The burning question answered

| October 9, 2024 | 15 Comments

The meaning of life? What are we here for? Who shot J.R. (kids, go ask an adult about that one)? Nope, the question many of us have been wondering about…..Kamala’s gun.

She says she has a gun. She says anyone trying to get into her house will be shot (most likely by US Marshals, they do a fair bit of protection and the Secret Service – well, probably the Marshals.) Given her implacable stance against seemingly any and all guns, dating back to her kneepad time as a D.A. in San Fran, the gun owning world Had To Know.  Well, on 60 Minutes this weekend, if you must know (we must! we must!) she finally said: It’s a Glock.

“I have a Glock, and … I’ve had it for quite some time,” Harris said, before telling Whitaker that her “background is in law enforcement.”

Harris, who previously served as California’s attorney general before serving in the U.S. Senate, told Whitaker that “of course” she has fired the weapon “at a shooting range.”  People

I wouldn’t say she BSes, but I would like to know which range she thinks she went to – and when. Wonder who loaded it for her? And who in law enforcement – didn’t think Willie was an LEO.

No word on which model of Tupperware Glock she has – possibly the ubiquitous G17?

Think she has a “switch”?


Yes, I know the girl above isn’t Kamala…just had to get that bad Harris taste out of my mouth.

Category: 2024 Election

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A Proud Infidel®™

Bitch, please.
Her native American Title is “Grounded pigeon”, meaning a bird that’s too full of shit to fly.


Varies from state to state but in California the county DA is the chief law enforcement officer for the county and the state AG has oversight on all police/ sheriff’s in the state. As the DA in San Francisco she would have had a chief investigator working for her and a number of other investigators working for him/her/whatsit. The DA personally has no arrest powers, but you better believe their investigators do, so they are law enforcement and they do work for the DA.

In my state the DA can arrest people and they are issued firearms by the state, but I don’t live in California.

I do wonder how many rounds her Glock holds. That could be a felony in DC or California If it’s the wrong number.

USMC Steve

And the only Glorck you can own is a gen III in kalifornia.


glad I live in a free state with no “roster” telling me what I am permitted to own.Shame they are air dropping as many Haitians as they can into my state in a move to flip the state.


Don’t know but it’s been a minute since she was DA. If it is left over from then it likely is a Gen III or even a II. Curios she didn’t mention the model number, probably doesn’t know what it is.

Forest Bondurant

I call bullshit.

She’s a liar.


She is a liar, but could be telling the truth here. I certainly have doubts but it is possible.


Rachel Madcow made a claim a few years ago that she was a “gun owner” to bolster her antigun stance and posted some pics of her at a range with a smug smirk on her face while posing on the firing line with a clearly not rented shotgun. This is just the same thing, “I’m just like you dear gun owners, and I believe in sensible gun laws and totally not bans and restrictions.”


Lady at the top has horrible trigger discipline!


She keeps doing that thing with her finger and the gun will go off for sure.


Surprised she didn’t try to pander to multiple groups by saying it was a Glizzie with a Swizzie..


Fitting she’s a Glock Gurl. She’s as fake as anything they make. And just as Tupperware makes a good seal, she will seal the destruction of these States United.


I’m just wondering if she has her “The Government allows you to carry this outside your home, and can be concealed from view” card; and if when she is not carrying it (probably most of the time… does she have it properly locked in locked storage container with a trigger lock, and a cylinder block installed?!

She probably has one of those 43 models becuase a 17 or 19 is too big


I believe her. I imagine she probably got it right after her shift at McDonald’s so that she’d feel safe in Montreal from all those hardened French criminals.


I subscribed to the saying that Friends don’t let friends show up to a gunfight in a caliber that doesn’t start with a 4.

Back before the boating accident I had three .40 S&W examples. One a very concealable STAR Firestar, that was very similar mechanically to JMBs last design the Browning High Power. When I attended Gunsite for their basic pistol course I used a Taurus PT 101 in .40 S&W in the 90s because it was very similar to the M9 that was my issue weapon but capable of being carried cocked and locked (Condition 1) as JMB so intended, While there I was afforded the opportunity to fire a Glock in 40 S&W, As a result I purchased a model 22 upon returning home. It proved to be very reliable, accurate, and easy to shoot. But as I learned when attempting to traverse the passage between Tybee and Hilton Head it couldn’t swim.

Now it and my other weapons share the deep with a USAF Mk 15.