Weekend Open Thread

| August 30, 2024 | 132 Comments

It looks like one of Cheese Slayer’s old Facebook accounts ended up in the hands of someone in another country. Where Blobfish called himself “Doc Chevy”, the new owner uses the label, “Dr. Chevrolet“. He works on cars, so there appears to be a connection between the name of the account and the person using that account. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Hack Stone

Shit!! The vast Chicken Wing Conspiracy strikes again.


Mr. Stone, would you prefer tomato, mustard, or vinegar based dipping sauce for you vast chicken wings? Or possibly take it dry like The Phony Native American Seal Phil “We Blow Winos behind The Flying J Truck Stop” Monkress likes it?

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress probably serves chicken wings out of his two-hole.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Phil Monkress is less likeable than three-day-old Gas Station Sushi,


Ah geez… I’m not even gonna ask if you really know that that is true!


TRIFECTA!!!!KA-BOOOOM!!! And no, I wasn’t sitting here, flailing away at my F5/Refresh Key. Had been out checking on the Beef Beast Brisket that has been smoking lowly, ready to be served up to my Adoring D’weeded and Adorable Deplorables, came back in, logged on and WHUUUMP! There it was…another Random Time Vaunted TAH Weekend Open Thread…awaiting The Gun Bunny’s Time on Target FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION to claim the Coveted EARNED NEVER AWARDED Weekend Open Thread FIRST.

Belly up, My Friends, the beverages are on ice, pulled porked beast, and fresh Sour Dough Bread is ready along with the brisket. ENJOY!

Hack Stone

The Boss just called. She needs Hack to give a cost breakout for software purchases, and yes, Red Hat is on that list. She may not have the professional pedigree of Elaine Ricci, but as female bosses go, she is extremely good looking.

Green Thumb

But she is unable to come to the phone….


Pictures?…Preferably of her in some “Soft Wear”!

Hack Stone

Korean American, and everything is in the right place. She is truly an inspiration to the sales staff. Of course, once Elaine Ricci completes her rehab for placebo addiction at The Betty Rubble Clinic, she’ll be out there on the shoulder of the Capital Beltway selling outdated Red Hat Software.

Hack Stone

This WOT Is 11 minutes old, and it looks like we are the only ones who showed up.


Took me a while.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone will just have to be satisfied with the Most Improved Odor Award.


Get downwind of the smoker, Mr. Stone…It is quite odiferous there.

Hack Stone

If you got fired from All Points Logistics for making a complete ass of yourself while trying to defend the lies of Phil Monkress and not being gainfully employed for over ten years, can you still celebrate Labor Day? Asking for a friend.

Green Thumb

Lori Benton knows….

Green Thumb

However, Paul-mer (of the ballsack) would have valuable insight.

20k’s worth.

Hack Stone

Paul-mer of The Ballsack has managed to accomplish a lot more than most of you Adorable Deplorables. How many of you can truthfully claim not one, but two bankruptcies in your lifetime.

And to start your holiday weekend off with a chuckle, who knows the significance of 354?

Hack Stone

No guesses on the significance of 354? It just so happens to be Paul-mer of The Ballsacks weight and his credit score.

A Proud Infidel®™

And yet you fail to mention his penchant for smoking old Jaguar cars!

Commissioner Wretched

A triple for the King of Battle! You know, if I wasn’t on eight or nine stories for the Daily Planet, I could monitor the WOT drop a whole lot better, considering the admins are trying (and succeeding, I note) to keep us on our toes. Well, darn, another week goes by without a chance to claim the always-earned, never-given FIRST on the thread. Congrats to the King, and trivia for all!

What harsh U.S. prison served, paradoxically, the best food?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

As summer begins to wind down, let’s look ahead to the fall of the year.

Okay, that’s enough.

I don’t want to lose one moment of this glorious summertime, and I suspect you don’t either. I hope it’s been going very well for you!

One thing you also don’t want to lose is trivia, so let’s bring a new collection forward and thrust it into the light.

The light of summer, of course!

Did you know …

… the term “astronaut” is actually older than the profession? The first recorded use of the word was in 1880, in a science fiction novel Across the Zodiac by Percy Greg (1836-1889). His use of the word was for the spaceship itself, however, not for the person. Thanks to his stories, a crater on Mars is named for him.

… a series of U.S. telephone numbers are not real numbers? Bear with me a moment. If you ask for someone’s telephone number and the number they give you is 555-0100 up to 555-0199, know that you’re being given phony information. Those numbers are reserved for use in entertainment and advertising. (Phony. Get it?)

Commissioner Wretched

… a unique method of solving conflicts can be found among the Inuit? The natives of northern North America use a method of conflict resolution called song duels. According to anthropologists, when a challenge is made, both parties prepare a series of songs about the other person. The songs point out activities and behaviors committed by the other person that were not exactly appropriate, and at a scheduled time the two sing their songs in front of both settlements. The singing continues until one party cannot reply, and the songs that produced the most laughter determined who won the dispute. (I could just see Congress doing things this way. It might make a great sitcom!)

… the brain size of koalas has shrunk dramatically over time? Compared to their ancient Australian ancestors, modern koalas have a smaller brain size, and scientists think it is an adaptation to the low energy diets they live on. (Besides, what do koalas have to think about, anyway?)

… some composers take their work very seriously? Case in point: Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759) wrote an opera titled Ottone in 1723. In it, an aria called “Falsa Immagine” appears. When soprano Francesca Cuzzoni (1700-1778) refused to sing the aria at a rehearsal, Handel is said to have grabbed her by the waist and threatened to throw her out of the window. In her defense, Cuzzoni noted that the part was not originally intended for her. The soprano did sing the aria in the performance and it actually helped cement her reputation as a fine singer. (The moral here, kids? Take a chance! Or take a ride out the window.)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Song duels. Seems to me the Scandinavians had something similar? Possibly for competition and challenges, not necessarily for conflict resolution. I think. More grist for CW to research and report. Have at it, CW!

Commissioner Wretched

On it, Toxie.

Just sounds like cultural appropriation by rappers for their “battles,” to me.

*Appropriation is too strong, here, and a useless term, in general; but today’s “rap battles” definitely seem like a modern analog. At least the Mohawks learned how to swing a war club by playing lacrosse, so if the game didn’t settle the argument….

Last edited 15 days ago by Hate_me

In America they solve conflicts with Your Vice President of a proud but humble woman owned business is so stupid… competitions.


Think you might have gotten confused on your stories, CW – it’s CONGRESS’ brains that have gotten smaller with time.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve heard that a group of Baboons is called a Congress.


Time to make Congress’s asses red as well. Sorry, it’s all I got at the moment.


This is one of my favorite copy pastas, and it happens to be about koalas. Enjoy,

Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally – their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can’t afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently… Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they’re fucking terrible animals.


Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio… There’s a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn’t want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother’s anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn’t helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury… should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them.


And, contrary to popular belief, they really don’t taste all that great.


Plus, they bite.

Commissioner Wretched

… one of the harshest U.S. prisons had the best food? Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay was used as a maximum-security federal prison from 1934 to 1963, and housed between 250 and 300 of the most infamous criminals in history, including the likes of Al Capone (1899-1947). But as harsh as “The Rock” was – and believe me, it was – it featured the best food in the U.S. prison system. Inmates received three very good meals each day and could eat all they wanted, provided they ate all they took in the cafeteria-style line. The fine cuisine was the legacy of the prison’s first warden, James “Saltwater” Johnson (1874-1954). Johnson, who implemented some pretty strict rules on the inmates such as total silence at times, believed that one method of keeping those most notorious in line was with good food, so he made sure the food was not only palatable, it was the best.

… Superman fought a popular boxing champion in the comics? In 1978, DC Comics published a book in which the Man of Steel squared off in the boxing ring against Muhammad Ali (1942-2016). Ali was a big fan of the Superman comics and promoted the book at a press conference. The story concerned an alien invasion of Earth and required Superman to box Ali without his super powers. Ali wins, knocking the superhero out. Additional trivia note: Delays in the comic’s publication meant that when it finally hit the streets, Ali – who was world champion when the story was written – was no longer champion, having lost the title to Leon Spinks (1953-2021). And the fight in the book took place on a planet in which Superman would have no super powers, which would have been an unfair advantage even against Ali. The book was one of DC’s best sellers ever. (Of course it was! It had Superman, and Ali! What else did it need?)


San Francisco, for all her faults, has a deserved reputation as a food Mecca.


Cassius Clay.. great boxer, but turned into an America hating traitorous muzzie… Would much rather promote himself than serve with his brothers in the military. No respect at all for him.

Commissioner Wretched

… a well-known actress kept her “day job” after being cast in a hit sitcom? In 1975, actress Marla Gibbs (born 1931) joined the cast of the hit TV series The Jeffersons in the role of the maid, Florence Johnston. But for the first two years of her time on the show, Gibbs kept her job as a flight attendant for American Airlines, “just to be on the safe side.” (Good advice, as any agent would tell you.)

… “dining and dashing” can be a felony? In Mississippi, the practice of eating a meal in a restaurant then leaving without paying for it can be either a federal case or not, depending on the size of the check. If the meal is worth $25 or more, dining and dashing is a felony offense. Lesser amounts are considered petty theft. (It isn’t petty to the restaurant.)

… an attempt was made in the 19th Century to move the capital of the United States? After the city of Washington, D.C., was set ablaze by the British during the War of 1812, Congress heard a proposal to abandon the site and return the nation’s capital to the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The House of Representatives rejected the proposal by a narrow 83-74 vote. (For which the people of Philadelphia are unendingly happy.)

Now … you know!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Dine & dash. A “federal” case? Or a “felony” case? Since the criminal isn’t crossing state lines, I highly suspect the latter.

Commissioner Wretched

I meant “felony.” Sometimes my fingers move faster than my mind. Of course, if the diner dashed across the line into Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee or Alabama, it then does become a federal case, so …

Last edited 15 days ago by Commissioner Wretched
A Proud Infidel®™

Autocorrect can be a real Mother Forklift from time to time.


“…if I wasn’t chasing Lois Lane around the Daily Planet 9 or 10 times a day, I could monitor…” FIFY, CW! The truth shall set ye free.

I look forward to the Autumn coolness. The Fall?…not so much! Prepare

Speaking, again…of spaceships and astronauts… “Working on it.” *sigh*

Della’s phone #HO2-1799. I’m advertising that she can entertain me.

I can bearly take some folk’s singing. Makes my brain shrink…and some other parts.

What I know about opera I learned from a rabbit…and a bald headed hunter.

I’d rather eat ham and muthas 6 times a day than to be in prison…no matter how good the food.

I’d like a rasslin’ match with Wonder Woman.

Never give up your day job for night work. Them street corners can get awfully crowded.

The last of the Denny’s(?) in SanFran just shut down because of dine and dash. More and more places are asking for payment up front before they’ll serve you.

Maybe we should invite the Brits to come burn DC again. I know that some folks wouldn’t mind seeing ‘Cump come back to the ATL.

Another fine j.o.b. on the trivia, CW. No baseball stuff today? We Thank you, Good Sir!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I doubt if the native Brits (vs the sand chigger invaders) could invade a Brownie Scout troop meeting.

They’ve definitely given the republic over to those who would destroy it.. and they’re well on their way.. The mayor of London is a perfect example.. my how they have fallen..

Commissioner Wretched

I figured I’d give the baseball stuff a rest for a week. No sense being obnoxious about it.


Your not going to bring up the comical double play Nationals v Yankees? I’ve seen brain power more focused at a T Ball game.

Commissioner Wretched

Normally I deal in trivia, not comedy. I saw that double play and all I can say is, I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall in the Nats clubhouse after the game. Would’ve loved to hear the ass-chewing for that stupidity.

I do, however, have that rarest of everything, being on both lineups in the same game, in my master data file for use in the future.

Hack Stone

Just dial KLondike5-5555, and an operator will be standing by to take your order for Red Software. The reason they are standing by is because the office furniture has been repossessed.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND blows winos behind bus stops for spare change.


He also works his magic behind the dumpsters at major truck stops.


Glory hole down at the Greyhound bus station men’s room, too.

Hack Stone

With this being a 3 day weekend, is Phil Monkress still working a full schedule providing free hernia and prostrate exams?

Green Thumb

He is currently working a preliminary employment offer for Tim False …er… I mean Waltz.


Present! What is this fuckery with the WOT times? Ya’ll make my head hurt.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande




When Jon started the WOT due to popular demand, he’d drop it at random times.

Tradition helps build the Esprit de Corpse. >grin<

Slow Joe

Not First.



Holy Jesus, it’s like lunchtime and this shit is going down now. All right let’s scroll down and see who the goddamn contestants are.

The next winner contestant first on the weekend open thread!!!

Well, hell, glad to see Ed back, although I didn’t know that he was out and the rest of you bunch of window, licking dumbasses, Can happily smooch my behind, I’ll begrudgingly admit I love you all terribly 🤣🥹🥰
Go forward and commit vigorous sins


Very Interesting Article About Maryland’s Gov Wes Moore’s “Bronze Star”:

“Report: Gov. Wes Moore Inaccurately Claimed Bronze Star On 2006 Application”


The New York Times did the original story with documents provided in their article:

“Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received”

“For years, the Maryland governor has faced questions about whether he had wrongfully said he had a Bronze Star. He insisted no. But an old document proves otherwise.”


From the New York Times article:

“Doug Sterner, a military historian and Vietnam veteran considered to be a leading researcher on military service claims, said that minor exaggerations about military service were common, but that imprecision about awards was more serious.”

“Every veteran — I mean every veteran, even if they won’t admit it — has told a war story or embellished a little bit, but usually not about awards,” said Mr. Sterner, who helped draft the original version of the Stolen Valor Act, a law that criminalizes some false claims of military accomplishments, though not such assertions about a Bronze Star. “When you start embellishing about awards, then it becomes a problem.”




Also from the New York Times article:

“‘I’m a person of integrity'”

“Mr. Moore confronted other questions during the 2022 campaign about how he had described his background.”

“He had repeatedly called himself a Baltimore native despite being born in the Washington suburbs and being raised largely in the Bronx. He first lived in Baltimore when he enrolled at Johns Hopkins University.”

’”‘I’m not a Baltimorean by birth,” Mr. Moore said during a campaign speech in April 2022. “There seems to be some confusion about that. But I’m a Baltimorean by choice.’”

“He also raised eyebrows that year for not correcting a 2006 interviewer who said he had been inducted into a Maryland hall of fame for football (such an institution does not exist).”

“The claim about a football hall of fame came up in the biography on the 2006 application to be a White House fellow: Mr. Moore wrote that he “was named to the Maryland College Football Hall of Fame.”

“In fact, he was honored in 2002 for receiving a Rhodes scholarship by the Baltimore chapter of the National Football Foundation. That organization is affiliated with the College Football Hall of Fame, but Mr. Moore was not inducted into any football hall of fame.”

“That error, too, is one that a former mentor to Mr. Moore now says was his fault, not the future governor’s.”

“Chris Ogeneski, who was Mr. Moore’s wide receivers coach on the Johns Hopkins football team, said he had personally written the part about the hall of fame into Mr. Moore’s fellowship application.”

“I made that edit myself,” Mr. Ogeneski said in an interview. “It would have been for brevity.”




“Mr. Moore insists that he is an honest person and that he never exaggerated elements of his biography, including his military service.”

“He said on Wednesday that he wished he had engaged in a public conversation about the Bronze Star issue two years ago during his campaign for governor, and was now “disappointed” that he did not.”

“I was a first-time candidate when I ran,” Mr. Moore said. “I had never had anyone question my integrity like that. You know, if there’s one thing that people know about me, it is that I’m a person of integrity.”

On 29 August 2024, Gov Moore released a statement on his military records:



Continuation of Gov Moore’s statement he posted on his X account.

“Moore again characterized the inclusion of the medal as an “honest mistake” and criticized “attacks” on his military record. He also said he regretted not correcting the application.”

“Moore’s statement also acknowledged that he learned near the end of his deployment that he was not awarded the Bronze Star.”

“It was an honest mistake, and I regret not making that correction,” Moore said. “But do not think for a moment that this attack on my record holds any bearing on how I feel about my service, my soldiers, or our country.”

“Military Historian Doug Sterner said Moore’s situation appeared to him like a case of the military not following through on delivering a commendation, something he said isn’t unusual.”

“I think you know that it’s a shame that it has led to this kind of attack on a veteran,” he said.”

“He was “encouraged” that Moore’s former commanding officer told The Times he planned to resubmit the paperwork.”

“I think that’s admirable,” he said.”




“At least twice, television hosts introducing Moore on their programs stated that Moore had a Bronze Star and he did not correct them, including on a PBS panel discussion with the late Gwen Ifill in 2008 and on “The Colbert Report” with Stephen Colbert in 2010.”

“In the Colbert episode, the host read off Moore’s resume highlights.”

“You’re a decorated veteran of the Afghan war,” Colbert said.”

“The future governor of the state of Maryland nodded and said: “Yes sir.”

“You have the Bronze Star,” Colbert continued, as Moore continued to nod his head. The studio audience cheered as the camera panned to a wide shot of Colbert and Moore. Moore was still nodding.”

“In 2013, a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel column previewing a speech Moore was set to give at a local college also included the Bronze Star as among the future governor’s accolades.”

“The Same Name, But Different Life Outcomes”


“But the first Wes Moore turned his life around and went on to become a Rhodes scholar and was a paratrooper and captain in the U.S. Army, serving a combat tour of duty in Afghanistan, where he earned a Bronze Star.”




“According to a U.S. Army spokesperson at the Pentagon, Moore’s military commendation include:

National Defense Service Medal
Afghanistan Campaign Medal
Armed Forces Reserve Medal with “M” Device
Army Service Ribbon
Parachutist Badge”

“His mother sent Moore off to a military boarding school, where he also earned an associates degree and joined the U.S. Army Reserve.”

“Moore served in the Army Reserve from 1996 through 2014, including a deployment to Afghanistan from August 2005 through March 2006, according to records provided by the Pentagon.”

“Moore graduated from Valley Forge’s high school and earned a commission in the Army Reserve in 1996. He then stayed on for two years of college at Valley Forge, earning an associate’s degree before finishing his undergraduate career at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He later earned a master’s degree from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar.”

“Moore served one active-duty deployment in Afghanistan from August 2005 until March 2006, according to the Army.”

“He served as a military police officer and when he left the Army Reserve in 2014, he held the rank of captain, according to the Army.”

“He told senators that his service in Afghanistan was “some of the most trying, exhilarating, and heartbreaking days of my life.”

“Moore has said that in Afghanistan, he was “director of information operations” for the 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade. That meant he “managed the flow of information either coming in or going out, you worked with the PSYOP team, the Psychological Operations Civil Affairs,” Moore said in the C-SPAN interview.”


Plenty of chances to “correct the record/statement”…and he didn’t. It just takes one (1) “Aw Sh*t” to negate 100 “attaboys”!




Once again, the King of Battle NAILED IT!



Heading on back to work…want to drop a line to Graybeard to say “Hi” and hope his Brother is doing well these days. Additionally, congrats to Graybeard’s Airborne son on his 10th anniversary…and a double congrats to Mr and Mrs Graybeard for welcoming another Grandbaby to the Graybeard family.

A big shout out to LC…catching up on all previous blogs and happy to see that you, LC, are posting comments.

Good to see Slow Joe back on TAH…Believe it or not, Slow Joe, you were missed.

And yes, we miss Commissar posting on TAH….

Welcome back, AW1Ed. Navy Strong, yes? 😉😎

Y’All have a great Labor Day Weekend! Dave Hardin, hope you are doing well these days!

P.S. About a month ago, a member of the ninja family was baptized in the Atlantic Ocean (“Take Me To The Water”). The besig may recognize that line…😊

Better Late Than Never…☺️


Thank you ninja!
Brother is doing well – except his compute screen died, he forgot his passwords to FB and multiple emails, and I’ve been going nuts (or nuttier, depends upon whom one asks) trying to get ’em back.
AB son & wife are doing quite well with the new granddaughter, who is astoundingly full of smiles!
God bless you all.


More interesting information about Gov
Wes Moore…😉😎

“In 1998, Moore graduated Phi Theta Kappa from Valley Forge with an associate degree, completed the requirements for the United States Army’s early commissioning program, and was appointed a second lieutenant of Military Intelligence in the Army Reserve. He then attended Johns Hopkins University, from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. in international relations and economics in 2001….He left the Army in 2014.”

“In June 2013, a Baltimore Sun investigation alleged that Moore was improperly receiving homestead property tax credits and owed back taxes to the city of Baltimore. Moore told The Sun that he was unaware of any issues with the home’s taxes and wanted to pay what they owed immediately. In October 2022, Baltimore Brew reported that Moore had not paid any water and sewage charges since March 2021, owing $21,200 to the city of Baltimore. Moore settled his outstanding bills shortly after the article was published.”

“In April 2022, the family of Baltimore County Police Sergeant Bruce Prothero, whose murder in 2000 is highlighted in The Other Wes Moore, accused Moore of making contradictory statements about where the proceeds of the book went, saying that the family “directed no donations” to anywhere, including the nonprofits Moore named. The family also complained that Moore exaggerated his role in their son’s life.”

“Moore was the subject of a CNN article in which he was accused of embellishing his childhood and where he actually grew up. Shortly after the article was published, Moore created a website that attempted to rebut the allegations. He was later criticized for failing to correct television interviewers who incorrectly said he received the Bronze Star Medal during interviews.”



So far, have found confusing info on his military service. One article stated he earned his Commission in 1996. The other article stated he received his commission in 1998. One article stated he was commissioned a Military Intelligence Officer. Another article stated he served as a Military Police Officer.

It also sounds as if he was either PSYOPS or Civil Affairs.

Trying to also understand the Army Reserve system for Officers. Articles state he left the Army in 2014, which means he served either 16 or 18 years as a Commissioned Officer and left as an O3/CPT. Is it possible he got passed over for O4/Major?

He has referred as a “Paratrooper.” IMHO, we think folks using that term may be stretching/embellishing the truth about his jump status, unless that is what he told others. It looks as if he may have been a “Cherry Jumper”.

Am also wondering about his awards. No ARCOM? No AAM?

Would love to see his Military records (hint, hint, hint…😉😎)

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Great post ninja and hope to see moore posts like that.


Hmmm, he seems to be sporting the Senior Parachutists Badge as a Regimental Commander at Valley Forge? When/where did he find the time to do that?


Gnrl Friedrich Wilhelm August Heinrich Ferdinand Baron de Steuben was unavailable for comment.


The way the reserve system works officers can easily change branches if they can find a unit to take them.


Military junior college dudes get commissioned immediately upon completing their two-year associate’s degree programs. (These days, it’s degree completion, not getting to drill or whatnot if they don’t get their bachelor’s done in 3 years after that.) He probably got rebranched (for some reason, maybe not getting TS) when he finally hit OBC/BOLC as a 1LT after BA graduation. After that, he missed-out on two years’ experience doing dumb LT stuff and probably did dumb stuff as an early CPT (tracks in 3, maybe) with the war instead. Suckin’ as a CPT with an attitude, he didn’t make MAJ.

Last edited 14 days ago by Anonymous

As an Int’l Relations major, ‘tards like him and AOC give my field a bad name.

A Proud Infidel®™

““Moore has said that in Afghanistan, he was “director of information operations” for the 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade. “

Which says to me that he probably NEVER left the wire, much less lead any missions out there. In my time in A-stan, the BSM was the EOT award for those who were E7 and above, those of that rank NOT getting one meant that they were extra-mediocre at best.


I didn’t get one, mainly because I have an annoying habit of not tolerating bureaucratic bullshit on deployments. My troopies loved it, those above me, not so much. And I’m ok with that.


“Moore has said that in Afghanistan, he was “director of information operations” for the 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade.“

That sounds more like a PAO. That’s where you stash mediocre officers.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Present and unaccountable, as I award myself yet another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
Many on Epstein’s List are still in power.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone posted this on the Tim No Ballz Walz thread, but it is worthy of its own thread. Another Democrat misspeaking of their military records.



Mr Stone, you hurt a ninja’s feelings with your post….(please see all our postings above on the Maryland Guv…)

That was a “s” for “hurt feelings” and we don’t mean “snowflake”..



As a retired senior officer I have to say that if I tell you something is on the way, it ain’t there till it gets there and anything else is bullshit.

Last edited 15 days ago by 5JC

We are here to talk about one thing.


I know who I’m voting for. Trump seems to be getting endorsements from democrats, so he can’t be all bad.


Not first, don’t care. Got to be home for the weekend at least.


Oh oh.
Another Congressional election shit show about to unfold.
New Jersey 9th District.
The longtime Dem. Congressman, Bill Pascrell, ran again in 2024,
in poor health and 87 years old.
He won the Dem NJ primary, but 9 days ago, he passed away.
Now the Dems in NJ 9th have a Biden-esque election on their hands,
the local Dem Committee selecting a replacement nominee,
the selection made yesterday.



On the Republican side, is 3 time GOP primary nominee Billy Prempeh.
He lost bad in 2020, came fairly close in 2022, and so he is running again in 2024, winning the NJ GOP primary a 3rd time.

Here’s where VG comes in.
(Admins, watching???)
In this December 2020 speech video,
Billy Prempeh talks a few minutes about his military service.

However, at the 4 minute mark,
he explains his REASONS for LEAVING the US Air Force,
at only 2 years into his 4 year enlistment.
Hint – NO ONE leaves the US Air Force
for the reasons he gives here.
Prempeh is hiding something, ala JR Majewski and/or Tim Walz.

Simple deployment of the Fu of Google on his rare name,
and anyone can find, that Prempeh served 2 years, 1 month
US Air Force, ending with his (curtailed) tour in England.
Hint #2 – Odds of Libya or Middle East (things he claimed to see)
are little to none.

Let the speculation begin, until Prempeh either produces his own DD-214 and military service records, or someone else in New Jersey 9th district beats him to it.

Enjoy (the excuses and reasons) !!!

Last edited 15 days ago by MarineDad61

Billy Prempeh, in the Tube of You video above……

“Was Khadafi a saint?
But just like what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan,
should we have gotten involved?
We were poking a beast, and so what happened,
we got stung.
And we created an enemy
that we thought we could never defeat.

I was sick and tired of what was going on,
and I requested early dismissal.
I eventually got the early dismissal,
to leave the United States Air Force after 2 years.”

Hack Stone

He could have lit himself on fire like that idiot did in front of the Israeli Embassy. Speaking of which, a few weeks back, some petition popped up on Hack’s Facebook page as to (see what Hack did there?) protesting the Secret Service removing any curbside memorials for Aaron Bushnell in front the embassy. Do you know who isn’t going to sign that petition? The Airman who ended up filling Bushnell’s slot as Duty NCO. And whatever happen to the Air Force dude who “went on a hunger strike” to protest Israel’s (alleged) genocide? Did that influence Israel to cease operations?


Hack Stone,
Interesting outcome.

A-Bear’s hunger strike lasted 9 days.
When he showed up in the gallery for a Senate hearing,
the Air Force revoked his leave,
and ordered him to Andrews,
to be flown back to his duty assignment at Rota, Spain.



And now this, June 2024.
A-Bear wants to get out on a CO.

  • Two active members of the United States Air Force wish to leave military service and become conscientious objectors over Washington’s support for the Israeli military in Gaza.
  • Larry Hebert and Juan Bettancourt say they no longer wish to serve the US military due to its role in the war, which has killed more than 37,400 Palestinians, mostly children and women.



Anyone care to venture a few guesses?

Probability of an Honorable Discharge?
Probability of final rank above E-1 Airman Basic (zero stripes)?
A more likely reason he was really discharged
and sent home during an overseas tour at RAF Mildenhall?

Green Thumb

Court martial discharge.


Possible discharge in lieu of court martial.


An Admin discharge is a mutual agreement between the parties involved.

Still hanging out at Denny’s demanding DD-214s?


But others in NJ and neighboring states
are now digging through the Tube of You,
and other video and print online,
for any other false or crazy statements he may have made about his military service.

Frankly, it may not matter.
Even though NJ 9th is less blue than previously,
after the recent census and redistricting,
the NJ GOP provides little to no support for this guy.

2024 funding for this Congressional race is approx.
$1 million for the (deceased) Dem, now for the replacement,
<$50,000 for GOP candidate Prempeh.

Meaning, it appears the GOP is blowing a golden opportunity to snag a decades long held DEM seat.

Last edited 14 days ago by MarineDad61

Well, how about something Different.

A Bug’s Life: David and Marian Fairchild’s Book of Monsters (1914)


comment image

Major Tuddy

Football season starts soon. Claim your team now, before the real season starts. Here’s mine:



Green Thumb

A criminal organization.


No such team. They jumped the woke shark.. with that mentality F#$K em!

Hack Stone

They should have renamed them The Washington Insiders.

RGR 4-78

The Washington Deep Staters.

Green Thumb

Until they drop the social justice hammer on your ass….


Happy weekend!

Hack Stone

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask why the hell do Daniel Bernath leave the flight line without enough fuel.


Twas on the Friday before Labor Day, 2017, when I first experienced vertigo. I was shoveling crushed stone to set a slate walkway, shoveling like a yeoman despite being at least 65 year old at the time. Out of nowhere I instantly knew that I was to pass out. I told the woman, on my way to the ground that I was passing out. Can’t remember if I blacked out or not but when I was sitting on my butt, upright, the world was turning the way it might look to a drunken Irishman, just before he fell off the earth. It was mid to late afternoon and hot. Too early to crack a Heineken so I just sat there for awhile it seemed to settle down a bit to where I could walk up to the house. After a time it became Heineken time and it did not worsen things nor offer encouragement, despite trying several of them to regain some footing. It was an early evening with no reportable incidents going into Saturday morning. By midday Saturday it clear, to me, that something was wrong and that’s when I began hurl–not to be confused with becoming a hurly-burly man. By the time there was nothing left to spew and I was carrying a bucket with me at every moment I had the woman take me to the hospital. She’s a tiny thing, 100-105 pounds and more than twice her size. It was not possible for me to even stumble from the house to the car. Bless her heart, she tried to what she could but it turned into a crawl to the get to the passenger side seat. Spent Saturday night and Sunday in the hospital, MRIs, neurologists, Shaman and an iPhone and nobody knew what was up. Eyes would not track together, no signs of a stroke but I became desperate for just four hours of sleep. You will NEVER get four hours of sleep in a hospital, short of the mortuary. By Monday morning I had commandeered somebody’s walker, sneaked it back to the room, put… Read more »


Sorry for the typos and formatting but you can’t edit your own copy, here. In the redux, the vertigo has never fully gone away, to this day. Nonetheless, I swear that I could still shoot an instrument approach in IMC so long as I have a capable safety pilot to rely on. Haha, famous last words, if only I had Bernath’s magic iPad!


Maybe you were suffering from a bit of this if in or near the midwest. I have lived here for most of my life and have never heard the term until very recently (past week or so). It was just another typical swamp ass summer.



Our home is only about a mile from the ocean, always humid and definitely hot in August.


Present & unaccountable as ever.
As noted, now the proud Grandpa to 6 young ladies and 5 young men.
And all those old enough know how to shoot accurately, drive safely, and pray fervently.

I’m one blessed fellow.

Hack Stone

Just hoping that Elaine Ricci does not lose confidence in the Director of Media Relations. Feel free to speculate on how he managed to step on his own dick so bad that they pulled him offline while participating in an operation. And yes, he is the same guy with the infamous backwards scope photograph.



Had this damn thing outside my house last night
About 5 inches long from the head to the start of the whiskers on the back




$50 at the critter show in NH.


I’ve got them all around my house and they are free you pay shipping

A Proud Infidel®™

Cockroaches are one of their prey animals!




That is absolutely crazy


This one is common in SE Arizona
Wind Scorpion
They get around 2 inches from head to the abdomen in the rear


Then a few of these to




Jus’ sayin’ Shore do miss that Little Chapman

comment image


DAMNIT! Pic won’t post from an email copy…or my fone. DAMNIT!!!!

Last edited 14 days ago by KoB

I hear ya KoB, just 5 days away from the 1st “anniversary” of losing our baby girl. NIT gonna be a good day..


The pain of the loss doesn’t get better, Fyr…It only gets bearable. A Salute to your Guardian Boots and your Baby Girl Tink. As Janis, and you among others, said…”Take a little piece of your heart.” Tried to post a pic of Little Chapman but it either gave a full page of code with no pic or a linky to access my entire One Drive File of pictures. Gotta check with my IT Nerd on how to do it.

As a follow up to last week’s Open Thread, I finally got my emotions in check long enough last Sunday night/early Monday morning and reply to all of the words of comfort and condolences posted by the assorted D’weeded and Adorable Deplorables. Quick linky is posted below. It was muchly appreciated and those comments were shared with those of The Gun Bunny Family that knew and loved that Little Guy. I retrieved his ashes this past week and they are in a safe place of Honor, with others that I’ve lost, awaiting the appointed time to be mixed with mine and scattered/shot out of a cannon at the places we visited thru the years.

I have yet to clean the nose and paw prints from the bottom panes of the French Door leading to the back deck where he was always “Waiting at the door”.


Hack Stone

For some reason, Hack Stone was reading the trivia on the 1942 film classic Casablanca. Among the many interesting entries, this one warrants to be shared:

Back in the mid-2000s, Madonna wanted to remake the film with her as IIsa Lund and Ashton Kutcher as Rick. She pitched the idea to every studio but was unanimously rejected by every studio with one studio executive telling her the “film is deemed untouchable.” She eventually scrapped the proposed project.

Yeah, that is what the world needs, a remake of one of the greatest films ever, with the stars of Dude Where’s My car and Shanghai Surprise in the lead roles.