Race baiting update

| October 9, 2024

One of my personal favorites – remember the 9-year old kid that went to a Kansas City Chiefs football game with orange and black face paint? The one whom media slandered by claiming the kid was in blackface (yeah, if you looked from only one angle) – well, that may have been a pricey mistake.

The lawsuit was filed by California residents Raul Armenta Jr. and his wife, Shannon, on behalf of themselves and their son, Holden, who attended a game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Las Vegas Raiders last November.

According to the lawsuit, Holden, referred to in the lawsuit as “H.A.”, is a Chiefs fan who also loves his family’s Chumash-Indian heritage. He wore a Chiefs jersey to the game, with his face painted half-red and half-black, and a costume Native American headdress. Holden got the opportunity to pose with Raiders cheerleaders and was also shown briefly during the television broadcast of the game, with his red-and-black face paint visible. An Associated Press photographer also captured an image of Holden showing both sides of the boy’s painted face.

So we have a half-Indian (feather, not dot) lad who loves his team – and site Deadspin has to turn it racial.

However, using a screenshot that showed only the side of Holden’s face painted black, Deadspin writer Carron Phillips published an article the next day accusing the boy of being racist.

“The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” the headline on the article reads. “They’re doubling up on the racism,” a subhead reads. “Are you going to say anything, Roger Goodell?” — a reference to the NFL commissioner.

So, the family sued. Naturally Deadspin posited that it was all freedom of speech and that their worthless piece of race-baiting shit author was blameless.

On Monday, Superior Court Judge Sean Lugg denied Deadspin’s motion to dismiss the Armentas’ lawsuit, rejecting arguments that the article was opinion and thus protected from liability for defamation.

“Deadspin published an image of a child displaying his passionate fandom as a backdrop for its critique of the NFL’s diversity efforts and, in its description of the child, crossed the fine line protecting its speech from defamation claims,” the judge wrote.   AP

The parent company of Deadspin was sold a while back and all the staff laid off – one hopes the judge is as sympathetic to that ruse as Deadspin’s move to dismiss..

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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“Hey mom, can I do blackface at the nationally televised football game? Being 9, I really love blackface as a way of making fun of black people and I’d really like to showcase that to the greater football watching audience.”
“Well son, I guess we’ll be sitting right next to you, so I’m pretty sure that’s ok.”


Oh, and since the NFL teams are in trouble for using Native American symbols to represent themselves (even if the tribe itself supports this)…maybe we can find a ceremonial headdress that I can wear as well! You know just to show that I want to appropriate every minority culture I can! Not that I am a minority myself right!

Sure junior that sounds like fun


I still want the DC team to be the Washington Moonbats.

Bark! Bark! Bark!

A Proud Infidel®™

Aww, his race-baiting half-assed bullshit blowing up in his face? Bless his heart.


Still ok for diversity to wear blond wigs, fake eyelashes and use indoor plumbing?

USMC Steve

I made that point to some blacks, that their womyn trying to look white with appropriating “our womyn’s hair styles” and such was racist. Pissed them off royally too.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



Hope that young Holden is left holding a bag of money, Deadspin is spun into total bankruptcy, and Mr. Phillips is left holding his stepped on d*ck.


Maybe he can get Camel-toe for that last one King…

Hack Stone

Between him, Nick Sandman and Kyle Walker, a lot of young people are becoming millionaires under Bidenomics. Of course, they are white males, so it must be due to the white patriarchy.


Lawfare works both ways.

Hit ’em back hard, y’all!


When they try to settle and ask how much you want, reply back with how much you got. Or when they begin to write a check, tell them to add zeros until told to stop.

As far as the writer of the article, that’s a nice house you have. It should bring a good price. And my son will eventually need a first car for school, so we’ll be taking that as well.

Here’s a 30 year old clapped out mini van, and directions to a bridge. You can park there.


Nice headdress and makeup job!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This makes me smile…anytime the clowns at corporate MSM outlets have to face reality is a good time.


It won’t be true justice unless Phillips is held personally responsible. This kind of crap won’t stop unless and until there are personal consequences for the people fomenting it.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

But you can’t leave out the editors. They’re the ones that correct, spell check, and approve all the crap that fits the print.


Oh, yea, the platform should be held accountable as well, my point was that Phillips shouldn’t be given a pass, which is what usually happens.

The lawyers go after the organization because they usually have deeper pockets (maybe not in this case, but usually) or insurance, but the individuals who actually committed the harm aren’t held accountable.

Forest Bondurant

The way the media is nowadays, I’m surprised Carron Phillips didn’t win a Pulitzer Prize for his photo followed by Deadspin winning the Edward R. Murrow award.

Dennis - not chevy

One day my daughter (who had some Native American heritage, not a lot, but more than someone who shall go nameless) busied herself by joining a member of the Lakota Tribe in making a choker necklace. She had some authentic pieces; but, this was just for fun. Upon completion she wore the necklace; but, wouldn’t you know it, someone took offense. How dare she! A pretindian, a blond Cherokee, hah, said the offended party.

My daughter just walked away knowing you can’t slap the stupid out of people; you just have to let them live with it.


To those that were offended, did they go see the Lakota tribe to see if they could sit in and help create the necklaces? Sounds like they found it easier to criticize than to put in the same effort to help.

Dennis - not chevy

The loudest didn’t do anything but complain about my young’un. I suppose any sort of manual labor would have been too hard on the offended one’s manicure.

Hack Stone

On behalf of the People of Color who are so stupid that they do not know when they should be offended, I find your cultural appropriation of (insert food, clothing, verbiage or mannerisms here) to be offensive and I immediately demand that you cease and desist the offending action immediately and rub the feet of some random African American as a sign of true atonement.


It doesn’t have to be random. He can rub the feet of Elon Musk.

Dennis - not chevy

I know a Asian woman who gets angry when she sees a white person using “chop sticks”. She gets extremely angry when she hears a veteran use the GI phrases of her native language. I do wish her well and I hope for her sake these are the worst of her troubles.


Does she refrain from using a fork? From using electricity and flush toilets? From speaking English?


I disagree Dennis.. I believe you CAN slap the stupid out of people.. given enough determination and effort.. it may take quite a while, but if your stamina is up to it…


Unleash the lawyers. Wipe them out. All of them.


Life’s a bitch…
Than you get sued…

MSG Eric

If it’s just his “opinion” the family should also sue him for defamation, along with the company.

I’d like to think this dumbass was trying to pull the same thing that was successful for years, but in this case it backfired brilliantly. I think we’re at the point where the majority of people are done bending the knee to race grifters, outrage activists, etc etc.

The way the campaign is going for Harris right now seems to support that as well.