Golf or Gulf

| June 4, 2010

Ace says this video will go viral, so who am I to break the sacred chain?

Do I think it’s fair to Obama? Nope. He can’t stop the oil anymore than he can provide health insurance to people who don’t want to pay for it. He can’t budge BP to plug the leak anymore than he can make them develop “clean energy”. He can’t force people to clean up the mess anymore than he can find real private sector jobs for them.

I’m running the video to stick my finger in the eye of all of those fucksticks who pestered Bush anytime he didn’t do what they thought he should be doing for eight years. How’s your messiah smell now?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck

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Good post from a while ago. I don’t think Obama should be responsible, either. But what I think doesn’t matter. He (The Left) set the bar that high. Who am I to ask that he conforms to his own standard?


Is it just me, or does this guy look like he really just wanted the cool shit associated with the presidency and not all that yucky hard stuff like governing and presidenting and shit.

AW1 Tim

I think he’s an attention whore, and all the rest just get’s in the way. He’s the only one in his little universe. Hell, his three favorite words are “me”, “myself”, and “I”.


I really hope O played better than I did today.
Holy ugly.


I can take solace in the fact that I play better golf than Barack O’Duffer…and I sold my clubs 10 years ago.


I’ve been avoiding ‘The Oil Spill’ stuff. In truth the timing and subsequent events kick – started my ultra-paranoid conspiracy gene.

I’ll just say… Whateverz?

A Balrog of Morgoth


This guy was part of the Blame Bush for Everything Brigade before he even started campaigning, during his campaign and every single day since he assumed office.

Embrace the suck, Barry.


I’m running the video to stick my finger in the eye of all of those fucksticks who pestered Bush anytime he didn’t do what they thought he should be doing for eight years. How’s your messiah smell now?
Jonn, pray we don’t ever meet, or you’re getting a hug for that.

Miss Ladybug

I don’t blame Obama for the cause of the spill, but I blame him for not properly responding to it. His administration didn’t follow plans set out as an “if this happens, these actions are automatically authorized”. Jindal has asked to do things to keep the oil out of the marshes, and Obama’s administration says “we have to study it first”, ignoring the fact this is a pressing issue and there isn’t time for a “study”. I’m sick and tired of the “boot on the neck of BP” talk from him and his people. If McCain had won, and behaved the same way as Obama has been, the press would have crucified him for it…


Note the MSM response to the Obama administration actions of the oil spill, then note the MSM response to the Bush administration actions over Katrina. Nope–no bias there.


nice video.. and we didnt need a moron like Michael Moore to produce it. Still…. so few will blame the administration. The ‘Blame Bush Strategy’ is in its infancy…wait till Oct/Nov when they come out in force and try & shift blame for their ineptness


One differnce is W had to work with two inept state and city politicians while O could have put the full power of the federal response in action because the crises occured in an area of federal responsability. If he would have just followed the detailed SOP much of this crises could have been avoided.


Not to mention, forcing all of the drilling companies out to where the water is a mile deep, rather than let them drill close-in, where the water is shallower. And, not following the SOP in place.
He’s the one that said, “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and the planet began to heal”. How’s that line working out for ya now, Owebowma? Maybe, just maybe, you understand what W went through? Katrina wasn’t his fault, but he was crucified for not doing something, the Golf, er, Gulf oil spill wasn’t your fault, but you didn’t do anything, so live with it.


His less than stellar performance and now well proven inability to take the lead on any matter should be an indicator to his um, so called (moonbat) followers.

Your lack of reaction, Mr Obama is costing the hard working those of us that are busy supporting the not so hard working those of you lots of lost income.

And to think BP America paid (er contributed) a cool million to Obama’s campaign…Hey BP America? How’s that hopey changy thing working for ya now?