Join the military and have a gay old time!

| October 22, 2012

So this young lass from work was out shopping in Indy and came across this rather quixotic book of 30 post cards. I love them so much I am trying to get a copy of it myself, and I will send 1 post card a day to my good friend Matt Burden. Only, I don’t have his home address, so I think I will send them to his work, until the mail delivery guy there quits in protest. Nonetheless, I give you, a day in the life of a totally straight soldier in WWII.

This is Jimbo and his A-Team in the Philippines.

VT Woody makes a showing:

And John Donovan….

This is CJ’s friend assaulting Mike Yawn….

Sniper doing his one man show, the Almost a Vagina Monologues…

Brown Neck Gaitor the day he went in….


AW1Tim and Ponsdorf:


COB6, Lilyea and Rieckhoff in one of their elicit meetings.


As I told my art lady: You could spend a day in a hot tub with Andy Dick and Elton Jonn watching the Westminster Dog show, and it would only be half as gay as these pictures.

Category: Politics

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Lawls. I’m telling Jonn you abused his name.


Oh my goodness. My face hurts from laughing and grinning–and that last line is a killer. Bwahahahaha!


NOT that there’s anything WRONG with these cards……snicker…


Coffee has ruined many good keyboards thanks to TAH.


You forgot the soundtrack, TSO – links to recordings of the Village People’s “In the Navy” and “YMCA”.

The Sniper

The Almost Vagina Monologues.

I am dying here.


One word:


OK … one more word:


Zero Ponsdorf

Hey! Did every one notice that it is the Army guys cavorting around and acting all ghey.

The sailors were having a beer.

Hondo #5 Consider the source before citing “In the Navy”.

Maggie Goff

This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen!! OMG



The sailors are just having a beer because they’re in a steady, long term relationship with each other.

Army guys are WAY more fun loving and promiscuous!


YO … ENOUGH with the Navy jokes … I see more Army guys getting sexy with each other!

Green Thumb

This is good stuff.

Very funny.

Needed a laugh.


@11, Ghey Navy jokes have been around as long as there has been a Navy. I’m pretty sure that the Spartans where making ghey jokes about the rowers of the Athenian trirems.


The Spartan Card … well played!



Another comes to mind: Mantastic.

Old Tanker

Hey, I see alot of them frolicking on islands in the Pacific, wouldn’t that make them Marines??


TSO please tell me where I can find these! My buddy, a USMC veteran, and I have a mutual friend in USMC boot camp and we would love to send him a few if these “get stronger” post cards ha ha

Old Tanker

“It’s raining men……!”


Great post? This may be your greatest post.


Zero: I did. He looked “just tho mahvelous” in his Village People Biker outfit after his return from Afghanistan!


I really, really wish I had these when my nephews where going through boot and basic training. They wouldn’t have liked it but I would have smiled.

Old Tanker

This gives “Ranger Up” a whole new meaning….



Have you been reading Ranger Up?

Part 1:

Part 2:

2-17 AirCav

Insipid magnet.


TSO, remember it is only ghey if you make eye contact, or you don’t say “good game” afterwards.


24…No but that is some funny ass stuff there! I’m in class cracking up right now and my fellow students are looking at me out of the corner of their eyes like I’m contagious ha ha


It’s a good thing you didn’t embed with my Platoon my last deployment. The homoerotic crap my guys pulled, while funny, was down right disturbing. 3 words for you, neck gator miniskirt.


Gar nicht übel, du alte Grabbelheini.


Old Tanker: the US Army had quite a number of forces in the Pacific during World War II. The Bougainville Campaign was combined Army/USMC. Ditto Kwajalein, Guam, Peleiu, Saipan, and Okinawa (4 Army divisions fought there vice 2 USMC with 1 USMC division as afloat reserve). Eniwetok, Anguar, and the Philippines were largely Army operations.

The USMC got better press, but I’ve read elsewhere that the US Army actually performed more amphibious landings during World War II than did the USMC. If you include those in Europe, I have no doubt that’s the truth. It may be true in the Pacific only.

My last living uncle served in the South Pacific during World War II; he was in the Army. And he had some pretty nasty things to say about having to return from an extended time in the South Pacific to the Great Lakes area during the winter of 1945-1946 when he demobilized. If I recall correctly, he told me he got back in January. (smile)


Without using my lifeline, google, I think it was 15 Army divisions fought in the Pacific theatre.


Aw…no chicks in the art? That was priceless!!!


That was just too damn funny! I laughed so hard it woke up the guy in the office next to me,,,,you’ll have to ask John about that one.


DefendUSA: the aircraft nose art was where you looked to see the ladies. (smile)


Classic example of show, don’t tell.

Old Tanker

@31 Hondo,

I was just trying to defend my Army! 🙂

AW1 Tim

Somewhere I still have a grass skirt and coconut bra…..

I won them from a Marine in a poker game. 😉


I just want to express my deepest and most sincere congratulationas to TAH and it’s followers. You have all adjusted quite well in the post DADT era.

AW1 Tim

Thanks, Master Chief. I think…….

At least the Navy still provides tablecloths for the Marines 🙂

2-17 AirCav

Jonn is gonna be pissed. He takes off for a half day or so and his site goes gay. This isn’t good.


We can rename the site, in his absence:

This Ain’t San Francisco
But you can taste it from here

Who can fix the (above) error in the new name?


Hey, it’s not gay if it’s underway…


It just goes to show that Jonn can’t turn his back on us for a minute. MCPO, maybe it can be renamed the “Blue Oyster Bar”.

Bob Walsh

I kind of wonder…is the artist who did most of those posters perhaps this guy?

Hard not to think so….

Adirondack Patriot

Now you’ve gone and done it. The servers in Greenwich Village are melting down at this very minute.

Stand by for some very interesting visitors and screen names.

Sailor Steve. Army of One-derful. Glory Hole Gunny. Airborne to Be Wild. ALICE Packer.

(Flaming Lisp is necessary for full effect.)


Whats wrong with a flaming lisp?


@ 45 Bob … all that fun for only 25 cents.


For all you guys taking this subject very seriously, I have created a new non-profit lobby and interest group and/or political action committee just for you:


North American Marine Soilder Sailor Airman Coastguardman Love Association (NAMSSACLA)

Glory Hole Gunny

Where can I get copies of those pics, fellas?