Late night off-base drinking curtailed for US troops in Japan

| October 5, 2024 | 3 Comments

A series of alleged sexual assaults by US military members in Japan this year led to an edict prohibiting late-night drinking. This prohibition applies to off-base drinking from 1 a.m. through 5 a.m. in the morning. Noncompliance with service specific and Department of Defense directives related to sexual assault prevention and response may result in liberty not being granted.

From Military Times:

The memorandum calls upon military personnel to police both their own and other service member’s conduct, and report any lawlessness immediately to their superiors.

“Acts of indiscipline or misbehavior by U.S. military personnel adversely impact international relations, tarnish the image of the United States military, and affect our military readiness,” the order states.

Commanders retain the right to strengthen the policy when appropriate, as well as provide exemptions to the curfew, according to the order.

The restrictions come after several service members were arrested for sexual assault in the Okinawa region of Japan over the last six months.

The order also calls on commanders to refrain from granting liberty to service members “not in compliance with Service-specific and DoD directives regarding sexual assault prevention and response training.”

Additional Reading:

Ceder, R. (2024, October 2). No more late-night off-base drinking for US troops in Japan. Military Times. Link.


Category: Military issues

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As Ron White says, “ya can’t fix stupid”… I’m sure this has NOTHING to do with lower standards for recruiting / retention..


Nothing at all to do with it, Fyr. After all, most of the new recruits of late have been not only stunning…but brave also.


Is day drinking still OK.
