An Armed Forces Day message from the Left

| May 16, 2009

On this day, the day during which we set aside a moment or two to thank our Armed Forces for keeping us free and prosperous, at least one anti-war blogger published this message on his blog;

Saying no to war is the most important way to bring it to a halt. If troops had the guts they think they have they would get up and walk away from the most blatant display of American arrogance in this Century.

So I suppose that, since they can’t really blame Obama for the continuing wars without calling him a lying hypocrite, they can blame the troops instead. But that blogger isn’t the only one. On Alternet, some gumball named Jeremy Scahille starts another rumor about our troops in Guantanamo;

…an ongoing Spanish investigation is adding harrowing details to the ever-emerging portrait of the torture inside and outside Guantánamo. Among them: “blows to [the] testicles;” “detention underground in total darkness for three weeks with deprivation of food and sleep;” being “inoculated … through injection with ‘a disease for dog cysts;'” the smearing of feces on prisoners; and waterboarding. The torture, according to the Spanish investigation, all occurred “under the authority of American military personnel” and was sometimes conducted in the presence of medical professionals.

His source? Human rights lawyers and former prisoners. Lord knows they never lie. Like this hilarious story;

In April, Mohammad al-Qurani, a 21-year-old Guantánamo prisoner from Chad managed to call Al-Jazeera and described a recent beating: “This treatment started about 20 days before Obama came into power, and since then I’ve been subjected to it almost every day,” he said. “Since Obama took charge, he has not shown us that anything will change.”

Um, did anyone notice that the guy is supposed to be in the most secure prison in the world, isolated even from the people on the same island – yet he supposedly called Al Jazeera? If he was being treated that badly, how was he able to get a call out, for Pete’s sake?

Regardless, do these nutballs realize that they’re talking about the same kids they went to school with? The same guys they grew up with in their neighborhoods? The same folks who were on their Little League teams and at their summer camps? Why are they so eager to believe this about the people with whom they have more in common than they are to disbelieve the folks who have a stake in lying about their behavior?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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“Regardless, do these nutballs realize that they’re talking about the same kids they went to school with? The same guys they grew up with in their neighborhoods? The same folks who were on their Little League teams and at their summer camps”?
Jonn, of course they know it. These are the kids they hated growing up, the achievers, the kids who got the grades, the kids who were successful. That’s WHY they hate them. These dirtballs are the same as Klebold and Harris, they hate because they’re basically dead inside, by their own hand. It’s so much easier to give up and tell themselves it isn’t their fault, those kids had it all handed to them, and it’s so unfair. But now, their man is in charge and it’s time for payback, baby.
They’re only too happy to believe this crap from the ACLU and the people trying to kill the kids they hate.


My theory is that most of the DU/Kos/Alternet/liberal types were the goth/band kid types in high school and they see the military as being an offshot of the jocks that used to pants them everyday and call them fags or whatever. Normally, most people grow out of this adolescent angst and become adults, but our society seems to be incapable of growing up these days.


“My theory is that most of the DU/Kos/Alternet/liberal types were the goth/band kid types in high school and they see the military as being an offshot of the jocks that used to pants them everyday and call them fags or whatever.”

Ahem, please tighten your shot group… Was a punk rocker, goth, anti-jock. Don’t want to toot my own horn, but am a bonafide vet.

Don Carl

“Saying no to war is the most important way to bring it to a halt.” That is absolutely correct, if you want to lose.


Because they have no internal moral compass, it becomes easy for them to believe the worst about their own. After all, how many books have been written, much less distributed in colleges, about the depraved behavior of our enemies? While in Jr. high school, we were shown hours-long films about the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan, but were NEVER told once of the Bataan death march, medical experiments, beheadings or torture of our servicemembers. This was in the early 80’s and I can only imagine how much worse the bias is now.



I fit that category too, but I’m saying that’s how these people see it.


[…] As long as they can smear the military and service members, the facts don’t have to get in the way. […]