Who needs jobs or oil?

| January 18, 2012

Several years back, I told my daughter that she should trade in her Acura (Jap Honda POS) and get something cheaper with a better maintenance record. Her answer was “Why do I need an extra $100/month? What will it buy me?”

I see that myopic strategy at work today in the Obama Administration plans to reject the Keystone pipeline from Fox News;

For three years, the State Department has been reviewing the initial proposal to run a pipeline from Canada down to Texas through a sensitive Nebraska aquifer — authority it has because of the transnational path the route takes. The pipeline had been through several other federal, state and local approvals, but the department backed away from signing off on the plan last year after environmentalists complained.

Industry workers and Republicans contend the project would create thousands of jobs, and Canada’s prime minister has warned if the U.S. can’t get on board, the North American nation will look to team with China.

Who needs thousands of more jobs in this country? Who needs oil money? Letting China move in is a great idea whose time has come. China operates refineries in Africa and is making deals for oil in South and Central America, why not let them in our neighborhood? After all, they’re not really communists anymore, right? They’re no threat. Well, other than their new subs and aircraft carriers.

Obama has noted his environmental concerns when it comes to energy exploration but insisted Tuesday that a balance could be found.

“I think the recommendations are sound. We see enormous potential in production of traditional fossil fuels,” he said without mentioning Keystone.

Once again, I’ll quote Jimmy Carter’s explanation for forming the Department of Energy in his “Malaise Speech“, in which he decried our “crisis of confidence” in government;

To make absolutely certain that nothing stands in the way of achieving these goals, I will urge Congress to create an energy mobilization board which, like the War Production Board in World War II, will have the responsibility and authority to cut through the redtape, the delays, and the endless roadblocks to completing key energy projects.

We will protect our environment. But when this Nation critically needs a refinery or a pipeline, we will build it.

There has not been a refinery or an oil pipeline built since that speech. Mainly because we subject our energy policy to the whims of filthy hippies who don’t buy gas or need jobs.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy

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Old Trooper

Well, in defense of Obama; he did say during the campaign of 2008 that he wanted to see $5 per gallon gas prices, so he has a chance, now, to fulfill a campaign promise.


Really? You can’t describe how you think a car is terrible without using ethnic slurs?

Zero Ponsdorf

the whims of filthy hippies who don’t buy gas or need jobs.

I’ll argue that, like AlGore, many of those who ‘big’ enough to impact this decision are NOT jobless hippie types.

Starting with Obama they are agenda driven hypocrites.

I don’t disagree with your point, only the focus of your ire. Those you accuse only barely rise to being stooges.

Zero Ponsdorf

McNally #2: Is “Jap” still an ethnic slur? Mind you, it’s not a word I would use, but really?

I think that list has changed?


A word that has a history of being used in a hateful and derogatory manner will always be hateful and derogatory. As much as Randall Graves might wish otherwise, you can’t take it back.


I am so glad. If it slows the absolute destruction of millions of acres of pristine boreal forests (trees come in kinda handy for oxygen production, uptake of CO2, little things like that) and keeps our air a little cleaner for a little longer, I’m all for the veto. Jobs are important, but not important enough to support that boondoggle. If gas prices go up as a consequence, maybe even Jonn will buy a more economical “Jap” car (or a “Kraut” car, or a “Frog” car).


I’m sorry but if the Jap car gets the mileage, I am on it. My van is getting old…and the gas mileage is sshitty. We work 20 miles from home and I can forsee some changing takeing place at four dollars a gallon…


How much do you want to bet that when Obama is losing in the elections and public opinion at the height of campaign season, he approves a “new plan” to create jobs and get oil from an ally?

You know that Canada, if it did not get approval for the pipeline, already has contracts with China. So, the President is doing his part to spur job creation in China… AGAIN!

The Dead Man

Joe I know critical thinking isn’t your strong suit, but you did notice that Canada said, “If you guys aren’t going to play we’ll take it to the Chinese” right? Whether we jump on it or not, it’s happening. Get your head out of your ass.

Shame we can’t just backdoor this one somehow, sidestep the crooks in office and get it rolling.

FSOnly one

#5: Tell the fags that. They are de-hating all the former slurs

Ne Desit Virtus

Typical leftie bullshit Joe. “If WE dont allow the pipeline then the whole thing will die in the womb.” WRONG. There will always be someone there to slurp up the oil if we don’t. Canadian tar sands are definitely a really shitty band-aid to the oil shortage problem but lets not make it worse by giving other international powers access to oil that in all right, should stay on this fucking continent.


I agree with Joe. That pipeline is nonsense.

For myself, I like to see those drilling platforms no more than a couple hundred yards away from the holding tanks.

Much less chance for spillage.


So, Joe, are you using the guinea pigs to power your computer? Did you sign your car over to an Occutard, so you don’t need any gas or oil?
And, as the Dead Man pointed out, this will have no effect on what really happens up in Canada, it just means that we’ll pay more for gas, moron.


The pipeline did not make sense. There are plenty of truckers, dare I say it? Teamsters! who could haul the oil more safely, get paid (not out of our pockets), and maybe help the economy. That’s a fair sight more than was promised for the pipeline. Pipeline limited the economic impact.

Doc Bailey

@5: well I could call Chinese zipper-heads (interesting note that came from what they looked like when a tank ran over them) I could call Japanese nips, I could call you a panty waist. Hey lets go with racial slurs, and see who we can offend.

As for this pipeline, its a real shame we shut this down. Its not like we couldn’t use a secure source of Oil that has dick to do with the ME. Or Jobs. But hey at least we can run off Unicorn Farts

Bubblehead Ray

#5, My Father fought in WWII aboard an LCI(L)in the Pacific and he never called them “Japs” . He called them “Fucking Japs”.

Michael in MI

Typical leftie bullshit Joe. “If WE dont allow the pipeline then the whole thing will die in the womb.” WRONG. There will always be someone there to slurp up the oil if we don’t. Canadian tar sands are definitely a really shitty band-aid to the oil shortage problem but lets not make it worse by giving other international powers access to oil that in all right, should stay on this fucking continent.

Yep. Let’s also not forget Obama and his cronies denying US companies drilling for oil, but then sending billion$ of taxpayer dollars to the Brazilian oil company Petrobras, a company in which George Soros is invested, to drill for oil.

Old Trooper

Ok, Joe, I let everyone else take a swing at your first, but I want to interject this tidbit: There are millions of miles of pipeline around the world already. There hasn’t been the impact that you claim. In fact, wildlife seems to flourish around pipelines in Northern areas; why? Because they’re warm. Environazis know so much about nothing that I’m surprised anyone takes you people serious anymore. The spotted owl comes to mind. “Oh that poor little owl can’t live outside of that one little area in Washington State, so you can’t log there”. A big fight ensues and the environazis score a victory and then a few years later, several of those delicate little owls are found living in high tension power lines in Arizona. Kinda takes away the premier argument, eh? Back in the day, there was all the hubbub about Prudhoe Bay and how the carribou/elk won’t be able to survive, blah, blah, blah. Funny how instead of going the way the environazis claimed, it went 180 degrees the opposite direction. In fact, the populations have thrived; why? Because it’s warm. The evironazis made the same predictions about the proposed drilling in ANWR and would show these pictures of beautiful wilderness and majestic mountain ranges in ANWR, unfortunately, that isn’t where the drilling was going to occur. The environazis didn’t take pictures of the actual area, because the truth is, the area for drilling is a tundra where nothing really lives to begin with. Unfortunately, the environazis have found enough gullible people and have been successful in their over the top scare tactics that they have made it a political football for any elected official.

My take is that people like Joe should move into an Amish community as soon as possible. That way they don’t have to worry about the evils of oil.


I see Joe hasn’t unplugged his fucking power meter yet.


Oh, and McNally–without going into the “Jap” moniker, I’ll explain why ASIAN (Kia-Korean, Nissan-Japanese, Toyota-Japanese, etc.) cars are POS deathtraps.

For starters, they’re PLASTIC. Not particularly well-assembled plastic, either. Second, the Toyota Tundra I owned was probably the biggest hunk of shit I’ve ever owned on four wheels. Undersized brakes, shitty mileage compared to a F-150, and kept getting called in for recalls (four in the less than three years I owned it.)

Repairs are overpriced, parts are hard to come by (and harder since the tsunami–or certainly more expensive) and insurance on them is MORE than comparative American vehicles.

There, does that help? Is your butthurt subsiding?

Doc Bailey

Joe if you are a man of your principles, then perhaps you should not use a car. Or the internet, seeing as most of the power used to fuel that computer you using probably came from a Coal burning power station.

Now, if you really wanted to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel, you would support Fission/Fusion plants, and also Hydrogen Fuel Cell cars. You would probably notsupport windmills (as they keep killing endangered birds) and you would most likely not support Solar Panels as they are horribly toxic to produce or recycle.

Facts. They’re so pesky. Aren’t they.


I park my small, economical car on weekends, ride my bike or walk to shopping and other errands and to work when possible, even in cold temperatures, ride to the areas where I play when they are within pedaling distance. Keep the temp of my condo low enough that I need to wear sweaters and a hat indoors. Our local power cooperative is mandated to purchase a certain amount of its electricity (can’t remember the percentage) from renewable sources. Admittedly I still need to drive sometimes though. I don’t think anything is going to change until we as a nation feel some pain, like in 1973-74. I’m willing to experience some pain, and I’m more than willing for some of you guys to share some of the inconvenience if it helps move us in another direction. Jimmy Carter nailed it, was right on the money even if some of you guys were too thick or macho to listen to the message. We’re all paying the price now for ignoring his advice.

Old Trooper

@23: Joe, as I said, move to an Amish community. Why should the rest of us have to feel your induced pain? I don’t want to feel your pain. I don’t have to feel your pain. Screw you and your pain. Maybe you should feel other people’s pain when they have to commute a fair distance to get to work? The poor people that have to travel and pay for gas for their vehicle and as the price of gas goes up, it takes more money out of their pockets. money that could go to buy their children clothes and food. Your communist ideas of central planning and centralized cities isn’t going to work here. Give it up. This is America and if you want to ride your bike more than drive your car; that’s up to you, but you don’t get to decide for me.

Ne Desit Virtus

@15 Damn, DaveO, I really hope you are kidding or playing the devils advocate. Fuck the Teamsters. Knuckle dragging union goons are not the answer. Additionally what would be the cost of the fuel alone to truck a trailer full of oil from northern Alberta to the gulf? It wouldn’t be cost effective at all. Not to mention the conditions of the roads up there that they would have to drive in the winter. Moving it by rail would be an option I suppose but again what about the winter? The pipeline was the best option but Obama fucked us yet again in the name of politics.


Joe, again, the whole matter of CHOICE comes into play. We CHOOSE to buy a vehicle based partially on what we want, but more importantly on necessity.

I commute 45 miles each way to work. Some of those days are, to put it nicely, quite shitty. I’d love to see you take a Prius through two feet of snow. Mass transit is not an option. Ever hauled cordwood in a compact car? Not a fun thing, I would imagine. Ditto if you’ve got a family of five and luggage to tote to your little vacation spot (provided you can afford it anymore after paying $3.60/gallon for heating oil all winter.)

And “as a nation feel some pain, like in 1973-74”? Newsflash, numbnuts–I was there. I remember it as well. Aside from the supply issue, we’re feeling the same amount of pain/cost as we did back then. Worse even than 1979 when your hero Jimmuh the Peanut and the ‘Rat Congress decided to implement the Windfall Profits Tax. How’d that work out? And please don’t tell me we don’t have the resources domestically. You’re talking to a kid who was rasied in the oil patch/coal mines of the western US. I’ve been in the utility industry since I left the service, where I ran power plants. Basically, my entire LIFE has been dealing with energy issues. Would you care if I told you our domestic production is at the lowest point in nearly 70 years? Yup–peaked out in the early 70’s, and with the exception of a mild upswing in the late 70’s/early 80’s when the Alaska Pipeline came online, it’s been in decline ever since.

Carter was a fucking moron who couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. He should have stuck to building houses and giving speeches on the rubber chicken circuit after he got bounced in 1980, as Obama will come November.


@26- shame that Jimmah is a part of your community. We’d never accept someone with their head that far up their ass for surface duty.


So you’re playing Grizzly Adams up there in the woods NHS, huh? I don’t see the right to commute by means of a thirsty SUV anywhere in the constitution. You should pay the true cost (land poisined by oil extraction, greenhouse gasses, more wear and tear on the infrastructure, military spending to control the flow of oil) for the privilige of your “rugged” life style. I’m thinking $10-12 a gallon?


Lol Joe… get out of the city, clown, and experience what the majority of the US looks like. Most people have to drive tens of miles to work. Farmers are especially hard hit by gas prices, and that impacts your costs at market.


“I don’t see the right to commute by means of a thirsty SUV anywhere in the constitution.” The fuck?! You serious or just trolling dude? Do yourself a favor and stop listening to Algore, you obviously can’t spare the braincells. BTW, i’m currently working on making the gas mileage on my car WORSE. Fuck off.


Way to go redact, you must have alot of spare $$$$ to give to the oil companies.

Old Trooper

@28: Joe; leave the AGW hoax out of this.

BTW Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that someone else has the right to take my hard earned money so they can shit out kids left, right, and sideways on my dime, either.

Get some new talking points.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

” I don’t see the right to commute by means of a thirsty SUV anywhere in the constitution.”

Amendment X:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”


OT, Joey would get some new talking points, but Algore hasn’t put any out lately. He’s busy, trying to keep CurrenTV on the air.
As for the AGW hoax, that’s all he has. That and “military spending to control the flow of oil”. Yeah, that’s why oil is over $100/barrel, Joey, cuz we “control the flow of oil”.
But then, your nonsense is what can be expected from a Jimmah Cahtah acolyte, what’s next from that waste of space you think is a mind, working from home? Hint, no one can sell you food if they work from home, or can’t afford to get to work, and they can’t build your Prius for you, or put up a windmill.
“______ was a fucking moron who couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel”. Algore, Obama and Joey could be inserted in the above statement.


A Press Release from the Committee for the Renewal of the Economy and Morals WE the undersigned members of this committee have become concerned that so many Americans are working for nothing more than Peanuts. Therefore: We the undersigned members of this committee make the following recommendation concerning oil use. We do not really know where the oil should come from exactly other than to say in broad terms that it come from North America, mostly. What we do strongly reccomend is that there be significant increases in gasoline taxes. The first year would be an increase of 10 cents. The second year would be an increase of 15 cents. Each additional year would be an increase of 25 cents until the 12th year. New reccommendations would be made at the end of the 12th year. 12 is a very significant number. Jesus had 12 apostles. Hitler had 12 years to ruin Germany. There are 12 months in a Julian Year. This is strong evidence that our idea is a good one. Now here comes the part that is truely inspired. 25% of the money raised by these additional taxes shall be given away Scott Free for the developemtn of Mexico. Exactly how this money shall be distibuted we have not yet decided. The point being it shall be used to develope Mexico until such time as the level of Gross Natioanl Happiness in Mexico is almost at a level equal to the US. It does not need to be exaclty equal to the US because Mexico has better weather than much of the US. At that point the number of people wanting to live in the other country should reach an equalibrium. When that point is reached then Mexico and the US can help raise the Gross National Happiness of the Carribean Region. Of course if our economy collapses because we have insufficient energy to make a transition to a post carbon economy then we will not be giving the Mexicans or anyone else a cent. In fact there might be tens of millions of refugees fleeing southwards to… Read more »


I know what your guys plan is: more and more drilling (ask some people in NY and PA how that’s workiong out), trashing larger and larger tracts of land, using more and more toxic fluids to get at less and oil and gas, keep bullying, threatening and invading sovreign nations to desperately keep those pipelines open, keep supporting repressive regimes whose values are totally contrary to ours in order to keep the juice flowing, continue to pump out greenhouse gases using dirtier methods to get at dirtier oil, and keep on doing this until…..what? Oh yeah, you hadn’t thought about that part. That’s why your conservatives – just keep doing it the way your grandpappy did it, just keep driving for that cliff like some nightmare version of Thelma and Loiuse. Yep, that’s conservatism for ya.


Hey Lucy, what’s Charlie Brown up to these days?


That’s it, Joey, you found out the reason why oil is so expensive. The Afghan pipeline is shut down by the “freedom fighters” asserting their non-repressive ways, like throwing acid in school-aged girls’ faces, and blowing up schools.
Every one else knows, but for you, Joey, that was sarcasm. Typical liberal, you condemn but have nothing in mind as an alternative.
So, what happens if the mullahs take over the source of oil? That’s right, in your own words, “you hadn’t thought about that part”. There aren’t enough windmills and solar panels in the world to take the place of oil and gas. But, deep down you know that, you just think that you’ll belong to the aristocracy and you’ll have yours. Because your heart is pure, and you drive a Prius/Leaf/Volt.


And your idea, Joe, is to have the government force innovations in “green” technologies to the market before they’re ready for primetime. Technologies that rely on rare earth elements and heavy metals that come primarily from China. But hey, at least we’re not buying energy from a repressive, backwards, despotic country that would use tanks to oppress it’s civilians, right?

Have you any idea how many batteries or how many acres of solar panels it would take to power just one tractor-trailor? How about the resulting cost of shipping? Subsidize it, right Joe? With what money?

Old Trooper

@36: Joe; why don’t you just cite the pamphlet you’re reading from? Do you have any idea how much of the precious earth is destroyed to get the rare earth metals used in your precious battery powered vehicles? Yeah, they still use strip mining techniques for that. If you ever pulled your head out of your ass, you would know that the US is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas, yet we aren’t allowed to get at most of it. Oil wells that were “dry” have started filling up, again, plus all the new reserves being discovered every week and there goes your feeble points.

You really know next to nothing; don’t you Joe?


teddy–to be fair, Carter never qualified as Engineer under the KOG. Although to be fair, I do feel pretty bad for the poor bastards that have to serve on the USS Jimmy Carter (SSN-23). Joe–you DO realize this isn’t the 1930’s right? That the process for drilling is MUCH more advanced and ecologically sensitive (read: doesn’t fuck up the environment) than back in the wildcatting days, yes? Once again, you show your incredible lack of knowledge when it comes to the location and extraction of oil and gas. Do you really want to go toe-to-toe with me on the process, bud? I’m willing to bet that even as a “dumbass wire-biter” I know a bit more than you do when it comes down to what happens in the oil patch. And since when is 23-25 mpg “gas hogging SUV”? Finally, given the choice between, as you put it, bullying and threatening other nations, or drilling on our own turf, I’ll take the latter every time. Believe me, if we packed up and left Saudi, Indonesia, Nigeria, etc., they’d be back to humping goats (oh wait–they already do that) and picking sand fleas out of their assholes (shit–they do that too) and living back in the 7th Century (where they are mentally, at least) faster than you can say “House of Saud.” Pretty much everyone here has shown you time and again that your pie-in-the-sky ideas are complete and utter horseshit. Go ahead, Joe–build a PV system and disconnect from the grid. I mean TOTALLY disconnect. Buy a Chevy Volt, and hope you can get back home before it goes flat or just blows the fuck up. What? You don’t have the $41K? But you DO realize that the costs of that vehicle are heavily subsidized, and that if you paid what it REALLY cost to build it, you’d be looking at close to six figures? Or that a 20KW PV system for some place up north would cost on the order of $1 per KwH by the time shit started breaking, and that’s assuming you went “on the cheap” and… Read more »


You talk about the current state of alternate technologies as you see them (by the way, the amount of land damaged by mining for rare earth minerals is a drop in the ocean compared to the acreage despoiled by oil/gas drilling). Imagine where some of these alternate technologies would be now if we’d started iplementing them, creating incentives for them, improving them right after 1973-74 (I lived thru it too). I live in a burgeoning oil patch – it’s disgusting on many levels. Talk to the local guy whose house blew up a couple of years ago due to methane leakage from a fracking well, about all the advantages of domestic production. Talk to all the thousands of people whose water has been polluted, land poisined and animals killed by fracking fluids, waste water and gas leakage (I’m glad the people in NY and PA and especially NYC are waking up to the devastation that is fracking).


Lol, Joe. NYC? Just how much natural gas are they sitting on, or are you applauding them for once again putting the screws to upstate? The city sets the agenda for the rest of the state here in NY. Things that make sense for citizens in NYC don’t always translate well to the dairy farms and corn fields in upstate. We’re drowning in so many state mandates here, that 90% of our county tax revenue is spoken for (to give welfare families cell phones, for instance) before we see it for roads, bridges, sheriffs, fire departments, and snow removal. Revenues from natural gas would alleviate that problem quite a bit. But we can’t get at it, because of twats like you. Good job?


@31, can you at least attempt to post something without sounding completely retarded?

Old Trooper

Joe, you incredible dumbass, a lot of us lived through both gas shortages; or have you forgotten about 79-80? You get your panties all in a wad about isolated incidents that happened 40+ years ago, except your one incident that you cite from a couple of years ago. You have no idea what goes on in the oil industry right now. Please tell me how us not being allowed to drill in parts of the Gulf of Mexico, yet the Cubans, Chinese, and Brazilians can, is somehow “saving the planet”? Do you honestly think that China gives a rats ass about environmental controls? They want oil, lots of it, and they are going to do whatever it takes to get it. Do you think that your, and your dumbass environazi friends, self-righteous attitude is going to save the day? I haven’t heard you make a peep about the bird blenders (wind farms), even though some of your environazi moron friends are wetting themselves about endangered birds that are laying in piles under the windmills. The same, tired, arguments are being made now by you and your hater friends that were made 40 years ago. The market will decide what will be advanced, no matter how many billions of dollars of our tax money gets thrown at “green” energy. The only ones advancing in the “green” energy field are the CEOs and directors of the “green” energy companies, because they are the ones walking away with all of our green, as in money. Solyndra comes to mind right off the top. Then the Fisker car company received $500 million of our tax payer money to manufacture their electric car overseas and they had to recall all of them because they start on fire. Then you have the Chevy Volt, which has been recalled because they start on fire. Oh, and GM got $500 million of our tax payer cash for that boondogle. So, in just 2 products, there was a cool $1 billion spent of our money and what do we get for it? At least with oil there are far… Read more »


Yeah teddy, what’s the big deal with putting unknown, secret toxins in the drinking water of 12 million people? The nerve of them wanting to protect thier drinking water. Real men don’t mind a little acetic acid (or acetic anhydride, ammonium chloride, formaldehyde, thiourea, formaldehyde polymer, hydrochloric acid, acetophenone, naphtha, methanol, and a bunch of unknown proprietary chemicals) in their children’s drinking water. Yeah, those New Yorkers are way out of line.


Markets react Old, they don’t look ahead or plan for the future. Screw the markets on this one.


And screw your belief in the infallibility of the market….


“The nerve of them wanting to protect thier drinking water. Real men don’t mind a little acetic acid (or acetic anhydride, ammonium chloride, formaldehyde, thiourea, formaldehyde polymer, hydrochloric acid, acetophenone, naphtha, methanol, and a bunch of unknown proprietary chemicals) in their children’s drinking water.” I’m guessing you chugged this shit by the gallon.


Is that stuff in Guiness?