Harvard twit ruminates TAH criticism

| December 2, 2010

You may remember the vacuous Harvard twit, Sandra Korn, who thinks that her education about the world around her ended on the day she was accepted to Harvard. Korn wrote “Keep ROTC Out of Range” in the Harvard Crimson recently which I critiqued to some acclaim. Well, it seems that she takes exception in her blog to some of our characterizations of her – specifically the one written by UpNorth.

Is it illegit to study things like “Sex and Power in Modern Latin America and US Latino Culture” and “Postwar Feminist Thought”? Are “Medical Management of the Female Body” and “Postcolonial Women’s Writing” somehow “liberal” courses? There is nothing inherently illegit or leftist about studying the 50% of the population often underrepresented in the philosophy, history, and literature departments.

Um, yeah it is, Sandra. Those aren’t subjects for a Harvard education, it’s the intellectual equivalent of taking “Basketweaving for fun and profit”. How do you figure a “Women’s Studies” major is going to prepare you for anything? Like the millions of college students who major in Psychology every year and end up working at a hair extension kiosk in the mall. It’s an absolutely useless endeavor that universities market to cum bubbles like you who think they can educate themselves to self-discovery.

Why, yes, in fact, I have considered majoring in “women’s studies,” although here’s it’s called “Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality.”

What’s wrong with you, Sandra? Are you a complete moron? You’ve been accepted to arguably the most prestigious university in the country and you haven’t picked a major yet? I’m guessing you’re in your late teens and you’re piddling away your life complaining about the ROTC program and you don’t even know what you want to be when you grow up? Let me ask you, who the fuck do you think you are?

Many of the readers on my blog are on their second careers, having retired from their first…and you don’t even know what you want your first TO BE YET? Again, you little pretentious twit, who do you think are?

So it distresses me that for the uber-conservatives hating on my Crimson article, “women’s studies major” is an insult paramount to calling me an asswipe. I’m flattered, but I am disturbed by the connotation that only radical leftists would be interested in studying women’s** contribution to history.

And I truly hope that, at some point before the US abolishes its military and becomes a pacifist nation, Women’s Studies will become a widely respected and favored major for college students.

Yes, Sandra, “Women’s Studies” majors are indeed ass wipes, to use your word. If your ambition is to be nothing more than what you were on the day you were born, you’re a useless asswipe. Excuse the rest of us while we busy ourselves at keeping you safe and secure so you can be a useless twit the rest of your born days.

Category: I hate hippies

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That’s all fine, but what I want to know is why is this chick still writing and not making me a sandwich?

Michael in MI

Major kudos, Jonn. That was one righteous take down. I hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I — and most likely most of the other TAH readers — enjoyed reading it.

On a serious note, this is just downright… well there’s no words to describe her ignorance:

And I truly hope that, at some point before the US abolishes its military and becomes a pacifist nation, Women’s Studies will become a widely respected and favored major for college students.

Not only is she so naive as to advocate for the United State to abolish its military (she needs to spend more time on the US military’s contribution to history, rather than women’s contributions to history), but she actually thinks that “women’s studies” should be a MAJOR?!? “Women’s Studies” is something people take as a hobby class, not as a major. It’s something people can do in their spare time while actually majoring in something that will prepare them for a relevant career.

Moron and little pretentious twit are understatements for this chick.


I (a woman) find it fascinating that she abhors so the military who, at this very moment, fights to a.) secure her inalienable right to be an asswipe, and b.) facilitate women’s rights in countries where they are consistently abused in the most heinous manners and denied basic human rights.

Ms. Korn, I implore you to go screw yourself sideways with a broken bottle.


And I have your sandwich (knuckle-type, 1 each) right here, Claymore. 😀

Michael in MI

Oh and you gotta love this:

So it distresses me that for the uber-conservatives hating on my Crimson article, . . .

“Uber-conservatives”. How cute. My guess is her political leanings tell her that Barack Obama is a “moderate”, actual “moderates” are conservatives and actual conservatives are “uber-conservatives”.

What I would like to know is how people so bafflingly stupid and ignorant get into some of the most prestigious universities in the nation. The more I see this kind of drivel from the “elite” schools, the more I realize that we need to change our ideas about what schools are truly “elite”. If this is the kind of crap getting spewed from Harvard, that says a lot about the university.

It brings to mind the line in the movie “With Honors” by Simon Wilder (Joe Pesci) when talking to the professor:

“Colleges produce a lot of garbage. And Harvard produces more than most.”

Doc Bailey

what scares me, is that she actually believes what she says. If you’re studying the female anatomy for medical reason then by all means, but anything else. . . quit whining and go out and DO something. The thing that really bothers me is that these ass clowns are wasting the kind of money I can only dream of, and are given opportunities that I will never get.

Studying “women’s literature” or “Women’s Issues” will fill your head with rhetorical nonsense and have you feeling that everything with a dick is the cause of all the worlds problems. As if women share no responsibility for the world. What utter shyte.


Jonn…. I was wondering, do you think there might be a paternalistic, overbearing and unenlightened father out there footing some of the bills for his daughter’s underwhelming educational experience?


She used Dreamy Eyed Neo Hippie. It’s good to see my efforts were noticed.

Sandra in case you are reading this my mother is a cop so if you wish to speak to a real “empowered woman” I can send you her way. By speaking to her you won’t be insulted when a woman calls you a Twit right? I doubt she’ll use the Twit though.

Doc Bailey

Sounds like she could use that sandwich ROS. maybe put her and you in an octagon?


Womyns studies majors only exist to crate more womyns studies professors. There are no jobs out there for people with a degree in womyns studies.

Maybe the U.S will become a pacfist nation some day. On that day, as she is trying to walk down the road while peering out through the mesh covered eye slits of her black burka, maybe she will wonder why this pacifist nation didn’t do more to prevent her present subjugation. Sorry Sandra, there are bad people out there, doing bad things to men, women, and children. Sometimes the nation has to step up, sabres drawn and do battle with those that threaten our way of life and your freedom to say idiotic things.


“Why, yes, in fact, I have considered majoring in “women’s studies,” although here’s it’s called “Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality.”

Hey Sandra, there’s a reason science majors and profs make fun of people majoring in such things. My father kept a stack of burger king employment applications in his desk drawer for when people majoring in such things showed up in one of his low level science classes.


With your rigidity of thought and narrow-mindedness you once again point out that for some (conservatives), ignorance is considered a virtue.



Too right on that one. I wonder if she bothered to look at the Time Magazine cover of the poor girls in Afghanistan who have had their nose and ears cut off or splashed with acid? Amazingly the only thing that stops that from becoming the norm here are the “uber-conservatives” she hates and the military she wants abolished. Hope she enjoys the Burqa

Old Trooper

This is some funny shit. I needed a good laugh today. It seems this little princess isn’t used to criticism. Well, cupcake, you’re gonna be in for a very rude awakening, once you pass through those ivy covered walls and back into the real world.


Hmmm…Cambridge isn’t that far a road trip for me. Maybe I’ll make a run down there one of these weekends and remind myself why I didn’t apply there when my guidance counselor shoved an application under my nose and used the words, “shoo-in” during his pitch.

Dear Sandra, Good luck with that job hunt in 4-5 years when you find out that a $50K/year education won’t even get you a $25K/year job. Well, actually, I’m guessing the attitude and entitlement mentality will close more doors than the joke of an education you will have received by that point.


Joe? You accusing Jonn (and other conservatives) of rigidity of thought?

Stop. Hurt. Sides. Laughing.


This is why I have little to no respect for Ivy League schools. The last president we had that wasn’t from an Ivy League school was Reagan. At this point I would rather have a president that went to an ACC, Big-12 (even KU), hell a Big-10 school.

I think a big part of the curriculum at those schools is to see wolves and sheepdogs as the same thing.


Joe doesn’t know that he is calling the kettle black.


Oh, and Sandra, since we’re all such uber-conservative Neanderthals, make sure my beer is cold and served to me in a frosted mug while you are wearing only your cotton thong panties.

Wouldn’t want you to be getting all “uppity” on me now.

And yes, child, that was sarcasm. I wouldn’t make you wear cotton thong panties. Nude will work just fine, unless you don’t shave your legs and have a “friend” named Meadow.


“Post war feminist thought”? WTF is that? Oh, wait, I know how to find out. Joey, what does she mean?
“And I truly hope that, at some point before the US abolishes its military and becomes a pacifist nation, Women’s Studies will become a widely respected and favored major for college students”. Yeah, Sandra, here’s a clue for you, shit in one hand, and wish/hope in the other and see which one fills up first, mmmmm-kay?
But, I’m glad to see that I rang her bell. And she can’t understand when being “non-politically correct” became a matter of pride? She must be trying to prove that she’s the result of outcome based education.


I think a big part of the curriculum at those schools is to see wolves and sheepdogs as the same thing. Right on target, jason!


Claymore, man! You’ve got to issue spew alerts! There are peanuts and raisins all over my screen!! Clean up in office 6!!


Ms. Korn, sadly must be a protege of Eve “the Vagina Monologues but we want to call it a cunt again” Ensler…
You remember when she and Jane “same as John F’in Kerry Fonda were on the today show saying that “cunt” should be a nice word, again for women?
Ms. Korn is an example of why it will never ever be anything but a derogatory term and, yes, I am female.


Banging head against desk. Why do I think I am going to be paying for this idiot’s upkeep since a “Women’s Studies” major will have no marketable skills and, most likely, vast amounts of student loan debt. Didn’t we hear about some Ivy League Women’s Studies made up major last year not being able to get a job that covered her student loan debt? When will these twirps ever learn?

/rant off

NR Pax

Susan, that one was from NYU. In all fairness to her, she posted a response to her critics where she admitted that her major ended up being useless and that she was trying to pay things off.


Here’s some classes they should offer the women’s studies students:

“He doesn’t give a shit about your cat”
“Get off the damn phone and drive, lady”
“It’s YOUR period, not his, you psycho bitch”
“Gravity: Helping chicks lower the toilet seat for over 100 years”
“The jeans don’t make you look fat, 20/20 vision does”
“You’re not made of glass (aka Sunday is for sports, move your ass from in front of the tv”
“Dagwood 101: Making the best sandwich ever for your man”
“Resorting to crying to get your way = mandatory fellatio”

Tuition should be waived for any babe who is man enough to admit they need help.


Joe, you and Ms. Korn need to get together…I’m sure she’s got some nice, silky undie things you can wear, Nancy Boy.


‘I have considered majoring in “women’s studies,” although here’s it’s called “Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality.”’

Every straight guy at college majors in this without ever attending a class.


‘”You’re not made of glass…”‘
This po’ lil’ rich girl is, though. If she ever gets hit head-on by reality, she will simply shatter.
Not that that would be a huge loss…


Spigot–as I referenced above, it’s entirely likely she 1–wears Birkenstocks, 2–attends Lilith Fair on a regular basis, 3–has a old Subaru Outback with a “Coexist” and “Hate is not a family value” rainbow bumper sticker on the back of said shitbox, 4–a “friend” over at Welseley by the name of Meadow, 5–has never acquainted her legs or armpits with a razor since that KD Lang concert at age 15, 6–holds the ideal of being an outreach counselor in Provincetown someday.

I’ll gladly apologize if I’m wrong on any of the points listed above.


Doc, I would absolutely LOVE to entertain her drivel in the intellectual octagon. All metacarpophalangaeal prandials would need to be served without referees.


NHSparky, well those are good points, and I obviously missed them.

Maybe he could borrow her Doc Martin’s and a flannel shirt?

Just A Grunt

And the want ads are full of Fortune 500 companies seeking employees with a major in Women Studies.

Silly me, in her world Fortune 500 companies are probably comparable to being minions of Satan. I hope she tries to get a job from a homeless guy then.


women’s studies and the rest all fall under a general heading … anger studies


As a pro-military conservative woman who used to drive an old Subaru, I object to your insulting a perfectly good car by associating it with the unfortunate young Harvard student.

Actually, a number of Women’s Studies majors go into . . . grad school, then into the $35,000/ year job if they are really, really lucky. Or they get a $140,000 a year job as community organizers, “facilitators for underserved communities” or publicity spokescritters for NGOs.


Just remember, folks…..You can’t fix stupid.


“Many of the readers on my blog are on their second careers, having retired from their first…and you don’t even know what you want your first TO BE YET? Again, you little pretentious twit, who do you think are?”
Hmm… Had to laugh at that one. I worked at the same place for 22 years, then opened my own business… and I STILL don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

As for Sandra Korn (It bugs me a little that she gets to use that as her last name.), this is from her OTHER blog:
“Rantings of a Teenage Social Experiment
I used to believe that I was a social experiment. That I was so different from everyone else, I must have been created on some special assembly line. Then I realized that it’s not just me who’s different. So I decided to meet society in the middle: I became a little more normal, met people who were a little more like me. Gradually, I began to realize that I was probably made on the same assembly line as everyone else. It must have been something that happened afterwords.”
I think she pretty much explained herself away right there in her own cute little introduction.


Okay, has anybody said the obvious joke here yet?

“Sandra, shut your Korn hole!”


The hatred shown for Women’s Studies is a little bit odd and sad. It makes the comment writers look like they feel threatened by it. Comment 36 might want to look around for some anger- there is plenty in these comments.


I don’t feel threatened by women’s studies at all J, I feel fleeced by a government that utilizes some of my tax dollars to help fund ‘educations’ that are not going to give me, the taxpayer, a return on those wasted dollars. If I can work my ass off and have over half of my net worth confiscated in part to fund govt education loans and grants, I should be able to expect that the education my hard earned dollars are helping fund will at least result in that student aquiring the skills to land a job that gives back to me in some measurable way.

If Sandra is doing this on her own, or her own family’s dime, then more power to her, she can waste that money however she likes.


J@41: We aren’t threatened by it, in fact most of us find it highly amusing that a woman would need to go to college to learn about themselves. A mirror is much cheaper.


I have no problem with a Women’s Studies major as a sort of sociological/cultural anthropology means toward a more refined masters/phd. The problem with Ms Korn is that to me she has proven that she will likely be a poor social scientist. These endeavor require research, and the good ones ostenisbly earn their chops on extensive research. Based on her writings, Ms Korn is deficient in her research skills and instead opts for parroting unfettered rhetoric for the sake of perpetuating straight bias. My comment in the last post explains my rationale. She’s shown to lack neithet an impartial mindset nor a semblance of intellectual curiosity. This has diminshed her writings to nothing more than typical shill. I have no doubt that she will skate on by while continuing to lable those who disagree with her unresearched writings with such derision as “uber-conservative.” But name calling disguised as intellectual superiority is often the tactic of the misinformed and closed-minded


Being a detailed Recruiter, I like to gain “blueprint” info via the internet. It seems Ms. Korn is a 2010 high school graduate and has been blogging/writing for at least three years. While I don’t agree with her views, I will say that she seems intelligent (if misguided) for such a young lady. The beauty of the internet is that often the most passionate individuals reveal their true selves too openly. For example, clicking through a few of her posts supports our assumptions of her upbringing (“nice wealthy middle class neighborhoods”), her disdain for the military’s role and her political leanings (she “believe[s] in the immorality of war and the promise of democratic socialism to bring a decent lifestyle to all”). They also reveal a level of laziness when it comes to her education (about her last college application until grad school: “I’ll try to do some Ph.D program that requires only personal recommendations and interviews”). By the way, in case we didn’t already know, she loves “MAKING SURE that people know my opinions about things.” A look at the demographics of Basking Ridge show it is 87% white and has a median income of $105k with mostly white collar jobs: http://zipskinny.com/index.php?zip=07920 Blueprinting done, I’ll share my own opinions. Sandra may be intelligent, but that is a detriment unto itself when we can’t look beyond ourselves. In many ways, she reminds me of some of the high school kids I run into down this way; well-to-do parents, holier-than-thou attitude, rash, and quick to turn the other way when they see me coming. Instead of seeking knowledge about even that they disagree with they dismiss the military altogether, choosing to remain ignorant on the subject yet quick to tell their lesser privileged friends not to join. Ironically enough, this week in one of my classes (egads, an active duty Soldier that is also a full-time college student!) we are discussing critical thinking. While it seems Sandra Korn is more than capable at spounting off her opinions, she seems incapable of getting past those opinions in her writing. That’s okay for op-ed… Read more »

Michael in MI

fm2176 — Thanks for those links. This is a line from her first article published in the Crimson “When No Means Yes”:

“Nonetheless, an instance of blatant sexual harassment affecting a large number of Yale freshman occurred in 2010 in one of the most open-minded universities in the country.”

(1) I didn’t know a university could be “open-minded”
(2) The last thing I would consider ANY university — let alone an Ivy League university — is “open-minded”

Heck, this chick herself is Exhibit A of the typical, know-it-all, close-minded left-wing college student. I doubt she has ever opened her mind for more than a millisecond to research, discuss and/or consider conservative issues, Republican policies, military policies, military history, etc.

Michael in MI

Speaking of “open-minded”. . . based on my interaction with military members and the military community, I’d say that the United States military — that is to say, the members — is one of the most — if not THE most — open-minded institutions in the nation.

Those I knew in college, those I met at Ford when working there in V-Engine CAD, those I’ve interacted with on milblogs — Blackfive, Mudville, TAH, etc — my younger brothers (in the Air Force/Army National Guard and US Army), their friends and comrades, etc. . . no where have I encountered people who were more open-minded and intellectually curious about issues ranging from the social to the historical to the political to the economical. That open-mindedness and curiosity led to them reading books and doing research into arguments on all sides of political ideologies.

I tell ya, if I wanted to have an intellectual discussion of ideas, the last place I would go is a university campus. The average person on a university campus is about as open-minded as Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow.



Michael in MI

Just noticed in her “You Can’t be Neutral on a Moving Train” post, that fm2176 linked above, that she is an admirer of Marxist Howard Zinn. Shocker. I imagine her now as a female version of the dunce Matt Damon. And, no, that’s not a compliment for her. Did a little research on Sandra Korn and I think I came across some of her High School articles. Here she talks about disagreeing with Chris Christie in cutting funding for the school system: How Students Lose in the Budget Deal ========== When Governor Chris Christie announced budget cuts for school districts all around New Jersey, I am sure that he had the best interest of all New Jersey citizens in mind. I understand that his plan was thoroughly deliberated and involves what he, as an elected official, perceives as the least destructive way to save New Jersey from economic failure. I recognize that he has much more experience in and perspective on government spending than I do. However, I am a New Jersey high school student, in a district that is currently facing an 82 percent cut in state aid to the school budget. To me, the most important part of New Jersey’s state budget is its aid to school districts. [ . . . ] To Governor Christie, school programs may appear insignificant statistics, easily manipulated or disposed of. But to a student, one fewer class period can mean one fewer year of math in high school. [ . . . ] Last year, feared cuts to the school budget were relieved by an unexpected bailout from President Obama’s Recovery Act, allowing the district to reinstate slashed programs such as clubs in William Annin and Ridge. This year, there will be no federal bailout to save our district. The current tight budget has pushed up the sizes of my classes, prevented my friends from taking courses like Computer Science, and forced my teachers to use colored paper instead of white paper to conserve resources. [ . . . ] I am thankful for only one thing in this situation: six… Read more »

Michael in MI

Heh, also, did you see her blog response “In defense of my opinions on ROTC“?

Get a load of this paragraph:

For one, I don’t think it’s alarming that a lower percentage of Harvard students are involved in ROTC than the general population. In comparison to the rest of America, Harvard students are also disproportionately Democratic, disproportionately wealthy, disproportionately Jewish and Asian, disproportionately intelligent, and disproportionately likely to reside in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Many of these things correlate negatively with military service and many of them are completely unrelated, but either way, we cannot expect Harvard to be an exact microcosm of American society in every respect.

Hmmm… many of these things correlate negatively with military service? Let’s see what she mentions:

Democratic, wealthy, Jewish and Asian, intelligent and residents of Cambridge, MA.

Out of those 6 things, there’s only one that I really wouldn’t correlate with the military: Democrats. However, she said “many”. Who wants to bet she shares John F’in Kerry’s opinion that most of those in the military are not very intelligent?