Daily FGS

| July 5, 2024

Henry Big Boy Revolvers

Defendant Claims ‘Self-Defense’ in Double Homicide, Bail Denied

By Nina Wilson
A Baltimore man was denied bail on July 3 for what he claims was killing two armed men and wounding another in self-defense.

Darius Daye, is being charged with two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of firearm use in a felony violent crime for two murders on Jan. 19.

In Daye’s bail review before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Anthony F. Vittoria, his attorney, Chris Purpura argued that Daye was not a flight risk and that he shot three victims to protect his life.

According to Purpura, Daye, 21, is employed as a mechanic and a security guard licensed to carry a weapon as well as being a high school graduate.

The night of the incident, Daye and two other colleagues were working on a car when three armed men entered the auto repair shop. In addition to Daye, another person on the scene had a license to wear and carry a concealed firearm.

One of the armed men approached Daye’s colleague at gunpoint, demanded his firearm then allegedly shot him.

Daye allegedly then took out his firearm, shot and killed two of the armed men and tried to leave but his vehicle was trapped in snow. The last armed man followed Daye outside and Daye allegedly shot him but he survived. Daye later took his injured colleague to the hospital.

Daye is only charged with the two homicides.

After the shooting, Purpura stated that Daye contacted 911, went to police, handed in his phone, turned in his gun voluntarily at the hospital and gave complete statements to police. Police released him and arrested him in March.

Daye was denied bail based on the seriousness of the offense.
His trial is scheduled before Judge Melissa K. Copeland on July 26.

No Score
Baltimore Witness

Man injured after being shot trying to break into a High Point home

Story by Kahleah Gaither
A man is suffering serious injuries after being shot while trying to break into a home in High Point.

High Point police responded to a residential breaking and entering call on Avery Avenue around 3 a.m.

People at the home told the police someone tried to open the front door and then broke a window in the back of the house to get inside.

One of the people in the home grabbed a handgun and fired at the suspect, who ran off.

A bit later, officers were notified about a person with a gunshot wound who arrived at a local hospital.

0 / 1 / 0

Wrong house. Thanks again Gun Bunny.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
Edward R. Murrow

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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I had to go back to read “Baltimore” before that 1st FGS made sense.
Judged by 12 still better’n carried by 6.


It’s a special set of skilz to interpret these articles, Graybeard. Lots of butt winding and watch scratching involved. We need a national law on being able to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. Also need a law to be able to defend oneself with firearms. Oh…wait… Give the Citizen a medal and a reward for taking out the trash.

Tar Heel! Dig in and defend what you have. A follow up article (posted below) shows that a total of 4 perps were involved in this attempted home invasion. Claw…warm up the Whiz Wheel.

Become the Sheep Dog.

Our Beloved AW1Ed is doing his damnedest to lead The Gun Bunny into temptation. Have shorely been studying a same caliber Rifle/Pistol Combo. This Dog Faced Pony Soldier likes Big Boy Toys.


“Don’t need” is usually code for “my wife would kill me” or ” too expensive.
I went with the .44 Special combo. Magnums optional.


I do need another .357. I’m longing to replace my Model 19–the 4″ barrel made it about perfect for either open or concealed carry. We have a 6″ barreled Model 66 at work but I’m holding out for now.

My only current .357 is the Taurus 605 with a 2″ barrel. I call it a flashbang, as with full power loads it lights up the day and has almost as much bark as bite. For the price, though, I’ve always found Taurus revolvers to be good alternatives to the S&W models they are so similar to. The Model 85 I had some 25 years ago was pretty decent, and the Model 856 has been tucked away in the truck for a hot minute. It’s about time to relocate it to the new van.


Rifle/pistol combos… Let’s see, I have a few:

  • Winchester ’94 and Ruger Vaquero in .45 Colt
  • Ruger PC Carbine and 9mm Glocks (I currently have the 17 Gen 5 and the 45 MOS)
  • [Insert .22 LR rifle and handgun here]: too many to choose from, but I think that in a pinch one of the takedown/compact rifles and a Heritage Rough Rider would suffice for backpacking and scrounging. There’s the AR-7, a couple of Chiappa Little Badgers, and Marlin Papoose, while the Barkeep or Barkeep Boot would probably leave the house before one of the more “useful” Rough Riders. Naturally, the revolver would be more immediate self-defense and or simple noisemaker than practical hunting/defensive gun: Barkeep – Compact Carry Revolver | Heritage Mfg

Things I’m considering:

  • 5.7mm combo: they’re slow moving, but we have the Ruger LC Carbine and 5.7 pistol that take the same magazine.
  • .30 Carbine pistol: a friend had an AMT Automag years ago. I have the Inland M1 Carbine that would be complemented rather well by a pistol in the same caliber.
  • Henry/Rossi/Marlin/S&W .44 Magnum carbine: would be a natural with the Model 29.
  • Vintage .38-40 revolver: to back up the 130-year-old Model 1892.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“It’s Chinatown Baltimore, Jake.”