SV accusations in close Senate race in MT

| October 25, 2024 | 22 Comments

Tim Sheehy, Republican candidate for Senate in Montana

October surprises abound in elections across the country. Will they derail a hopeful’s chance at becoming a millionaire dedicated public servant that wouldn’t dream of insider trading? Here’s hoping we get Congressmen that are actually interested in the public service aspect of the job. A guy can dream, right?

Today’s October surprise comes from NBC News in regards to the Montana Senate race. Democrat Jon Tester is seeking re-election, but is currently polling being Republican Tim Sheehy. Sheehy on paper is a great candidate. He’s a former Navy SEAL officer, graduate of Annapolis, a decorated combat veteran with a Purple Heart and BSM w/ “V”, and now in civilian life is an aerial firefighter, flying water bombers. In short, he’s the all-American badass. A shoe-in to unseat a Democrat in the very red Montana, right?

Well…not so fast. It seems there are accusations that Mr. Sheehy has embellished his service. He’s claimed he was shot in Afghanistan, but alternative stories have come out on that. He’s also stated that he was medically discharged from the service, but NBC News says the records they have say otherwise. We don’t have the records to verify any of this, so give it all due respect. The source is the news agency that famously tried to grenade G.W. Bush’s re-election with fake documents related to his military service.

From NBC News;

Tim Sheehy, a former Navy SEAL running for the Senate in Montana, has said he was discharged from the military for medical reasons because of injuries he sustained on duty, but his discharge paperwork tells a different story.

The heavily redacted, two-page document obtained by NBC News indicates that Sheehy voluntarily resigned his commission and does not list any medical condition that forced him out of uniform, according to a review of the document and a current and former U.S. official familiar with the details of his separation.

Sheehy said as much in his memoir last year, noting that he did develop a health issue but it was not the reason he left the Navy.

In the book, “Mudslingers: A True Story of Aerial Firefighting,” Sheehy wrote that he suffered a bad case of decompression sickness, commonly known as the bends, while he was riding in a mini-submarine during a training exercise in Hawaii. It caused a “tiny hole in my heart.”

“There would be a period of recovery and evaluation, I was told, before I could return to active duty,” he wrote.

He ultimately decided to resign instead. “If I couldn’t be out in the field, leading from the front, then it was time to consider doing something else,” he wrote. “I had put in my time; I was free to go if that was what I wanted.”

In a statement to NBC News, a spokesperson for the Sheehy campaign offered a more nuanced explanation.

“Tim Sheehy was honorably discharged from the Navy after being declared medically unfit to continue to serve as a Navy SEAL in 2014,” the spokesperson said. “After Tim left active duty in 2014, he was then in the Navy Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)” — a section of the Navy Reserve — “until his honorable discharge in 2019.”

The spokesperson did not directly address why Sheehy’s discharge paperwork contradicts his claims that he was discharged for medical reasons.

A decorated military career

What’s beyond dispute is that Sheehy had a decorated military career. He was awarded a Purple Heart for wounds sustained in battle in one of the most dangerous parts of Afghanistan, as well as a Bronze Star for valor.

Sheehy’s apparently false claims of being medically discharged add to the number of statements he has made about his military record that have been questioned. He was already facing scrutiny for his claim that he was shot in Afghanistan, which has been contradicted by a National Park Service ranger who has told reporters that Sheehy shot himself in an accident at Glacier National Park in 2015.

Sheehy’s showdown with Democratic incumbent Jon Tester is one of the most closely watched Senate races in the country. Sheehy, a Republican who operates an aerial firefighting company, is leading Tester in the polls. With the Democrats holding a razor-thin majority, the outcome could determine which party controls the Senate.

Finish reading it at the source.

Category: Breaking News, Politics, SEALs, Veterans in politics, Veterans in the news

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Is there an opening for Sheehy
on Dick Cheney’s upcoming birding trip?

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Last edited 3 hours ago by MarineDad61
USMC Steve

At this point if he is not a dem don’t even care. People need to start playing the long game here. And how many of these are made up stories to sling mud to keep the GOP candidates from winning their races, which is something the socialist democrats would not even blink at doing if it would benefit them.

Green Thumb

I have met this guy. Prick. And I am not alone…..

He was the real deal, for sure (and he has a PH). But his story keeps changing (about everything – # of PH’s, reason for retiring – or conversely – did he retire, medical discharge or leave after obligation?), the whole gunshot thing, etc. And the gunshot thing – give me a break.

Hate to say it – but he is a clown with a lot of money looking to buy his way in. Surprise, surprise. Also – met the other guy too. Do not like him, either.


Sounds like a case of which steamy pile smells better for the people of Montana.

Green Thumb


Green Thumb

One other thing. When a few of us talked to him (highly decorated and older OIF / OEF SMs), we came away wondering what our contribution to the war was.

Guess we softened the enemy up first (way before him) and his and his own came in and SEALed the deal.

Just an observation. One man hero, right here.


Since when has an election been between two or more really good people? The best possible person to hold that office? Are there many good people left?


I think it’s been a good long time since that happened, HT3. I’ve been voting for 50+ years and it seems that for the last 30-40 of those years it’s been a choice between what I thought would be the lessor of the two evils. My local district’s US Rep has a R behind his name and he led the charge to change all of the Military Posts/Bases Names and remove the Reconciliation Monument. My local State Senator is D and has had a lock on that seat for decades, the district being drawn to ensure that a “Minority” would be elected. Can’t remember the last time he had anyone run against him. I left that section of my ballot blank when I did the early vote thing yesterday.

Yes there are a lot of good people in this country but who in their right mind would want to subject themselves or their family to the cesspool that politics have become? In this case, I’d defer to the opinion of Green Thumb being as he has met this dude. Too bad that isn’t some kind of form that lists the record of service for an individual that we could look at. Oh…wait It is a shame that we no longer have people that would pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor anymore.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

As Dan Bongino says, most of the DC republicans are really DemoRats whom vote with the DemoRats The ones whom aren’t are the Conservative Republicans, And all DemoRats aren’t republican.


So someone can’t get shot twice? Or more specifically get winged in Afghanistan during a firefight, and then while having fun in Glacier National Park mishandle the guns that he is supposed to be an expert with and have a Negligent Discharge?!
Has anyone talked to the S.E.A.L.s that served with him? They will probably all agree with Green Thumb. He may have gotten the bends and had a medical hold, and his Superiors decided that since he also could not handle a firearm safely that he needed to move on in his career choice. Which would prompt some sole searching and a decision to resign his commission (some might say quit…but no-one likes a quitter!). Now he just bends the story a bit to suit his requirements.
I’m not happy with the way I left the service either… but then I am not running for office.


That is what I was thinking. I actually knew a drug dealing pimp who had been shot on three different occasions. Finally he was run over by a train, bless whatever was left of his tiny heart.

If I had an unintentional selfie, that isn’t information I’d like to put out there.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Sounds like the drug dealer started off on the wrong track in his life.


The helluva it was he wasn’t even on the tracks. Long story short he was walking right next to the track and a railing of the train jutted out just far enough to take his head near clean off. Something about 1000 tons of torque. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Some people are bullet proof but nobody is train proof.


Dan Crenshaw, SEAL asshole,, is a BIGGER insider trader than Pelosi


I’m not so sure about that. All of his accusations of insider trading revolve around stock trades made during COVID from companies that were clearly going to benefit from the effects of the outbreak. It didn’t exactly take a genius or insider information to figure that Amazon was going to have a banner year and that airlines were going to tank. I’d say anyone making accusations about that is simply stupid and doesn’t understand how markets work.


You can’t be this naive.


Montana needs John Dutton in office.

Green Thumb

Kidding aside, I heard from a couple of credible people that the Governor was saying (publicly) that he (Sheehy) was wounded in action three times. Count it, three times. The Governor (GOP).

No shit.


I’d vote for him. Not Kevin Costner, but if John Dutton were real he would be a good governor. He might have a higher body count than Clinton too.


I might be moving to Montana soon….


raising it, waxing it down