Daily FGS

| August 31, 2024 | 8 Comments


Cincinnati gas station clerk shoots, kills alleged would-be robber

by David Winter
PADDOCK HILLS, Ohio (WKRC) -A man who allegedly attempted to rob a convenience store in Paddock Hills is dead after the clerk apparently shot him.

The incident happened just before 3 a.m. at the BP station on the corner of Reading Road and Tennessee Avenue. Police are saying very little other than a man was shot there at about 2:50 a.m. Paramedics arrived and tried to save him, but were unsuccessful.

The details that Local 12 dug up came from the people who work at the store, radio traffic, and court documents. The first call came in at 2:49 a.m.

“Attention all cars. Report of a possible shooting at BP at 4545 Reading,” said dispatch.

Surveillance video from the Gold Star across the street showed police arriving within two minutes. Inside the BP, 57-year-old Dana Bruenton lay on the floor, dying from a gunshot wound.

“Channels, clerk saying he just shot someone,” said one policeman.

“Right now, it’s extremely life-threatening,” said the policeman. “Sounds like they’re going to transport possibly.”

Bruenton would be taken to UC Medical Center, but was pronounced dead shortly after.

Clerks at the BP station said that Bruenton came in demanding money. They said that their co-worker opened the register, but when Bruenton demanded the clerk get on the ground, he refused, and a struggle ensued. They said that the owner keeps a gun behind the counter. The clerk then grabbed it and shot Bruenton.

JJ Wilbon is a BP patron who said she normally hangs out with friends into the early morning hours in the parking lot there.

“Normally, I’m here, but I wasn’t here [this time],” said Wilbon.

She said that the clerk involved in the shooting is a good-natured guy.

“[A] sense of humor. Pretty much minds his business,” said Wilbon.

Local 12 asked her if the clerk was someone she would think would be involved in something like this.

“Not at all,” said Wilbon. “Not at all.”

Bruenton, on the other hand, has a rap sheet dating back to the 1980s, including at least two crimes that sent him to prison: an aggravated robbery in 1992 and an assault in 2007. Then, a month ago, police arrested Bruenton for allegedly attacking someone with a wrench. Three weeks ago, officers arrested him for allegedly attempting to steal groceries from a Kroger.

Wilbon said that she thinks the clerk was justified in shooting Bruenton.

“Sometimes you gotta pick and choose your battles,” said Wilbon.

“And this time he chose to battle,” Local 12 said.

“He chose to battle,” said Wilbon.

Local 12 then asked her if she thought that it was the right decision.

“I do. I do,” said Wilbon. “I hate for someone to lose their life like that, but it is what it is.”

Police aren’t confirming the clerk’s rendition of what happened. The owner of the store told us that his employee was questioned by police after the incident and then released.

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Local 12

Quoting a patron who wasn’t there on the alleged robber who was apparently shot by the unnamed clerk. That’s some mighty fine reportin’ right there. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.
Dalai Lama

Massachusetts switchblade rules ban violates 2nd Amendment

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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“ Paramedics arrived and tried to save him, but were unsuccessful.”

I call that a success. Fuck him.


In baseball, blowing a save is bad.

In this case, blowing a save is good.

E. Conboy

Poor feller. He had an addiction…to money that belonged to others.


Looks like the store clerk chose to help the career criminal retire from his life of crime. A Gold Watch to the clerk!

“…shall not be infringed…” And that includes spring activated pig stickers.

The only thing the current (s)elected administration has been transparent on is their desire to destroy these States United.

Old tanker

Seems like a less than stellar career criminal has been finally and fully reformed. Sounds like a win to me. The gene pool is a little cleaner.


At 57 he may have some offspring.


Best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. I’m surprised he made it to 57. Should have expired a long time ago.