Biden is the smartest guy in the Democrat Party

| May 17, 2009

I mean why else would he disclose the “undisclosed location” that the Vice President occupied in the last administration to avoid the chance that terrorists would be able to knock off our country’s leadership in a single strike (from Fox News);

According to a report, while recently attending the Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, an annual event where powerful politicians and media elite get a chance to cozy up to one another, Biden told his dinnermates about the existence of a secret bunker under the old U.S. Naval Observatory, which is now the home of the vice president.

The bunker is believed to be the secure, undisclosed location former Vice President Dick Cheney remained under protection in secret after the 9/11 attacks.

Eleanor Clift, Newsweek magazine’s Washington contributing editor, said Biden revealed the location while filling in for President Obama at the dinner, who, along with Grover Cleveland, is the only president to skip the gathering.

According to the report, Biden “said a young naval officer giving him a tour of the residence showed him the hideaway, which is behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment.”

What a dumbass. What happens when Biden needs a secure, undisclosed location? And it’s not like someone hasn’t tried to take out all of leadership before. The night Lincoln was assassinated, the group also tried to kill the Vice President and the Secretary of State.

I’m sure Biden would survive an attack, though. Apparently the worst thing terrorists could do to this country is leave Biden, well-known rocket-scientist-slash-brain-surgeon, in the White House.

Added: The SNL Bush/Cheney skit from last night;

Since they can’t pick on Obama, they can take shots at Biden, I guess.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Joe Biden is Obama’s insurance policy. All Obama has to do is point to “Plugs”, and say, “If anything happens to me, you get THIS. Oh, and if anything happens to HIM, you get the Botox Queen. Any questions?”

God, we are SO screwed.


I was going to comment, but I can’t top what NHSparky said, so I guess I shouldn’t try. Well said.


[…] This Ain’t Hell — I’m sure Biden would survive an attack, though. Apparently the worst thing terrorists could do to this country is leave Biden, well-known rocket-scientist-slash-brain-surgeon, in the White House. […]


Cheney’s Home Sending Bad Vibrations
Construction Blasts Have D.C. Folks Shuddering, Speculating

By David Nakamura
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 8, 2002; Page A01

I guess the Washington Post fellows are idiots too, not to mention Cheney’s neighbors and the U.S. Geography Service are in the pay of the islamofascist terrorist invaders by speculating on how deep the bunker was and what the specific rock type found at depths of 35 feet or more. SEVEN YEARS in the public domain with Google and until that idiot Biden said something….nobody knew nothing! I blame the public school system and those communist teachers.

Frankly Opinionated

If any one of us had released that information, we’d have been incarcerated. Just what security level was that information? And what was the “need to know” that allowed the release of the specifics of it.
And this bunch is supposed to protect US? Our Country?
Bad Shit coming, folks.
nuf sed


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