Saturday shorts – Kamala, Chi-raq,cops, MGs

| August 24, 2024 | 27 Comments

Anyone else noticing the mega-spin cycle the news outlets are in rooting for Kamala Harris? First headline I saw this afternoon: “Why Kamala’s Centrism seems to be working”.  NY Times  Saw another one:  “Kamala Harris stumbled as VP because she lacked proper ‘infrastructure,’ allies claim” Fox News but they link to the WaPo  That one claims she is ‘reinventing’ herself’ – so was she lying before or lying now?  The entire White House for resources, and she had no infrastructure. Wonder who should have organized that?

However, she has not given up on lying – she still claims Project 2025 is Republican policy (it isn’t) and that Trump will kill Medicare and Social Security (that is nowhere in the Republican platform.)  Well, at least she’s consistent.  Fox News II

I’m still choking on “Centrism”.  ???

Chicago reports that a ‘free speech’ platform met with empty audiences, no-show speakers, and apathy during the DNC. Chicago Tribune  Can’t hardly squeeze in a pro-Palestinian rant in vertical (to paraphrase Dennis Hopper) – makes you think all this nightly protesting is more a social event than anything else, eh?  (Points for IDing where the Dennis Hopper line came from. No Google cheating allowed.)

The Russians had an incident at a prison camp

The prisoners, armed with knives, seized four inmates and eight staff during a meeting of the colony’s disciplinary committee at the IK-19 Surovikino prison in Russia’s Volgograd region, around 530 miles south of Moscow.

They said they were taking revenge for the arrest of Islamic terrorists who killed 145 people in an attack on a Moscow concert hall in March – the most deadly terror attack in Russia for two decades.

Russian authorities have launched a criminal case in connection with the hostage-taking, a crime punishable by a maximum of life in prison.  The Telegraph

That last may be a moot point as Russian snipers took out the four hostage-takers. Permanently.

Follow-up on Breonna Taylor’s death – she was the lady killed by police officers who did a no-knock raid on her place in 2022 in which officers opened up on her boyfriend who shot at them. Our AG, Merrick Garland, condemned the warrant on the case for starting the chain of events – the judge has now said Taylor’s boyfriend shooting the gun was the proximate cause of her death and reduced the charges against the cops to misdemeanors. Ain’t nobody gonna be happy with this one, but at least the guilt is more fairly apportioned.

While we are on bad no-knocks – remember Roger Fortson? He is the young Air Force lad gunned down in a disturbing-the-peace call last fall.

In body camera footage released by the sheriff’s office, Fortson is seen holding a gun in his right hand with his arm extended downward and the muzzle pointing at the floor as he opens the door in response to the deputy, who can be heard announcing twice that he’s with the sheriff’s office. The footage, reviewed by ABC News, also shows Fortson had his left hand up, palm showing, gesturing towards the deputy when he opened the door. ABC News

The deputy is facing up to 30 years for manslaughter on this one. It should be noted that while he announced he was law-enforcement twice, no acknowledgement from inside the apartment was reported.

And last but not least – a Wichita judge tossed a machine-gun-possession charge against a local fella accused of owning a machine gun and a ‘Glock Switch’.

The decision by U.S. District Judge John Broomes in Wichita on Wednesday appeared to mark the first time a court has held that banning machine guns is unconstitutional after the conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 issued a landmark ruling that expanded gun rights.

Broomes, an appointee of Republican then-President Donald Trump, said prosecutors in Tamori Morgan’s case failed to identify such a historical analogue to support charging him with violating the machine gun ban.

While prosecutors pointed to laws from the 1700s and 1800s barring the use of “dangerous or unusual weapons,” Broomes said those historical examples focused on their use to terrorize the public, not simply possessing them in the first place.   Reuters

Sounds like the judge is leaning to an interpretation that simple possession absent criminal use should not be illegal. Sure would like to know more of the circumstances on this one.


Category: Crime, Kamala, Russia, Society

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Dennis Hopper line … easy rider?

And as far as “news agencies ” reporting news, CTH informs where the news agencies get their news from. I may have them a bit mixed up, but the Washington post seems to be an outlet for the Cia, NYT for the Febble boys, etc etc. Sundance over there breaks it down much better than I can.


Sounds like “Out of the Blue” but can’t place it.


Well, you did say no Google cheating, so I followed the rules for once. Never again.


Just enough idiocy to get me primed up for the meeting I have FIRST (ht2…oh…wait) thing this morning. Y’all pray for me. Of the 15 members on the Board there’s at least 6 maybe 9 that could use a good bitch slap. I may need bail money. DaHell are the FGS? ‘Ed, git yore hands offen that Trophy Wife of yorn and do you duty!

Y’all play nice til I gits back.

My, My, My

That Glock Girl’s got no trigger discipline.


And that’s what you noticed? Hopefully not first anyway. Unless of course she was having an argument with you.


I wuz triggered by that Glock Girl…she can discipline me!

(I swear that I just heard OAM’s eyes roll!)


If’n she was closer, you’d be getting smacked upside your head. Probably.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The sand chiggers forgot that in Mother Russia, snipers can be anybody. They’re not “Special Ops” types.
(in bad Russian accent) “We need sniper to take care of situation. Here! You! Here is sniper rifle. Shoot that man over there. Which man? That man. Nooooo, not THAT man, he is hostage. Shoot other man next to him. Da! That man. (BANG!) Da! Is good. Here is medal. Give back rifle. Now go back to work.”

Daisy Cutter

RE: so was she lying before or lying now?”

The problem with that is (if you can follow)…

If someone claims they are telling the truth now about lying in the past, are they lying about lying, lying about telling the truth, or telling the truth about lying?

See if that doesn’t wrap you into a pretzel. 😉

Old tanker

If you are talking about this administration, it’s just lying period.


It started right after ” so help me God “.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Which was/is a lie, as DildoCrat Libtard Socialist Communists don’t believe in God.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

DildoCrats etc only believe in themselves.

So, in order to be a valid oath, it should be, “….so help me, me.”

A few years back at a democrat convention, they were doing some roll vote, and whoever was leading the proceedings mentioned … blah blah blah, so help us God, and was roundly booed until they took the reference to God out.

Anybody else remember that, or am I way wrong? I want to say they were in California when they did this

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s also not forget the days when Das Hildebeast was running for Prez and the Color Guards were spit upon at more than one of her rallies.



Commissioner Wretched

Didn’t Captain Kirk use similar logic to make a few computers go crazy and short-circuit themselves in episodes of Star Trek?

A Proud Infidel®™

Just look at or listen to any D-rat speech about kamala the commie and see just how much substance about her it has versus bawling and lying about DJT!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Hopefully that Kansas machine gun decision will be the pebble that starts the landslide that revokes all the Firearm and Gun Control laws going back to 1934). And if no firearms are illegal, then why do we have/need the BATFEces?

(Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives should be a sporting and fishing goods store, not an unConstitutional Gooberment agency. Hopefully as soon as BATFEces is disbanded, some civilian is right there to copyright the name and its variants).

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The PDF from the Judge.


Uh, according to testimony at trial, they did knock and announce “police.” But they only waited a few second before they broke down the door. Moreover, if they had done no knock, the cops would have all inside the house before the criminal could wake-up, arm himself, go to the hallway and shoot at the officers. Also, the woman wouldn’t have been behind him in the hall where she was shot when the cops returned fire.


Common for crooks to announce “police” and wave fake badges. A hunk of crushed aluminum foil in a wallet looks badge-ish through a door peep.

Bit harder to mistake all the lit up marked cars.


It’s really not difficult at all to add red lights to the roof of your car.

If you have a chop-shop operation, it’s not hard to do so to a whole fleet and keep them hidden until you decide to use them.

There is a place for no-knock warrants, and there is a place for knocking. In either case, there are times where things go sideways. It’s not always an argument for having done things differently in hindsight – it’s a matter of doing things better beforehand and weeding out the mistakes during training.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

If I heard the knock, I would belch out singing “Whose That Knocking On My Door” Genies 1959 on the Shad label.


It should be noted that while he announced he was law-enforcement twice, no acknowledgement from inside the apartment was reported.”

Doesn’t make a bit of difference. Criminals are just as capable of shouting “Police” or “Sheriff’s department” as an actual law enforcement officer.

Even if the victim had clearly replied “I acknowledge that you have identified yourself as law enforcement” before opening the door, he still had just as much right to be armed in his own home as he would have been had the Sheriff’s deputy not announced at all.

Personally, I’d say manslaughter’s pretty weak. Yes, he could be sentenced to a maximum of 30 years, but he won’t be given anywhere near the maximum and will likely get a token sentence.

He killed an innocent man in his own home. He should get out of jail and return to his life on the same day that the man he killed is allowed to return to life.