Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| October 2, 2024 | 9 Comments

If this is the new masculine, we’re doomed

College-education is worth every penny

The media loves to mourn Islamic terrorists

She looks like the picture of good health, we should listen to her

Biden-Harris is only letting 13,000 convicted murderers stay in the US

Girl’s bathrooms are best kept safe when they don’t let boys in

FEMA still batting .1000

They’re so worried Trump will get in office and act like Biden

Get us out of the UN, then get the UN out of US

She aborted her baby because she likes her dog better?

Biden’s foreign policy is nothing but wins!

And Blinken says we’re doing great

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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I’m kinda like Santa Claus right now. I’m making a list…and checking it twice…on things I need to do to…Prepare


Women fought for eighty years for public restrooms in buildings and workplaces and then pissed them all away.

Last edited 3 hours ago by 5JC

FEMA’s #2 strategic goal isn’t even responding to disasters. It is “Lead whole of community with climate resilience”. I don’t want the Federal Emergency Management Agency doing that, whatever TF it is. I want them restoring power and handing out food after a disaster not throwing tax money into a landfill. Otherwise they can just disband the whole thing.


I read that entire FA article and Blinken never says we are doing “great” with our relations with Iran nor does he even imply it. He calls out a number of actions that Iran has taken that shows they are opposing US policy at every turn. Not sure who came up with that headline but a rare swing and a miss from TLOTT.

He does offer and unqualified support for the funds restoration that Biden did and somehow implies that is slowing Iran’s development of nukes but offers no evidence of that.


#1 is Equity? Like Stalin did with Kulaks in the Ukraine famine?


Still touting N95 masks for a slightly bad cold, eh?

These ladies are using theirs… No, wait. Those are swimsuits.

(warning: grab a bucket and/or cover yer keyboard lest ye drool over it. This palate cleanser should not be taken by anyone with a heart condition or convictions)


We would sell a lot more power tools if this commercial was aired in the United States

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

If I “see something”, I’m supposed to “say something”?
But if it’s not gender diversity inclusive, then I’m the one that gets silenced?


An observation from last night…
