Five Tim Walz controversies

| August 6, 2024

Kamala Harris was happy with Tim Walz’s accomplishments as governor. These accomplishments included free school meals regardless of income, getting abortion rights into the state constitution, and making Minnesota a place for children wanting transgender medical procedures. However, Walz has made decisions in the past that leads one to ponder his character. Readers here are familiar with his decision to retire rather than deploy to Iraq. This isn’t the only controversial decision Walz is associated with. He has a DUI related arrest, he poorly handled the Minnesota’s reaction to the BLM riots, he was quick to place controls during the pandemic, etc.

From Fox News:

Walz’s critics say his handling of the Minneapolis riots after the 2020 killing of George Floyd was a failure and low point of his first term as governor.

“[H]e’s been a disaster for Minnesota and is by far the most partisan governor that I can remember having,” Minnesota GOP Chairman David Hann told Fox News Digital. “Going back to 2020, certainly — he did nothing to try to stop the riots going on in Minneapolis. I think he was fearful of alienating his ‘progressive’ base, who were supporting the riots. Kamala Harris was raising money for the rioters.”

Walz deployed the National Guard to stop the violence, which included the torching of a police station. But GOP lawmakers have said both the governor and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey were too slow to act.

Republican state Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka accused Walz of a slow response to the riots, which left businesses in downtown Minneapolis in ruins.

“I called the White House after [four] days of unbridled rioting with the Governor frozen on what to do,” Gazelka wrote on X on July 28. “I know that Gov[.] Walz and Pres[ident] Trump talked. I know Walz finally brought the Guard out in full for the next night. But Walz was [three] days too late. Pressure may have made him move.”

Hann similarly said Walz “waited for three days before he could bring himself to ask for the National Guard to be deployed.” He also pointed to the “defund” police movement’s roots in Minnesota following Floyd’s murder and subsequent rioting in the Twin Cities.

As a result of the delayed action, hundreds of businesses across Minneapolis and St. Paul were devastated by the destruction and had to ask their local government for help recovering — on top of what they lost during pandemic-related closures.

Additional Reading:

Pandolfo, C. (2024, August 6). Five controversies surrounding vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, from DUI to COVID fraud. Fox News. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Society

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So he was doing 95 in a 60? Arrested for DUI? Got out of it because he was deaf? That was then fixed by surgery? All while in the National Guard?

Inquiring minds and all.


Tim Walz…liar about his military service post 9/11? Apparently, he reupped but suddenly retired to avoid deployment to IZ…

What a schmuck.


He reupped for six years, then retired after four so he didn’t have to deploy with his arty battalion to Iraq.


That’s now #6.
In the news today.

He took a bust / demotion from E-9 SGM to E-8 MSG
(due to failure to complete obligations of the Sgt. Major Academy)
to abruptly retire, shortly before his unit was activated.


Wasn’t really a bust/demotion. His promotion was conditional, not much different than being frocked. He failed to complete the conditions.


I suspect that once his unit received its warning order that it was to be activated for 22 months of AD, including a deployment to Iraq, he decided he was going to bale out and retire. In any event, Walz never served in any combat zone, unlike JD Vance, who did a tour in Iraq during the period when our vehicles were constantly being ambushed and blown up with IED’s.

Green Thumb

Was it be activated for 22 or did they wind up getting extended?


The Cobb case may or may not have been a righteous shoot. I tend to lean towards good shoot based upon what I could find out about it. Cobb was attempting to abduct/ kidnap a State Trooper who was trying to arrest him. In my state you can use deadly force to prevent that.

Either way, It is hugely improper for the Governor to interfere in a case involving state police. It would be like the president interfering in the prosecution of an FBI agent.

Skivvy Stacker

The state attorney that I will refuse to name is a well known supporter of defunding the police, and revolving door bail reform. She filed charges against the Trooper in spite of having a mess of evidence in her hands that showed he acted correctly in that situation. The use of deadly force is pretty much standard in all states; “to stop the immediate, and otherwise unavoidable danger, of death or grave bodily harm”. In the case of the Trooper being dragged by the car, he was in immediate danger of death or grave bodily harm.
The driver (Cobb) was a felon who was being arrested on a warrant, was resisting, if I recall he also had a gun in the car, and he put a person’s life in danger. There is no question that the shooting was justified. The state attorney should have resigned, or Governor Waltz around Everything should have fired her ass.


Read that article twice and see no mention of intervention by a governor…sure you arr not thinking Abbott/Perry?


Thank you, makes it clearer.


Moreover, Shapiro did the unforgiveable for the PaliNazi sympathizers in their party: He volunteered to serve in the Israeli IDF, even though as a non-combatant.


Lets get real…
Walz was selected to appease the antisemitic/ant-Israel faction of the Democratic party. Shapiro was floated as the pick but the Jihadi’s in the party flat out rebuked a Jew as their VP. The Radicals/Marxist/Jihadi/Anti-Americans are in FULL control of the Democratic party. Anyone here clinging to the hopes that the D’s return to Clinton/Carter/Kennedy era? They are fully onboard with Leftist/Jihadi/Pedo agenda. Are there two more crazy Dem states than Cali & Minnesota? They want ALL OF AMERICA to follow suit.


“Are there two more crazy Dem states than Cali & Minnesota?”.. Yep, Calirado… read up on our sidesaddle governor and the leftist legislature. They are doing their level best to destroy a once great state.


Democrats… well, Hamas, but Democrats like them:
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous




In better news, Cori Bush was defeated by Wesley Bell in Missouri elections tonight. Don’t recall who will face bell in November, but cori won’t be going back to DC come January. 1 of the squad down, many more to go.

Forest Bondurant

Good. The scrunt can crawl back under whatever rock the came from

Hack Stone

Someone called into WMAL earlier today and said that he is a DUI hire.


POST 9/11
It took a lot of work for any senior NCO to DUCK/DODGE deployments and get a retirement packet approved during a statewide mobilization during Stoploss.


Not what you know, but who you blow.


I’ll just put this here.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

And beat a DUI as well !


GW Bush II got a dui and the dems are still screaming he should not have been president.


Okay when Democrats do it, once again.

A Proud Infidel®™

They said that when the Bush Twins got caught *GASP!* drinking while underage!

Skivvy Stacker

On August 5th, 2004 he was photographed holding a sign at a protest outside a President Bush campaign rally in southern Minnesota.”
Violation of the Hatch Act.
Even I’M covered by that one, and I’m a volunteer member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary!


Only if he was in uniform.


Not only did he cower out of deploying with his troops, but he also allowed his staff to spread the word (for many years) that he was a “combat veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan”. Bad enough to cut and run, much worse to then tell tales of “there I was”.

BlueCord Dad

During the “fiery but mostly peaceful” riots after George Floyd’s death, he dithered about calling out the Guard because they were just “19 year old cooks”. Fuck this guy


It wasn’t until the third night of rioting and burning down Minneapolis and other cities that he finally relented and ordered in the National Guard.


Looking forward to seeing details of that.

Skivvy Stacker

He not only handled the riots badly, but fucked the state over during the pandemic lockdown. He closed churches, and prohibited family gatherings, but allowed “essential businesses” such as bars, casinos, and health clubs to open. Schools were closed, and masking requirements halted needed care facilities from being able to provide proper services [I was directly affected by this]. And all of this in spite of the fact that most of Minnesota is rural, with a spread out population, and as a result the death rate has been [as of this date] 0.16 per 100,000; statistically speaking, no one has died of Covid in Minnesota. Realistically, the number has been so low as to be insignificant. And ol’ Waltz-around-the-subject can’t take any credit for that, because his commandments were all over the map.
He was so disliked across the state it didn’t surprise me he was re-elected by the majority of democrats in the Twin Cities [the rest of the state is heavily Republican].


His wife is a real peach too. She was quoted as saying she opened her windows to smell “the tires burning” during the riots and reveling in it.


Let them eat tofu, eh?


She implied the riots were a good thing.


Still think that your “vote” is going to count in the upcoming (s)election? Only one (1) box that’s going to fix this.


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Oh, I’ll vote. But only to give a legal fig leaf to whatever may come next.


Of the five controversies, the one that stands out the most to me is establishing a hotline for people to report on others who were violating the Covid restrictions.

Read that again.

This guy encouraged citizens to report other citizens for following his mandates.

Read that one more time. And tell everyone you know.

Guaranteed no one here hates SV phonies more than me. This turd didn’t just claim what he damn well knew he never earned, he abandoned his troops on the eve of war. SV, Blue Falcon and Coward all in one.

Yet this “Citizen, turn in your friends and neighbors” actually scares me more. Pray to whatever you pray to this creature doesn’t get closer than 1,094 miles to the White House.


Just following the playbook of all good fascists / commies… (while shitting all over his oath..)


Snitches get stitches, or so I’ve heard.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed that’s a Gestapo move if ever there was one…ratting out your neighbors over a barbecue should earn you a warm spot in hell for being a rat bastard piece of shit.

And the guy who created the hotline should be deeper in that pit of fire than those who used it to rat out their neighbors…

Green Thumb

Was the DUI pleading deaf discussed?

Green Thumb

Oh, it was.

My bad.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

“…getting abortion rights into the state constitution, and making Minnesota a place for children wanting transgender medical procedures. However, Walz…” “However” should be replaced with, “in addition to all this bull crap, Walz…” 😂


Just in….
Cori Bush, SQUAD member in Congress from St. Louis,
just LOST her Dem primary.




‘There was a clip the Kamala campaign posted about him where he’s making a gun control argument,’ ‘ said Vance. ‘ He said, Look, you should not be able to carry the weapons that I carried in war. 

‘And I’m, I’m thinking to myself, well, when did you go to war? What weapon did you carry in the war, Tim, because apparently you skipped out on your unit before they went to Iraq.

That’s interesting. What weapons did anyone else here carry to the ongoing war on a typical drill weekend?

BlueCord Dad

Check this out. Mr. Sperry is an investigative reporter for Real Clear Investigations….


From 2022.
The SGM who REPLACED Walz in the MNARNG,
and deployed with the unit.

And more in this 2022 news story… including records.


The only thing missing is his love for the Chinese Communist government, which employed him as an English Teacher. He did his honeymoon in China on the first anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. He has made trips there repeatedly for many years since. One has to wonder how he passed a background check for a security clearance.

A Proud Infidel®™

Looks like who he knew, blew or bribed took care of it for him!


I was frocked to CSM and when the Army asked me to reenlist for Indefinite status, I told them and the Academy farewell. How could Walz retire during a stop loss or were MNNG exempt? We had some great soldiers that were not on contract when we returned home 2005.