Weinstein Compares Apples and Potatoes

| December 2, 2010

Over at VetVoice this morning, dicksmith reprints an article from Mother Jones written by their token veteran Adam Weinstein entitled “Army Kicks Out More Gays Than Fat Soldiers”. I guess it’s supposed to mean that the Army is more worried about gays in the military than unhealthy fat people. he could have just as easily titled the article “Army uses more bullets than TOW missiles” or “Navy sees more water than the Army”;

But the Army’s recent discharge statistics (.xls), given to MoJo by a government source, suggest that the service has been far more concerned about its soldiers’ sexual orientation than their waistlines, muscular endurance, or cardiovascular ability. In fiscal 2007 and 2008, the Army brass threw out 592 enlisted members for violating DADT—more soldiers than it ejected for excessive body fat or fitness-test failures combined.

I guess that neither Weinstein or dicksmith could fathom the fact that maybe there were more malcontents who declared themselves gay than there were body fatties. And unlike gayness, some body fatness is treatable. It’s not like a commander can put a gay guy on a diet of vaginas for a year until he’s not gay anymore. They don’t get another shot at the Gay Test to see they can pass on a second try.

And there’s always Bethany Smith/Skyler James who was begging to get thrown out for violations of DADT and couldn’t.

Yeah, I’ll do another interview with Weinstein…in his fucking wet dreams.

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Line of the year, steady diet of Vagina all around!

Doc Bailey

I could use a steady diet of vagina. would help my waistline

The Sniper

I have been on the vagina diet for decades (with some fasting due to a lack of supply)and it has kept me from puffing peters the entire time.

Thanks Vagina Diet!


Vagina Diet–also Atkins approved!


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by NickBaumann, Adam Weinstein. Adam Weinstein said: Wow, right-wing milblogs love me. I especially love the female-genitalia-related comment thread. http://bit.ly/hslvUh […]

Chuck Z

New from Weight Watchers: The Vagina Diet! We send you a month of great looking, great tasting and healthy vaginas, to kick start your metabolism and get you in the habit of making smart vagina choices. You’ll likely not see any weight loss, but you will lose any homosexual tendencies!


Being a committed and dedicated Vagitarian is the only way to go!


LMAO…. what a great comment thread.

Chuck Z

BTW, did they double-count the fat ghey soldiers?

Just Plain Bob

When I was seeing my son off for his deployment from Ft Carson last summer, I was pretty astounded at the large number of heavy-drop soldiers I saw walking around, some of them classifiable as morbidly obese.

The .xls does show a precipitous drop in the number of discharges for overweight troops. I think the line item that used to be used was “weight-loss failure” or “propensity for fat”, or words to that effect.

All it means is that now it’s easier to blow your way out of the Army than it is to eat your way out.