Imperial Presidency

| May 16, 2013

Gunzrunner and Flagwaver sent us this video;

It’s been cloudy and sprinkling all day since sun-up here in the Metro DC area, you’d think someone would have thought to put a tarp up if the President and the Turkish Prime Minister were going to have a press conference outside today. But then, they had umbrellas ready for the Marines to hold, so I guess that was their plan all along. I don’t know about the Marine Corps, but when I left the Army, umbrellas weren’t authorized while a man was in uniform (I think women could carry an umbrella, though).

Regardless, it just doesn’t look good to me, but maybe that’s me and I’m sure someone is going to tell me I’m nitpicking, but this is an opinion blog and that’s my opinion.

ADDED: This is probably why he needs someone else to hold the umbrellas, it’s a pretty complicated operation, ya know;


Added again (From IowaHawk);

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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There was a television on in the waiting room at the VA and this was on. A kind of stunned silence swept over the waiting room when that happened. You could almost here the collective WTF going through everyones head.

The Lurker Formerly Known As Curt

WTF indeed! Candy ass worried about melting?



Only women are authorized to carry umbrellas while in the appropriate uniform. Specifically: “UMBRELLAS. Female Marines may carry an all-black, plain standard or collapsible umbrella at their option during inclement weather with the service and dress uniforms. It will be carried in the left hand so that the hand salute can be properly rendered. Umbrellas may not be used/carried in formation nor will they be carried with the utility uniform.”

Dag Nabit

Are we really at a point where a world leader, or senior leader can’t simply hold an umbrella in one hand and continue to speak? Is that so beneath the office? Is this a monarchy or a republic. Sigh…


Oh for fuck’s sake…..those are Marines, not butlers you grandstanding fuckstick! This dude is so damn tone deaf it’s not even funny. This would never have happened under any other President. I can’t even express how pissed off I am!


The gloves should come off … every current military serviceperson and veteran should blast this absolute disgraceful and blatant act of disresepct!


Personally, I think it should have been Bite Me and Carnage holding the umbrellas; it’s about the only thing those two humps are good for.


meanwhile in Vicenza the 173rd Abn had an Uncasing Ceremony signaling the full return of the Brigade from Afghanistan. In the pouring rain, where they all stood out in that pouring rain, in formation, no snivel gear….. not a single umbrella was seen.


It amazes me that this administration would have so…oh, who the fuck am I kidding. No, I’m not really surprised by this. Treating MARINES, or any service member like this, is unfathomable. Semper Fi, Marines–you had a whole lot more self-control standing there than I would have.


Commendations to those Marines. The President shows his utter lack of respect for them and still they stand in the rain and protect him from the elements.


What an asshole. And, yes, the Marines are to be commended.


Words can not describe how painful that is to watch.. there is no doubt that the man wants the entire world to view that as a symbol. You can now, officially run the Our Flag up the pole upside down.


What can I say? I agree with every post here. It is an absolute dishonor to do that to two Marines. I especially agree with @5, that this would not have happened under any other President. What a continued, disrespectful of our military, ass hat, this President is. A worthless POS in my book!

2/17 Air Cav

I saw a still on the Fox News website of a Marine holding an umbrella to protect obamaman and I cringed. Then, I looked again and just stared at the pic. When I felt my meager lunch trying to mimic Old Faithful, I clicked off. I don’t care if every freakin’ president since George Washington used military men to perform rain-protection services, it looks wrong.


You know that is what staffers/interns are used for. Except in Monica Lewinsky’s case – she forgot to use an umbrella with Clinton…


The sheer contempt shown by that asshole is staggering.

What? Were there no MOH recipients around to subjugate? How about some astronauts to drive the Turkish PM around?


This just pisses me off to no end. Marines are not umbrella holders. That is what his civilian aides are for. Just because he’s a puss doesn’t mean he has to demean Marines.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, I just watched the videop. Are you kidding me? Did you hear him tell the Marines (ostensibly, since he was talking into the microphone) that they would look good? What a POS. At leats–at the VERY least, he could have offered the PM an umbrella and not used the Marine for that silly duty himself. “Hey, I’m the King, PM, watch me make these Marines hold umbrellas for us!” What a POS. Lunch is gone.

Gary Alexander

Jarheads… umbrellas.

Not just no but hell, no.

2/17 Air Cav

“They’re gonna look, next to us” the POS said in referring to the Marine Maids.

2/17 Air Cav

Correction: “They’re gonna look good, next to us”


At some point, someone should have explained to the president that those Marines are not his servants. But, since liberals have a low opinion of the military, his staffers wouldn’t do this and apparently the senior military leadership is too busy being a bunch of apple polishers instead of looking out for their troops……we get events like this. Wake me when the nightmare is over!


Was watching as it happened and simply could not figure out why he was calling for “some Marines.” Then to actually see it? Even Clinton, who had no respect for the military, had enough sense to hide his disdain from the public. Mostly.

It is nearly impossible to express my anger at this.

Green Thumb

I think this is the least of his problem.

His “one hit wonder” status has worn off.

Terrible, narcissistic, inexperienced leader.


This speaks volumes about the level of respect that the White House staff has for the United States Armed Forces.
It also speaks volumes about the leadership qualities of a man who would stand under an umbrella while the young Marine next to him holding it gets wet…But, then again. I’m just a dumbass medical officer. What do I know?


@25 Come on Green Thumb….let’s keep it pithy. Give us your unvarnished, one word opinion! 🙂


Reminds me of the stories of ancient emperors, who would order slaves to kneel in front of them so the typrant could use them for footstools.

Hopefully the president won’t decide to start using footstools.


So when threatened with light rain the president gets marine protection. When threatened with terrorist attacks our consulate in Bengazi got….. nothing?

I think there is a good political cartoon waiting to be made.


Aw, go easy on him, guys. He’s had a terrible, horrible, very bad, no good week.

He also has to have someone wipe his nose for him when he snivels, doesn’t he? (Falls off chair laughing.)

But none of you remember when Nixon wanted to change the White House guard uniforms to something similar to the Kaiser Bill style then in use in (I think) Germany?


As a P.S., if I were one of those Marines and had any self respect left after that, I’d go upchuck in the nearest bathroom and not flush it.

Frankly Opinionated

What a piece of pure excrement! This egotistical asshole knows less about being the “Commander-in-Chief” than I do about breathing.
What a slimy bastard!
Until very recently it was the rule that a male military person NOT be holding an umbrella while in uniform. I understand that female military personnel may do so though.
Commanders-in-Chief in years past felt that they were the leader of their troops, and in most cases, their troops felt that way about it, while this mulatto POS believes that he is “Above” his troops.


Naw, Ex-PH2, what those Marines need to do is use the latrines in the West Wing and give them an “Upper Deck”. That’s funny, I don’t care who you are!


Oops, sorry, those are Marines. Substitute “head” for “latrine”.


Ha! Mustang, you are a funny man!

So who’s paying the cleaning bill for those dress uniforms?

Three guesses.


January 20, 2017 seems so very, vastly, far away. 🙁


@37 There’s no guarantee that anything will change even then, Jilly. That’s the sad part of all this.

John Robert Mallernee

From Page 68 of Chapter Four, “COURTESY AND CUSTOMS”, in the 1970 edition of “THE NEW NONCOM’S GUIDE”, published by STACKPOLE BOOKS:

“The Army, as one of the oldest professions, has its own body of customs, some of them so well established that they have all the force of regulations. In fact, some customs have been written into the regulations, such as blowing TAPS at specified times, or folding the flag into the shape of a cocked hat. Others, like calling a coat a “blouse”, and not carrying an umbrella while in uniform, are followed even though they may not be officially prescribed.”


Bugle calls, such as “TAPS”, are “SOUNDED”, not “BLOWN”.

Instead of using the word, “PRESCRIBED”, the author and/or publisher should have used, “PROSCRIBED”, as those two words are antonyms.

It’s like the news reporters who constantly mix up “Flout” with “Flaunt”, when they, of all people, should know the difference.

John Robert Mallernee

But, there ARE some exceptions – – – ,

When attacking the Arnhem Bridge (i.e., “A BRIDGE TOO FAR”), the British commander jauntily carried his “bumbershoot”, which is what the British call an umbrella.

John Robert Mallernee

I’m not sure, but didn’t one or two British commanders carry bumbershoots during the D-Day landings?


I keep wondering how many more idiot moves can an idiot make in one week, and I keep getting surprises.

What’s next?

Herbert J Messkit

Holy Crap I was reading the Witness Protection thread when this popped up on TV, and commented in that thread, then forgot about it. Now Breitbart has a thread with over 300 comments. Doesn’t POTUS have a bunch of flunkys wearing suits to do this. Would have loved to see a female holding his umbrella. I’m sure the Turks would have loved to see a female holding one for their PM.

Herbert J Messkit

An older soldier than I told me about an old trick after the showdown inspection of new arrivals from inprocessing. Ask them where is their umbrella, and tell them to go to supply or CIF and DEMAND it.


Lets be clear, its the right thing to do. To the Imperious One…every Marine is more than just a mere rifleman. Yep,”provide cover” has an entirely different meaning.



Ex- I think the POTUS is working hard to be an overachiever.


Guess he did not like the way the Air Force held an umbrella for him in September 2011:


@ #29 – PN, he doesn’t need another foot stool He already has that big, old desk to prop his feet upon. That gesture nauseated me, but this additional example of complete lack of respect is even worse. At least with the desk he is only symbolically disrespecting us all through an inanimate object. This Marine is a human being – one of the finest on the planet. Too bad this POS has no such understanding.


How to disparage the Marine Corps.

What a dick. Hold your own fucking umbrella or get some overpaid staffer.


Can I bitch slap that pansy? How can he demean the Corp even more than he has? He keeps finding a way

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