SPLC won’t track Occupados

| May 4, 2012 | 14 Comments
SPLC won’t track Occupados

I know you’ve all been wondering with the news the other day that some Occu-tards had planned to blow up a bridge near Cleveland whether the Southern Poverty Law Center would begin tracking the Occupados like they did the Hutarees or the militias. According to Charles C. W. Cooke at National Review OnLine, the answer […]

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Potok crawls out of his hollow log

| March 30, 2012 | 79 Comments
Potok crawls out of his hollow log

I figured that George Zimmerman’s Hispanic heritage and Jewish surname would keep the Southern Poverty Law Center out of the discussion of the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but no chance. CNN wants to call him an expert of some sort when they’re starting to feel uncomfortable about how they were wrong in the beginning of […]

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Mark Potok on suicide watch

| March 27, 2012 | 15 Comments
Mark Potok on suicide watch

Remember these goofballs, the Hutarees (put down your drink before watching); They were the only thing that Mark Potok, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, had that proved that there was a massive right wing movement to over throw the government. The Hutarees were arrested almost two years ago and they languished under house arrest […]

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SPLC: Those Patriots you should be worried about

| March 9, 2012 | 18 Comments
SPLC: Those Patriots you should be worried about

I know SPLC is TSO’s beat, but he’s nursing his head after a night of drinking up that Blackfive beer money, so I guess it falls to me to make you aware of the latest anti-intellectual rhetoric of the race baiting retards at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Ponsdorf sent us a link to a […]

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SPLC hates everyone

| August 20, 2011 | 15 Comments
SPLC hates everyone

TSO sent us this link yesterday to Immigration in which they compare Southern Poverty Law Center’s rhetoric to reality. In this first chart, is SPLC’s portrayal of the alarmingly sharp rise in the number of “hate groups”; Now, compare that to the FBI’s report on falling incidences of hate crimes: Now, i may be […]

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2 arrested for plotting against recruiting and daycare centers

| June 23, 2011 | 7 Comments
2 arrested for plotting against recruiting and daycare centers

Fox News reports that the Justice Department claims it has prevented an attack on a Seattle recruiting processing center by two, sorry, did I say Mormons? Those people who 44% of voters won’t elect? Sorry, you figure out their religion; Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, also known as Joseph Anthony Davis, of Seattle, and Walli Mujahidh, […]

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Marine arrested near Pentagon implicated in shootings

| June 22, 2011 | 2 Comments
Marine arrested near Pentagon implicated in shootings

Yonathan Melaku who was arrested near the Pentagon last week is currently suspected of the shootings at the Pentagon and Marine Corps Museum last year according to the Associated Press/Stars & Stripes; The shootings last year did not injure anyone. The Marine Corps museum was targeted twice. Two windows were shot out at the Pentagon, […]

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SPLC back on the right-wing terrorist kick

| June 9, 2011 | 12 Comments
SPLC back on the right-wing terrorist kick

The Southern Poverty Law Center is getting back in the Homeland Security Department’s face again about how right wing terrorists are a bigger threat than anyone else; The Southern Poverty Law Center this week urged the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to reassess the resources it devotes to investigating non-Islamic domestic extremism. The request came […]

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