Alabama State Legislator’s email infuriates voters

| March 27, 2013

A link sent to us by Daric tells the tale of voter, Eddie Maxwell, who sent out a mass email to his legislators pleading with them to not inflict more gun control legislation on him and his neighbors. The response that he got back from one State legislator, Joe Mitchell, wasn’t what he expected;

Mitchell responded an hour later, telling Maxwell: “Your folk never used all this sheit (sic) to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed (sic), imported criminal-minded kin folk.”

“That’s not the type of reply I expect to receive from a state legislator,” Maxwell replied on Feb. 11. “I’m not a racist and I find your reply to be especially offensive considering the position you hold.”

I think Maxwell’s response to Representative Mitchell was worded much better than anything Mitchell would have received from me if I had been in Mitchell’s place. I’ve been pleading with gun-rights folks to be decent and civilized in this discussion and to obey the laws as they’ve been written. Apparently, I’ve been talking to the wrong M-er F-ers. I wonder what made Mitchell think he could get away with such a racist line of bullshit – well, other than complete arrogance and disregard for the concerns of his constituents.

I hope the voters reward Mitchell with a job search opportunity, but I doubt they will – and that’s what fuels his arrogance.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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I swear I got a headache just by the grammar and spelling of his reply …


I read the link and have a question – when did the 2nd Amendment issue become about race or who did what to whom 30 years ago? Oh, that’s right – with some people it is always about race because without the race card, they are incapable of making a cogent argument. How pathetic.


Ain’t no racism like black racism!


Mitchell apparently doesn’t consider Maxwell to be one of his constituents. Apparently he’s the wrong color, among other things.

Oh dear. Was that racist?


With gerrymandering you get Potentates, not representatives.

Mitchell, with his quick allusion to history and dynamic verbal intercourse, must be a Harvard Man.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@5 NOPE, just the facts ma’am….if a white guy wrote a similar response…well you already know that story….


Seems a very well educated man from MCPO’s link. The reply is illiterate. Could it be a hoax? I hope so.


I’ll make a parallel on this specific problem so please bare with me on this long rant: Mexico (I know I know don’t scream “La Migra” just yet or I won’t be able to finish the post and run off, i think is a gene thing even if I have been here legally for years :P) is a “malinchista” culture, which means as a culture it has a very low self-esteem everything done outside Mexico is good, everything done in Mexico is bad, but this is understandable as the mexican culture is a culture that lost, which mean when the spaniards came in and took over, they won over the culture, this creates a low self-esteem problem which also generates a lot of anger, resentment and envy. On the contrary (again this is only my opinion) US culture is a winning culture, came in and “won” it didn’t mix much and defended and took their stuff, americans are proud of their country, heritage and culture so the american culture has a high self-esteem. There is a bad joke about a guy grabbing lobster right in the middle of Rio grande, one foot on the US side one foot on the mexican side, on the mexican side he has a bucket open and on the US side the bucket has a table on top with a rock. Someone gets closer and asks why the difference and the guys says “well the lobsters in the US side if you put them there they all get together work as a team one carries on top and gets the others out, you wait a bit and all of them are gone, so I need to put the table there, puzzled the man asks “but how about the mexican side?” the fisherman laughs and says “nah every time one is about to go out of the bucket the other ones pull them in… This i believe explains the situation, now if we really extrapolate into what this guys is doing (racist remarks) we can see how that affects this idiocy, and honestly is just sad,… Read more »


Interesting claim by Rep. Mitchell in his second reply to Mr. Maxwell (see the linked article for full e-mail):

I was a military brat for most of my youth. Air Jump Master and DI USMC.

Given Rep. Mitchell’s demonstrated “sterling” skills with English grammar and syntax I’m not exactly sure what to make of that. But it seems to me that he’s claiming he was a Jumpmaster and a USMC DI. But maybe he’s saying his dad was a Jumpmaster and a USMC DI.

Rep. Mitchell’s Ballotpedia entry doesn’t show any military service. And his bio on the Alabama Association of School Boards web page says he graduated from “Mobile’s historic Central High School.” Hmmm.

His educational timeline and DOB listed at Ballotpedia leave precious little time for military service, either – 3 years between 1969 and 1972, maybe. He was born in 1948; got his Bachelor’s degree in 1969; and got his Master’s degree in 1974. Possible, but . . . .

Guess it’s FOIA time.


Having once lived on the Gulf Coast not far from the Mobile area for well more than a decade, I rather suspect that the portion of his constituency that voted Mitchell into office are probably delighted with his response.


@8 Interesting point, and quite possible. Someone could have intercepted that email and answered it specifically to stir up trouble.

Just an Old Dog

The Guys been in office since early 90’s and is from a shitty district in Mobile. He’s dug into that office tighter than an Alabama tick on a coon dog’s ass. He could basically piss on an American Flag while slapping an elderly woman and smoking a crack pipe and still get reelected. He has degrees from 4 different schools, so I am assuming his rants are profane and lacking in proper sentence structure so he can keep “street cred”. His work experience lists a stint at a VA hospital in the nuero-center, being a Consultant for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an educator and a Jazz Musician. In one of his emails he mentioned being a military brat and a bit about someone being a JumpMaster and USMC DI. I dont know if he is talking about his Father or claiming that status himself. Since he was born in 48 and got a degree in 1968 then attended other colleges I’m assuming he never served.


Wow, really weird given his bio. His response doesn’t sound anything like somebody who has been elected to office since 1994, and it sure doesn’t sound like something that I would expect from a Ph.D. who plays bassoon. Any chance that this one’s fake? I normally wouldn’t think so, but his response sounds too much like the script from a bad 70’s movie.

A Proud Infidel

It sounds like he’s cowing up to the NAACP crowd in his district, the genre he relies on to stay on the gravy train!


If there’s any merit of truth to the story, then Mitchell is a shit bag and needs to be voted out of office (like the rest of ’em)… PRONTO!


I never liked the designation of “military brat”.

Children of military families are fairy and most well behaved. That has been my experience as compared to the civilian population.

My son calls himself the “son of a Master Chief”.

And of course my lovely wife calls herself the “boss of the Master Chief”.


You mean this Representative Mitchell, “Dr. Mitchell represents one of the most culturally diverse districts in Mobile distinguished by the inclusion of “Maysville” and “Down the Bay” – two of the oldest African American residential communities in the area. The district runs from “Midtown” to Theodore”. The Representative’s email address is on the page, if anyone would care to let him know what you think.
Sadly, the other maroons in Alabama put this putz on the Ala. House Education Committee. That would explain a whole lot of what passes for education in the country, today.


@10 Hondo-the website for the Mobile Register has both Mitchell’s first and second emails to Maxwell.

While the second isn’t quite as vile and incoherent as the first it is still a very poor reflection on Texas A&M if indeed that institution granted this moron a PhD in 1983 as Mitchell claims. And the second email continues with the racist anger against whites.

I agree the timeline looks suspicious when you factor in the dates of his three degrees. The question is, which is phony, the educational resume or the military?


Poettrooper: looks familiar. In fact, it looks remarkably similar to the article Jonn linked to in his article above. (smile)


MCPO: I believe her formal title is “CINC-House”. (smile)


@#19, why does the phony have to be either/or, PT? Who’s to say he didn’t fake both?
But, I’m sure that a lot of his constituents are very happy with his replies. Especially, his BS “a person without the power to exercise a threat cannot be a racist because he or she will be eliminated”.


Not to defend the guy, but the military stuff seems to be about his dad and seems to be in answer to Mitchell’s military references about himself. j/m/o

2/17 Air Cav

Okay. You’ve read the two emails from Mitchell. Below are a link to Project Vote Smart and Mitchell’s background which, I’m guessing, is not verified by Vote Smart but is self-reported. Among other things, you guys should all be calling him Dr. Mitchell b/c he says he has a Ph.D! He also claims a BA and MA. And check out the second employment entry at the VA hospital. Yipes.

PhD, Texas A&M University, 1983
CASE, University of Alabama-Birmingham, 1979
MA, University of South Alabama, 1974
BA, Morehouse College, 1969

Researcher/Founder, Alabama American Research and Education Associates, Incorporated
Neuro-Psychiatrics, Gulfport Veterans Administration Hospital
Independent Consultant, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Administrative Assistant, Texas A&M University
Bantu Family Association
Industrial Engineer
Jazz Musician/Educator


Susan: that’s one plausible interpretation. The other is that Mitchell is making that claim about himself. His prose isn’t exactly the clearest in the world.

We’ll see. FOIA will go in the mail on my way home today.

— break —

2/17 Air Cav: yeah. Right. I’ll call him “Doctor” when he’s proved he deserves the respect accorded by that title. Haven’t seen anything yet to show that.


What kills me is that this guy’s racist rant is ignored by the MSM, yet whenever a Republican does/says something stupid/offensive it is 24/7 news.

2/17 Air Cav

@25. Given his lack of mastery of basic English grammar and punctuation, I would think Texas A&M might want to take a look at whether he is, indeed, one of that school’s doctoral products. A good going over of his background might lead to some interesting results. I particularly enjoyed the Professional Experience entry of “Independent Consultant, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”


I’m starting to lean toward this being a hoax.

A black man with so many degrees he can call himself Fahrenheit writes a response that reflects so poorly upon humanity of any color that folks get riled up. Mitchell claims to have been educated at Morehouse back before the Department of Education was created – that means he knows both grammar and rhetoric.

Something in milk ain’t clean. Plus, there’s been no offers of a beer summit.

The flip side is Mitchell faked his curriculum vitae, embellished his resume, all to secure sinecure in a comfortably Dem district and he’s dumbed himself down.


If he has those degrees, what are they in? Underwater basket weaving? I haven’t looked far, for his degrees. Do those folks like Votesmart bother to ask that question?

it is what it is

#3 susan, you need to just say what you really mean “with Some people” they like to use the race card. You are not discreet lol.

Also, this site did not show the email from Maxwell. His obligatory “well, my dad helped a negro before” type of answer.

Old Tanker


She meant Democrats, seems obvious to people that don’t look through the prism of race….

Old Tanker


There is a link right at the beginning of the post right to the article and his emails. He wrote that after being called a racist but I guess he was supposed to do what is expected of slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed (sic), imported criminal-minded kin folk. when the race card is thrown in their face….he’s just supposed to shut up and go away….


Black racism is so cool.


Army brat here, and proud of it. No, I am not going to try to learn to call it something else at this stage of life!

2/17 Air Cav

@31. That’s a cute but mistaken comment. Susan said “some people” because she meant some people. She is not being coy. She said what she maent. Next up is that email reference of yours. The furnished link takes us to the article and the reprinted emails. I don’t see in it the claim you make about the citizen so I must have overlooked it. Please point it out.

Just an Old Dog

For those that find it hard to believe that a person with a degree, much less four of them could come across as so ignorant he’s not the only one. Here is one that serves at NATIONAL level. God help us.

it is what it is

“My father-in-law was threatened when he hired a young negro man to work in his shop back in 1968 in a community where several neighbors were members of the Ku Klux Klan.”

Old tanker and air cav, that is too funny. I know how “some people” are great at being passive/passive aggressive with the words they say. However, I don’t want you guys to get the wrong impression. I’m not racist at all, I have friends of all races and my favorite professor is Indian.

Bam Bam

He certainly brings a sort of quiet dignity to the legislative branch of Alabama.

2/17 Air Cav

@38. Thank you. I see it was the reply email, not the first one. Funny thing that. The citizen was responding to Mitchell’s inflammatory and race-dripping comments. In context, the citizen’s response—the fuller response, at that—makes perfect sense. He wrote:

“My parents and grandparents taught me to love God and my fellow man as myself. My father was threatened by members of his church back in 1954 for inviting a black family to attend the church he pastored.

My father-in-law was threatened when he hired a young negro man to work in his shop back in 1968 in a community where several neighbors were members of the Ku Klux Klan. He didn’t allow those threats to keep him from treating people of all races equally.”

That is hardly the stuff of, as you say, “[h]is obligatory ‘well, my dad helped a negro before’ type of answer.” You really ought to reconsider what you wrote earlier. It was uncalled for, both with respect to Susan and the citizen’s response to that maniac Mitchell.


Am I the only one who noticed the irony above? In comment 31, “it is what it is” castigates Maxwell for an “obligatory ‘well, my dad helped a negro before’ ” response. Then thereafter he make the statement “my favorite professor is Indian” in comment 38.

You do grasp the concept of hypocrisy, “it is what it is” – don’t you?

2/17 Air Cav

@41. I saw it and guessed it to be humor. If s/he wasn’t joking, I am unable to read him/er at all.

it is what it is

Now that is not fair to deduce my post down to humor. I dont want you all to get the wrong idea here.

Why is my post hypocrisy? If I recall correctly, didnt Maxwell do something of that sort? He went on to say that his family helped to hire negro men, but he was raised to see people as equals. Hundo, you could have called that out. Air cav, I am sorry that you saw my post as humor. I do indeed have friends of other races and I dont discriminate my associates.

2/17 Air Cav

@43. Hey kid. Re-read the entire second email from the citizen and, at the risk of vanity, re-read my comment in 40. Good luck. Spring break on yet?


There being an apparent cognitive dysfunction, there seems to be no need of further attempts to engage in simple discourse with it.

Green Thumb


it is what it is

Air cav, I am not a kid. I am over 30… there is such a thing as grad school if you are calling me a kid because I said I had a professor. I am displeased you feel the need to talk down to me in this way. This site seemed like the people would be pleasant to talk. Well okay, you all have a blessed night, alright? I do not want to leave on a bad note.


@39 – agreed – dignified – that’s how i’d describe him also, bless his heart.


@47–you’re in grad school? I’d get my money back if I were you.

Green Thumb


I am in Grad School.

It sucks, but at least I do not have to deal with the real world.

Your point?