Donald Trump removed from Colorado’s primary

| December 21, 2023

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump is not qualified to run for president based on the insurrection clause. This decision removes Donald Trump as an option for the Republican primary in Colorado. The Colorado Supreme Court stayed this decision until January 4 or until the US Supreme Court decides on this case.

From ABC News:

“We do not reach these conclusions lightly,” wrote the court’s majority. “We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us. We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach.”

Trump’s attorneys had promised to appeal any disqualification immediately to the nation’s highest court, which has the final say about constitutional matters.

Trump’s legal spokeswoman Alina Habba said in a statement Tuesday night: “This ruling, issued by the Colorado Supreme Court, attacks the very heart of this nation’s democracy. It will not stand, and we trust that the Supreme Court will reverse this unconstitutional order.”

Trump didn’t mention the decision during a rally Tuesday evening in Waterloo, Iowa, but his campaign sent out a fundraising email citing what it called a “tyrannical ruling.”

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel labeled the decision “Election interference” and said the RNC’s legal team intends to help Trump fight the ruling.

ABC News has the rest of the story here.

Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Liberals suck

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Dennis - not chevy

‘yep, first you put the folks you don’t vote your way into concentration camps, re-education camps, or gulags (same thing, different names); then you get the enabling act passed; then you ban all of the other parties. The world has seen it before.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s why the commie/Nazi D-rats screech for Gun Control, they know that Armed Citizens WILL NOT comply when told to get into the boxcars.


Exactly. As a gun guy, I sometimes wonder “what if” when I see historical photos of a handful of soldiers or policemen rounding up civilians for internment or worse. You’ll see a German soldier armed with his Kar98k, or an officer armed with a P38, corralling scores of prisoners who are obediently complying despite knowing that they might have just experienced their last moments of freedom.

This nation was founded on the principle of freedom, and while not perfect, the three bodies of government were intended to act as checks and balances–not as islands of tyranny that seek to ensure the “right” person is in office. That’s for We the People to decide, not a clown court. Yet, the precedent was established when the Legislative Branch went after Trump by impeaching him, followed by the Executive Branch, with the DOJ being weaponized against him. Now, it’s the Judicial Branch’s turn to attack on all fronts and ensure that Trump is never allowed back in office…

Armed Americans lack the firepower of a military force, but the Posse Comitatus Act prevents federal forces from being deployed on US soil (though if things got really bad, I could see Biden and his minions siccing the full power of our military against us). That leaves the National Guard and various law enforcement agencies, amongst whom there are many who side with freedom. The handful of guards armed with pistols and bolt-actions were effective against a disarmed and naive populace in the 1930s, but it’s likely that only dedicated (to the regime) federal agents and a handful of Guard and local/state police would be willing to take on fellow US Citizens. Especially knowing that many of us have firepower that meets or exceeds what they have.


Left/libtards (like Georg Soros) are always strangely envious of the uniforms and Triumph of the Will, for some reason.
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Yes, but that corporate oligarchy is in cahoots with the Deep State actors.


SCOTUS is going to throw it out, likely with a slap down. If this isn’t a due process violation, there never was one. Not that it matters, Liberal Colorado wasn’t voting for him anyway.

As soon as the first witness is sworn and the jury seated the insurrection charges will go away as well under 5A DJ. The legal circus that is going on is an insult to the Constitution. These people have no shame and should have their bar license revoked.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

5JC, I don’t know about the SCOTUS tossing out the case since maybe they will worry about people protesting in front of their homes and look who is on the Supreme court. I hope I am wrong about what I just said.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I think the more likely scenario is that SCOTUS agrees to hear the case during the fall session. That allows the stay from Colorado to remain in place until after the election in which case the point of this becomes moot and SCOTUS can then simply abandon without having to rule or take a side and avoid dealing with it entirely.

Colorado Court did essentially the same thing when they stated this order of a stay remains in effect if the SCOTUS agrees to hear the case…now nobody has to really rule on it if it is placed on the SCOTUS docket but not scheduled until after November….

It will be worth watching…especially if other states try and pull the same shit then I agree with you that SCOTUS needs to rule and toss it out.


The D-rat Prog lawers are already working on lawfare to do the same thing in four other states.

Green Thumb

Third world shit.

These righteousness clowns are only going to make him stronger with their games.


Haven’t seen any poll numbers yet, but whatever number they put out, it’s more likely higher than they want to print.


No charges.
No indictment.
No trial.
Just 4 activist judges declaring guilt.

Didn’t we fight a revolution over shit like this?


Incorrect. There was a trial in the Senate for which he was not found guilty.


You’re gonna have to show me the facts on that. These were Colorado judges, nothing to do with a trial in the Senate or anywhere else. Banana republic, dictatorial, politically motivated crap. In other words, I’m throwing a bullshit flag on your post. Prove me wrong.

Last edited 9 months ago by SFC D
jeff LPH 3 63-66

According to the 14th A, Pres. Trump doesn’t fit the criteria for the 14th. Dan Bongino went over that yesterday on WFTL AM radio. This sounds like a delaying tactic which the 4 A -Hole Judges knew that it would not stand up.

Amateur Historian

This might be the very thing that kicks off another revolution. The government getting to pick who can represent us is an intolerable abuse of our rights and freedoms.


I’m wondering if Trump can sue the Colorado judiciary for violating his constitutional and civil rights. That’d get real interesting.


If Trump gets reelected, I have no doubts his first words will be…. “My turn”.


No, judges have judicial immunity. They cannot be sued, no matter how bogus their rulings. The sole remedy lies with the U.S. Supreme Court.


Presidents also have immunity, at least while in office. Could not the same be true for judges, “while in office”?

As somebody once was happy to crow about, elections have consequences.


People like to talk about the evils of qualified immunity for cops, but the absolute immunity of judges is way more problematic.


Bah. Humbug.


That is the way the Iranian government runs their elections. The ruling mullahs pick all the candidates on the ballot.

A Proud Infidel®™

That and they have their hit squads who seek out and deal with Dissenters just like Hitler’s “Sturmabteilung” and Soros’s Antifa these days.


Tinfoil hat time – the more of this stuff I see, the more I’m thinking they are trying to get Trump elected. Which, if inciting a civil uprising to be able to impose severe reactions, makes sense.

Change my mind.

Slow Joe

I don’t know. It seems to me that the Dems are just going for their lowest common denominator, which is hatred of Trump and America as founded, and are doing their darnest to keep him out of office. After all, they are great believers in “act locally to influence globally”, so I think they are just following their playbook without thinking of long term consequences.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur with you 100% SJ, Trump has a great record of accomplishment versus the current (P)resident who leaves a thick trail of slime behind him everywhere he goes. The DNC puppet media can do little more than parrot whatever propaganda they are handed by their Soros-paid Herders and Handlers which is little more than the strategies used by the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others, I see now why the left has been so dedicated to the dumbing-down of Public Education because the stupid and indoctrinated are much easier to stir up and herd.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

IMO those political crusaders just handed him the election, but why interrupt the enemy when he’s cutting his own throat? To me, it’s also further proof that colleges and grad schools are more dedicated to politically conditioning people versus actually teaching.


Just the fact that this was announced is a sign of how far down our Country has gone. I repeat…Trump is not their primary target…We, The People are…He’s just in the way. I also will repeat, my personal opinion…we will NOT vote our way out of this mess. It’s cute (in a sad sort of way) that some people think we will. News flash for them…2020 (s)election showed that TPTB have smelled the smoke and know what works and don’t work. Prepare

It will be interesting to see how Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, presents her case. I wouldn’t mind seeing her “briefs”. (I’ll put myself in time out now, OAM) 😀


Bad doggy!


Former Trump legal eagle, Christina Bobb, is eye candy. She’s also a former Marine Corps JAG officer.
Christina Bobb – Bing images


I’d bob for her apple! Somebody stop me…PLEASE! Can I be one of the few good men that Marine is looking for? Bet her briefs are…well…brief. Or is it her and Victoria’s Secret? Maybe even Marine Commando? High & tight?


Maybe it’s just me, but conservative women just seem more attractive. Maybe because their panties aren’t in a twist.


Because we’re real, biological women who are proud of the fact and know how much power resides in being real, biological women.


And everyone said AMEN!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This will be interesting for me because I believe there are two possible paths here, one I wrote in a reply below where SCOTUS simply agrees to hear it, which leaves the stay in place indefinitely and SCOTUS can sit back and let it die of natural causes….

The other path, should additional states try and pull this stunt, is SCOTUS quickly slapping this down and stating it can’t be used by a state for what is a Federal crime, especially when the candidate has not been indicted or convicted of any Federal insurrection statute at this time and is unlikely to be indicted or convicted of a Federal charge of insurrection at any time in the future.


Then the Supremes should just come right out and say it. Screw their recess, this should take all of 5 minutes to decide and write their opinions.

It should be short, sweet and to the point.

NO!! You have no grounds for this and we better not see this shit again.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If only we lived in such a perfect world.


One can dream.


The dems in Commiefornia are already pushing to become the second state to bar Trump from the ballot. it’s the Lt Governor for now, Newscum doesn’t want to appear too eager to take over.
Heard one of the talking heads this afternoon going where I went a while back, the dems are allowing the invasion at the southern border so that they can, at a date not far down the road, issue an executive order on the 2st of November, 20__ , granting everhy illegal in the country the right to vote. Scotus will dither and dawdle and they’ll win the presidency and it’ll be all over for everyone else.


I can already see this happening. Every illegal will have a “right to work”, meaning that they will pay taxes (though to be fair, how many will continue working under-the-table?). As taxpayers, it’s unfair to prevent them from exercising their “right to vote” and having a say in where that tax money goes, citizen or not. As new “Americans”, legal or not, they’ll be grateful for the lenient policies of the Dem-controlled government and remember that come election season. Barring Trump from any chance of election is just the start.

Don’t worry, though, they will ensure that there’s a fair and free presidential election every four years. We’ll even maintain the facade of having term limits, and allow a RINO to gain office every so often, so long as he caters to the Dems.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just look at the Amnesty for Illegals deal that Ronald Reagan got conned into signing which turned California permanently blue.




Every time Trump has been indicted his poll numbers soared.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”


Because Democrats feel like it…

Hack Stone

Well, since “Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation” has been played out, they need to find another path to stack the deck. Hack Stone is confused as to (see what Hack did there?) why the Democrats are so fearful of Donal Trump running. If he is so universally hated by the American voters, they should welcome him on the ballot so America can send him away once and for all. And the Democrats can rest assured that the 87,000,000 people who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 are completely satisfied with the state of the economy, the secure border, world peace in Europe and the Middle East, rampant crime finally under control, the fentanyl crisis finally under control and no hint of corruption from the current administration.

Hack Stone

You know, if we would just do away with the pesky elections altogether and allow George Soros to appoint our political leaders directly, we would all be better off. And I for one welcome our Democrat Overlords. I would like to remind that as Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned business that sells Red Hat Software to the Federal Government, I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their African mines extracting precious metals for solar panels and electric car batteries.


Don’t forget to look favorably on our future Chinese Communist overlords.


Trump 2024

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Trump can run even if they try using the 14 A according to Dan Bongino in that there is an electee process that Pres. trump can use to be on any Ballot. Dan Got this info from the 20th A that he mentioned this afternoon on WFTL 850 AM
radio. The red states should use the 14th A on Herr biden for letting invaders come into the country through the border.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Correction on what I commented about the 20th A. I got the world alminac out a couple of minutes ago and the Amendment didn’t make sense to me about what Dan Bongino said about Trump running for Pres. I couldn’t find what he was talking about so Belay my comment on the 20th A.


Communist Sec of State Sheena Bellows is holding off to
see what other states do before trying keep Trump off the ballot in Maine.
She is another Soros plant. Doggie on a leash.


Perhaps Larry Craig should run instead. He takes a wide stance against crime and corruption and will not tap his toes around delicate issues like immigration and abortion.

All joked aside…..this is corrupt, banana republic bullshit that has no place in either of our countries. It’s not ‘winning ‘ if the Demonrats prohibit everything could cause them to lose. It’s just cheating.

Slow Joe

Will the Republicans grow a pair and ban Joe Biden for running in any Republican controlled state for his corrupt deals with China?

Amateur Historian

What my state did does set a precedent for that…


Lieutenant Gov of Texas mentioned just that, except about abandoning the US borders.

Amateur Historian

Well, time to move. I’m not going to have my right to vote be suppressed in my own state. In the unlikelihood that this unconstitutional ruling stands, how will I know votes I pass for other Republican or Libertarian candidates will be honored and respected by my state government? Will my vote be considered illegitimately casted or will it just be coverted into a democrat ticket?


 Will my vote be considered illegitimately cast[ed] or will it just be co{n}verted into a democrat ticket?



AND, current administration continues to break the law and laugh in our face. Did you notice that as soon as Eric Adams started talking crap about the administration, he gets indicted and shits up? Watching what’s happening is hopefully causing people to think!


So basically, they told Adams …No talking out of turn and don’t go getting all uppity.


Haven’t heard another word from him!


“We have to put a stop to the democratic process, so we can save democracy!”


I was working on some research on this topic. There were more than 100 Confederates who served in Congress after the Civil war. Here are some of them.

  • James Alcorn – Confederate Brigadier General. Republican Senator from Mississippi 1871-1877. 
  • James Black – CSA Private. Democrat Representative from Georgia 1893-1895.
  • George Dibrell – CSA Brig Gen. Democrat Congressman from Tenn 1875-1885.
  • John Richardson – CSA Captain. Democrat Congressman from South Carolina 1879-1883.
  • Joseph Horace Lewis – CSA Brig Gen. Democrat Congressman from Kentucky 1870-1873
  • William Ruffin Cox – CSA Brig Den. Active and vocal in the secessionist movement pre-war. Democrat Congressman from North Carolina 1881-1887. Secretary of the Senate 1893-1900. 
  • James Ronald Chalmers – CSA Brig Gen. Democrat Representative from Miss 1877-1882.
  • Matthew Calbraith Butler – CSA Maj Gen. Democrat Senator South Carolina 1877-1895. Served as a Maj Gen of Volunteers in the Spanish-American War. 
  • Samuel Bell Maxey – CSA Maj Gen. Democrat Senator from Texas 1875-1887
  • John Manning Jr – CSA 1st Lt. Democrat Congressman from North Carolina 1870-1871
  • Wharton Jackson Green – CSA Lt Col. Democrat Congressman from North Carolina 1883-1887
  • Paul Carrington Edmunds – CSA 1t Lt. Democrat Congressman from Virginia 1889-1895
  • William Breckinridge – CSA Col. Commanded Jefferson Davis’s bodyguard at the end of the war. Democrat Congressman from Kentucky 1885-1895
  • George Paul Harrison – CSA Brig Gen. Democrat Congressman from Alabama 1894-1897
  • James Webb Throckmorton – CSA Captain. Democrat Congressman from Texas 1875-1879, 1883-1887. As a delegate at the Texas secession convention in 1861 was one of only eight to vote against secession. 
  • John Lamb – CSA Captain. Democrat Representative from Virginia 1897-1913
  • Richard Beale – CSA Brig Gen. Democrat Congressman from Virginia 1847-1849, 1879-1881
  • George Gordon Washington – CSA Brig Gen. Democrat Representative from Tenn 1907-1911
  • Pierce Manning Butler Young – CSA Maj Gen. Democra

I see lots of Democrats listed in there


It’s almost like there’s a connection or correlation between the Democratic Party and the Confederacy 🤔! It’s funny how that is now a bit twisted in the modern narrative.🤷‍♂️


Assuming this goes to SCOTUS,
no one here should be disappointed with the January 2024 SCOTUS outcome.

After all,
SCOTUS leans 6-3 conservative, ever since late 2020,
when Ginsburg failed in her effort to live forever,
or at least to 100,
or at least until she could have retired under a Democrat president.

(She made the (literally) grave mistake of NOT retiring in 2013 or 2015,
assuming her fave Hillary was a shoe to become the next president.)

we can all look forward to January 2024,
and come back to this article, too.
whatever the outcome,
even if Coke can Clarence Thomas recuses himself,
2024 elections go on, with or without anyone’s fave.


Riddle me this: Why would justice Thomas recuse himself from this or any other T rump case?

Forest Bondurant

If SCOTUS doesn’t render a decision, my advice to Coloradians who support Trump to write his name in on the ballot. That would be interesting to see.