Friday updates

| July 5, 2024

Well, leading off we have AF Major General Phillip Stewart. The general was accused of sexual assault, conduct unbecoming an officer,  and one specification of dereliction of duty. Prior to the trial, he pleaded guilty to the other specification, as well as an adultery charge.

A panel of eight officers found Maj. Gen. Phillip Stewart not guilty of sexual assault on Saturday, following nearly two weeks of court proceedings at Joint Base San Antonio.

A military judge sentenced Stewart to a formal reprimand, restriction to Joint Base San Antonio for two months and forfeiture of $10,000 worth of pay every month for six months, the base said in a press

He was eligible for up to a 63 year sentence had he been found guilty of all counts. The article does say the AF Secretary still has the option of demoting him. You may remember that originally the judge Article 32 hearing recommended against further prosecution. We covered him previously; seems to me the ‘dereliction of duty’ charge was related to having consumed alcohol within 12 hours of flying.

No we get to Troy Nehls, the Congressman (R) who seemed so  attached to his CIB that he kept wearing it even after being told it had been revoked. He also claimed two Bronze Stars (neither with V device) which Army records supposedly do not support.

The commanding officer of a 2008 tour in Afghanistan that included then-U.S. Army Major Troy Nehls told The Texas Tribune that he recalls awarding the now-congressman his second Bronze Star award.

That award — which recognizes service members who show heroism in the field — has been called into question after a CBS investigation reported Nehls had been touting military decorations that did not match his service record provided by the Pentagon. In campaign ads and in his House biography, Nehls, R-Richmond, has posted pictures of him in an Army uniform wearing two Bronze Star medals. He has also worn the Combat Infantryman Badge lapel pin, awarded to soldiers for service in combat.

But Jason Burke, the Navy captain who led the 130-person joint task force Nehls served on during his tour, recalled awarding the medal to Nehls. Nehls received the medal at a ceremony with several other officers in the fall of 2008, shortly before Nehls finished his tour and returned to Texas, Burke told the Tribune.

“You’re getting that award if you’ve done a good job and met the criteria,” said the now-retired Burke, who is listed on the award certificate as Nehls’ commanding officer. “He earned it, and received it.”Army Times

Nehls was originally awarded a CIB , but later Big Army realized he was not branched Infantry and was in fact a Civil Affairs officer at the time and ineligible. One would think his CIB would be changed to a CAB, no?

H/t to Jeff LPH for this and the following:

Tractor Supply, a go-to chain store for some items ya just don’t find at the big-box stores, has announced they are shutting down their DEI department. In a press release:

Going forward, we will ensure our activities and giving tie directly to our business. For instance, this means we will:

  • No longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign

  • Refocus our Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring, networking and supporting the business

  • Further focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaigns

  • Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment

  • Withdraw our carbon emission goals and focus on our land and water conservation efforts  NPR

Nice to see someone deciding to stay in their lane.

I bought a gun safe there which was a coupla hundred less than  Academy wanted. Quick FYI, vets in their system get 10% off on Honoring Heroes days, and 15% off in-store purchases July 4th. You have to set up your military status (which uses ID.Me) but it is relatively painless.

Category: Air Force, Get woke, Iraq

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Yeah, but see my big problem with this is why don’t they do that in the first place why do you have to buy into this corporate bullshit because it’s profitable or you believe it’s profitable.
And then when you oops and realize you fucked up….
It’s like the military and people told me early on my career and maybe even my dad said this…
One “Aw Shit” will erase a whole ton of “Atta boys”.

Oh, and I may or may not be traveling at 3 PM today so in advance, I’m declaring Off Site First for the weekend open thread…

Oh, and a Fine and Hardy Fuck You Friday!!


Only thing solid about “woke” ESG or “stakeholder capitalism” crap is that it’s Leftists increasing what they have influence/control over– whatever else (it’s profitable, customers/employees demand it, etc.) is just a lie to get their way.

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous
AW1 Rod

Read Rachel Treisman’s entire whining article at the National Pinko Radio web site.

For Rachel:


So if MG Stewart decides to leave post during his time when he is restricted will his aide de camp stop him, his PSD or will it be the staff duty NCO?

Also why did he not get assigned extra duty? I saw a major get assigned extra duty for some stupid shit he did in Kuwait and they made him drive a bus around the FOB for two months. They could have him reshelving books at the post library or some other helpful task to take his mind off of the stupid shit he did that would have landed an unstarred lessor mortal in Leavenworth.9o


Flag officers don’t do extra duty only NCOs and below and officers O-4 and below

Hack Stone

Twenty plus years ago, before the time that Hack Stone became a successful Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned business, he was assigned to 7th Communications Battalion, III MEF. For those unfamiliar with the Marine Corps Table of Organization, Communication Battalions seem to be over represented when it comes to filling the BQ (Brig Quota). We had a particular knucklehead who did some stupid shit, yeah, hard to believe that a Marine on Okinawa would do some stupid shit. So he had 30 days of Extra Police Duty and Restriction. Don’t know about the other branches, but in the Corps, if you are on restriction, you are required to check in with the Officer of The Day every two hours, in uniform, after being released from work for the day. Last check in for the evening is 22:00. So on his last evening of restriction, he checks in at 22:00, goes back to his room to slip into civies, and heads off to Kinville. You know where this is going. He fucks up, again. And… he gets busted for breaking restriction, because although his last check in was 22:00, his restriction did not expire until 05:59 the next morning. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through the Corps, son.


Everyone wants to be infantry until it’s time to do infantry things….like attending Basic/AIT Training or infantry Officer School at Ft Benning to earn the MOS.

“Nehls was originally awarded a CIB , but later Big Army realized he was not branched Infantry and was in fact a Civil Affairs officer at the time and ineligible. One would think his CIB would be changed to a CAB, no?”


Nehls did attend Infantry Basic and AIT. However at the time of the award he was serving as a Public Affairs officer and therefore ineligible for the CIB.


And then be deployed to a combat zone, in an infantry unit, doing infantry things.


Well, damn. I thought it was no drinking within 75 feet of the aircraft.
My mistake, sorry.

Hack Stone

The easiest way to avoid all of this bullshit regarding offending a segment of your customer base is to not get involved in it. Your business is selling tractor parts, not righting the (alleged) wrongs of society. No matter which way you come down on the issue, someone is going to bitch. If they weren’t paying attention after seeing how it was broken off in the ass (pun intended) of Anheuser-Busch after the Bud Light disaster, then look at all the other boneheaded decisions made by corporate boardrooms in the the name of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” that has resulted in stock values plummeting.

Back in 1990, the Gillette Corporation had the brilliant idea of handing out free razors to Marines entering the Exchange in 29 Palms. A brilliant move to plant the seed of brand loyalty. And ever since then, Hack Stone always purchased Gillette blades, to go with the razor he had decades later. Until… some genius at Gillette decided that they were going to take a stand against “toxic masculinity”. Hack didn’t even know that was a thing until Gillette brought it to his attention. Since then, no more Gillette razors, soap or deodorant, nor will Hack be purchasing any Proctor & Gamble products, the parent company of Gillette.

Just make your product, sell it at a reasonable price, and stay out of politics.


Remember in November

Army-Air Force Guy

I think definitely Hamas’ll be on the ticket, dunno about Mr. Magoo though.

Hack Stone

Weekend At Biden’s II. The sequel no one asked for.


Well, here’s a kid in New Hampshire who should be getting a call from his Army recruiter:


Too much “toxic masculinity” nowadays.

Hack Stone

Hack just posted above referring to “toxicity c masculinity”.

And in today’s all inclusive military which celebrates diversity, what is the acceptable term to yell when a Sailor falls into the ocean? If someone yells “Man overboard!” Will they be reprimanded in the event that the person who fell overboard is misgendered?


Different spanks for different ranks. One has to wonder who Mon General’ pissed off that over ruled the “…no further persecution (sic)…” Either way, spread the butter, he’s toast.

Did the cooks and clerks that were issued a rifle at the Battle of The Bulge get a CIB when they were doing “infantry stuff”? Just my opinion, but I feel no matter what your MOS is, incoming fire doesn’t give a damn. YMMV The Kongress Kritter should consider himself lucky that he wasn’t next to a burn pit.

TS lost an estimated $2 BILLION in stock value when the word of their DEI activities came out. Go woke, go broke. I’ve bought a few things from TS, but in my AO we have a locally owned Ace Hdwe that carries a lot of the same type items at a better price point. I would like to have one of these…for…reasons… 😀,0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.9,1.0,8,0


I’d love to have a 6000 watt generator from them.

Hack Stone

Ralph Monroe is quite upset with Tractor Supply Company discontinuing their DEI program. Looks like Mr. Haney will be regaining one of his lost customers.