Airsoft breeds lies
We’ve had a couple of certified Airsoft phonies here on TAH, which makes me think that the whole sport is jam-packed with liars and wannabes, which is why I doubt anything I read in regards to these teams. Like these folks at a link sent to us by Michael “Adventure Combat Ops“;
Yeah, I’m not sure if any of them have bios at that website that come close to the truth, and they are presented to you for entertainment purposes only. And, although, I’m sure that some of you of you engage in this, but I don’t see the attraction to socializing with guys like these.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
Part of me wants to get into this, because I’ve read it’s a lower-cost training aid for real shooting, and ammo is still so bloody expensive (and probably will keep some of the price increases even when prices finishing dropping back down from panic-buy pricing.)
Then I see this crap and say eff it, it ain’t worth it.
Gotta be legit. Everyone knows that all real Delta guys wear their hair in a Mohawk spiked with axle grease or Vaseline – and walk around wearing shades with their nose in the air, looking like they just let loose a hellaciously smelly fart that even they can’t stand.
@ Hondo – LMAO!!
Lol, their facebook page is equally sad. All i can.say to these middle aged LARP wanna be pussy bitches is “Slap Yourself”
Is it plausible that you have that many “Studs” come together to start a military adventure type operation? I guess so… but whenever I see “Delta Force” it kind of sets off the warning lights. Two of them claim to have served with Dalton Fury in Afghanistan, so I imagine since he has such a presence on Social Media it would not be impossible to verify.
This gave me a chuckle. It reminds me of some of the stories on the cards for the GI Joe action figures. My favorite?
Hometown: Unknown (we don’t even know if he really exists – quite frankly, you don’t find him, he finds YOU)
Snakeeyes called, he wants his personna back.
Well, I used to “play Army”, too.
When I was 10!
It astonishes me that there are grown adults who do this. Some even appear to have wives or girlfriends (though in reality those may be as ephemeral as the airsofties military backgrounds.)
Tom Baller is his Airsoft name; his real name is Dick Chaser.
He lives with his step mother Dotty and her boyfriend Carl, who both work the late shift at the Circle-K by the chicken processing plant.
He’s the real deal though, just ask any of the guys in his Insane Clown Posse fan club.
For reels,
Okay I could only skim through this crap. I’m looking at the ages of these guys, and their fake ass bios, and I’m wondering is there is a little of the adolescent boy in every single one of them. What a bunch of losers. I’m trying to think of a bio for me that can showcase my mad ass commo skills, bad attitude, that stellar summarized article 15 that my CO used to get my attention 30 years ago (it worked, I got better, and my devastatingly effective camo net ninja moves.
Truly ‘the best of the best’. Of their 8 operatives, 3 are Delta, one is a SEAL, 3 Rangers and a lonely Force Recon dude.
Leads a squadron of ?? Squadron is a air wing Term. Have things changed that much since 72? I was in 3 squadrons,2 H-34s and a F-8 squadron. Does this mean I am a super DELTA ? Joe
LOL Joe; but my understanding is Delta does use the term Squadron as does the cavalry for a Battalion sized unit. I even recall that Delta may use the term troop for a company sized element as does the Cav. I wonder if this is from the SAS influence on the early operators?
Go play your fucking Game Boy and X Box and pretend Air Soft shit. I’m going out for a ruck.
Not really, Joe, Squadron also applies to Army Cavalry. As far as that “Bio”, my bullshit meter overloaded and blew up after the intro alone!! I wonder how come we never see posers pretending to be 92Y or 42A?
That’s funny…That’s almost exactly like MY bio….Except I have six bronze stars, ALL for valor AND fourteen silver stars. And I also got the ‘Most Excellent Metal for Strategic Military Tactical Excellence’ from my first line leader: Commando President Barak ‘B-Man’ Obama. Yeah…We’re on a nickname basis. And no, I can’t show you. It’s classified.
Looks legit. Antone who “rocketed through the SF selection course” must be a Mohawk wearing bad ass. What a turd. I think he still has a case of Brylcreem from his dad in the ’50s.
Is it bad that I want to get into airsoft just to shoot and shoot this dudes over and over? “Oh Navy SEAL or Delta Force!? well don’t mind me *double tap right on the forehead*”
That, or leftover KY he found in the alley behind his favorite gay bar!!
I saw “Rodrick Umbrage” chilling out at the freeway underpass near my house this morning.
Anyone notice that under their “Legal” heading it says “Coming soon”? I bet it ain’t coming as soon as they planned now that TAH is on their case!
Watch out! World War Z is underway and they might need you to follow Brad Pitt into zombie fighting zone!!!! Those skeleton masks are adead giveaway that not only are these guys dead serious, they’re at least 3 days late and 5 dollars short of some brain cells.
Well, that movie was 3 minutes of drek out of my life that I won’t get back. I particularly admired the cameraman for walking backwards in front of a bunch of guys shooting airsoft blanks at him. That takes some serious chutzpah. I bow to the caneraman.
But what I would truly like to know is where they got some explosives to blow a door open.
Ex-Ph2 No explosives needed. It was done with all the hot air they had available!
Oh SHIT I forgot all the Valor medals. Somebody, no everybody would have heard of this Super Solider.Where he earned his medals might be secret his awards cremony would not be. I will never play paintball or airsoft. I cannot bring(lower myself enough)lie to join a team. Also, they no HUEY gunships with paintball rockets and machines for me to cover everyone of them head to toe with paintballs. Joe
@24 – That’s right. I forgot about that, and personally produced industrial strength hydrogen sulfide.
Don’t worry, his bio said the he was selected to be a SGM. When he gets to Taco Tech at Ft. Bliss, they will do three surgical procedures on him, a lobotomy, castration and remove his spine. That will make the streets safe again.
Heh. The only Delta he’s prolly ever seen was the airline.
And….. he filled out his paperwork applying for Delta Force? I got news for you, buddy….. You don’t apply for Delta. They come looking for you. They get to select their own.
AW1 Tim, it’s spelled incorrectly.
It’s not Delta FORCE. It’s Delta FARCE.
Big diff.
Computer issue earlier. What I was saying was… I meet these tools all the time, usually sporting SF, infidel and sniper patches. These guys make me like the paintball crowd…
You need to check out John Lu’s Lion Claws events before you conpletely trash airsoft games.
@29, Ex-PH2, you mean the cast of “DELTA FARCE” starring Larry the Cable Guy? I think their characters in that flick are FAR MORE intelligent and proficient than this ass clown!!
This guy isn’t Tom Baller; he’s John Rambo!!
Those bios are something else. I can understand adopting a “persona” when you get into paintball, but those guys seem like GI Joe rejects who never quite left the ’80s.
I used to do some WWII reenacting–another form of recreation where grown-assed men run around playing Soldier, albeit with real weapons firing blanks. I played a bad guy (Waffen-SS) and couldn’t help but notice how much some people get into such things. Our “squad leader” was a cop in real life, but when he got into his “impression” he got into it. Funny thing is that even most reenactors don’t want to be a run-of-the-mill grunt on either side (the Soviet reenactors were a different breed, though, and perfectly content with portraying cannon fodder). Most guys playing dressup as an American or British Soldier wore Airborne, Ranger, or commando uniforms; while those of us (myself included) wearing Feldgrau were usually Waffen-SS, Grossdeutschland, or Fallshirmjager.
The last time I participated (2006 or so) the unit wanted to “award” me some of the WWII German counterparts to what I’ve legitimately earned in the US Army. I was always content with being a dumb new-guy Schutze, though. So yes, I’m a politically incorrect geek of sorts, but still I tried not to steal the valor of even those who lost a war sixty years earlier. These paintball types are something else entirely.
Airsoft meets Dungeons & Dragons.
This reminds me of a dude from a few years back. He told me he was force recon, and the reason he had to wear glasses was because he got shot in the head by a sniper in Ecuador or some shit. Big airsoft guy. Two can play that game though, I sold him a busted 85 mustang with cfi and an aod for six grand. What a tool.
@34 That sounds fun, how big are the battles? can people go watch?
Me “Damn, that’s pretty amazing dude! You still have your dd-214?”
Nutter “Nah, we don’t get issued those, my guys got some newer gear you’ve probably never heard of, bro. ”
Me ” I see. This was the Indy pace car. For real.”
@16, please don’t give them any ideas. I’ve seen one 92Y on this site and I’d prefer to preserve the honor of the Quartermaster Corps as much as possible.
I went airsofting once. It was quite fun. The jackarse instructor was making comments about why I was wearing a “off the rack vest” when I could have gotten some military gear. For the record, I was wearing my Load Bearing Vest (personal purchase from AAFES). He also told me that I needed to camo better with stripes (I had painted Ranger Face like my DS taught me).
The Jersey Shore poser was insulting me to make himself look like a military stud for the couple of attractive females there. He was bragging about being a Ranger. I asked him which Battalion he was with and he told me it was classified. I asked him where he went to Ranger School and he gave me the same answer. Finally, I asked him what his military occupational specialty was and he said, “I already told you, I was a ranger.” So, I verbally schooled him on what Ranger school really was and how it worked.
During the game, I pretty much ignored the other players and spent the entire time shooting him in the ass every time he turned around… and he never once saw me.
By the way, special thanks go out to the 1st Det/HHC/2-162 IN scout/sniper platoon for teaching me how to properly make and employ a ghillie suit to make me a better OpFor.
@32 – Infidel, that’s a totally different Delta Farce. That’s the REAL DEAL!! Look it up!!!
These guys are but faint and shadowy, shoddy imitations of the real thing.
Some have spectators, while others are private. Fort Indiantown Gap hosts a “Battle of the Bulge” that’s one of the largest reenactments. The public can check out static displays and such, but the “tacticals” are far too spread out. I was invited to a smaller reenactment at Fort Knox for Memorial Day 2004 which was open to the public. As a way of saying thanks for us donating our time and equipment, the Patton Museum staff let us go on a “behind the ropes” tour–an Iraqi T-72 from the Gulf War and a StuG III were the only two pieces we were forbidden to climb in and on. The following day a few of us woke up early and got to walk through their warehouses.
@39-That’s the only airsoft scenario that I’ve ever considered might be fun! Congrats on your calling the shit-heel out.
Where do these losers and posers actually find each other, like I can understand where a pathological lair believes their own lies, but how in the hell do they believe each others.
With one of them reported above as living with his step mom and boy friend, I really would like to know how the rest are living.
Please, please, please, let these guys be in NYC. I would love to watch the USA’s in EDNY or SDNY give the new stolen valor laws a go…
I used to airsoft back when I was a kid… usually in my friend’s backyard with a few cheap guns we bought at Wal Mart.
When I see grown men dressing up as Rangers and SF units to shoot at each other with plastic BBs I can’t help but laugh a little. It makes you wonder how far we’ve gone as a society where guys double my age still want to dress up as their favorite Call of Duty character and play Rambo for a day.
Now reenacting is a different story… I had the opportunity to see a Civil War reenactment and that stuff is genuinely pretty cool.
Ive never did the airsoft or paintball stuff. The problem I see with it is just like the hobby I did ( civil war reenacting) you try to develop a different persona at the event or a “first Person” when you are educating spectators.
You often post them on reenacting websites or coordinate them with other members of the unit via the internet.
I imagine if someone did a wide enough search and knew my screen names etc, they would find old posts where I am claiming to be a Private in Company D. 6th Alabama or a Corporal in the 78th Pa Infantry.
Of course no one in their right mind would think I was actually a civil war veteran, much like people dont assume 25 year old guys were SS snipers or Brit SAS types from WW2.
I am assuming air-softers have the same type of set up for their teams,,, a persona.
As long as its usd in the game and kept within those parameters I don’t see a problem. The second a guy starts trying to bluff an outsider or even come off to other players as being the “real Deal” he needs rto be called out.
Huh. Now my head hurts from reading this crap.
I would be curious to know what actually percent of posers/imposters/frauds busted or listed here actually have/mention/involve themselves with Airsoft or paintball.
Angel Gomez.
Airsoft Turd.
@47-It comes from gritting your teeth in anger at these assholes. There is no cure.