CNN Faces Defamation Lawsuit Over Afghan Evac

| June 26, 2024 | 18 Comments

CNN To Face Defamation Case In Florida Over Alleged False Narrative About Afghanistan Evacuations

A Florida appeals court Wednesday said a security consultant could pursue a punitive damages claim against CNN in a defamation and trade-libel lawsuit stemming from the evacuation of Afghan citizens as the United States withdrew from Afghanistan.

A three-judge panel of the 1st District Court of Appeal rejected CNN’s arguments that Zachary Young, the operator of Nemex Enterprises, Inc., should not be able to seek punitive damages.

Young filed the Bay County lawsuit against CNN after 2021 reports about private-evacuation operators.

“Specifically, Young alleged CNN repeatedly accused him of operating in a ‘black market’ and mischaracterized his work as exploitative because he charged ‘exorbitant’ fees Afghan citizens could not pay,” Wednesday’s ruling said. “Young claimed he was particularly harmed because he was the only private evacuator profiled in the reporting.”

With the lawsuit pending, a circuit judge approved a motion by Young to seek punitive damages. That led CNN to appeal, but the panel Wednesday said Young provided enough evidence to be able to pursue punitive damages.

“We must consider whether Young made a reasonable evidentiary proffer to provide a reasonable basis for recovery of punitive damages at this stage,” said the ruling, written by Judge Clay Roberts and joined by Judges Thomas Winokur and Robert Long.

“After reviewing the totality of the proffered evidence in the light most favorable to Young, we conclude that he did. Young sufficiently proffered evidence of actual malice, express malice, and a level of conduct outrageous enough to open the door for him to seek punitive damages.


Florida’s First District Court of Appeals affirmed that the plaintiff, Navy veteran Zachary Young, could seek punitive damages in addition to economic and emotional damages, from CNN in a civil trial. They allegedly defamed him regarding his work in getting people out of Afghanistan. The total could amount to up $1 billion.  Young needed to prove malice and according to the ruling, he’s done exactly that.

The defamation suit stemmed from a segment on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper about Young’s company Nemex Enterprises Inc. and the prices they were allegedly charging to get people out of Afghanistan. Tapper led into the segment by painting an image of “black market” hustlers who charged “exorbitant fees” taking advantage of desperate people:

In our world today, the U.S. government, the Biden administration says that as of last week it had assisted in the departure of at least 377 U.S. citizens and 279 lawful permanent residents of the U.S. from Afghanistan since August 31st. Still, many Afghans, Afghans who desperately want to flee Taliban rule and Afghans who say their lives are at stake, they remain behind. As CNN’s Alex Marquardt has discovered, Afghans trying to get out of the country, face a black market full of promises, demands of exorbitant fees, and no guarantee of safety or success.

CNN’s correspondent Alex Marquardt singled out Young’s company, not mentioning any others known to be working in-country to get people out. CNN has since edited The Lead by deleting the archived segment in question. Wonder if this will come up in tomorrow’s Presidential Debate. On CNN. With Tapper as a moderator.

Category: Afghanistan, Media, Schadenfreude

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A Proud Infidel®️™️

Tough shit for the Communist News Network!


I’m not a lawyer nor do I play on TV, but anything the empties CNN’s pockets is good in my book.


Good for CNN
Now they will be broker
hopefully they will stop the bullshit reporting


CNN got called for telling lies? Unpossible!


CNN lies? Who knew.


Nick Sandmann…grins!

Hack Stone

After Nick got his payday, the only thing left of value is some CNN beer mug cozies that they distribute during the mostly peaceful riots that they cover.

Hack Stone

Executives at CNN called the report “fake but accurate”.



Hack Stone

If CNN wanted to really cover a story of desperate people being extorted of tens of thousands of dollars to get to the US, why don’t they run a segment on the coyotes working along the Mexico America border?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

cnn won’t go after the border coyotes because they are bringing in the voters to support the new 1000 year 4th Reich banana republic monarch.


They did do this piece complaining about people getting misinformation about how to sneak across the border. They want to make sure that they get the correct information about how to sneak across the border. Also nobody’s really been sneaking for the last 3 years.


How about a segment on all the border crossers in Maine
along the new brunswick border with US Rte 1 ?
Don’t hear that in the news.



Fees/Penalties now in the billions!

Forest Bondurant

And not a single word was ever reported about what the State Department was doing/did (or didn’t do) to evacuate Americans left behind, or honoring promises to Afghani allies.



Secretary of State Blonken verified that there were only 143 people left behind and this was fact checked by MSNBC. The Senate report stating that 9,000 people were left behind are all lies spread by Nazis and Trump supporters, which are pretty much the same thing.




Our last words before going to sleep after taps in boot camp “good night Chesty whevever you are”