About time for Sailors who refused Covid shots

| July 27, 2024

Several years later – the Navy has opened a window for sailors who refused Covid shots for religious reasons to have their records cleaned up.

Under an agreement in the case announced Wednesday, Navy sailors who refused the vaccine for religious reasons can now have their records corrected and will be protected against discrimination on promotion boards for the next three years (emphasis added, ed.), according to their attorneys.

Promotion boards “must not consider any adverse information related solely to COVID-19 vaccine refusal in cases in which a religious accommodation was requested,” according to a release from the First Liberty Institute, a nonprofit legal organization that defends religious liberties, and the law firm Hacker Stephens LLP.

The Navy also agreed to review the personnel records of all plaintiffs to ensure that the service expunged any information on administrative separation, counseling or nonjudicial punishment for failing to comply with the mandate.

The lawsuit, U.S. Navy SEALs 1-26 v. Biden, alleged that the Navy and the Defense Department violated their First Amendment rights to religious freedom by “categorically denying” their requests for religious exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine.  Military Times

Great that their records can be cleaned up… but the devil’s in the details, as they say.

Although the Defense Department lifted the vaccine mandate in January 2023 as required by the fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, the Fifth Circuit ruled that the case could continue in order to allow the district court to consider the Navy’s record on religious accommodations.

The Justice Department had requested that the suit be dismissed, but the court denied the request and “the parties reached a settlement on behalf of all class members,” according to attorneys for the plaintiffs.

The Navy also agreed to pay $1.5 million in legal fees to the plaintiffs’ attorneys. Previously, the attorneys were awarded $1.8 million in a separate settlement of a suit against the Defense Department.

The plaintiffs will not receive any of the compensation in either settlement, and a settlement is not an admission of guilt or wrongdoing by either party.

I read that to mean “no compensation for a ruined career, nothing to make up for three years excised from your life, and importantly, no other service seems to be affected.”

Roughly 17,000 service members refused the vaccine, and more than 8,400 were discharged for their decision, including 3,717 Marines, 2,041 Navy sailors, 1,841 Army soldiers, and 834 Air Force and Space Force members.

So 2000 sailors get some form of protection, and 6,000 from other services – what? Go piss up a rope? Have to sue themselves? And note that highlighted section above – what about after three years? Officers’ selections have notoriously long memories, and what’s to say a lieutenant headed for commander or captain four or more years from now doesn’t run into institutional memory?  This is 2024, and we are still finding out about Fauci-isms and lies from 2021.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Navy

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Weren’t they just recently asking (begging?) those who got themselves UNenlisted to come back, no harm no foul?


Nahhh they got replaced by all the trannies and queers they were pandering to…. Oh wait.

Hack Stone

The LBGQT+ community is just as patriotic and eager to serve as cisgender service members, as long as they are granted free leave and travel compensation for abortions, duty assignments that will not interfere with their gender reassignment regimens, and mimosas served in the dining facilities during weekend brunches.

Major Tuddy

The LGBT can serve quite well; just ask Margarethe Cammermeyer. The trouble is with the mentally ill neon hairs making ridiculous demands.

Oh, incidentally…you just described an Air Force officer’s mess.


I heard a rumor that every Air Force SCIF is required to have a bar. And some of them put the Officer’s Mess to a shame!!!

USMC Steve

And apparently very few takers. Most have moved on and told DoD to fuck off.


The Scamdemic showed just how deep the corruption and despotism is. There will come a reckoning. To the New World Order, we are all Fauci’s beagles.

Lawers? *spits*

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

You kick me out ’cause I refused the Clot Shot.
Then you FINALLY offer to clean up my DD214 and other records (after having both your arms twisted behind you). How generous of you! (heavy sarc!)
All for what? You expect me to come back in after kicking me out? Just so you can find new ways to use and abuse me?
Oh HELL to the no! I’ve moved on (had to in order to make a living), and so should you. Good luck with that recruitment and retention.

Last edited 2 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The recruiting crisis must be getting worse.


The yout of America are seeing who they would be serving under and want no part of the endless wars, and taking orders from Klinger type people.

A good swift kick to the nether region would end all confusion.


What a shit show COVID turned out to be

Skivvy Stacker

All over a viral infection that had a 99% survival rate, and symptoms that were milder than the common cold in most cases.


Yup. The side effects from the shot and booster were worse than when I actually had covid. Yeah, I know… the “vaccine” reduced the symptoms. If that’s all it does, it’s not a vaccine, is it!


It never met the definition of a vaccine. That is why Fauci and the CDC changed the definition to include this MRNA abomination.

USMC Steve

I suspect that more people, mostly young people, will die from that fake shot shit than died from the disease. All sorts of health issues are claiming them, mostly heart problems.

Major Tuddy

It messed with my health, reduced my lung capacity to the point where taking a shower leaves me winded, and left me homebound for several months. Probably shortened my life expectancy, too.

That Covid ain’t no joke. I’m glad that y’all on here are doing well, but some of us weren’t so lucky.


Sometimes you just don’t have enough fingers


Coincidence!!! I was standing next to that poor lone sailor just yesterday, viewing the Golden Gate Bridge from the opposite shore.


