorce and opened a no-shit Walmart Registry and posted it to friends on Facebook (people who believed her TBI/PTSD Wounded Warrior Bullshit Story) and asked them to buy free shit (like an XBox) for her. For no particular reason other than further bullshit made-up stories.
This woman is epic in her shamming. Crocheron is a low-life, but Tesla is a habitual, chronic fakkir who STILL HASN’T ADMITTED SHE WAS FAKING and will continue to do so until we make it impossible for her.
Spankarella wins, or I contact the SPLC, put them in touch with Grant, Riffkin & Strauss, P.C., and they’ll be on you like gang-busters about discrimination, alternative lifestyles, diversity and whatever other new-age touchy-feely bullsh*t they can dream up.
Like I tell my kids, “Don’t make me come over there”. And then they do anyway, the little …..
I admit I have been a Crocheron fan through this whole tourney. But as I read these posts and reread the Tesla thread I must say I am getting to a sway point. She has done as badly or worse than Crotchrot. I am truly torn between the two. But she is coming up on my shit head meter.
This tight voting is just a warmup for the next round
Tesla will take it to her Crotcheron…. I couldn’t resist, sorry
honestly, I’d be happy if she makes it to the Fecal Four. 🙂
This is definitely a tough choice. They are both personal “favorites” of mine, for very good reasons.
That said, the crotchrocket gets my vote due to his longevity. He has been successfully lying to kids, hospitals and vulnerable parents for decades.
#29 bobble
I’ll see your Grant, Rifkin & Strauss, and raise a Dewie, Cheatem & Howe.
#35 B Woodman –
I’ll see you Dewie, Cheatem & Howe, and raise you a Dumas & McPhail, LLC.
Well, I have a warm spot for Tesla because her buffoonery enabled me to get to talk to Surae Chin, the little Asian reporter.
Jonn … ain’t that the truth … hot little toddie she was!
Crotchrot totally should take the cake for this! Dammit!!!
Spankarella, or the punished plumper, or the LSOS poser b1tch, is a tough competitor….and Crocheron is also a slimy dirtbag trying to bang a sick kids mom…
Good to see this battle is tight, unlike….well never mind.
Jonn, hopefully your little session with Surae Chinn have woken up the entire News 9 crew to be on the lookout for the scumbag losers out there trying to get their 15 minutes of fame posing as combat/wounded vets. BTW, creepy crotchrot is still the man!
My vote goes to Spankarella. She had influence over a LOT of young cadets, many of whom presumably have some measure of interest in the military. Crotchrot is a douche, but she was messing with the heads of our military’s future recruit pool.
Tesla. I can honestly say that I only stuffed her box once. I had to have a 2×4 strapped to my ass when I clicked the vote button, less I fall in.
@24 Did you pull off your red shoes and dance the blues with the Thin White Duke? Bowie used to put on a good show…Saw him on the Let’s Dance tour in 83.
As I said, I was an early supporter of Spankerella’s run in the tourney…It was with a heavy heart that I had to admit to myself that the case against Crotchrot was worse than Tesla’s. She may have used her child as a human shield, but Crotchy sucked up to a TERMINALLY ILL child in order to get some nooky from the child’s mom.
While Crotchcrot is a scumbag, Spankarella is a very special kind of low life scum sucking bitch. No need to investigate ballot stuffing, because ther are enough of us out here who did vote for the leacherous ho.
@43: you, sir, are a special kind of human.
There needs to be a “first point of performance” for that.
VOV, you should be proud of me. I managed NOT to spray the mouthful of water I hadn’t yet swallowed all over the monitor when I read comment 40. (smile)
Oh, and it’s Crotcherot in this one. Lying to a seriously-ill kid thought to be terminal, his total BS story, SERIOUS stolen valor (wore a freaking DSC w/OLC and claimed SF!), impersonating a senior officer – and all the while trying to talk his way into the sick kid’s mom’s pants by sucking up to her kid. Talk about yer total low-life maggot . . . .
What “Miss Spanky” did was bad – but Crotcherot’s shitbaggery was much, much worse.
@6, @7
What has been dreamed cannot be undreamed…
Spankerella and Crotchrot are both dirtbags…but there is one big difference. Crotchrot fessed up to his BS and admitted he was the asshat we all knew him to be. But our dominatrix seems to still be cliniging to her lies with as tightly as her nipple clamps will allow her to. She gets my vote.
Just admit it — you guys want Spanky Spankerella Tesla to win, not because she’s rich, or beautiful, but because she’s got HU-U-U-U-UGE tracts of land.
Admit it. Go on.