Will Chicago call in the Guard?
According to the Washington Times, two Chicago lawmakers are asking the governor to call out the Illinois National Guard after the Independence day weekend during which 74 people were shot;
“I am requesting with this press conference that Gov. Patrick Quinn order the Illinois National Guard [and] the Illinois State Police to come to Chicago and work with our mayor, Rahm Emanuel, to provide safety for the children, especially, and for all who walk in Chicago. We deserve. We’re important. Our kids are important,” State Rep. Monique Davis said at a news conference at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, The News-Gazette reported.
Oh, yeah, in case you might get the impression that Representative Davis is asking for the Guard’s intervention in the criminal behavior of the city, no she wants the Guard to undergo some sort of sensitivity training beforehand, so Chicagoans aren’t frightened by their saviors.
She also asked that the governor appoint a task force to “guide the behavior of the National Guard. We don’t want them to have us fearing them also. We want them there for safety and protection.”
Yeah, good luck, Illinois National Guard.
Category: Crime
The people of Chicago need to take back their streets, and their city. The politicians have little to gain from improving things there….
@2: I think the non-criminal people of Chicago have become so nannified that they are incapable of taking back their streets and city, or that they even want to…
A better course of action for the Illinois National Guard would be to move into Chicago and remove the city government, take out the city employee unions and redo their contracts at an affordable pay scale, and then order new elections in which no one who has ever served in an elected office will be permitted to run.
But a guy can dream, eh? Seriously, if the people of Chicago aren’t willing to do the heavy lifting themselves, then fuck ’em all.
Send in the Ohio National Guard- “Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming.We’re finally on our own…” Problem solved.
Monique is from the south side, but pretends to herself that she’s above it all while the people she represents are just rolling around in the mud. If she actually visited Englewood occasionally, which she doesn’t do, she’d know that those people are taking their streets back.
@2 – You’re right about the people who live north of the river. They walk home at 2AM with those earplugs from their iPods stuck in tight, instead of paying attention to their surroundings, and then they wonder why they get mugged and/or assaulted.
Don’t you just love it when a city turns into a pile of mush?
So a city that bans guns needs guys with guns to come protect the people not allowed to have guns from the criminals with illegal guns?
The Zimmerman trial is a great example of what happens when people try to “take their streets back.” Politicians will always crucify the good guys.
@6 – That’s it in a nutshell. Quite a conundrum.
@3. The best course of action for the ILNG is to just say no. Chicago made this mess. Let Chicago fix it.
@4. Nice touch with the CSN&Y quote, BV. It’s one of my faves from them.
Chicago is just another of the Libtards “experiments” in “justice”… and like other Liberal cities, is sliding down the shitter and taking the taxpayers with them.
This is a classic example for us here in the USA of what happens to a city when you take away the rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.
Dear Chicago,
Welcome to the cesspool, it’s been lonely until you arrived.
They want the NG to do what exactly? We know that they have not considered “killing people and breaking things” as the mission. And we know that they do not want them to be a show of force.
Just another “we gotta make it look like we’re doing something” tactic without regard to actual real world problems or the solutions for same. Without knowing anything about what is needed or how the NG may or may not be able to fulfill that need, they expect the NG to come in, wave some magic wands and make it all better?
Let’s see…bring out the military to solve a civilian problem. Even I can see why that’s a bad idea.
Zulu, I agree with you on 6, not sure all the truth is there with Zimmerman….although, I think the defense has done a good job of demonizing a dead kid…..
But I think one of the questions unanswered by the Zimmerman trial is: “What about Trayvon Martin’s right to stand his ground?” especially from a guy who maybe should not have a gun in the first place…Zimmerman uses a lot of meds himself…I’m not certain is judgment is clear and focused….more hazy and wandering to me….
200lb hispanic male starts confrontation with 160lb 17 year old, why doesn’t Trayvon have any right to stand his ground? If you walk up to me on the street and you don’t have a badge and you start asking why I’m walking on the street with some snacks and a drink I might tell you it’s none of your f$cking business….
160 lb 17 year old suddenly gets the upper hand and takes down a guy with MMA training and a 40lb weight advantage? Forcing the larger man to fear for his life and shoot the kid? That whole trial smells like sh1t…
I think Zimmerman is a full of sh1t lying b4stard….I’m 6’3″ 250 these days, I guarantee I was never beaten down by a guy 40lbs lighter still in his late teens…
The Mayor of Chicago during Desert Storm-
Emanuel was a civilian volunteer assisting the Israel Defense Forces for a short time during the 1991 Gulf War, repairing truck brakes in one of Israel’s northern bases with Sar-El.
I think the US military was still hiring at the time.
She wants the Nat’l Guard to help, but only after they are Detrained to do what they do well.
Wacko lib can’t have it both ways.
@16 Right, because no one worries about whether the ARNG will be able to defend themselves or be safe, only that the sh1tbags don’t feel intimidated….talk about missing the point.
I think that this nation needs a whole lot more Zimmermans, and that lil’ Trayvon got exactly what his thug ass deserved.
@18 Guess we will agree to disagree….
@14, I have been following the trial. Martin’s friend testified that Martin had made it back to the back of Martin’s Dad’s girlfriend’s house. The confrontation happened a couple of houses down from it, meaning Martin had to have went back. The defense witnesses also testified that Zimmerman was an out of shape weakling, so it is not unthinkable that he could get beat down by somebody 40 pounds lighter.
@19 – I think it’s one of those things where a bigger guy was just a puss, and got his ass handed to him. While I have mixed feelings about the Zimmerman debacle, I believe this would be a different story had he not had a gun. Trayvon probably would have pummelled him.
I wonder what the ROE will be for the Nat’l Guard, and what the “sensitivity” training will look like?
While you’re all debating the misuse of the National Guard, look up what happened at Kent State University in 1970.
That’s what will happen.
Monique needs to have her mouth sewn shut.
@21 for me Zimmerman initiated this whole event. Zimmerman made an assumption that a young black man in a hoodie walking in a light rain must be on drugs and up to no good. That assumption cost Trayvon Martin his life, along with Zimmerman’s inability to understand that the dispatcher told him, we don’t need you to do that…meaning don’t follow him. Zimmerman deserved a good beating for being a complete 4sshole, if he’s on the neighborhood watch why couldn’t he follow the watch rules? If he follows rule 10 he doesn’t stand trial and Martin finishes watching basketball with his dad at home….
Zimmerman was not a cop, think about this for a moment any of you here….some f#cking moron approaches and demands to know what you are doing in his neighborhood what’s your response? Are all of you instantly polite and answer you are visiting your parents and just went out for some candy? Or are some of you moving for your own weapon thinking this guy is a potential criminal? I hope Zimmerman rots in jail before he rots in hell….we all have a right to protect ourselves, but cop wannabes are even worse than f$cking mall cops with their pretentious self important attitudes. None of us are obligated to answer questions from some f$cking idiot on the street, I suspect some of you would have responded to this guy in your own way with a beat down as well…and maybe this sad little pr1ck would have shot you dead as well, of course if you were a white guy Zimmerman probably never gets out of the truck or calls it in….
Racist turd initiates confrontation that ends a young man’s life, black or white Zimmerman might not be a murderer but a careless disregard ended Martin’s life and that’s enough for manslaughter which is what he should have been charged with as the Sanford investigator felt, which is why they turned it over to the DA.
What did Bruce Willis’s tell them in the “Siege”. “You don’t want a military force (he said division) of troops on your city streets.” Same for Chicago. The whole city is out of whack from the Administraion to DMV. The people are unwilling to stand up and take it back well as one post above wrote, welcome to Detroit, NYC, LA, San Francisco you name them. And better said than me, a city that bans handguns want men with guns to come keep them safe.
@23 – IMO, this case was made to be a racial issue because the media made it that way. I could care less how it all turns out, to be quite honest.
As far as that case goes, and what’s going on in Chicago – it’s just an indication of how far down the toilet this country is going.
@23 I agree. If Zimmerman wanted to play community cop then why did he not arm himself like a cop? Mace, taser, night stick. A cop in that situation would never have let it escalate to deadly force. I think if stopped on the street and asked my doings when I am minding my business, absent a badge and the authority that goes with it, I may have been prone to say go f@ck yourself. If I had too after starting an altercation like Zimmerman, I think I would have taken my lumps and then called the police not kill someone because, I started it and got an ass whoopin’. It is a messed up situation. If he is acquitted there will be riots country wide. Maybe there will be if he is found guilty of manslaughter and gets the minimum.
VOV. In Baltimore, there is a Little Italy, as there is in all large cities, I guess. Anyway, across from the northern boundary of Little Italy were projects. At night in the those projects passersby were robbed, drugs were sold and bought, and thugs shot one another. The projects were a filthy dump. Across the street, in Little Italy, the sidewalks and house steps were clean, the kids player outside in the evenings while old men played cards in front of their homes. And visitors walked unmolested from car to restaurant and back again. You know why? Because the men of Little Italy never called the police. Ever.
@25 Agreed, and the prosecution is trying a case so poor it appears they will be hard pressed to get a conviction….
Bad law all around, Chicago and Sanford…
@27 Not profiling here at all but can you see the difference in how ethnic groups deal with their problems? Some take car of their own and treat all people, who behave, respectfully. Some prey on their own and as long as they get theirs, they could care less who it is or how they are being treated when they mug/accost/rape, etc. them. The new guy or the old lady they have known their whole life. Just as long as they get what they want. I wish we had more neighborhoods that had signs that read “In This Neighborhood, We Do Not Call 911”
@27 and vigilantes in Texas kept towns safe by hanging lots of folks, whether they were criminals or not….the difference with your example is that the folks in Little Italy may have known who their neighbors were….Zimmerman clearly didn’t know that a black man who had a 17 year old son lived in his little slice of heaven…the Sanford Watch committee handbook says you should know all your neighbors that way you might know who belongs and who doesn’t….
That’s a good start for any community, and for the police assigned to it. Many current police methods, while effective, have lost some of that as well. The police in my neighborhood change so often they never know who belongs in the neighborhood…fortunately I live across the street from the tech high school and it’s a quiet, lovely neighborhood. But someone could drive a truck up to my house while I am at work and take all my stuff and the cops would have no idea if I was being robbed or moving because they don’t know who I am….I make a point of introducing myself to all of them who stop to watch the ball games in the field across the street next to the high school, it seems to help…
“…to provide safety for the children.”
I think I’m gonna PUKE.
@23, Zimmerman was on his way to the store, not patroling as a neighberhood watch at the time. After the dispatcher told him “we don’t need you to do that” Zimmerman replied with “ok”, and then started making arangements on where to meet the police. He told the dispatcher he didn’t want to give his address because he had lost sight of Martin and was afraid that Martin could hear him give his address. I also have to disagree with him being a racist. This is a man that was mentoring black youth, has black friends, and even worked with the black community to get a police officer’s son prosecuted for beating a black homeless man.
@30. Actually, I was not responding to that Z case. I don’t give a crap about it. I really don’t–except to the extent that the President of the USA injected himself into it–that buffooon. I read your cmt, though, in which you seemed to come out hard against street justice so I thought I’d throw out that B’more tale.
Back to discussing Chicago, of the 74 shootings where 12 people were killed, what mention has the MSM made about the race involvement of these shootings? I think this is a little more appalling considering an entire race of people seem to be exterminating themselves – and what was once a great American city is under seige – and no mention is made about it?
Instead, the country is focused on a shooting incident in Sanford, FL which would have turned out badly no matter how you look at it, whether there was a gun involved or not.
This is a bad idea. The first time a National Guardsman has to defend themselves it will be a media circus blaming the Military.
VOV: vigilante justice was hardly limited to Texas (or the South) fella. You might want to check some of Ethan Allen’s actions while the status of Vermont was being debated between NH and NY, during the American Revolution, and shortly afterwards.
Regarding the Martin-Zimmerman incident: neither of us was there, so we have no firsthand knowledge of how the incident started or what actually happened. However, from what I’ve seen the verified forensic evidence (e.g., Zimmerman’s injuries) appears to support his version of the story far more closely than it does the state’s case. It’s completely consistent with a taller individual (Martin) connecting with one proverbial “lucky punch” that put Zimmerman on the ground (breaking his nose in the process), then getting on top of him and banging the back of Zimmerman’s head against a concrete once or twice before getting shot. This is also supported by credible eyewitness testimony.
Under such circumstances (on the ground, pinned, and having my head slammed into concrete by another individual), I’d have done exactly what Zimmerman did if I were armed. One can easily end up a quad, brain-damaged, in a permanent coma, or dead in such a circumstance. That constitutes reasonable fear for one’s life, regardless of how the confrontation started. At that point, using deadly force to protect one’s life becomes both reasonable and lawful.
Again: I wasn’t there, and don’t know precisely what happened. But the bulk of the evidence that’s been given at trial appears to support Zimmerman’s story. Ditto the forensic evidence made public.
haha “we’re important” and unique and special snowflakes.
“we’re good enough. we’re smart enough. And doggone it, people like us.” – Stuart Smalley
They want the guard to come in and save them, but they won’t even objectively look at the root of the problem. They blame legal gun owners in Indiana and or people that want CCW permits in Illinois. How bout stop being apologists and empower the people of Chicago to make the changes in THEIR neighborhoods. Start people parents responsible for their actions.
@34 because as long as it’s black on black nobody gives a rats 4ss, same reason NYC does nothing about their murders but the mayor is really concerned that some fatties might have too much soda pop in their diet…
Same reason we keep abortion discussions along the lines of a woman having the right to choose what to do with her body instead of discussing it as an expensive medical procedure with those inherent risks as a means of birth control….we don’t mind black women aborting nearly half their babies anymore than we mind gangbangers killing each other….it’s only when it spills out into unexpected areas are we concerned….mostly the news is about missing white women or white girls….and we never discuss how a woman dressed like a whore goes missing that’s politically incorrect but an unarmed dead kid who’s black is a dangerous thug with a hoodie on who might be on drugs or something because he was out in the rain according to Zimmerman. But hey racism doesn’t exist in America, everybody is treated the same nowadays…
If only Chicago had a community organizer to rescue them.
@36 I think the state case is pile of crap and they’ve pretty much made the defense case, the forensic evidence depends on which expert you like, the one who states he might have bumped his head or the one the defense paid to indicate it was more traumatic…..there’s no black and white here except for one thing, the incident doesn’t happen if Zimmerman the watch captain stays in his truck and waits for the cops like the dispatcher advised when he told zimmerman we don’t need you to do that (follow him)….but instead because he’s a f$cking cop wannabe he has to be a hero and get out of the truck….now he’s on trial for his freedom and a kid is dead that’s a lousy outcome no matter how you slice it….
Zimmerman is a cowardly fat turd who will have to hide for the rest of his life if he stays free. His day of karmic justice is coming, it won’t be too soon for me to see that piece of sh1t get his due….
On the Travon case, play stupid games, get stupid prizes. In other words, talk shit, get bit. Travon let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass and paid the ultimate penalty.
IN reguards to the Zimmerman case, as a cop, i think he was fully in the right. he saw someone he didnt recognize walking in his community late at night, reported it, and was accousted by the young man. if you see someone you do not recognize walking the streets in your neighborhood at night, dont you get suspicious? Martin attacked Zimmerman, the forensic evidence is clear on that, from the bullet trejectory, the lack of any cuts or bruises on Martin (other than a bullet hole), and the bruises and cuts on Zimmerman. Martin was a thug wanna be, and even if you think someone is following you, that doesnt give you a right to attack the “creepy ass cracker”. there was an element of racism here, but it was on Martin’s part, not Zimmerman. just because someone tries some MMA classes, doesnt mean that they are capable of emplementing their training. having just seen pictures of the guy, id be surprised if he could best my 135 lb little brother. Zimmerman acted in full accordance with the law when he was attacked. Martin can not claim stand your ground, when he was the one that threw the first punch. no state has self defense laws that allow you to be the agressor. the Police Chief that was fired was right to not file charges against him at the time of the incident. Zimmerman deserves nothing more than a ride home and the opportunity to put this behind him. Martin is one less thug wanna be off the street. i do not think he committed any crime worthy of death, but he brought his own fate upon himself. he has a long history of getting in fights, and fancied himself a scrapper, but scrapper thug doesnt beat armed citizen. as for ILNG, screw chicago, let them deal with it themselves. they created this mess and now must deal with the consequences. i have always said that an armed law abiding populace is the greatest deterent to crime. if more of the law abiding populace was armed, id be out… Read more »
@40 – The only bet I’m making is that if Zimmerman gets acquitted, the Black Panthers will put a bounty on his head.
Otherwise, you’re right. Zimmerman is never going to live in peace again, no matter how this turns out.
VOV: looks like we’ll have to agree to disagree here. You’ve obviously bought the media’s hatchet job on Zimmerman as being an “out-of-control racist” hook, line, and sinker. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, I’d suggest you go back to the original, selectively edited “911 tapes” released by NBC – and compare them to the actual tape transcripts that turned up later with essentially ZERO media coverage. The media’s been similarly blatantly slanting their portrayal of Zimmerman ever since – witness CNN’s latest characterization of Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic” (whatever the hell that is). They clearly are intent on portraying him as the equivalent of a modern-day Klansman – facts be damned. I don’t know Zimmerman; I suspect neither do you. So neither of us knows enough about the man to know whether he’s racist or not. If you’re assuming he is based on what you’ve read about the case in mainstream news accounts, well, you’re IMO buying a pig in a poke. Did Zimmerman “do the right thing” here? (Yes, the pun is intentional.) Dunno; I wasn’t there. Was it a good idea for him to follow Martin? Probably not. Was it legal for him to do so? Yes. Probably not smart, but legal. Bad ending? Yes. But bad endings all stupid decisions do not automatically equate to crimes, even when someone gets killed. Sometimes someone doing something stupid but legal actually does have to defend themselves. What galls me about this case is the fact that it appears serious political pressure is being brought to bear to railroad Zimmerman, regardless of his guilt or innocence, to prevent “racial violence” or to further a race-based political agenda. The case was weak as hell from day one. It was co-opted by the state for no good reason after local authorities had investigated and found no basis for arrest. The US DoJ appears to have become involved and pressured the state to try the guy, and to have supported protests in favor of “justice for Trayvon”. And based on the judge’s recent and rather bizarre, personal and confrontational questioning… Read more »
@42 We’ll agree to disagree….when I phone the police and they advise me not to follow someone I don’t know and to wait for them that’s what I do. I don’t leave my car and chase someone down looking for a fight….if Zimmerman waits for the police you and I never hear of this story, ever…and maybe both guys learn something Zimmerman might learn some of his neighbors have black children in their teens who will visit from time to time….or not….
You as a police officer have the right to ask my business in a neighborhood where you don’t know me. Some fat slob cop wannabe has no such right to follow me and ask my business, I’d tell him to fuck off and mind his own business because the last time I checked I don’t have to show my papers to an average citizen to walk the streets of America….
It appears there is no middle ground on this case, you either believe him or you don’t…should get entertaining when Zimmerman gets acquitted.
Back to the original article: the IL governor is fully within his authority to call out the IL NG to restore public order in Chicago if he deems it lost. He would be an idiot to do so IMO. On it’s worst day, today’s Chicago is not post-Rodney King LA.
However, based on what we’ve seen to date from the IL governor seeing it happen would only mildly surprise me.
Zimmerman will get hung out to dry to prevent riots similar to what happened after the Rodney King affair. It’s just that simple.
PintoNag: precisely my point, dear lady. There are indications that serious behind-the-scenes political pressure could be in use to make that happen, facts and truth be damned. And that galls the hell out of me.
If we’re going to start tolerating that, we might as well start building a new Kremlin and calling the POTUS “Premier”.
Call out the State Patrol before the guard…if it really is that bad.
Hondo, he’s not going to get convicted unless the jury hasn’t been paying attention. Zimmerman is not a 2nd degree murderer, I don’t believe he maliciously intended to kill Martin but all of his actions that night put him in a position where that’s precisely what happened…I think manslaughter would have been a more appropriate charge, and the prosecution might still have failed to prove that case. But it doesn’t and won’t change my opinion of Zimmerman being responsible for the death of a 17 year old.
Regarding me buying anybody’s line, hook line and sinker….the unedited 911 tapes don’t flatter Zimmerman, he makes an assumption the guy in the hoodie is on drugs because he’s out in the rain….I’m out in rain all the time, it’s been raining for about 8 straight weeks in New England, we finally have sun the last couple of days….
I guess folks in Sanford don’t walk in the rain in a hoodie unless they’re addicts….Zimmerman makes a comment that “these assholes always get away” maybe he means dopers, or maybe he means black people in hoodies…I don’t really know, but assuming a black kid in a hoodie is a drug addict because he’s out in the rain doesn’t lead me to believe that Zimmerman is a humanitarian champion of black causes either…I didn’t come to that conclusion because I bought some media hype, it’s because I’ve met a ton of folks like Zimmerman who claim to have a black friend or three, but when they think they are among like minded folks they have a slightly different outlook they are more than willing to share.
I appreciate the straight up conversation with you on this, I always know coming here with a strong opinion will make me think about why I am thinking what I am thinking and whether or not that is a sensible thing….this is a divisive issue, and I suspect much of our opinions on it our shaped by our experiences.
We could still grab a beer and listen to Clapton(smile)