J Wayne Duckworth; another AWOL Ranger

| February 27, 2012

Meet J Wayne Duckworth, who calls himself “Sir Duck”, but I call him “Ducky” for short, because…well…he’s just so f*cking ducky. According to his Facebook profile, he’s pretty f’n high speed, too.

CIA and the Air Wing of the State Department…also he’s self employed. It must be hard to be all of those things and still find time to pose in his mother’s backyard for those pictures, huh? According to our friends at POW Network, he’s been stylin’ for awhile. He wears these flashy duds anywhere the media shows up for a veteran event and wipes his eyes from the crocodile tears and gives them exactly what they want.

And here’s a poem he sent one of our friends at Right Truth in which he also poses as an OIF/OEF veteran and a Seminole Indian.

According to POW Net;

J.W. Duckworth had been a private first class in the Army, and his only overseas duty was in Germany. Court-martialed while at Fort Hood on two charges of AWOL, Duckworth had been sentenced to 40 days hard labor and reduced to private E-1 before being discharged.

Yeah, because that’s the kind of pilots the State Department is looking for. Mavericks in the mood to stick it to the Man. Looking through his Facebook pictures, he seems to gain 40 pounds every time he goes to the desert. It looks like he gets shorter, too. It must be the lighting and that KBR chow. It couldn’t be someone else’s pictures, could it?

You Cav guys will be happy to know that he likes to wear Stetsons and 1st Cav patches.

Thanks to David for the links. I think someone else sent me the links a few weeks ago, but I can’t find the email now. Sorry.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I’ll bet some fine gents from the PPCLI would like a word with him for sporting their beret crest.




I don’t see an actual DD214 or anything over there….


UK Camofluage. Stylin’ bitch that he is.


I bet some even finer gents from the 1st Cav would absolutely love to talk with this asshat.


Wait just a cotton picking a horse hair minute! He’s wearing Cav hat & SPURS….Ballsy prick.


Awww, does it have to be “Ducky”? I like Ducky on NCIS (David McCallum)…


He seems to be missing for the last week, maybe he has a black OP he’s on..



Ugh, he deserves whatever he gets for Tapcofucking that poor SKS.


009 and G14 classified hahahaha.


Can’t these fucktards even TRY to be remotely entertaining anymore?


What I wanna know, Sparky? Why couldn’t this dickweed at least attempt to be a phony “Boomboater”?

Old Tanker

Here we go, another asshat with a Cav patch. Myself and a few friends would love to meet you Sir fuck….stain….the First Team awaits….


Anybody can pretend to be anybody on the internet, we must be careful these days. I’ve gotten burned a few times by people pretending to be something they are not.

Right Truth


This Scout here from 3rd Greywolf Brigade will be waiting patiently in the bushes by his house, SKT style. I’ll take his unnearned spurs and shove them in is @ss.

Scouts out.


Um, yeahhhh, British camo, and a fake AK…….


Street–because nobody wants to pretend to be a bubblehead. He’d out himself in the first five seconds.

And I’m totally fine with that.


He’s got a blog, replete with pictures from Afghanistan: http://sirducktoo.blogspot.com/2006_12_01_archive.html

There’s a kernel of truth in here somewhere. Comparing the face of the guy in the Afghan pictures to the ones of him on FB, it looks to me like it IS the same guy, just heavier back then. The bridge of the nose is uniquely curved in both sets of pictures, and both individuals have similar wispy facial hair.

Not much else in the way of detail as to what he was supposedly doing in Afghanistan, but he loves to lay on the secret squirrel bullshit thick, talking about “undisclosed locations” and “actual time classified.” Because people who are concerned about OpSec always make sure to publish aerial photos of their base on the internet.


Possible Mechanic/Crew Chief? Or worker for an NGO?



If it will make you feel better, I might try to pretend to be a submariner. I can make up some secret-sounding stuff from Hunt for Red October (the movie, of course, not the book) and reruns of Seaquest DSV.


CI Roller Dude

So, if I’m not mistaken, since he seems to have gotten a dishonorable discharge, he’s not allowed to purchase weapons legally…. or are they just air soft?
Since he can exercise his right to bullshit, we can exercise our rights to call him whatever we want as per our freedom of speech… let me think of some names for this retard, faking pos.


I do enjoy how that high speed gangster is built for a flash light…but yet lacks a flash light


And wearing a Legion shirt and cap.

THAT pisses me off as much as anything else.

Yat Yas 1833

Wish me well guys, four more years and I’m retired! Then I’ll be able to run around looking to have a ‘close encounter’ with these rat bastages. I’ve made it very clear I was a section leader for 2nd Plt, Charlie co, 3rd Amtracs. Nothing flashy, nothing heroic, nothing glorious but the thing is I served honorably. These futher muckers make me so sick I wanna puke.

Liam B.

So can I go AWOL tomorrow and then come back as a G-14 classified operator on the Star-Ship Enterprise? What the hell am I doing as a ground-pounder? I’m skipping post tomorrow!! LMAO

AW1 Tim

Have you read this guy’s facebook page?

Jeebus! He claims to have attended over 500 funerals too. How is that humanly possible?

This guy is spreading it on thick and fast and someone needs to call the authority’s attention to him before he starts scamming folks out of their hard-earned money or worse.


Winner of the next Ballduster Memorial Classic?

Cedo Alteram

What a badass. The glasses in the dual pic were the give away. Jonn you’d better be careful, remember what happened when Pee-Wee knocked over his motorcycle outside the bar.


That 2- gun pic is hilarious. He’s missing the sombrero and bandoliers to make it a true classic.

Old Trooper

I haven’t seen “G14 Classified” since the first Rush Hour movie.


According to two OGA guys I spoke to Milbarge and Fitz-Hume, (they are GLG 20s!), he could be on a mission.


Nichevo: you and your troops all OK over there, I presume?


Roger that. Currently taking part in Operation Enduring Boredom. About to go see what’s for dinner. The only crisis I have encountered today was a shortage of pipe tobacco. Thanks for asking and for thinking of us, it’s appreciated.


Fuck him.

triple B



yep , Fuck this dude! Time to send some trolls to his Facebook.


Nichevo: good to hear that. In a “hot” area, I generally found that boredom preferable to excitement.

Keep on being careful, and make your troops do the same. We’ll continue to think and pray at this end.


Nichevo, what Hondo said.


Fuck me or the subject of this post?


Hondo, Jonn has my email, feel free to reach out if you like.


Nichevo, I believe, if I’m not mistaken, he was referring to our AWOL Ranger friend. The subject of this post.


LOL I hope so, my FB page doesn’t have any cool “look at me” photos to be trolled, just ones of my kids.


Eligibility Requirements for American Legion Membership

If you are currently on active duty, serving the United States honorably, anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, we invite you to become a member of The American Legion.

So even if he did have Vietnam-era service, and correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t a RIR of more than one paygrade or to E-1 and confinement for more than 30 days require at least a Special CM, and if convicted and sentenced to hard labor and RIR to E-1, wouldn’t that put him at best in the BCD category?

That should keep him out of the Legion as well, IIRC.

TSO/JAGC, any input would be greatly appreciated.


Nichevo–I have one, but I don’t recognize the guy–some kid from a long, long time ago.


His daughter just sent me this via FB .

Derek, This is Sandra Marie Duckworth. Jesse Wayne Duckworth gave both my brother and I up for adoption after my mother killed herself when I was 2 years old and my brother Duane Duckworth was 6 months old. I have no remorse or care of where Jesse Wayne Duckworth is. I am ashamed to have him as a dad. You can add me if you would like. I would like to apologize for anything that he has done to you. He is disgrace for my family and I wish everyone would just forget about him. Thank you and have a good day.

AF REMFER, Fatass in training

For some reason these guys always remind me of this.



@45 Derek: if that’s authentic…wow. That is a really sad indictment re: his character (or lack thereof).

Tammie Duckworth

Everything Sandra says is true. Things finally came to a boil and his lies started snowballing on him. So, instead of facing his problems, he set up an elaborate “suicide” shrine on his kitchen counter and walked away.
Even though we all know he does not have the guts to kill himself. All he is doing is causing his family pain.
Wherever he is, he will not be able to resist falling back into his old ways at some point and will most likely try to get involved with something military or Vet related.
We sure would appreciate you gentlemen getting his name and picture out there. If anyone has any information you may contact Tammie or Duane Duckworth on facebook.
Thank you.


Seriously why do all these assholes have to wear a 1CAV patch….

Sandra (Dallaschic)


Jesse Wayne Duckworth was in Germany when I was born September 20, 1970. I have had the telegram since I was a baby. It was written in German.

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