Sikh Temple shooting in WI

| August 5, 2012

Seven people are dead, including the gunman, at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WI, which started at about 10:30 this morning and ended by the first officer on the scene, who was himself injured in the exchange of gun fire. From Fox News;

Greenfield Police Chief Bradley Wentlandt said four people were found dead inside the temple, while three, including the suspected shooter, were found dead outside. Police say they don’t think there is a second shooter involved.

I don’t know who would have anything against Sikhs, they’ve been persecuted their entire history, and they certainly don’t deserve to be attacked by any rational person in this country.

They’ve been good citizens here and they’re certainly deserving of the same sympathy as the citizens of Aurora, CO.

Category: Breaking News

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Well that didn’t take long – now more fodder for the MSM & lefties to perform “monkey gymnastics” and demonize guns and those who have guns – strangely quiet about the daily massacres in gun restrictive Chicago.


As per the usual, leftist are already claiming this is the work of the Tea Party or a right winger. it never fails.


RIP to the 6 innocents – damn sad.


Anytime innocent people are hurt or killed it is a shame, my prayers for the families.


Prolly some mouth breathing ‘ape’ that can’t tell the diff between a Sikh and an Islamist. Happened here in Arizona not long after 9/11.


Carry. Carry everywhere. A slim chance is better than no chance.

Al T.

Agree with #5 and 6. Sikhs are good folks.


@Jacobite, I thought that ended up being found out to have been a robbery ?.


Horrid. Just terrible.

Zero Ponsdorf

Yep… This actually might be a religious thing, as Jonn noted. Doesn’t make it less appalling.


@lowglow, it’s been years since the event, but the last thing I remember about it was that yes it was a robbery, but the perp admitting thinking he was taking out a ‘dirty rag-head’.


Considering that the Sikh faith says that all human beings should work for a living and play an active role in society, and that they are peaceful, decent people, this is very difficult to understand. I just don’t get it.
The gunman is dead, so now we don’t get anything on why it happened, unless somewhere there is someone who has some info on him.


@12, unfortunately, the people who will come out claiming they have info on him will be the usual crowd saying Tea Party this, Republican that, and tougher gun laws to prevent it.

I know a Sikh. He is one of the hardest working nurses at the nursing home I work in. We’ve talked religion and philosophy a great deal and actually agree on most things (a first since most fellow Christians disagree with me almost completely).


It’s sad that so many view a subject so tragic get so immediately polarized. What’s worse is that things get politicized without evidence or reason. I’m sure gun laws will suffer for this. In my opinion, people will blame this on gun owners and claim that no one needs a gun because guns are for nothing other than killing people and have nothing to do with the original idea of defending the people against tyranny. Not that I’m a huge advocate of guns (I own none) but I understand most reasons for them (hunting, defense, etc). There are a lot of people who will take this at face value and run with it, people who have a very shallow grasp of how things work and believe that all guns are bad, period, dot, no matter what details come out about this case. I can already see anti-gun peeps frothing at the mouth about this tragic case.


First the Ohio lawsuit, now another shooting. Claymore is gonna have a ball on Tuesday…


…I’m already in recon mode, bubba.


Just to whet your apatite…you’ll be happy to know guns are still the problem:


Truth is that it doesn’t matter who the victims are. It is just as tragic if they are green or pink; speak English as a first, second, or third language; are Irish Catholics or atheists; young, old; male, female, or uncommmitted. Any lunatic who takes the life of another, much less groups of human beings, is depraved.

It also doesn’t matter who the murderer is. The fact that we have loons wandering free among us increases the need for the rest of us to have all means possible at our disposal with which to defend/protect ourselves. Especially now since the asylums were emptied out and the modern answer to insanity is to prescribe pills with the hope that they are taken and effective. Which, as we all know, they frequently are not.

Targetting a loving, peaceful people for murder? Beyond words.


@lowglow and Jacobite, I was out in AZ when that happened, not a robbery as I recall.

From wiki: On September 15, the 42-year old Roque took his Chevrolet S-10 from the Wild Hare sports bar in Mesa where he had reportedly been ranting about immigrants, and drove to the Chevron gas station owned by Balbir Singh Sodhi, who had emigrated from India in 1989. Roque shot Sodhi five times from his truck with a .380 handgun, killing him as he helped landscaper Luis Ledesma plant flowers around the edge of his gas station.


Thanks for the history lesson RPR, like I said, it’s been awhile.


why is it that this is being reported as domestic terrorism and the shooting at the base in Texas is workplace violence? Oh, thats right, the victims in Texas were Army and these are a minority religion in this country.


@jonp, the Ft. Hood shooting was someone shooting co-workers where they worked. I believe some of those people knew Hassan.
The Oak Creek shooting was a random act of violence by a stranger, although calling that domestic terrorism and not doing the same thing with the Aurora shooting is odd. But maybe it’s because in Aurora, it was a theater full of people, and in Oak Creek, WI, it was a specific religious establishment.

Common Sense

Unfortunately, it looks like this time the killer may have been a veteran:

“According to CNN, two semi-automatic handguns were recovered at the scene, and member of the temple described the gunman as tall male with what appeared to be a “9/11 tattoo.” Officials told NBC the suspect, who served in the U.S. Army, had many tattoos.”


Aw, shit–here we go.


Sparky, don’t jump to conclusions.


I’m hoping that CNN is (per usual) wrong, but if they’re not…defecation will be contacting oscillation.

Also remember that WI just this year went from “no-issue” to “shall-issue” CCW. Look for the anti-gunners to go apeshit regardless of who/what/why.

CI Roller Dude

I’d like to shake that cops hand. If he’s O+, I’ll even donate a pint

Yat Yas 1833

I’d like to know where a$$hat will be buried so if I go there I can piss on his grave. I have a weird bunch of friends who include Sihks. Gerdik, a Sihk, has accepted me into his family and their lives. He is a proud American who happens to have an accent and eat funny food but is willing to do anything to defend “OUR” country. (He was naturalized in 2007) His family, brothers & sisters, are all equally proud of their American citizenship so why would a pig-f*cker wanna hurt them? I hope this sumbich rots in he’ll.


Was reading through Claymore’s link and found this on there:

We need to ban knives.


@22: Ft Hood wasn’t a workplace shooting. If it had been, Hassan would have been shooting in the hospital, not the SRP center. Hassan targeted a building filled with Soldiers preparing to deploy for his rampage. He used violence against people unable to effectively defend themselves to make a political and religious statement. Hassan may not have been wearing an official Al Qaeda decoder ring, or attended a madrassa in Pakistan, but he’s a terrorist.


@22: when that clown started shouting Allah Akbar combined with his actions before and since it clearly is an act of terrorism. This administration, however, cannot stop itself from not calling anything done by Muslims Terrorism.


Oh, and they’re the only ones mentioning it so far. Yellow journalism at its finest.


Maybe I am looking too much into this, but it’s interesting that they say he is an “Army veteran” as opposed to “Iraq Veteran” or “Afghanistan veteran.” they have released the name and age of the shooter, he’s 40. Maybe its wishful thinking, but I am hoping he turns out to be another army “reject” who was chaptered out long ago. Not that it would make this any less of a senseless tragedy.


Brian, Fox has had that posted also – along with the shooter’s ID – for at least a 1/2 hour now. Word was out late last night that the shooter was an Army vet.

BohicaTwentyTwo: same here, amigo. Unfortunately, unless he was courts-martialed I believe the specific reason for an administrative discharge (even a chapter) may be protected information under the privacy act and require NOK authorization for public release.


Jonn: saw that also. I’m guessing they meant “stationed”.

Their story’s lead in is also misleading as hell – last time I checked, it identified him as active Army. You had to read the story itself to see that he was a discharged vet vice still active.


Correction: just checked again; Fox has finally fixed the story’s lead to reflect the guy was a vet vice a currently-serving soldier.

The Dude

maybe you should try watching something different than fox news


@17 Claymore: At least they are eating their own on that topic.


Maybe we would if anyone had any information and facts versus being a bunch of knob-gobblers for the Obama administration.

Speaking of knob-gobbling, aren’t you and OG working the Jersey Turnpike of late doing the lot lizard thing? Seem to have heard something about that.

Gallagher Fan

They need to release a photo of the shooter so I can compare it to the TAH members gallery. I’m guessing I’ll find a match.


Jesus, has school not started YET?


Sure Gagger Man, the shooter probably has more in common with you than he does with us.


CBS is reporting he was active duty 92-98 with a “less than honorable” discharge. No specific MOS but he was in PsyOps units at Bliss, then Bragg.


Gallagher–to take it a bit further, you mean “us” like Loughner, Holmes, James Lee (Discovery Channel), and Joseph Stack (Austin IRS airplane attack)?

Oh wait, none of those guys had any right-wing ties. Shit, guess you better keep looking, fucktard.


Argh!! WTF. Can they EVER wait to get the facts before lambasting the shit of out of people? And seriously, I don’t give a goddamn about how they classify this “terrorism”! Nadal Hasaan is a mother-effing terrorist who killed his unsuspecting comrades. This guy? I know nothing other than what the UFB MFM is saying and it’s not worth a damn until they prove it.

Gallagher Fan

Wow NHS based on your photo I have to say that if the shooter wasn’t dead I’d put my money you. You look so angry, not like a hot anger, more like a cold, chip on your shoulder, no one ever gives you a fair shake kind of anger. People around you don’t notice it because it’s slowly building inside you, but one day you’ll shoot up a Mosque, or perhaps a McDonalds in a minority neighborhood.


Gagger Man thinks Sikhs are muslim. What an ignorant fucking retard.


defend–they have to get SOMETHING out there to further the agenda, until they find out that it’s a lefty/ri-tard, and then we get the, “We shouldn’t rush to judgment!” excuse.

Look at Loughner, Holmes, et al, if you need further examples. Oh, and don’t forget about the Times Square bomber (Shahzad) who, according to Bloomberg, must have been aligned with the Tea Party.