Navy puts kibosh on IVAW-UXO concert

| June 4, 2010

The latest money-raising scheme of the Iraq Veterans Against the War is their UXO Tour. UXO means unexploded ordinance – hinting that veterans back from the war are going to go off any minute now. Well their first concert was on a cruise ship in New York City and it was timed to coincide with Fleet Week when the most active duty service members, mostly Marines and Navy personnel, would be there.

Well of course, the Navy forbade their people to go to this concert and IVAW is mightily upset. I won’t link to them, because they block traffic to their site from this blog anyway, but here’s the “press release” they link.

“The military chain of command has no right to micromanage what service-members are doing in their off time”, said Nick Morgan, an Iraq veteran and UXO organizer. “They have no right to censor the information that’s available to them, especially when it’s within the confines of the law.”

You remember Nick Morgan, don’t you? He was the IVAW member who got stomped by horse-mounted police at the last Presidential debate on Long Island. I guess he’s survived.

Another organizer was junior rocket scientist Bobby Joe Grubb;

Grubb, another IVAW member who has never seen Iraq, said;

“We were incredibly successful in reaching out to these Sailors and Marines,” says Grubb. “We made solid contact with those we met while doing outreach”. He said many of them were interested in getting more involved in the active-duty and veteran-led anti-war movement.

But then the Navy forbade Navy personnel from attending. So I called the Navy in New York City and spoke to a PAO LT Sean P. Riordan. LT Riordan told me the reason the Navy restricted attendance at this particular GI Resistance Concert is because all of the Marines and Sailors were in New York in an official capacity and they were all in uniform, so the Navy decided that attendance at a GI Resistance Concert in NYC during Fleet Week in uniform would be inappropriate according to military guidelines.

Morgan also added that these concerts are helping to bring legal and mental-health resources to members of the military. “It’s imperative for these veteran-led efforts to be accessed by active-duty troops to make up for the lacking support they get from the current administration, the Department of Defense, and the Veterans Administration.”

Yeah, that’s why they had a concert. They could hand out brochures describing the help IVAW provides soldiers – like homeless Trey Kindlinger (a former member of the Navy) and legal help like James Branum. And if the concert was about providing veterans services, why is it called a GI Resistance Concert?

The Sailors and Marines weren’t “off” the whole time they were in NY, Nick Morgan, neither did the Navy restrict information. You could talk to them all you wanted.

The Navy made the correct call and IVAW is left to cry into their empty glasses because they overplayed their hand.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military issues, Usual Suspects

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I was wondering when we were going to hear that the IVAW was trying to crash Fleet Week. Couldn’t imagine them letting that one get by without some sort of protest. Particularly considering the geniuses that they have ‘representin’ in NY.

Poor babies. Nobody wants to play.


…not too many branches in that dude’s family tree, I’m betting. Whoa. What is that look he’s going for? Gangsta Amish?


Jonn, I posted an interview with Grubb one time, and some noise went off and this doofus about lost his mind. We the exception of that border line moronic chick interview, it was my favorite IVAW video.


I bet that thousand yard stare goes great with his IVAW t-shirt when attempting to fool onlookers into thinking he’s a disenfranchised battle-hardened warrior.


Jonn, watch this video where Bobby Joe Grubb admits that IVAW talked a guy into “resisting” which is (of course) illegal and why these morons events have been declared off limits.


OMFG what a classic. Love that video.

Old Tanker

Holy fuck stain….he should be Bobby Joe Shrub with that thing taking root under chin…is the ring in his nose so he can be led around by the IVAW????


I guess I could understand this if there was a draft on or something. But, nobody force any of us to sign up. What I do find kind of annoying, is the pukes who’ve never even been to war being a part of some group that makes claim to be. And anybody with a nose ring gets no respect from me…I was thinking of tying a 100 meters of 550 cord to that dudes ring and tying it to the back of a 998.

A Balrog of Morgoth

“The military chain of command has no right to micromanage what service-members are doing in their off time”

Were any of these guys actually ever in the military? One wonders, since they have apparently never heard of the routine practice of placing known trouble spots off-limits to military personnel. And, just looking at Bobby Joe Grubb is a pretty convincing argument for placing anything he is associated with off-limits.

A Balrog of Morgoth

My gawd, that Grubb photo is oddly fascinating…it is as if the lead singer from Prodigy and some random guy from Hamas got together and made a baby.

Casey J Porter

Clearly the Navy has more balls than the Army. These people are not concerned with healthcare or the future of the Service Member but pushing an agenda.

A bunch of never been deployed phonies, fakes, and liars.


Hahaharrrr, awesome. 0:42 min was quite entertaining as well. I bet fifty bucks the dog barking in the background was Bentley, the dog Matthis pretty much stole from Blanka. Poor girl found out he was planning on running away to Spain with the damn pug. Ripped her heart out of her chest, but she let him take it. Right before IVAW uplifted his ass to higher extremes of depravity. Fucking moochers.


Oh, nope… it’s in Georgia. Must be another poor misplaced pooch.


Funny how “Adding comments has been disabled for this video…”

richard mcenroe

“Morgan also added that these concerts are helping to bring legal and mental-health resources to members of the military. ”

Reminds me of former LA city council member Jackie Goldberg,who used to argue that gay sex ‘encounter clubs’ should be permitted in residential neighborhoods because “young gay men could go there and read AIDS prevention pamphlets, and stuff.”


Apparently IVAW has never looked at the Joint Ethics Regulation that specifically deals with uniformed attendance at such events. But yeah, these sailors and Marines volunteered… No draft and Iraq is winding down. So are we just resisting to resist lest the gravy train runs out?

amazing stuff here

Holy Shit! It’s Bobby G (this is what we called him back when I was a member of the Colorado Springs Chapter of “IV”AW).

That guy is the most stinkiest person I have ever met. I’m totally serious. Just think of 10 homeless people picking through the trash and all of them combined don’t smell as bad as Bobby G. My wife met him once and since that day whenever she describes something that smells bad, she says to me “that smells but not as bad as that guy Bobby G”.

In our house Bobby G isn’t a noun any longer he’s become an adjective.


Me–I’m not so sure they’ve even thought that far ahead. Can you imagine an IVAW meeting in about a year? “Hey we’re out of Iraq–now what do we do?”

B Woodman

That nose ring . . . that beard.
Dude, whatEVER you do, DON’T get in a fight.
You’d be easy pickings right off the mark.
(And this is a WARRIOR?? G*d help America)


I’ve always wondered what would happen to these douchenozzles with the piercings if you hooked up even a lantern battery to either end or between piercings to see how much they’d dance around. I’d pay to see that–double if they used something with some ass behind it like a Sorensen power supply, where you could vary the voltage and current…


Here’s one of Elaine Brower pulling that crap in Coney Island during Fleet Week.

calling them “Baby Killer” (at 1:39)

More crap on her youtube page.

Junior AG

“I’ve always wondered what would happen to these douchenozzles with the piercings if you hooked up even a lantern battery to either end or between piercings”

Their idol Jawn Karry would have “Winter Soldier” testimony flashbacks about his half-assed description of using a TA-312 to torture VC suspects…

Army Sergeant

I think the Navy would have a lot more of a leg to stand on if Fleet Week were known in NYC as anything but a lot of drunken debauchery by uniformed sailors. Before I was in the Army, it used to tick me off because they’d be drunk and throwing up all over the place. After joining the Army, it’d piss me off because they’d be behaving badly in uniform.

But either way, it is absolutely ludicrous to insist that every moment the sailors are there, they are on “official duty”. Are they on “official duty” partying it up in the West Village? Are they on “official duty” at the various strip clubs they attend in uniform? No, they’re only on “official duty” when they might attend an anti-war concert.

Casey J Porter

I like how in the above video she calls someone, probably a Marine, a baby killer, then is in this video claims to care about the troops:

It’s pretty funny, no one showed up and it just another anti-war circle jerk. Have any of these dipshits ever heard of a fucking tripod???

That Grubb dude, what a nut job.

Casey J Porter

As a former NCO, knowing what I know now about groups like IVAW, I would strongly advise them NOT to go to it. Not because I am for the war, I’m not. But with IVAW’s track record, hell, the anti-war movements for leading Soldiers down the path that leads to bad conduct discharges and other negative outcomes for them I had have to tell them it’s probably not good to get involved with your crowd.


AS said: if Fleet Week were known in NYC as anything but a lot of drunken debauchery by uniformed sailors.

And your point is….

Sorry sis, I don’t see the connection. Drunken Debauchery is a sort of a trade mark.

What does one have to do with the other?

Army Sergeant

No, I’m definitely not saying I oppose drunken debauchery. I just prefer out of uniform drunken debauchery. I’m just saying if the Navy is encouraging sailors to go out and hit the town in uniform, it’s a little silly for them to say “Go do all THIS stuff you’re not supposed to do uniform…but not THAT stuff.”


Come on AS… The safety briefing fixes everything and absolves the command of all wrongdoing.


AS said: I just prefer out of uniform drunken debauchery.

I’ll readily admit I can offer no/zero/nil current references.

The issue of the uniform is one thing. Fleet Week may well be a completely different issue?

The question would seem to be what was ordered? You may not agree, but even sailors on liberty are expected to follow orders or face the consequences.


AS–no, no broad brushes you’re using there, eh?



From what I’ve seen, IVAW doesn’t know anything except broad brush strokes. At the very least they endorse the worst offenders when they put Matthis “We’re all tortured, we’re all victims” Chiroux on the board.


Was out over the road when my girlfriend read this to me.

Used to be US Army troops had to follow protocol when in uniform and out in public. If memory serves me correctly commanders always preferred that troops stay away from any activities that ill-reflected the image.

Guess times have changed maybe?

Hi A/S! *salute* Long time, no see woman! How are ya? That dinner date is still open by the way…

As for Bobby Joe Gruber, this dude qualifies for the title of “Puddle Pirate”.

I know, I know its derogatory….however, I know of too many active duty and vets of the USCG for any of them to acknowledge this POS being one of theirs.

The size of his nose ring only lends itself to the image I now have of seeing him tied off to a real long tow rope from the end of a gun boat….

What say you, Gunz? (Know your reading this water dawg)


Street–even the Navy has taken a dim view of public drunkenness for quite some time now. Any alcohol-related incident on the beach (in or out of uniform) would get you a liberty restriction, if not an outright CO’s Mast, even when I first hit the fleet over 20 years ago–more so if it were in a foreign port or a Fleet Week somewhere.

So to perpetuate an outdated stereotype such as AS has done, and continues to do, smacks of just one more dipshit talking out of their ass.


I suppose NHsparky was in NYC during fleet week?


i actually may have contributed to the general drunkenness as i bought drinks for many of the young soldiers that i encountered around NYC during fleet week….. but that’s ok, because i got a lot of kisses in return – would that be the general debauchery part??


J–let’s just say I’ve got some time on the pond. And labeling an entire group on the actions of a stupid few (who do get punished, believe me) isn’t real bright either.

Army Sergeant

Kind of like labeling someone as an outdated stereotype when they’ve probably spent a lot more time in NYC during fleet week than you?


Now you’re just being a tool. Have I been in NYC during Fleet Week? Yup–and Portland during the Rose Festival. Your point? Personally, your broad accusation is nothing more than your bullshit rationalization again, and frankly, were I not of a higher maturity and possessing of greater mental faculties than you, I’d tell you to GFY. You want to go to the stereotype card, toots? Any. Fuckin. Time.


U.S. Navy puts I.V.A.W. Concert on the off-limits list…

IVAW puts on a concert on a cruise ship during Fleet Week in NYC. Navy opposes. And IVAW goes whack. Details over at the B5 Farm Team site……


Looks like Bobby Joe Grubb declared war on public decency and soap both.


The Navy should allow the sailors to attend any concert or function they choose. By not allowing their service members access to the IVAW they give the organization more legitimacy. Give the Sailors some credit. If they are good sailors nothing that this organization says is going to turn their heads or change their minds. If they are good sailors and good Americans you don’t want them as shipmates anyway. Former USN SEAL and Vietnam Combat Veteran


It would be pretty lame to put the event off-limits for those who are off-duty even though controlling off-duty activities is a normal sort of thing. There is always a “you can’t go here” list, of course, and commanders certainly have the “right” to put whatever they want on it. It’s possible that these guys know that, but most civilians don’t and it’s all PR right?

Except for the part about Fleet Week (never been near one myself) involving Sailors in uniform as a deliberate outreach I’d agree that putting the concert off limits was a bit much. But it was Sailors in uniform and that’s different. In uniform a person represents his or her service as a whole. Different deal.


SEAL, seriously? So let’s have them go to anyplace, regardless of whether or not they’ll get ripped off, mugged, drugged, etc. Ever hear of the phrase, “good order and discipline?” And you were a SEAL? Seriously?

Female Army Vet

I think it is pretty amazing that so many people slam the messenger and ignore the issue. At least Bobby is standing up for something he believes in and working toward that end.


So was Pol Pot. Standing up for something is not always noble. Every war on the planet was started and ended by people who were standing up for something.


“I think it is pretty amazing that so many people slam the messenger and ignore the issue.”

It’s not amazing, nor accurate. You just don’t have a good response for the commenters who DID address the BS inherent in a fucking coastie calling himself an “Iraq Veteran” in order to suggest superior firsthand knowledge on a subject about which he doesn’t know any more firsthand than your average Wal-Mart employee.

“At least Bobby is standing up for something he believes in and working toward that end.”

I am standing up for my belief that any veteran who has not served in Iraq but calls himself an “Iraq Veteran Against the War” (Or for the war, for that matter) is a lying sack of shit who deserves nothing but scorn. I work toward that end all the time. Praise me.

Female Army Vet

Bobby has never claimed to hae been in Iraq, He is a member of an organization that is working to end the war. Not everyone who works to end cancer actually suffered with it either.


Hey, vet–what do the first two letters of “IVAW” stand for again? Mmmmkay, thanks for playing.