Cruz beerbombed, Jackson issues first opinion. NON-election news

| November 9, 2022

Ted Cruz, R-Texas

At the Houston Astos victory parade for winning the World Series over the undeserving Phillies*, an idiot just had to do idiot stuff and throw not just one but two cans at Ted Cruz. Various sources report the cans as containing  beer but WaPo says Cruz ID’ed it as “White Claw”….who cares? WaPo

As always, I am grateful to the Houston Police and Capitol Police for their quick action,” Cruz said in a message on the social network Twitter.

“I am also thankful that the clown who threw his beer had a noodle for an arm,” he added, alluding to the fact that he did not suffer any injuries.


Joseph Halm Arcidiacono, 33, is facing charges and has a $40,000 bond set. A soy-boy from the heart of Beto-land with no arm – who would have guessed?

Jackson decision

In other news, our latest Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson issued her first opinion, on an Ohio death penalty case regarding Davel Chinn.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Jackson, in a two-page opinion, wrote that she would have ordered a new look at Chinn’s case “because his life is on the line and given the substantial likelihood that the suppressed records would have changed the outcome at trial.”

The evidence at issue indicated that a key witness against Chinn has an intellectual disability that might have affected his memory and ability to testify accurately, she wrote.

Prosecutors are required to turn over potentially exculpatory evidence to the defense. In this case, lower courts determined that the outcome would not have been affected if the witness’ records had been provided to Chinn’s lawyers.

AP via Yahoo

She is unilaterally overthrowing multiple lower court decisions which ruled the ‘suppressed’ evidence would not have made a difference… but that’s what Supremes do. And while I am a strong proponenet of the death penalty, I tend to agree that erring on the side of caution is right. If they’re guilty, string ’em up – but make damn sure they ARE guilty first. No sole witnesses, no circumstantial evidence – if we are gonna execute people, we need to be absolutely sure we are executing the right guy/gal. (And the flip side, in cases like Nikolas Cruz’, where there was absolutely no doubt – he should have been put down like a rabid dog.)

*Oh, my crack about the Phillies – NO WILD CARD TEAMS IN PLAYOFFS. I don’t care how close they came or how well they play once they are allowed in.  And I say that from the standpoint of a fan whose team won the whole ball of wax from being a wild card….they should never have been allowed to continue playing after the regular season. IMHO MLB screwed the pooch with ALL the wild cards… and the DH rule.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Society

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Commissioner Wretched

Jeez, I did an opinion column this week on the no-hitter in the Series last week – the combined no-hitter. I hate statistics-driven baseball. If a kid’s in there pitching a no-no you leave him in, regardless of what the computers say.

And while I’m at it, get off my lawn.


You don’t see coaches making gutsy calls much anymore. I was shocked when Brian Kelly went for 2 on Saturday. It was the right call and he went with it but the “hero or zero” mentality is fading from America.


Joseph Halm Arcidiacono looks like a soy boi bottom beta cuck that would be drinking a White Claw. The can missed because his arm probably got tangled up with his purse eeerrr murse.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Meat gazer soi boi is now gonna get his meat gazed by BTJT.


Joseph Halm Arcidiacono

Claw up!


Roger! The Whiz Wheel®™ spins:

Joseph Halm Arcidiacono (FRPR*) 43 x 8 = 344

* Full Retard Past Rutabaga (Hat Tip to API®™)


Cruz is a class act with a towering intellect and great sense of humor.

Ketanji Brown Jackson is a classless act with a minuscule intellect.

As for the Phillies’ fans – they showed themselves classless as well. “Mattress Mack” rose far above them in behavior.


Oh, besides that, Ted was riding with his family – his wife and (cute) daughters were there with him.
Joseph Halm Arcidiacono is really big and brave endangering women and children, isn’t he?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

if judge jackson loses, she will have to take it on the Chin.


White Claw is the “man bun” of alcoholic beverages.

comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC
Skivvy Stacker

I feel it’s necessary to point out that, since those guys are actually BBQ-ing on a grill, they’re not actually GAY….they’re actually woke, soi-boy, fact checkers from Twitter.


Check again. That’s a big sausage they got there.

Skivvy Stacker

That’s a super sized Cinebon.

Slow Joe

A 33 year old baby cannot stand the presence of anyone with opposing views and throws empty cans in a fit.


It could have done damage if it would have been literally anyone else doing the throwing.

Last edited 1 year ago by MustangCPT
jeff LPH 3 63-66

Right now he will have to grin and beer it.


“various sources report the cans as containing beer but WaPo says Cruz ID’ed it as “White Claw”….who cares?”…

For identification purposes, as the meme above points out..

 A soy-boy from the heart of Beto-land with no arm – who would have guessed?”… White Claw confirmed…


In a perfect world, someone would have caught the can, whipped it back at that soy-boy, and beaned some sense into his fool head.


That would have been epic..


OK people, time to break up the Houston Cheetos, eh…Astros. They’ve won enough. Let’s give other AL teams a chance to get in the playoffs.


Hater. 😄


Hey, my White Sox put them down in ‘05 when the Astros were still a National League team.


“WaPo says Cruz ID’ed it as “White Claw”….”

I could be mistaken, but I think Ted just called the can tosser a basic bitch. YMMV.


As a baseball fan since Duke Snider patrolled center in Ebbets Field, I want to know how MLB can have an official “gaming” site, yet keep Pete Rose banned from any participation in the game? The blood of Shoeless Joe Jackson cries out from the ground.


It’s from the “it’s OK when WE do it” school of corporate and public governance. Kind of like if I were to come up with a retirement/insurance program that would take money from one group of people to pay out a previous group of “investors”, I would go to prison for running a pyramid scheme. The government, however, can not only implement it and call it Social Security, they forcibly compel you to “contribute” to the tune of 12.5% of your salary. At least Bernie Madoff didn’t force anyone to invest with him.


Two more early Stupid People of The Week subjects. Dumbass soi boi showed his racism by not picking a Black Label Beer to throw. Must be Trump’s fault. Damn shame a SCOTUS Justise was picked simply because she checked off the boxes.

Haven’t given a damn about pro baseball since the strike way back yonder. Buncha over paid, over grown, under worked crybabies. Same for pro football..PHUQUE ‘EM!

SEC College Football Rules! hbtd/rtr