And Lo, for on the 3rd day did Poe come down from the mountain and give the people documents that prove he was lying….
A couple of brief things. Kudos to MSNBC for linking to us. With the exception of the guy who is getting the credit for starting this (Rickey) no one else has really linked to us. I thanked Rickey last night, because none of this was his fault. But for some reason the AP gave him credit for breaking a story that he very carefully stated in his post that he got from us. Go figure. Haters gonna hate, slaters gonna slate.
Well, today we get more interesting news, that sort of ties in there. People are starting to go a bit weak in the knees. Well, I say onto you, “Buck up campers!” The day this broke I became a lawyer, which means I am smart enough to know 2 things: 1) if this shit went south, everyone not crediting us with breaking the story would point fingers at us and say “that guy did it.” And then I would get to meet the fine folks at the bar association again, and while they were quite congenial, I don’t think my first week should be marked with ethics problems. 2) I have WAY WAY WAY more info than apparently anyone else does on this story. Seriously, I have proof coming out my 4th point of contact. Don’t confuse my not publishing it with not having it. Some of it is like ill-begotten mob earnings, I have to launder it so that others don’t get outted.
Nonetheless, today’s moment of doubt for folks comes from this video:
OK, did you watch it? Good. (Ohes noes, he has proof of everything!)
Nah, he doesn’t. In fact, the records he showed there prove he violated stolen valor, and do not prove any RPG hit theory….
Let’s start with this email which I have now been authorized to publicize. It is from Poe to the Defenders of Freedom. [As an aside, DoF is a phenomenal organization, and when this ends, I will be doing a fundraiser for them. Bear in mind that without all the BS story, Poe was entitled to be a part of their program. Dude was injured on Active Duty. They didn’t do anything wrong. Poe’s problem is not his service, it is with the stories he’s been telling since.]
From: [Tim Poe]
To: [Defenders of Freedom]
Sent: 5/6/2012 2:43:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Military awards for TimHi [redacted],
I am attaching the list of awards you asked for. Please let me know if there is anything else you need.
TimBronze Star
Purple Heart w/ Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster
Afghanistan Campaign Medal w/Double Bronze Star
Iraq Campaign Medal w/Triple Bronze Star
Kosovo Campaign Medal w/Bronze Star
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Overseas Service Ribbon
Armed Forces Reserve Medal w/ M Device
ARCOM w/ Silver Oak Leaf Cluster
Army Achievement Medal w/ Silver Oak Leaf Cluster and Double Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster
Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal w/ Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster
Army Good Conduct Medal w/ Good Conduct Four Knot Device
Armed Forces Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal
NCO Professional development Ribbon
Combat Infantry Badge
Army Service Ribbon
Air Assault Badge
Airborne Badge
OK, you catch all that?
Now, back to the TV interview. They say he sent 6 pages, I only saw 5 on the TV, but the 2 I saw aren’t consistent with his stories. The first is his DD214. Here is the screen cap of that one:
Notice in particular his MOSs. Anyone else see Infantry in there? No? How many people caught the Bronze Star? No? Well, what about the Purple Heart? Wait, you didn’t see that either? Jeesh people, look harder.
That document alone proves that his email to Defenders of Freedom is a lie. Need I remind you about the Stolen Valor Act?
Whoever falsely represents himself or herself, verbally or in writing, to have been awarded any decoration or medal authorized by Congress for the armed forces of the United States, or any of the service medals or badges awarded to the members of such forces, or the ribbon, button, or rosette of any such badge, decoration or medal, or any colorable imitation thereof shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
Nonetheless, moving on…..How about that medical document that proves he was hit with an RPG….
Yeah, see, that thing says no such thing. What it states if you can’t make it out, is that he is being seperated on a disability that results from combat or an instrumentality of war. That part right there occurs on EVERY SINGLE Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) or Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) that is determined to have been the result of a service related injury. Taking the story that others have been telling that he injured his back from falling off a vehicle, that is entirely consistent with what the PEB/MEB would show.
IN OTHER WORDS, the language used there is what we call boilerplate. It’s like the things you find on lawyer type documents, usually in small print. It is the military’s way of saying, “yeah, the injury, illness etc occured on our watch.” It does NOT mean that he was injured in combat, ergo the “Instrumentality of War.”
Not to beat that portion into the sand, but see for example the legal definition of “instrumentality of war” for purposes of CRSC (combat related special compensation):
INSTRUMENTALITY OF WAR (IN) – Incurrence during an actual period of war is not required. However, there must be a direct causal relationship between the instrumentality of war and the disability. The disability must be incurred incident to a hazard or risk of the service. An instrumentality of war is a vehicle, vessel, or device designed primarily for Military Service and intended for use in such Service at the time of the occurrence or injury. It may also include such instrumentalities not designed primarily for Military Service if use of, or occurrence involving, such instrumentality subjects the individual to a hazard peculiar to Military Service. Such use or occurrence differs from the use or occurrence under similar circumstances in civilian pursuits. A determination that a disability is the result of an instrumentality of war may be made if the disability was incurred in any period of service as a result of such diverse causes as wounds caused by a military weapon, accidents involving a military combat vehicle, injury or sickness caused by fumes, gases, or explosion of military ordnance, vehicles, or material. For example, if a member is on a field exercise and is engaged in sporting activity and falls and strikes an armored vehicle, the injury will not be considered to result from the instrumentality of war (armored vehicle) because it was the sporting activity that was the cause of the injury, not the vehicle. On the other hand, if the individual was engaged in the same sporting activity and the armored vehicle struck the member, the injury would be considered the result of an instrumentality of war.
So what does this mean? Essentially he snowballed this TV program. If they want, I can give them the name of a PEB/MEB specialist right there at Brooke Army Medical Center that can look at these files and explain what they mean.
OK, so some of you are likely asking how much information I truly have. Um. Boatloads. How bad was his injury? Was it so bad dude could barely move and such? Well, it was bad, no doubt about it, but see…..I have a counseling report from 12/28/2010 wherein Poe states
He would like to go through a 20 month training in FL to become a flight instructor and is currently looking into this option.
That didn’t work out well for him…
He is eligible to submit a packet although his unit wants to send up a 4187 to recommend it be denied.
Like I said, I have everything.
Graphic from my heroes over at Ranger Up, Tommy, Nick et al:
Category: Politics
And Lo, on the fourth day, did TSO thusly smite thine offending arse, with the swift warhammer of justice and a little aid from his well earned CIB and mighty lawyer skills….
He’s “hurt” but thinks he can just send in a flight package? What’s next, putting in for “Q” School? Gawd I hate people who try to game the system like this.
“Oh, my job sucks, I’ll goldbrick the shit out of the system until I get a really cool job instead.”
Christ, this guy could tell me water is wet and I’d still check to make sure.
Wow – dude, I’m stealing this. (OK, blogging this and giving you credit, but nonetheless…) Great stuff!
I’m looking forward to seeing the documentation in its entirety. It should be interesting, to say the least. The TV station should plaster what he sent all over their website and let us take a look for ourselves.
FIRST: Congrats on the Bar.
SECOND: Thanks for your great work on Poe.
THIRD: Those who MATTER know what you do and what you have done on this case. It is a shame you don’t get the attribution you deserve but take it from one who knows from experience (and Mary S. would say the same)…the bottom line is that we do what needs to be done because it is right and not for the credit.
Hate to beat a dead horse, but the Iraq wound still stands out to me. CREDIBILITY…(as you attys would say). Prove he lied once, everything else becomes moot. I sure didn’t see any Iraq Campaign Medal there (unless it was carried over into Block 18). Then there are the lies to DOF…so two provable lies before you even start with his Afgh claims.
TAH serves a great cause and I thank you for all you do.
He did manage to go straight to #1:
Doug- It looms large for me too, I am just trying to keep it somewhat simple for our non-military types. I am failing mind you, but there are about 20 differnt ways to approach this one, and I fear a scattergun type approach might intimidate the actual journalists from covering us. But yeah, the Iraq thing is clearly crap as well.
But on a note about physics, anyone wonder what an RPG hitting you (and not even exploding) would do to a man? Fold him backwards? Yeah, that and leave a pretty substanial hole. Do the laws of physics fail to apply around the personage that is Poe?
He’s sticking to his con, but he’s busted and unless he is totally delusional (entirely possible) he has to know it.
It’s one thing to BS the media, but the rest of us know what we are looking at. Some of the other posers, you can almost understand, they don’t know enough about military paperwork to understand how their fabrications won’t fly. But Poe has plenty of time in service, enough to know what right looks like anyway, and yet he is still trying to get over.
He has to be thinking that all of his dreams can come true if he just sticks to his story. But he’s done, and at some level, he knows it.
You guys need to get a fucking life!!! What gives you the right TSO to attack other peoples service? What the fuck have you done? Besides serve chow? You sorry piece of shit
John – sure wish we could get you on with Stern to talk about this one. (You can always de-louse yourself afterwards so you can clean up.) I would think, not that Stern has been personally taken in by one of these guys, the whole SV issue would be of interest to him.
122 online now, mostly because of Poe the Slow-Stuttering Faker.
Jonn’s gonna need more bandwidth. Click those links or he’ll call us dickweeds again!
I’d like to see the story have someone from BAMC or a personnel type explain what you just did, TSO. It’d go a long way towards putting this shitheel on pretty much everybody’s shitlist.
And for those lurking, not understanding why this guy above all the fakes is drawing such ire and derision–he sold his bullshit in front of MILLIONS, rather than the groups of a handful like most fakes do.
Because of his actions, he taints the service of all of us in a much more thorough fashion than the asswipe a few days ago wearing BDU’s and a Navy Cross in a D.C. bar over Memorial Day (and no, we haven’t forgotten about you either, fuckstick.) He was in fact one of the brotherhood, and by his actions he has betrayed that trust, that brotherhood, and called into question the integrity of all those who served honorably.
THAT, Mister Poe, and any who would defend him, is why he’s Number One on the shitlist with a bullet. Betrayal. Violation of trust. Theft. Dishonor. Shall I keep going?
@9, you mean besides actually earning a CIB in Afghanistan?
So Dude, go find where I lied about my service and start your own blog. It would seem tham 130,000 people this month would disagree with your assessment. Including you apparently.
I notice Jonn had set your IP to make me okay your comments,so I assume you are one of our regular trolls.
Uh, dude? TSO has a CIB. A real one. With orders. He just spent more time outside the wire in A-stan last month than Poe did his entire time there.
1. Congrats on the Bar!
2. Exactly how long was he in (missed those details)?
Reason I ask was these two little things (putting aside all the heavey weight medals/awards:PH, BSM, CIB etc. and just looking at the small stuff):
ARCOM w/ Silver Oak Leaf Cluster
Army Achievement Medal w/ Silver Oak Leaf Cluster and Double Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster
Okay now I may be an AF wingnut and Army has different standards but in the AF a Bronze Oak leaf means an additional award (ribbon plus one), a double would mean 3 total (ribbon plus 2), a Silver Oak leaf means 6 total awards (ribbon plus five more)
So was he really saying he received 6 ARCOMS and 8 Army Achievements Medals?
I know a few Army folks and a quick check with them, they don’t exactly pass Commendation and Achievement medals out like candy…
This clown was in too and should darn well know better. (Then again the Guard may have passed them out like candy, show up for your two week training here’s an ARCOM, reported in on time for your weekend: Army Achievement Medal)
So wait, now he has some medical records of the injury that he didn’t have any medical records of because not having medical records for an RPG blast that breaks your back and causes you to be medivaced from theater is such a common problem in war? And he remembers vividly the warning he heroically yelled and where he dramatically jumped and what he thought about while he was lying on the ground, but his wittle bwain is so hurt from the blast that he can’t remember the name of a single person who was there and could corroborate his account? Yup, sounds true.
Glad someone is doing the investigative work, TSO.
Ahem, Mr. “The Dude”: TSO is not attacking anyone’s service, because Timothy Poe did not in fact serve in the capacity he claims. No one had a problem with his ACTUAL service (except Poe himself, apparently). If the service never occurred, it can’t be attacked, now can it?
Also, go fuck yourself.
An actual combat vet.
@13 This aggression will not stand man!! How do you know TSO went outside the wire because he told you? Or my favorite he took some cool guy pics and posed a little.. The guys that do that shit are always the fakes, whether it be country singers or bloggers..
You guys are an embarrasment to veterans everywhere.. Part of the reason I became a pacifist after I got out was people like you..
Running through his claimed awards list is complete ass-hattery. You’d think that, for someone trying to inflate his ribbon bar, he would have added the legitimate numeral “2” device to the Armed Forces Reserve Medal; one for the M device for Kosovo, one for Afghanistan.
Dude, are you for real? I actually put up video of me outside the wire just 2 weeks ago.
No way “Dude” isn’t a guy I served with trying to rile me up. Ok, maybe 5% chance it isn’t, but no one could be this stupid without an intent to be so.
I’m going to give “The Dude” the benefit of the doubt (which he probably doesn’t deserve) as to why this bothers some of us so much and explain to him why this is important.
I’ve written up soldiers for awards for actions they preformed in combat. Some of those awards did not fly, or were downgraded, but the philosophy I always took was that I was going to do what I could to recognize those soldiers and let them know at least that I knew what they did.
Now someone like Poe comes along and goes on national television and gives some BS story about being a wounded hero and my soldiers, who did a difficult job well in dangerous circumstances, will not get as much credit as they deserve because people will always wonder if they are fakers like Poe.
This douche deserves all of the scorn and opprobrium that TSO (and the rest of us) can bring down upon him. Actually, he deserves to get his ass kicked, but none of us are in a position to do that, so this will have to suffice.
great work as always. This shit-kicker is already famous over here in the ‘ghan. Keep it up!
@19 I am not on this site everyday man.. and I really doubt someone who looks as out of shape as you do you could handle an infantry tour in Afghanistan.. I could buy it if you were in S3 or in some shitty guard unit.
One would think an NCO would know that this is hard to BS.
I hate to say it but I am a little shocked….I am everytime it happens.
Maybe I am still idealistic to believe that one day I can take a fellow vet at face value. For now I am skeptical of every vet I see every holiday.
It’s not right.
@17: “You guys are an embarrasment to veterans everywhere.. Part of the reason I became a pacifist after I got out was people like you..”
You’re full of shit. People you disagree with isn’t one of the hallmarks of becoming a pacifist. If you really are a pacifist you would know that, but since you’re nothing but a big talking dumbass, it doesn’t surprise me at all.
The Dude – Go eat your Birkenstocks and recycle your granola. You are a fucking tool.
And I’m NOT a pacifist.
TSO: Great coverage on this! Congrats on the bar!
It astounds me that fakes and frauds always seem to cling to the bitter end to their fictional stories.
And it renews in my mind the question of how culpability could be legislated on the media, when they fail to do due diligence, or publish what amounts to outright lies, or put people’s lives in danger, WITHOUT undermining the 1st Amendment. In this particular case, I’m talking about the forms sent into the TV station, which it then stated were proof of (some of) the claims, but were clearly not. There are certainly enough Veterans in Texas, along with agencies that understand those documents, officially, that they could have checked with an “expert” to determine that he didn’t have a CIB because he wasn’t Infantry, or to see that he had only one AAM, not 8, etc.
In the end, Poe is simply another fraud and liar.
Yes, well I thought so as well, so was doing 5-10 miles a day with the body armor before I went this time, and the CO told me to stop being an asshat because we would never walk over 10k, and without rucks. But yes, I am a fatty. Like Poe, I have herniated discs from service. The big difference is mine isn’t from getting hit by grenades. It was from slinging bags at one point about 2 months out from redeploy. But, unlike Poe, I know the names of the guys I was with, and about 1/2 of them comment here. (VTWoody, Sniper, S6R etc)
@20 if you got a problem with the man say it to his face instead of hiding behind a computer.. Everyone has 10 pound balls and a 12 inch prick on the internet.. Just because you guys are a bunch of has beens and never will bes it doesn’t give you the right to attack someguys service without giving him a chance to defend himself.. You guys are a bunch of facists!!!
@28: You prove your second sentence every time you post.
Yes that is right we made him say those lies and forced him to go on America Got Talent.
The truth will set you free, but in this case for Poe it seems to have the reverse effect.
The Dude-I realize that it is hard for you to reason in the marijuana addled haze that you spend your life in, but what part of “…none of us are in a position to do that” was lost on you?
Oh and “facists”? What is that? Is it some worldview based on the teachings of Dirk Benedict’s character on “the A-team”? Stupid pothead wasteoid.
Poe didn’t “claim” any awards on the AGT show. He lied about events that happened. The issue about the medals is a separate instance.
Believe me – I am NOT taking up for him in ANY shape, form or fashion. AGT could have and should have vetted his story. Would have been easy. Hell, I’m a civilian who has been around him a couple of times and he NEVER passed the “smell test”. Not once.
He’s been a pathological liar and con-artist since way back…… I remember him reading books on how to change your identity and forge documents. Just saying………………..
DUDE: Guys like Poe are PREDATORS, preying on the respect of others and using sympathy for personal gain. TSO and those who are here do all they can to PACIFY the Predators. EXAMPLE? Two months ago TAH tried to nail balls to the wall of another faker…Phony SEAL. Didn’t happen…guy was identified but the SV Act was not enforced against him. Now the creep has been accused of raping a 15-year old girl. History and experience tells us the phony warriors are out for themselves. If you want to align yourself with fakers like Poe and Schaeffer go ahead…I’ll stand with TSO and his important work here.
PS: I’m a pacifist too…until somebody pisses me off.
And he Godwins himself right out of the conversation! LMAO!!!
Welcome back, DUIDave – er, I mean, “The Dude”.
Now, speaking about CIBs . . . where’s the documentation for yours? And for your SF qual?
Always gotta be one douchenozzle trying to grow a tail over the punchbowl. Today it’s “dude”.
FWIW, to rip another line from The Big Lebowski, “Shut the fuck up, Donny (dude.)”
@31 I haven’t sparked up yet today but I will be doing that shortly so I won’t be back on here for a few hours.. but the guy is a country singer so I am sure you could find him if you wanted, you’re just scared it’s easier to sit behind your computer screen and be a tough guy..
I don’t know you Old Trooper but you can drop the tough guy act also because I doubt your service was anything to write home about..
Now if you will excuse me I got the 3 B’s to attend to a Bowl a Beer and a Brownie.. I am not ashamed to admit I am on unemployment and disability and the living is good right now.. Later losers.
Hondo–I’m not able to check the IP, but if it ain’t Dave, it’s our little asshole buddy Dewald; aka Sgt. Spliff, aka amazing stuff here, et al.
Some tools just can’t stay gone, can they?
Great work on showing everyone the reality behind this guy’s claims! You and Jonn honor everyone who served by identifying the BS in public claims of false valor.
TAH is a great site. Perhaps you and Jonn will find more opportunities to educate the media on what to ask and how to read a DD-214.
This story caused me to think about my patients, friends, and family members who were awarded the Purple Heart. Thank you for protecting the value of their medal and respecting their service.
I had just gotten on to drop some congrats to TSO, but when I saw “the Dude’s” awesome responses I had to comment again. Dude, there’s a very unique mindset that takes over when you’ve deployed, and the tolerance for asshats who decide to heap un-earned glory on themselves while there’s still an actual war going on is not only sad, but twisted and sick on multiple levels. As to your “infantry tour” comment…what the hell does that mean? Who gives a damn what you did over here as long as you served honorably. This isn’t an “I went outside the wire ___ days dick measuring contest” so lets stick to the topic…which is the rapid social and professional destruction of this waste of sperm called Tim Poe. That is all.
The IPs match, NHSparky. Just checked.
And check back tomorrow, Davie-boy. It’s been a bit over 3 months, so I’ll have a new item in your “honor” either late tonight or tomorrow. Look for new comments to the threads cited above. (smile)
Ignore “The Dude”, ArmyJ. He’s got a history here of making claims, agreeing to document them – and then disappearing. See the two links I posted above.
Still waiting for the documentation, Davie-the-packagless-wonder-boy.
Oh hell no he didn’t but Airborne Wings down on that list, Airborne Wings and a CIB, I bet he has Band Of Brothers on his cell phone.
Sparky your pathetic obsession with me never ceases to amuse. My name is not Dewald or Dave or whatever the fuck you think it is. Are these people members of the Pot POW movement too?
Anyway meet me on Skype sometime if you don’t believe me. I’ll put the camera down by my balls so you can say hi to your ex wife.
TSO, well done. It looks like you learned something about advocacy in law school. It’s going to be a pleasure watching you in action.
The one thing that you will need to keep in mind for the future is, the same thing that works at the beginning of a lawyer’s career, preparation, attention to detail, and care in citation, continues to work thereafter — and it’s the ONLY thing that works. Some people think that after they have made their reputation they can stop doing the work of persuasion. That’s why you will see famous lawyers lose really big from time to time, complete with ethics charges that stick.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with calling someone a liar, provided you have, as you have here, the ability to point to specific evidence that supports your conclusion. The best evidence is the type, as you have here, that yields further support for the few points you make upon further examination. That additional support, sometimes called “indicia of credibility” will carry the day when you have a knowledgeable reader.
The hazard comes when you jump to a conclusion (after lots of experience) and start to talk without having done the work of assembling the specific evidence in that case.
Grind fine, first. Then have fun.
Congratulations, and good luck.
@ The Dude….OK, so you’re a pacifist. Great. But you should be able to easily see what’s going on with this Poe asshole. He is misrepresenting himself. If you served in the Middle East and had enough bad experiences to turn you into a pacifist, you should also be greatly insulted by anyone pretending to be, or have done/experienced things, that aren’t true.
This Poe POS needs to be prosecuted and jailed.
Timothy Poe came to the table with a good voice and being an Army veteran…then he had to disgrace himself and be stained for the rest of his life…he will go down in history as the poster child for the pathological liar, valor stealing, con-artist type…
…as he should.
@37: You don’t know me? Really? I’m hurt, since you and I have had several colorful exchanges in the past. Maybe all that dope resin is clogging up your memory receptors??
I have stated, before, that you talk an awful lot like someone that used to love to have at me, and others, on this site i.e. the usual put down of others service in order to pump up your own self image of being a badass sooper trooper whose tails of daring due outshine everyone else, then tell us all how out of shape we are and how tough you are, etc. I may not be the fittest specimen on the planet and I have never claimed to have done a 30-30 insertion behind enemy lines armed only with my good looks and a K-Bar. So what? My service isn’t the question of the day and neither is yours. If you really are a disabled Vet, then you should be as pissed as everyone else for a guy faking it, instead of defending his bullshit. Unless you’re faking it, too?
This POS is really making the Red Bulls look bad. Stay on this sugartits buttfart and may he get what he so richly deserves.