Army Sergeant on Duncan/Strandlof

| May 17, 2009

In case anyone is still interested in the Duncan/Strandlof saga, Army Sergeant, the IVAW member who TSO refers to as our “Frenemy” (I don’t refer to her as such, though), has published the IVAW’s unofficial excuse for their association with the complete fraud. By complete fraud, I refer to the fact that Jesse MacBeth at least spent 43 days in the Army, which is 44 days more than Duncan/Strandlof spent in the Marines.

Army Sergeant tells us that she isn’t the official source for any excuse the IVAW might decide to publish, mostly because Alex Bacon, the IVAW’s Executive Director, is engaged in a private matter. The official excuse has to have the approval of a guy who went went AWOL from the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration or some other Department of Transportation agency. So we’ll be waiting on pins and needles from that expert.

In the interim, let’s look at Army Sergeant’s excuse. It typically avoids all of the issues that are involved. “Oh, I met him once, but it was so insignificant that I don’t remember the meeting.” So? When TSO and I went to Winter Soldier, we had to prove we were veterans by sending copies of our DD214. Duncan/Strandlof went to Winter Soldier, too. If TSO and I could figure out the technology to send our’s, why couldn’t IVAW force the same restrictions on their membership?

AS glosses over the fact that Duncan/Strandlof also attended IVAW Warrior Writer workshops and on at least two separate occasions attended Tower Guard events in Colorado. So we don’t get in a pissing contest over minutiae (as a discussion of facts usually becomes with Army Sergeant), here’s a screenshot of one of the few remaining Rick Duncan videos left on YouTube since IVAW started scrubbing the internet the other day to create a some deniability. This is a Warrior Writer video;

The end of the video has credits;

The videos are the YouTube channel of CSaction, following the links you end up at a webpage with this banner;

Here’s a picture from CSaction of Duncan and Garret Reppenhagen, former IVAW board member. The caption of the picture is “Mark shares a laugh with Joe and Garrett, while Hank keeps guard”.

So now that we’ve avoided the discussion that Duncan/Standlof wasn’t just some IVAW straphanger groupie off of the street as Army Sergeant tried to make him appear in her post, let’s look at some of AS’ other excuses, for example “We also did not have the amount of staffers perhaps necessary to handle the influx of members last year.” Yeah, Duncan joined in 2007 not “last year”, as the pictures and videos above prove. Nice try, though.

Some have charged, mainly in the milblogosphere, that we should have known that “Duncan” was a liar because of his claims. It’s something that’s really easy to say after the fact, but I’ll examine them.

Then she go on to dispute the “shot off finger” and the “openly gay battalion commander” stories with some stories about her mother’s reattached finger and some gay soldiers she’s known. Big whoop. My point about the gay BATTALION commander was that there probably hasn’t been a captain battalion commander in the Marines since World War Two. Did I really have to say that? Her mother’s finger was cut off with a power saw, not blown off by a bullet – why did I have to type that, too?

Now, I see in the comments of her post (comments were closed last night when I read it), TSO asked her some of the questions I presented here. Her response was to give an Infantry Salute (shrugging her shoulders while reciting “Ah dunno”.) The answer to Battalion Commander thing was;

As for 03 Battalion commanders in the Marine Corps, I really have no idea. I know that it wouldn’t happen in the Army, but the Marines are smaller. It wouldn’t occur to me to say I knew one way or another. I’m just speaking for self here.

Army Sergeant sounds like an abused spouse making excuses for her tormentor.

The “Bacon is incommunicado” is weak, too. How long does it take to tell a subordinate to write a piss-poor excuse for their incompetence? Staying true to form, I expect Bacon, if he releases a statement at all, will blame Kelly Dougherty, the previous ED, for Duncan.

I don’t really care what their statement says, however. The fact remains that fakes get into IVAW because their mentors, VFP and VVAW, are generally fakes, too. Their board is tied by purse strings to organizations that wouldn’t know a phony veteran if they were bit by one. The whole anti-war Left is more concerned about WHAT is being said than WHO is saying it since the whole ideology is based on emotions and not facts.

IVAW, nor their handlers, are willing to scrutinize their membership because scrutiny will run some off. I’m pretty sure we’ll see more of these phonies – and I’m doing my best to embarrass IVAW – you’d think they would want to get ahead of me.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Dave Thul

John I have to take issue with the first line of this post, ‘in case you are still interested’.

First, a lot of folks are still interested.

Second, I can’t help but think that the more IVAW gets exposed for what it truly is, the fewer number of unsuspecting real soldiers will get sucked into it. AS is still defending IVAW even though she was disgusted enough to leave them. I think its natural for anyone to want to defend something they put a lot of time and effort into. But does anyone think that if AS knew what she knows now back then that she ever would have joined IVAW to start with?


I expressed to AS in a phone call how ridiculous IVAW has been on this. In her defense, she shouldn’t have to do the defense, but since she voluntarily did so, it has to be more sane than this stuff.

IVAW will do nothing again, and next time we go through this it will be the same horseshit. VoteVets will start checking DD214’s immediately, and it might be fun to write down all their bloggers over there and see who disappears.

Either Way, Alex Bacon, if you take something down on your website for inaccuracy, you PUT UP A STATEMENT. Even if the statement is, “We will respond to this on MOnday”, which is weak, but you put something up. The Memory Hole is starting to fill up with the discarded horseshit of IVAW and other anti-war veterans groups.


They don’t have anything to say because what can they say?

If the NCO in question had really been a professional, she would have said, “We ****ed up and didn’t check on his background. Why? Because regardless of what the truth is, he told the story we wanted to hear.”

The whole sorry leftist approach to everything is the same- as long as it fits their agenda, it doesn’t matter if it it true.

ROK Drop

I do think that someone in the IVAW and VoteVets had to have known this guy was a fraud. If I was in these groups and this guy came and told me he was a captain that commanded a Marine battalion in Iraq I would have called BS on him right then and there. Like with many of these phony soldiers their lies are easy to detect by other veterans, but probably for the reasons you mentioned members of IVAW & VoteVets didn’t bother to challenge this guy.

What I think will be interesting to see is in 2010 how many politicians will try to use these phony veterans groups for ironically veteran creditability?

Debbie Clark

Dutch508 wrote:
“The whole sorry leftist approach to everything is the same- as long as it fits their agenda, it doesn’t matter if it is true.”

Now I do not share all your views on things here, but I do relate to some of it.

Anyway, although Dave Cline was a leftist, one of the first things I found out about him when I first met him at a veterans antiwar protest in Washington DC in March 2003 was that he didn’t like the Communists, didn’t trust them, and considered them to be to blame for the disintegration of the veterans antiwar movement of the Vietnam era.

I remember very well the last time we were together before he died, I started griping to him again about how I felt the leftist organizers were trying to mold me for their own agenda simply because I’m a Veterans For Peace member, as though that implies some obligation on my part, and I am really not into that.

Dave replied to me in his typical down-to-earth Dave Cline authoritative tone, “I’ve got news for you, Debbie.”

“What?,” I asked, thinking maybe he was about to disclose some great revelation that I didn’t already know.

But…no. He told me flatly and without emotion, “They ARE trying to mold you.” He repeated it again slowly just in case I didn’t get it.

One thing Dave Cline, he would tell you the truth about things. I miss him a lot. R.I.P.

Debbie Clark

Re. my above post, my keyboard screwed up and accidentally deleted my first main paragraph, which is as follows (unfortunately, there is no edit button here to fix the original post):

When Dave Cline, the former president of Veterans For Peace, was still alive, I used to complain to him sometimes about the left-wing peace organizers and how I felt they were trying to mold and shape me into what they wanted me to be instead of who I am, and what I think. Now Dave was a leftist, to be sure, but he was accepting of the fact that I was a libertarian, never criticized my views on things (even though he didn’t agree with me) – and he always treated me with respect, even when he was drunk (though I would have to keep an eye on his hands if I got too close). He would joke with me sometimes to try to get me to chill out when I would start griping about things again and the ridiculous politics of the so-called peace movement. (I say “so-called peace movement” with people like Carl Webb in mind – and it’s not that I think there is any value in red-baiting, but his favorite book as listed on his Facebook page is “The Communist Manifesto,” and his favorite quote, as listed, is, “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.”)


Wow, where to start? First, I suppose I should say, great job Jonn in calling me out on being just like a domestic violence victim/abused wife! Oh, wait! I AM a domestic violence victim AND an abused wife. Thanks for reminding me, Jonn. It’s not like I don’t think enough about how I made excuses for a guy that held a gun to my head, or hear from police about that shit, now I have to hear it publicly in reference to IVAW. You’re a champ. Jesus, seriously, are you really telling me you don’t find that at all low? Should I stamp it on my fucking forehead? Are you telling me the point you’re trying to make couldn’t have been made with some other reference? Second, taking a few deep breaths, I’m not saying that he wasn’t deeply involved with Colorado members. I’m saying that we haven’t been vetting DD214s on the local level but on the national level, and I’m trying to explain how he could have functioned on the local level without being in national records-which he WASN’T. As far as knowing “when he joined”, there’s no way I could have known “when he joined”, because he DIDN’T join-insofar as joining means sending your records to the national office and officially going on the books. You’re making such a big deal about you and TSO having to show DD214s-the reason you did is because I said we should open it up to vet bloggers as long a they could prove their service. I had to fight to get you guys in, given how open you were about thinking we were all evil. I’m sorry that I wasn’t in charge of every aspect of Winter Soldier ever. Yes, as far as I was aware, attendees had to show DD214s. I /don’t/ know how he got there if he got there as a member without showing one, and I’m TRYING TO FIND OUT. Contrary to popular opinion, I am not omniscient, do not know every member of the organization, or every piece of data about the organization ever. I… Read more »


It has been pointed out to me that you may have forgotten or been unaware of my personal history, in which case, I apologize for getting so angry about your reference. I just thought it was a really low way of kicking someone while they’re down.

Jonn wrote: You’re right, it would be low. That’s why I didn’t do it intentionally.


I’m always amazed at the continuing line of Imposter trash coming from IVAW/Votevets

Debbie Clark

ArmySergeant, No, I wasn’t aware of that letter from the VVAW/VFP to IVAW warning about the ISO, etc. I have been out of the loop for a long time, and there were a lot of things I was always out of the loop on anyway. What year was it? I can remember in early 2005, Michael Hoffman, one of the original co-founders of IVAW and, at that time, national coordinator, stayed at my place for a week while on speaking tour of the Atlanta area, which I was the coordinator for, and he was on his cell phone a lot when we weren’t out at speaking events. I wasn’t privy to anything, but I knew that he was upset – very upset – about some ISO-related crap even back then. I didn’t really have a full awareness at that time how inter-related everything is and how so many things work in the so-called peace movement. So it was kind of hard for me to understand why he gave a rat’s ass about it in the first place – what stake he had in it. Really, I still don’t, but I think it was just the fact of the ISO taking a position on something and trying to have influence about something that, as a former Marine who served in Iraq during the initial invasion with buddies who were still there, he believed very deeply on a visceral level to be wrong. I will always have a warm place in my heart for him. Reflecting back on so many things, there is a lot that is painful for me to face…most painful of all that I allowed myself to became so emotionally attached to and trusting of people who have political ideologies that, in many cases, are in complete contradiction to my own. It is a pretty serious matter. This happened to me because I so strongly disagreed with the war and they were the ones who were there. On the one hand, I will always feel that personal attachment, which includes to the ISO member in IVAW who I’ve spent… Read more »


I’m Selena Coppa. I think we may have encountered each other, perhaps at Winter Soldier? I seem to recall seeing a scrap of paper with your name on it somewhere around here.

Debbie Clark

Hi Selena,
I thought that’s who you were, but wasn’t sure. No, I don’t think we’ve ever met. I wasn’t at Winter Soldier as I have been pretty much inactive now for at least the past couple years…other than participating in the Veterans Day parade with my VFP chapter in Atlanta the year before last and a few other things earlier that year.

You probably saw my name on Facebook. I put in a friend request to you on Facebook a week or two ago when this stuff started coming out. We have 44 mutual friends on FB. 🙂

Currently my FB profile pic is the Gadsden flag due to being pissed off about that Homeland Security BS about both veterans as well as Ron Paul supporters, but before that, it was always a photo of me. (I will probably change it back in a few days.)


TAH, bringing the anti-war peeps together! No longer are we a repository of hate, now we’re a gathering site.

With all the love shooting around this place, I may go to Kos just to get that fresh feeling.

Debbie Clark



That might have been it! I’m notoriously bad about my facebook friend requests. I think there are about 235 friend requests I have to go through. I have such a bad memory that I always try to figure out who the people are and fail miserably..

Debbie Clark

Oh, that’s all right…I always had the same problem.


Well, Selina, when we (NCOs that is) make a mistake we admit it. We don’t go into a weekend’s ‘meeting’ to try to come up with the politically correct statement. This guy was a joke in Colorado- and if anyone would have spent two minutes looking into his claims they would have figured out he was at the very least lying. However- since he was spouting the crap you all wanted to hear nobody gave a flying fuck his claims were so much bullshit.

What pisses me off more than that, is that you and your buddies are pulling the same bullshit John Kerry pulled 30 years ago. Maybe you feel that if JK can lie his way into the Senate, you can too.

So, you are against the war. Why is that exactly? We should have finish Saddam in ’91, in my opinion. But then again, you probably feel that we should have freed Kuwait, either.

I am a combat vet of Iraq. I didn’t sit on my ass in the FOB, but was out on the roads and streets every day. I saw a lot of good things happen there. Strangely enough, I didn’t see any atrocities by US troops.

Bah- you are not going to listen to me, anymore than anyone who’s really been there. You’d rather listen to the lies spit out my fake soldiers and mental patients. Ironically, they fit in well with your kind.



Nobody’s going into a meeting to decide what to do. Like I said on my blog, the man who can authorize a statement on the org’s behalf is doing something private this weekend, and I’m staking my own word of honor that it’s both private, personal, and having nothing whatsoever to do with IVAW.

As for why I think we shouldn’t have gone into Iraq? Wasn’t the time, wasn’t the place, wasn’t the cause. If we were going to go all over the world knocking over every evil dictator we saw, we’d be constantly at war. I think we need to spend our money in our own country and keeping our own people safe before we worry about being the cops of the world.

Also, if IVAW has given me nothing else, it’s given me a firm realization that I /don’t/ want to go into politics.


Your word of honor don’t mean shit to me. You stopped being anyone of concern the moment you turned your back on your brothers and sisters and started believing the crap the leftists are shoveling.

Iraq being the wrong place? How about a stable democratic state in the middle of the Arab world? It may take a few more years than the Dems would like to give it, but we are seeing a step towards a peaceful middle-east beginning with Iraq. All the worlds current difficulties of merit are Islam related. We are not going to be able to make a safe world without a safe and secure ME. A strong and stable Iraq is the cornerstone to that goal.

Wrong time? Got that right, lady. Should have closed Saddam out in 1991. Wrong cause? Tell me what would be the right one? Revenge for 9/11?

Half the retards on the left think we did that ourselves.

How about making sure 9/11 doesn’t happen again. How we going to do that? By telling the world we’re sorry we’ve been mean to some fucking shitheads who like to chop the heads off people they don’t like?

Cry me a bloody river. What you and every other peace-humping traitor doesn’t understand is that strength is the only thing the Arab and Persian world respects.

Go pander to the white house about how we all are murderers and rapists. Go re-play John Kerry’s testimony to the press. See if it makes more sense now than it did then.

Then, if you really want to have some fun, come on down to Colorado Springs and tell all the joes in 4ID how they have disgraced their country. I am sure we can round up a welcoming party for you.

Debbie Clark


I realize that your comments were directed to Selena, not to me, but I would like to respond anyway.

The soldiers are not the ones responsible for the war; the politicians are. It is essential for the maintenance of a free society that citizens participate, including through dissent when they believe their government is on the wrong track. If you believe that what you were fighting for was freedom, then you must acknowledge this truth, no matter how strongly you might disagree with another’s opinions.

While I cannot speak for anyone else, I do not blame the soldiers. I will acknowledge that there are a few very nasty folks in the antiwar movement who do, in fact, have nothing but contempt toward the military and toward veterans; I have personally been a target of that contempt myself (through the internet), and I am not even an Iraq vet. (I served in the 70’s and 80’s.)

We need a military and we need good people to be in that military. My argument is not with you, but with the politicians who are running things.

Thank you for your service to our country and for participating in this important discussion. May God bless you and all those who are serving and bring them safely home.


Why would I tell people they disgraced their country by doing what they thought was right? Oy. This is the stuff that just makes me tired-it doesn’t apply to me, never has, never will. I promise the joes I’ve talked to from Carson all had different ideas than you about just what kind of welcoming party I deserved.

It’s clear you don’t care, and I honestly just don’t have the energy to argue with you. I hope your self righteousness keeps you warm at night.


I do not think I can be called a combat veteran, though I have been outside the wire enough times to echo dutch about the condition of Iraq and the behavior of our troops.

Also consider this, if I had never been to Iraq and said things are going great there and they where not, why would you take my word for it? Becuase it seems that most of the people that say Iraq is horrible and we as soldiers are abusing the population.

For example I was talking to one guy on YouTube about the conditions of getting clean water and electrical power in Iraq. He was claiming that Iraq has no power because we targeted hydroelectric dams and Power stations, even though ever time I go outside the wire I they are working. Not only that there is no signs of scarring or battle damage on any of them.


Just to keep things a bit more than 2 dimensional, I’ll squak about a few things said… “I think we need to spend our money in our own country and keeping our own people safe before we worry about being the cops of the world.” I agree & to top it off, most of the people we’ve assisted, with the notable exception of the U.K. and Dominion nations don’t give a damn about our keeping the Reds at bay, back during the Cold War. When the Cold War was going, the yuripeeons protested a helluva lot more vigorously against the United States than against the USSR. I-I S-Suck A-At F-Fighting ring any bells concerning our yuripeoon “friends”???? “Iraq being the wrong place? How about a stable democratic state in the middle of the Arab world?” They are stable for the moment because we bought them off. They are tribal and will always remain tribal. “Should have closed Saddam out in 1991.” Shouldn’t have installed him in the first place. “Half the retards on the left think we did that ourselves.” The goobernmint isn’t competent to pull a caper like that off in the first place. Troothers and Alex Jones need to quit believing the nanny-state is that ruthless & accept the fact that nanny is a bungling fool. “How about making sure 9/11 doesn’t happen again. How we going to do that?” 9/11 has been going on since Mohammed made his debut. It runs hot and cold over the decades. We have always been in competition with the fundamentalist elements of their civilization. Civilizations are in competition and oft times it is martial in nature. “What you and every other peace-humping traitor doesn’t understand is that strength is the only thing the Arab and Persian world respects.” Find the terrorists, kill them, LEAVE. Nation building is a waste of time and resources. Trying to fight these terrorists the way we did in WWII is stupid, they aren’t nation states, rather decentralized insurgent movements lead by charismatic leaders. “Go pander to the white house about how we all are murderers and… Read more »

USMC Steve

I really nope this Army Sergeant chick is at least hot. It appears that she it too intellectually challenged to be anything other than a door stop otherwise.

Bryan Casler


“Wrong cause? Tell me what would be the right one? Revenge for 9/11?”

I hope this isn’t the linchpin in your argument. In case you missed it Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Family guy summed it up best

If you need something more official here is Bush saying Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

Debbie Clark

USMC Steve,
The depersonalization is very unbecoming. Maybe try looking a little deeper into your real heart before engaging mouth (er, keyboard). Human beings are not doorstops. Ever.


I’m happy noting that IVAW’s webmaster is confronting the wrong head on, by coming here and starting shit, instead of trying to justify how they screwed the pooch and then threw everything down the memory hole. I say when you get caught like that, you go on the attack. Well done sir, looking forward to outing the next IVAW spokesfraud.

Explaining how you got suckered in is for losers.


Bryan, I was serving on 9/11 in the G3 plans shop of my Division. Since then I’ve seen enough to know that Saddam didn’t have anything to do with the 9/11 operation bin ladin pulled on us. My point to the sgt was that if Iraq was the wrong cause, what cause would have been the right one?

If it’s revenge for 9/11 we should be in Pakistan right now wiping the AQ out. Removing Saddam, as I stated, should have been done in ’91. Ironically – I was there, too.

Our goal in Iraq was to build a stable government, friendly to the west. We’re getting there. Better yet, it’s a free government for the Iraqis. Got some growing pains, to be sure.But it’s a long term goal.

Oh, BTW- we didn’t install Saddam. You may want to read up on that history, whoever it was that implied that.

JR, the problem with just leaving them is in a couple more generations we have to go back and kill the next crop. How about we take the time and effort and get it right. Look at Japan. I’d say Germany- but the leftists are fucking that up. ‘Spose Patton had a point.

Dave Thul

you can say what you want, but I don’t think AS is a crazy hippie anti war type. She served her country and has some questions about the mission. Yelling at her wont change her mind.

That being said, Debbie Clark is flat out wrong to say the troops are not to blame. If any of my soldiers ever did any of the things that the Winter Soldiers confessed to, I would have beat their asses silly at the same time I was filling out paperwork for the 15-6.

In the American military we hold our troopers to a higher standard. One that doesn’t include murder, rape, torture, desecrating mass graves or running over dogs for fun.
Any man or women who can admit to doing those things and not see their personal responsibility in such acts is either lying or seriously deluded.

As bad as the abuse at Abu Ghraib was, you have to remember that it was an American soldier who recognized the abuse and did their duty by reporting it.

Debbie Clark

Actually, USMC Steve, in retrospect, I realized I really don’t even know what it means to say that someone is nothing but a doorstop.

Hoping to gain some insight into the matter, I Googled the phrase “nothing but a doorstop” to see what I could find. I actually found a website with numerous photographs of various defunct items being used as doorstops.

The website, called “Ain’t Nothing But a Thing” with the examples of various items being used as doorstops is at

So I guess what you’re saying is basically useless, except to perform the function of holding a door open. Actually…hat’s not such a bad thing to be after all. Holding a door open for fresh air to come in…which Lord knows there needs to be more of around here… 🙂

There are also some music videos loaded onto the aforementioned website. One of them – toward the bottom, about the fourth video up from the bottom – is a song sung by a lady out in the woods and the song is called, “You Don’t Believe Me.” I could relate to that. 🙁


ArmySergeant Says:
May 18th, 2009 at 1:30 am

Why would I tell people they disgraced their country by doing what they thought was right? Oy. This is the stuff that just makes me tired-it doesn’t apply to me, never has, never will. I promise the joes I’ve talked to from Carson all had different ideas than you about just what kind of welcoming party I deserved.

It’s clear you don’t care, and I honestly just don’t have the energy to argue with you. I hope your self righteousness keeps you warm at night.

Dutch~ Really? I seriously doubt if I go down and talk to the Infantry Battalions who just got back from Iraq we’d find many who think they were doing the wrong thing. In fact, I think most would have to be restrained from giving you a very warm welcome.

But- difference of opinion. It happens. My anger and hate keeps me warm at night, thank you very much. I have more respect for the Iraqi insurgents than you people. I have more respect for those who killed my guys than for anyone in the peace movement.

Again, be that as it may- if you want to try to explain to me your position and why, I will listen. I don’t think you are stupid, I just think you are wrong. I want to know why you think the way you do.

I think you may find I care very much. Just not what you care about.

Send me a PM- and we’ll talk. No arguing. I’m tried of that shit too.


Roger That, Dave.

Maybe I saw things differently since I was with the Iraqis this last tour. Bit different than being in an Infantry Battalion.

Debbie Clark


In my statement that the troops are not to blame, I was not referring to violent crimes, war crimes, or torture. I was an Army CID agent and I believe in investigating and prosecuting those types of things. Well, technically, yes, soldiers could be held accountable for following illegal orders if it was ever judged by an authority with proper jurisdiction that the war was a war of aggression as prohibited by the Nuremberg Principles, but what I meant in my post above was simply that the soldiers are not responsible for having started the war. Soldiers merely carry out orders (or not carry out orders, as the case may be); but it is the politicians who decide if there should be a war or not, not the soldiers.

Dave Thul

Trust me Dutch, when I saw the IVAW folks at the RNC protest parade last year, I had to hold myself back from wading into the crowd and ripping off their uniforms. There is nothing that I hate more than a soldier dishonoring the uniform, or telling lies about war crime atrocities.
But Army Sergeant seems pretty reasonable, and I just don’t think that something to discourage.


There are very few, if any, credible veterans in the IVAW. It’s a fucking bug light for miscreants and disgruntled problem children, who bitch that their recruiter didn’t tell them that going to Iraq/Afghanistan was almost a certainty, or because their mean ol’ First Sergeant put ’em in the front leaning rest.

And this shit from Army Sergeant is just plain bullshit on stilts:

“Why would I tell people they disgraced their country by doing what they thought was right?”

What THEY thought was “right”? Like bringing dishonor to the country and the uniform by reneging on their oaths after they VOLUNTEERED for the military? Like deserting their units? Like being malingerers? Don’t give me any shit about them protesting an “unjust war”, because I will tear you a brand new asshole.

They’re chickenshits. The best part of them ran down the crack of their mama’s ass.


I happen to agree, Jane. Saw a group of them in DC and my old XO had to put his hand on my shoulder. If they showed up at Carson the MPs and the Colorado State Police would have to hold most of 1st BDE back, too.

Hopefully she’ll contact me because I really want to know what it is they believe in. So far I haven’t seen any coherent thoughts from any of them.


“And this shit from Army Sergeant is just plain bullshit on stilts:”


Debbie Clark

It is pointless to engage in a discussion with people who are filled with rage.

Dave Thul

Just as it is pointless to engage in a discussion with people who dishonor the uniform to; further their political views, rage at the machine, or just plain old trying to get laid.


Good, STFU and MTFO.

Debbie Clark

Yeah, well, if anyone here believes in any real values like family and supporting and defending the US Constitution, let me know. Otherwise I can take a hint – what you’re about is bullying, insulting, verbal abuse, and issueing threats. Oh, that makes me feel real safe as an American. No fucking wonder now the Homeland Security morons think you’re potential terrorists.


Dear Selena, I would request that you would mail me your email address or phone # for security reasons, so we could have a rational conversation in peace.
I would like the opportunity to share some ideas with you with out confrontation from the outside. My mailing address is PO Box 141, Royal, AR 71968.
Looking forward to sharing with you.



A/S? Have you considered asking for refund of your membership dues? I’ve seen you float some stuff in the past but this one takes the cake. LMAO!

Park yer rainbow skittle farting horse. When you get your tail back to planet Earth, holler.

Hey Debbie Clark! How’s that “Change” thing working for ya?


*cough cough*

“They’re chickenshits. The best part of them ran down the crack of their mama’s ass.”


Debbie Clark

Hey Streetsweeper,
Have you ever read a single word I’ve written? Obviously not or you would realize I’m not a liberal and I didn’t vote for Barack Obama. Wow. No further comment.


Debbie Clark sayeth:

“Hey Streetsweeper,
Have you ever read a single word I’ve written? Obviously not or you would realize I’m not a liberal and I didn’t vote for Barack Obama. Wow. No further comment.”

Normally I wouldn’t ever, even dream of mouthing off to a CID Agent, Ms Clark. However ma’am, by nature and training I am an observant man. Sit.

“I thought that’s who you were, but wasn’t sure. No, I don’t think we’ve ever met. I wasn’t at Winter Soldier as I have been pretty much inactive now for at least the past couple years…other than participating in the Veterans Day parade with my VFP chapter in Atlanta the year before last and a few other things earlier that year.”

Huh! *swiping* yer dinner table clean. Hey, Debbie Clark!

You the one that said it baby, not me! “VFP chapter Atlanta”…It’s right up there in the above paragraph quoted, I didn’t have to make it up…just cut n paste.

Huh? Whats that you said? Huh? Who? What are you? A fricking owl? “VFP chapter Atlanta”? Huh? Who? What? Now who’s not paying attention? Huh?

Debbie Clark, Empathy was yesterday…


USMC Steve…Army Sergeant is Hot!


Hey Debbie:

We have just as much to fear from the likes of leftwingnut sycophants like you as we do terrorists. I’m not sure which of you is worse.


“Debbie Clark Says: May 20th, 2009 at 10:37 pm Yeah, well, if anyone here believes in any real values like family and supporting and defending the US Constitution, let me know. Otherwise I can take a hint – what you’re about is bullying, insulting, verbal abuse, and issueing threats. Oh, that makes me feel real safe as an American. No fucking wonder now the Homeland Security morons think you’re potential terrorists.” You can’t see the similarity between a real security threat and the IVAW people you admire. Talk about a fucking moron. By the way, Obama has pretty much wiped his ass with the Constitution. Obamessiah has already violated the U.S. Constitution several times, and he’s not even through with the first 100 days of his regime. He nominated Senator Hildabeast for Secretary of State, a direct violation of Article 1 Section 6: No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office. He made a power grab to control the U.S. Census. The census is written into the Constitution. In Article I, Section 2 the US Constitution orders that: “The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.” When he implemented the AIG bonus tax, he violated Article 1, Section 9, Clause 5 “No bill of Attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed.” and Article 1 Section 10 No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or… Read more »

Debbie Clark

You guys are morons who can’t read and don’t know what’s going on. I have been a libertarian since the early 90’s and was an ultra-conservative prior to that. Wake up to reality.